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FolkLib Index - Wisconsin Pop and Rock Musicians

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  1. .A.B. Skhy - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1969-1970] [Milwaukee / San Francisco, CA]
          (Terry Andersen, James "Curley" Cooke, Dennis Geyer, Rick Jaeger, Gary Karp, Jim Liban, Jim Marcotte, Howard Wales)
  2. .Aaron, Joe - "Jazz"
  3. .Absinthe - Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1995-] [Milwaukee]
          (Jim Eannelli, Guy Hoffman, Sam Llanas)
  4. .Academic Process, The - Page ( [formerly called Jollie Good] [Active: 1998-] [Oshkosh]
  5. .Acid Reign - (see: Moral Disgust)
          (members: ?)
  6. .Ade, Betsy (vocals) [city?]
  7. .Aimless Blades, The - Country
  8. .Airkraft - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Mitch Viegut) [Active: 1982-1995] [Eau Claire / Wausau]
          (Jon Douglas Dixon, Peter Phippen, Dave Saindon, Mitch Viegut, anon.) - (former members: Dave Roll, Mike Wood)
  9. .Albert - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Eric Hester) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Albert Brooks Albert (Eric Hester), Prince Marv Albert (Sean Michael Dargan), Peaches & Herb Albert (Dan Kennedy), Alberticus (Michael Brenneis))
  10. .Alchemy - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Fond du Lac]
          (Tony Bargenquast, Bryan Bishop, Kevin Cheney, Tom O'Hearn, anon.) - (former members: David Ditzman)
  11. .All Envy Aside - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  12. .Alpha Dog - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Kari Mattek, Angie Storm, Joey Zocher) - (former members: Jim Pavett, Mark James Seitz)
  13. .American Death - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 1998-2005] [Milwaukee]
          (Chris Langcamp, Dave Muehlbauer, John Zysk-Buerger)
  14. .American Tea Co. - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1967-1970] [Marshfield]
          (Tim Haley, Mark Nelson, Ken Rogers, Jim Schuh, Gary Testrake)
  15. .Analog Machine [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  16. .And, The (genre: "New Wave") [Active: 1982-1989] [Mount Horeb/Madison]
          Matt Ahrens, Dave Fleer, Mark Fredrick, Walter Rayfield, Ken Schneider, Randy Tvedt, Rick Tvedt)
  17. .Anderson/Newhouser - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Uvulittle Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Chad Anderson, Jim Newhouser)
  18. .Anderson, Jim - Page ( Author ?) [Madison]
  19. .Andrea and the Mods [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Andrea Terek, ?)
  20. .Andy and the Outcry - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Delavan]
          (Jay Bieszk, Adam Himebauch, Cory Palmer, Derrick Schroeder, Ric Wimer)
  21. .Andy's Automatics - "Country"
  22. .Annex [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  23. .Annie B. (Annette Marie Bzdawka) (guitar, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) ( - (former member: Shut Up Marie (CA)) [city? 19??-1999 / Los Angeles, CA 1999-2006 / Milwaukee 2006-]
  24. .Anthony, Michelle - Page ( Author ?) [Milwaukee / Chicago, IL]
  25. .Anthony, Rob (Robert) (guitar, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( old site [Archive]) - (former member: Acrophet 1990-1993 [non-Wis. thrash band], Soul City 1993-? [Wis.?], onebodytoomany ?-date) [Milwaukee / Appleton]
  26. .Aphotic - "Heavy Metal"
  27. .Apparently Nothing - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Layne Knutson, Jim Lincoln, Ryan McGrew, Aaron Shekey)
  28. .Archives, The [Active: 196?-19??] [Milwaukee]
          (Bob Likes, John Nash, Bob Radtke, Crofty Thorp) - (former member: John Thays)
  29. .Area Code 608 - Page ( St. John Artists) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  30. .Area Man [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Rick Cavalieri, John Driscoll, Ken Keeley, Bentham Paulos)
  31. .Arena Venus - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Courtney Collins, Dan Hicks, Dave Ross, Andrew Yonda)
  32. .Arpeggione - "Classical"
  33. .Arrangement, The [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Peter Buxman, Tom Ditzler, Andrew Mertens, Mark Te Tai)
  34. .Artificial Red - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Washington/Sheboygan Counties]
          (members: ?)
  35. .Artificial Standard - Page ( ReverbNation) ( Facebook) [Active: 5/01/2015-] [Wausau]
          (Matt Kassien, Adam Mansfield, Matt Paulson)
  36. .Ash Can School [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dave Aiello, Janet Aiello, Jim Corrigan, Victor DeLorenzo)
  37. .Asylum Point Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  38. .At Rest [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (Jim Grove, Randy Tvedt, Rick Tvedt, Chris Underwood)
  39. .Atomic Buds, The - Page ( [Active: 2008-] [Oshkosh]
          (Joe "Jungle Joe" Logan, Logan "Funkmasta L" Ramirez, anon.)
  40. .Atomic Willis - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Alan Arber, Dan Juedes, Chris Kringel, Kirk Tatnall)
  41. .Atticus - Discog ( FolkLib Index) (previously called Shattercell, renamed to Obsolete Machines) [Active: 19??-19??] [Seattle, WA / Oshkosh]
          (Adam DeHaven, Shanna Teresinski)
  42. .Auckerman, Milo - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: punk band "The Descendents") [attended UW-Madison graduate school years?.] [Madison]
  43. .Audiophilia [Active: 19??-] [Lake Geneva]
  44. .Aunt Beaph - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (anon., anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  45. .Aurore Rien - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Sun Sea Sky Productions) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Connor Owens, Grady Owens, Chris Schafer, Mike Ystad)
  46. .Autumn View, The - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Brian Behrens, Dan Dufek, Tom Dufek, Lucas Keller)
  47. .Ah'vantSoul - "Soul"
  48. .Ayres, Mitchell - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) ["from Milwaukee, was in the lead orchestra for the Perry Como radio show"]
    B - ABC... Artist Selection  
  49. .Bacchus Lotus - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Rich Zoran) [Active: 1976-] [Sheboygan]
          The band was also called "The Steps" for awhile, years unknown.
          (Matt Bayens, Charlie Eckhardt, Brian Homiston, Jeff Radke, Rich Zoran) - (former members: Brian Brinkman, Niel Ebert, Todd Fermanich, Jeff Geotz, Jeff Herbert, Joe Kietel, Matt Livingston, Jeff Muendel, Tom Nigbor, Mike Rickets, Ken Skitch)
  50. .Backdoor Trot - Page ( [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Germantown]
          (Gregory Wiliam Hempel, Steven Bartholomew Maurydo, Kyle James Rossi)
  51. .Bad Boy - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Serge Entertainment Group), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Active: 1977-] [band formerly called Crossfire] [Milwaukee]
          (Scott Berendt, Craig Evans, Steve Grimm, Xeno (Randall Hogan)) - (former members: Lars Hanson, Billy "Friday" Johnson, Joey LaVie, John Marcelli)
  52. .Bad Habit - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Altenburgh Records) [Active: 19??-] [Mosinee]
          (John Altenburgh, Bill Burkett, Mark Mattioli, Kerry Nimz, Mike O'Connor, Wayne Sharkey)
  53. .Bad Influence - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Rhinelander]
          (not the other Bad Influence, a blues band from Washington, DC)
          (Dewaine "Butch" Mattek, Ralph Olsen, Kevin Vick)
  54. .Baker, Fergusan [city?]
  55. .Bakers, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          - (members: ?)
  56. .Balsley, Bob - Page ( Art for Pete's Sake) ( Wisconsin Arts Board) [city?]
  57. .Balthrop, Pascal - (see: Pascal)
  58. .Banjo Barons Ragtime Band - "Jazz"
  59. .Banks, Lem [city?]
  60. .Barbeez, The - Page ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [Menomonee Falls]
          (members: ?) - (former member: Matt Schroeder)
  61. .Bare Fat - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Waupun.]
          (Steve Beau, Gene Deist, Kurt Kuzulka, Randy Lindert, Jim White)
  62. .Baron, Ken - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  63. .Barry's Truckers - Page ( Al Barry) [Active: 19??-] [Cudahy]
          (Paul Barry, Jill Gestwicki, Jerry Kotarak, Tom Reifenberg, Gary Wolff)
  64. .Bascom Hill - Page ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  65. .Batio, Michael Angelo (electric guitar) - Page ( M.A.C.E. Music) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [ WAMI Nominee] [Kenosha]
  66. .Bayes, Nora - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  67. .Bazooka Joe (aka Johnny Wad Unplugged) - Page ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (members: ?)
  68. .Bee Four, The Jim [Active: 196?-1968, 2002-] [Galesville]
          (Jim Bielefeldt (Jim Bee), Tom Bielefeldt, Kent Drugan, Ed Sullivan, Paul "Bud" Whillock) - (former member: John Bielefeldt)
  69. .Bee, Jim (Jim Bielefeldt) (electric guitar) - Page ( CD Baby [Archive]) [Galesville]
  70. .Bee, Kenny (Ken Birschbach) (guitar, vocals) [Plymouth / Fond du Lac]
  71. .Beekler - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Menasha]
          (Timm Buechler, Scott Brown, Jeffrey DeGoey, Jeff Verner, Rebecca Welhouse)
  72. .Belew, Adrian (guitar, drums, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Bears [Cleveland, OH]) - (leader: The Adrian Belew Power Trio 2006-) [Covington, KY / Lake Geneva 1993-1994 / Nashville 1994-]
  73. .Bellevue Suite [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  74. .Ben Grim - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Review ( Collective Zine) [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (James Johnson, Joel O'Brien, Peter Saturday, Joel Wege)
  75. .Bender [Active: 19??-] [Marinette]
          (members: ?)
  76. .Benet, Eric - "R&B"
  77. .Benny's Basement Band [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Patrick Benkowski, Gregg Knackert, Steve Knackert, Mike Pyne, Ron Pyne)
  78. .Bern, Dan (guitar, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Fleming & Associates) ( Genghis Cantina [Archive]) ( Rich Davis) ( Messenger Records) ( Wikipedia) ( Author ?), Other Links ( The Music Box), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Mt. Vernon, IA / Appleton (grad. Lawrence U. 1981.) / Santa Monica, CA]
  79. .Bernhardt, Warren - "Jazz"
  80. .Berry, Bill (drums) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: R.E.M.) [Duluth, MN / Wauwatosa / Macon, GA 1972-]
  81. .Big, Big Furnace - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-19??] [Wausau]
          (Tim Benn, Danny Doepke, Sean Johnson, Matt Loos) - (other member: Josh Erdman [did not perform on any of their 3 CD's])
  82. .Big City Bob and his Ballroom Gliders - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  83. .Big Mouth and The Power Tool Horns - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1980-] [Flint, MI / was based in Door County somewhere 1989- / Green Bay]
          (Pat Judy, Woody Mankowski, Paul Sowinski, Jay Whitney)
  84. .Big Sky - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dave Janssen, Peter Mulvey, Joe Panzetta, ?)
  85. .Billy Shears - Page ( Author ? [Archive]), Info ( Steve Seymour) [Active: 198?-] [Fond du Lac]
          (Kevin Maga, Brian McCullough, Dave Mintner, Tim Steinhardt, Victor Wells, anon.) - (former members: Jeff Blackerbee, Jim Campbell, Paul Sluka, Ken Wells)
  86. .Black Elephant - "Hip hop"
  87. .Black Frog - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Tommy Greywolf, Todd Hoffman, anon., anon.)
  88. .Black Suede [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (Perry Halverson, Phil Klusendorf, Rick Tvedt, Roly Tvedt,
  89. .Blackfish [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Daniel Andera, Clem Blanding, Matthew Schroeder, Steve Ziel)
  90. .Blamm-o! - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 2000-] [Madison]
          (Matt Ackerman, John Dillett, Joel Hooks, Jake Martell)
  91. .bLANkoUt - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Ricky Grinear, Jeremy Stano, Drew Wintermyer, anon.)
  92. .Blarney Castle [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  93. .Blasted Boyz [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  94. .Blattner Group, Jules (aka Jules Blattner and His Teen Tones) [Active: 195?-19??] [Appleton]
  95. .Blattner, Jules (?) - Discog ( Rockin' Country Style) [St. Louis, MO / Appleton]
  96. .Bleed [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  97. .Bleyer, Archie - "Big Bands"
  98. .Blind Dignity - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Bryan Gago, Matt Juedes, Jake Peterson, Brandon Walker)
  99. .Bliss - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  100. .Blue Background - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Fort Wayne, IN / Milwaukee]
          (Christopher Christen, Sarah Mick, Linda Rowe, Maggie Tielker)
          (band name changed to Heart of a Failure 200?)
  101. .Blue Desert - "Country"
  102. .Blue Hornets [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (Randy Tvedt, Rick Tvedt, Chris Underwood)
  103. .Blue Ribbon Trio, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (anon., anon., anon.)
  104. .Blue Rubies, The - Page ( Victor Span [Archive]) [Active: 2000-200?] [Milwaukee]
          (Andy Lester, Jimmy Schwarz, Alex Wilson) - (former members: Robert Allen, Jr. Kent Knapp, Bill LeClair, Victor Span 2000-2004)
  105. .Blueheels, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (Justin Bricco, Adam Cargin, Brett Jannusch, Rebecca Krafft, Robby Schiller) - (former member: Tim Schweiger)
  106. .Bock, Tony - (no known links) [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
  107. .BoDeans, The
  108. .Boney Fingers - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [West Allis]
          (John Bouzide, David Butler, Cliff Flink, Dennis Flink, David Lessner, David Yoho)
  109. .Boo Radley Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Greg Gerard, anon.)
  110. .Boo The Band - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Luke Edgewood, Rick Hagopian, Troy Anthony Hergert, Rick Pomeroy, Meredith Sipe, Jeff Tews)
  111. .Boogie and the Yo Yo'Z - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Kimberly]
          (Scott Anderson, Kevin Baker, Tony Bell, Nicky Jordan, Dave Lange, Dan Marbes, Eric Peters, Dave Richter) - (former members: Joy Breitzman, Brian Mulroy, Tim Patterson, Bill Tesch, Chris Wood, Cory Zilisch)
  112. .Boogie Men, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Luke, Jay, Karla, Matt, Tom) (former members: Joe Hite, Randy Kombrek)
  113. .Boom Candle - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) - (band previously called "Silent Illusion") [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Brad Larson, Lance Mundigler, Joel Zwicky)
  114. .Booze Bros. Revue, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  115. .Boris the Sprinkler ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1992-] [Green Bay]
  116. .Bovre, Marques and the Evil Twins - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Eric Dummer, Doug Meihsner, C.J. Summerfield, Mike Wengler)
  117. .Bowen, John (guitar, vocals) [city?]
  118. .Boxkar - Discog ( FolkLib Index, Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby #1 [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 2002-] [Oshkosh]
          (Matt Gieseke, Matt Hammen, Brian Saunders, Chris Szebeni Tom Thiel) - (former members: Bryan Bremer, David Jerabek, Jason Lipsky)
  119. .Boy Wonder [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  120. .Braaten, Cathy - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Sarah Stec) ( Brent Huberty) ( Harmony Ridge Music) ( CD Baby) [Sturgeon Bay / Chicago, IL]
  121. .Brainerd - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-19??] [Madison]
          (Matt Porwall, ?)
  122. .Brandmeier, Jonathan (aka Johnny and the Leisure Suits) (DJ, vocals) - Page - Wikipedia, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Fond du Lac 1956-1981 / Phoenix, AZ 1981-1983 / Chicago, IL 1983-]
  123. .Brat Stop [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Kenosha]
          (Oops, my mistake, the BratStop is a Restaurant / Music Venue, NOT a band. All my links to this entry have been deleted. Sorry!)
  124. .Brass Tacks [Active: 19??-19??] [Madison]
          - (former members: Kyle Peterson, Matt Porwall, ?)
  125. .Breathing Machine - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive] / Image Site Only!) [Active: 1995?-Summer 2004] [Appleton]
          [Summer 2004, band name changed to The Wandering Sons]
          (Cory Chisel, David Parks, Michael Nicolas, Rick Setser)
  126. .Brian Lee [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jim Denk, ?)
  127. .Brook, Holly (vocals) - Page ( Rick's Cafe [Archive]) [previously recorded under the name Holly Hafermann] [Mazomanie / Madison / Ventura, CA]
  128. .Brooker, Sam - Page ( IUMA [Archive]) [city?]
  129. .Brooks, Robert - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wide Receiver for the Green Bay Packers: 1992-1998] [Green Bay]
  130. .Brother 6 - "R&B"
  131. .Brown, Toni (piano, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Joy of Cooking Band) [Madison / Bennington, VT (grad. Bennington College year?) / Berkeley, CA]
  132. .Bruce, Benjamin - Page ( Gigmasters) [Sun Prairie / Madison]
  133. .Bruland, Mark - Page ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Viroqua]
  134. .Buffett, Peter - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Comet 9) [Milwaukee]
  135. .Bugattitype 35 - Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( Speakeasy Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Rise Christesen, Per Farny, Wendy Schneider) - (former member: Connie Ward)
          [other spellings: BugattiType 35, Bugatti Type 35]
  136. .Bunni, Awlo (keyboard, saxophone, vocals) [city?]
  137. .Buskers, The [city?]
          no connection to The Laketown Buskers
  138. .Butts, Eddie - "R&B"
  139. .Buzzhorn, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Rob Bueno, Todd Joseph, Ryan Mueller, Bert Zweber)
  140. .Bystanders, The - Page ( Michael Henszey) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Brad Eggers, Michael Henszey, Denise Hogan, Kostia, John Moss, John Wheeler) - (former members: Del Bennett, Eric Harvey, Mark Woerpel)
  141. .Bzdawka, Annette Marie - (see: Annie B.)
    C - ABC... Artist Selection  
  142. .Cache [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  143. .Campbell, Dick (electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards, vocals) - Page ( Gary Campbell), Biography ( Gary Campbell), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Dick & Roger) (former Owner: Andrea Dawn Music, Cine Vista Records and Camsull Records) [Boston, MA 1944-19?? / Monroe 19??-19?? / Shrewsbury, MA 19??-19?? / Los Angeles, CA 1969-2000 / Monroe 2000-2002]
  144. .CanyonsOfStatic - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( [Active: 2005-] [West Bend]
          (Chris Biertzer, Rebecca Freidel, Nathan Gaffney, Aggie Severson, Ross Severson)
  145. .Capital 8 - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Michelle Anthony, Scott Anthony, Mike Christiansen, John Lucas)
  146. .Capstone - "Heavy Metal"
  147. .Car Full of Midgets [Active: 19??-] [Kimberly]
          (Brett Brockman, Dillan Domro, Jason Greely, Tanner Hawley, Jacob Horn, Alex Kayser, Mike Mancoske, Matt "Coosa" Neumier)
  148. .Carl, You Know Peggy [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  149. .Carr & Shebesta - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Janesville]
          (Eileen Carr, John Shebesta)
  150. .Carry Nation - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Lake Geneva]
          ( Chris Humphreys, Jim Newman, Todd Richardson, Vernon Voss)
  151. .Cartoon Water [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  152. .Cash Box Kings - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  153. .Cashmeres, The [Active: 1964-] [Milwaukee]
          (Tom Hahn, Gary E. Myers, Duane Smith, Doug Weiss)
  154. .Casting Cleos [Active: 19??-] [Fond du Lac]
          (Don Baumann, Scott Elford, Dan Ewald) - (former member: Marc Maga)
  155. .CATCHpenny - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [Minneapolis, MN / WI city?]
          (members: ?)
  156. .Category X - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Mark "Noodles" Chartre, Geoff "Kill" McCormick, Eddie "Texas Ed" Smith, Brian "Bird" ?, Rob ?)
  157. .CattleProd [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Albert, Brent, Mark, Sheela)
  158. .CBR [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (CBR = ?)
          (Bill Laufenberg, Rick Tvedt, Chris Underwood)  
  159. .Cebar, Paul and The Milwaukeeans - "R&B"
  160. .Celebrate [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Brian Smoot, ?)
  161. .Celebrate Show Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Mark Kimmes, ?)
  162. .Chainsnap - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Wisconsin Rapids]
          (members: ?)
  163. .Chameleon - "R&B"
  164. .Charlemagne - Page ( Winterlander Records) ( Killdeer Records) [city?]
          (Charlemagne is Carl Johns)
  165. .Check, Mark - (no known links) [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
  166. .Cheeseheads With Attitude (CWA) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Stevie Rachelle) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Stevie Rachelle, anon., anon.)
  167. .Cherokee Rose Band, The - Page ( [Webmaster: Wade Bumgarner] - Flash Restricted!) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Wade Bumgarner, Steve Hemp, Wylie Mueller, Donnie Pick, anon., anon.) - (former member: Adam Lee)
          As far as I know, this Native American Indian rock band was not named in honor of Cherokee Rose of Minneapolis, nor has she ever been a member.
  168. .Cherry Pie [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Josh Becker, ?)
  169. .Chordettes, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Tom Simon) ( Author ? [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1946-1964] [Sheboygan]
          (Carol Buschman, Janet Ertel, Lynn Evans, Margie Needham, Jinny Osborn, Nancy Overton, Dorothy Schwartz)
  170. .Christopher's Project - "R&B"
  171. .Circle of Fifths - Page - Author ? [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (members: ?)
  172. .Citations - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-19??] [Milwaukee]
          (David Gustin, Joe Halser, Ted Kasper, Tom Lamanchek) - (Rick Hagerty, Craig La Marre, John Lapinski, Brad Meyers, Plamen Sisters (? Plamen, ? Plamen), Bob Sanderson, Kenny Stupek, Dick ?)
  173. .Citizen King - Page ( VH1) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dave Cooley, Malcolm Michile, Kristian Riley, Matt Sims)
  174. .Citizen P - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) ( [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Christopher Heimerman, anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  175. .Clambake - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Peter Buxman, Davey Max, Terry Mewhorter, Ryan Schiedermayer, Tom Theabo, anon.)
  176. .Clark, Buddy - "Jazz"
  177. .Clauson Family - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Coloma]
          (Brent Clauson, ?)
  178. .Clean Jerks, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  179. .Clear Blue Betty - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Rob Koth) [Active: 2002-] [Madison]
          (Beth Kille, Tony Kille, Rob Koth, Doug Sies) - (former members: John Masino, Jim Smith)
  180. .Clicker - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( "AM, Then FM" Blog by Jeff Ash) [Active: 1972-1978] [Madison]
          (Mark Everist, Bob Schmidtke, Jerry "Cub" Tracy, Steve Tracy, Dick Wiegel)
          [Previously called Bowery Boys, Baby Grand. For more details see: Gary Myers DYHTB, p. 292-3 and MacLean & Joynson MN/WI, p. 185 (Baby Grand), 194 (Bowery Boys), 202 (Clicker)]
  181. .Clovis Mann - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Stosh Jonjak) [Active: 5/2005-] [Madison]
          (Stosh Jonjak, Ethan Noordyk, Daniel Walkner)
  182. .Coast, The [Active: 1981] [Oshkosh]
          (Ron Books, David Geschke, Dave Ross, Mike Scheibinger)
  183. .Cobzweb [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  184. .Codebreaker - Page ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Sage ?, Steven Hawley)
  185. .Cole, David - (no known links) [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
  186. .Collins, Nora (guitar, vocals) - Page ( CD Baby) [Brookfield]
  187. .Coltrane, Chi (piano, organ, synthesizer, percussion, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( William Trinkler Promotions) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Racine / Chicago, IL / Los Angeles, CA 1993-]
  188. .Coma Savants, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( Author ?) ( SoundClick) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          [Active: 2001-, band previously called Your Mom SRO]
          (Jon Hain, Stephanie Rearick, Jason Socha, Joey Zarda)
  189. .Comancheros, The [Active: 19??-19??] [Markesan]
          (Asencion "Johnny" Martinez, ?)
          presumably unrelated to the Country group Rex Cactus and the Commancheroes
  190. .Comet 9 [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Peter Buffett, Tom Nelson)
  191. .Commander Cody (piano, organ, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Globe Records) ( Skyline Music) ( CMT Television) ( Piero Scaruffi [in Italian]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1967-1976] [former UW Oshkosh Art Professor (1968), George Frayne, he lived in Winneconne]
  192. .Congratulations On Your Decision to Become a Pilot - Page ( Aisle 2 Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Andrew Johnson, Stephen McCabe, Eric Van Thiel, Jeremy Wood)
  193. .Conaway, Robert J. - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Madison]
  194. .Conover, Peter - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) [city?]
  195. .Coo Coo Cal [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  196. .Cooke, James "Curley" (electric guitar) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Steve Miller Band 1966-67, 1968-1971, Curley Cooke's Hurdy Gurdy Band 1968, A.B. Skhy 1969, Ben Sidran Band/Cats 'n the Fiddle 1975-82, Double Cookin' ?, Cooke 'n' Green 1996-date) [Wausau]
  197. .Cookee (Gary Coquoz) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( St. John Artists) ( Tom Mullin [Archive]) - (member: The Hits, Cookee & Kids, Cookee Folk & Fun, Cookee, Ghost & Friends) [Neenah]
  198. .Cookee & Kids [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (Cookee Coquoz, Artie Formiller, Randy Hoecherl, Ray Myers) [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
  199. .Cookee Folk & Fun [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (Cookee Coquoz, ?)
  200. .Cookee, Ghost & Friends [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (Cookee Coquoz, Marc Golde, Bill Graves, Gary "Ghost" Koepke, Trina Obydine, Greg Thiel) [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
  201. .Cookie Bug [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          [released a CD on Topsoil Records, Oshkosh, sometime in the early 1990's, but I can find no copy of it, and I don't know who was in the band]
  202. .Cool Waters Band, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Greg Waters, Dan Waters, Matt Gieseke, Shane Hardwicke, anon.)
  203. .Corporation, The [Active: 1968-1970] [Milwaukee]
          (Ken Berdoll, John Kondos, Nick Kondos, Pat McCarthy, Danny Peil, Gerry Smith)
  204. .Corruption Is King - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [city? / city?, TX]
          (members: ?)
  205. .Cory Z - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  206. .Couch Flambeau - Page ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia) ( CD Baby), Milwaukee Rock Posters ( Ron Faiola) [Active: 1980-] [Milwaukee]
          (band originally called "Couch Potatoes" 1980-1983)
  207. .Crabshack [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  208. .Crashers, The [Active: 19??-] [Monroe]
          (members: ?)
  209. .Crazy Ivan - Page ( Author ? (09-30-2004, new site empty) / old site, ca. 2001 [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  210. .Crazy Man's Basement - Page ( Audra Coldiron) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 1999-] [Milwaukee]
          (Bob Hedgcock 2002, Tom Klubertanz 1999, Andy Zietlow 1999) (former member: Mark Kindler 2002-9/2006)
  211. .Critter Bug - (no known links) [Active: 19??] [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
          (members: ?)
  212. .Crossfire [Active: 19??-1977] [band name changed to Bad Boy by United Artists] [Milwaukee]
          (Steve Grimm, Lars Hanson, Joey LaVie, John Marcelli)
  213. .Crossing, The - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Jayme Dawicki [Archive]) [Active: 2003-2005] [Milwaukee]
          (Brent Conrad, Jayme Dawicki, Jason Reinke, Gavin Rice)
  214. .Crown Royal [Active: 19??-] [Sheboygan]
          (Brian Smoot, ?)
  215. .Crystal Waters Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Mark Ehlenfeldt, Scott Ehlenfeldt, Tim Hale, Jamie Woodworth)
  216. .Currier, C. Scott (piano, vocals) - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Eau Claire]
  217. .Cuzner, Ron - "Jazz"
    D - ABC... Artist Selection
  218. .D.B. Petersen - (see: DB Pederson)
  219. .Dabson, Jerry (?) [Janesville]
  220. .Dainsberg, Sarah (vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Green Bay (grad. Preble High School year?.) / Nashville, TN]
  221. .Daisy Head Mayzie [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  222. .Dam Heathens - Page ( [Active: 2015-] [Beaver Dam]
  223. .Dangerous Odds - Page ( Laughing Cat Records), Review ( Music Street Journal) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Deidre Buckley, Art Durkee, Ron Virgil Ellis, Larry Giles, Tom Hamer, Al Jewer) - (former member: Heather Figl)
  224. .Das Disappointment [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  225. .Dattilo [Active: 197?-19??] [Kenosha]
          (Dan Dattilo, Nick Dattilo, Bruce Stewart, Bob Zwickey)
  226. .Davis Family Band - "R&B"
  227. .Davis, Ken - Page ( Rockabilly Hall of Fame) [Racine]
  228. .Davis Trio, Mary [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  229. .Davis, Phil - Discog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Fire Town) [Madison]
  230. .Davis, Tim - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee]
  231. .Dawicki, Jayme (keyboards, guitar, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Jayme Dawicki) ( CD Baby) ( Miss Wisconsin 2002 [Archive] / bio [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Wink 1999-2002, The Crossing 2003-2005) [New Berlin / Milwaukee / attended UW-Madison years?. / grad. UW-Milwaukee 12/2001 BFA.]
  232. .DB Pederson [Active: 19??-] [Cottage Grove]
          (Kenn Fox, Dave Pederson, anon.)
  233. .Debra G. - (see: Debra Grahn)
  234. .Decembers January - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Aisle 2 Records [Archive]) [Active: 1998-200?] [Oshkosh]
          (Taylor Kreuter, Mike Kuhr, Kyle Straveler, Andy Wise) - (former member: anon.)
  235. .Decibully [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  236. .Dee, Jerry & The Intruders - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1961-1964] [Eau Claire]
          (Wes Lamuska (Jerry Dee), Mike Schellberger, Wayne Toske, James Wahl, Mick Zirngible)
  237. .Dekorah - (see: Jennifer Lee)
  238. .Del-Magnums, The - Page ( ZeBOX) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  239. .Del Mar - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Brian Fricano, Nate Kendall, Jarin Ryland, Jeremy Snow, Kurt Svensson)
  240. .Del Ray's, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 2011-] [Oshkosh]
          Members listed below: band name (known last name)
          (Beaver Del Ray (?), Lance Del Ray (Sterling), Ralph Del Ray (?), T.J. Del Ray (Willis))
          All are former members of The Outta Style Show Band
  241. .Del Reys, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1964-1966,1968-1969] [Madison]
          (Lowell Pomeroy 1968-1969, Doug Scheuerell 1968-1969, Jim Thorp 1964-1966,1968-1969)
  242. .Delehanty, Jonathan [New Holstein / La Crosse]
  243. .DeLorenzo, Victor (drums, percussion, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) - (member: Ash Can School, Sublime Nation) - (former member: Violent Femmes 1981-1993, 2000-2009) [Racine / Milwaukee / grad. UW-Milwaukee year?]
  244. .Dick & Roger [Active: 19??-19??-] [Monroe]
          (Dick Campbell, Roger Hesseling)
  245. .Digibot - Page ( Mad Music Archive) [Active: 1997-] [Madison]
          (Mike Hess, ?)
  246. .Disposible Art Ensemble [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (James Bohn, Geoffrey Brady, ?)
  247. .Dorothy Heralds, The - Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 2001-] [Monona]
          (Gary Chin, Rick Horton, Kevin Lozada, Matt Nelson, Katy Rykken)
  248. .Dorsey, Ezra (vocals) - Page ( Dorsey Entertainment) [Appleton]
  249. .Dorsey, Hannah (vocals) - Page ( Dorsey Entertainment) [Appleton]
  250. .Dorsey, Tim (organ, keyboards, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Dorsey Entertainment) ( Wisconsin Arts Board), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (see also: Dorsey Entertainment, OpenwindO Recording Studio) [Appleton]
  251. .Dosen, Stephanie - Page ( Priscilla Jeschke) [Milwaukee]
  252. .Doty, Amy Jo (vocals) - Page ( Author ?) ( Jason Busse) - (member: Road Trip) [Neenah / Oshkosh]
  253. .DOWGS, The [Active: 1996-2000] [Green Bay]
          (Mike "Beags" Caldie, Dan Camperini, Jim Conrad, Heidi "Kootch" Cook, Dana Erlandson, Mike Haight, Mark Holmes, Bob Piontek)
  254. .Dover Court [Active: 19??-] [Westfield]
  255. .Downface [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  256. .Dragland, Joy - (member: Joy And The Boy) [Madison / New York, NY]
  257. .Drake, Michael (trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals, percussion, keyboards) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Cape May, NJ / Tulsa, OK / Milwaukee 1971-]
  258. .Drake and the No Tan Lines Band, Michael [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  259. .Droids Attack - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Crustacean Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  260. .Drops of Blue - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee-Chicago]
          (Nathan Bares, Shannon Brunet [IL])
  261. .Drunk Drivers - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Crustacean Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Eau Claire]
          (anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  262. .Dura - (see: Dura R. Hale)
    E - ABC... Artist Selection  
  263. .Echo-Static - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]) ( OnMilwaukee) [Active: 2000-2005] [Madison]
          (John Chvojicer, Todd Ostertag, Chad Ovshak, Olivia Sass)
  264. .Eclipse [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Butch Vig, ?)
  265. .Eddy J (Edward J. Lemberger) - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  266. .Eggshell - Page ( Burst Records) ( [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Daniel Holter, Mike Standal)
  267. .Eide, Al - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Oshkosh]
  268. .Electric Automatic [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  269. .Electrick Gypsy [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  270. .Engel, Bill & Michael Boyle [Active: 19??-] [Waupaca/Neenah]
  271. .EngenDriver - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1999-] [Oshkosh/Appleton] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
          (Joey Hass, Josh VanEngen, Nicholas J. VanEngen)
  272. .Epstein, Howie - Page ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: 1982-2002) [Milwaukee / Gainesville, FL]
  273. .Esquires - [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  274. .Eternal Silence [Active 1996-] [New London]
          (Keith Dorn, Jim Flynn, Joe Klotz, Wade Prelesnik) - (former members: John Hill, Sandi Plaza)
  275. .Evans, Chuck [Madison]
  276. .EXIT - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ? [Archive]) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 1996-2004] [Madison / Waukesha]
          (Ryan McIntyre, Craig Walkner, John (Hayward Williams))
    F - ABC... Artist Selection  
  277. .Fabric Indicators, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  278. .Fabulous Imitations, The [Active: 196?-196?] [Madison]
          (Tracy Nelson, ?)
  279. .Fahrenheit 420 [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  280. .Fannin, Jacob (guitar, piano, vocals) - Page ( Jacob Fannin) ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city / grad. UW Oshkosh 2007 / city?, TN]
  281. .Far Corner - Page ( Author ?)
          (William Kopecky, Dan Maske, Angela Schmidt, Craig Walkner)
  282. .Fat Bruce [Active: 197?-19??] [Milwaukee]
          (Mike Bronstead (Bronstad?), Howard Heather, Randy Klein, Brian Matson)
  283. .Fat Sandwich - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Waukesha]
          (Creee McKraken, JessaLynne Moore, anon., anon., anon.) - (former members: Dave Hannes, Mike Hartmann, Mark Samman, Eric Wanek, Dario Wilson)
  284. .Feet of Clay - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  285. .Fell Boyzs - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Racine]
          (Kyle W. Fell, Thomas R. Fell, Zachary T. Fell)
  286. .Felons, The
          (David Geschke 1980, ?) [Oshkosh]
  287. .Fendermen, The - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1957-1961] [Madison]
          (Denny Dale (Dennis Gudim), Johnny Hauer, Phil Humphrey, Jim Sundquist)
  288. .Ferro, Talya - (see: .Talya Ferro) ..[Ferro is NOT her last name]
  289. .Fever Marlene [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  290. .Fierce Nipples, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  291. .Final Four, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  292. .Finger [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  293. .Fire - Page ( Author ? [Archive] / Image Site Only!) [Milwaukee]
          (a previously anonymous solo act that changed his name from "Sister Moon" to "Fire", see Kevin Sucher)
  294. .Fire Town [Active: 1987-?] [Madison]
          (Phil Davis, Duke Erikson, Butch Vig)
  295. .First Person [Active: 1986] [Madison]
          (Phil Davis, Steve Marker, Butch Vig)
  296. .Flagship ( Author ? [Archive} / Farewell Message) (Previously a Contemporary Christian group called O Nine Hundred) [Active: 2001?-1/01/2006] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  297. .Flame Shark - Page ( ( ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
  298. .Flash & The Easy Action Band - Page ( CD Baby [Archive]) [Active: 1977-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  299. .Floppy Disk [Active: 19??-] [city? (Fox Valley)]
          (members: ?)
  300. .Fluid Oz [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  301. .Foghorns, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 2002-] [Racine / Madison / New York, NY / Seattle, WA / Reykjavik, Iceland]
          (Bart Cameron, Kevin Firchow, Steven Firchow)
  302. .Ford Band, The Liam (aka Liam Ford and the Band in Black) - Page ( Author ?) ( Rock Star Talent) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Liam Ford, Frank Calarco, Jeff Hoormann, Andy Pagel)
  303. .Forever No More [Active: 19??-] [Tomah]
  304. .Form, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1994?-] [Milwaukee]
          (Paul Chier, Ryan Elliott, Brian "B" McBryde, James McMahon 1994?- "18 years", Ryan Thiel)
  305. .Fortune (9 piece horn band) [Active: 1978-1980] [Eau Claire]
          (Ken Fisher, ?)
  306. .Four Below - Discog ( no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Tommy Malta, Bill Mayo, Rob Pfeifer, Paul Terrien, Brian Zysk)
  307. .Four Ever [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  308. .Fox, Kenn - "Solo Guitar"
  309. .Fracture [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (members: ?)
  310. .Framing Amy - Page ( SoundClick) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Thomy Kiesling, Tony Lentz, Tony Nardone, Amy Pierce, Rus Stanford) - (former member: Jeff Pierce)
  311. .Frank & Dino [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (?, Dean Reichenberger)
  312. .Frank, Nathaniel - Page ( [Oshkosh]
  313. .Franks: Sinatra Salute, Ed (vocals) - Page ( Wirth Entertainment Agency) ( ACA Music & Entertainment) [city?]
  314. .Freckles and the Hostages [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Marc Maga, Debbie Rossman, Brian St. Lewis, Curt St. Lewis)
  315. .Fred Pepper [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  316. .Freefall Three - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Lee Breest, Roy Malvitz, Doug Tank)
  317. .Freshwater Collins - Page ( CD Baby [Archive]) ( - JavaScript and Flash Restricted!) ( Jeff Brodzeller, Matt Pelkey [Archive] as of 02-02-2002, the last time their home page was accesible to the blind) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  318. .Friends (in the 1970's) - Page ( Big Wave Productions) [previously known as The Torquays] [Active: 1969-?, band name changed to The Friends Reunion Band, Active: ?-date] [Oshkosh]
          (Jim Chase, Keyz Evans, Tom Guenther 1969-, Tony Vallera) - (former members: Bobby Evans, Bill Graves, Mark Hammond, Mark Hatzinger, George Henning, Jim Hoaglund, Alan Ives, Gary Ormsby, Larry Wolf)
  319. .Frogs, The - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Author ?) [Active: 1980-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  320. .Front of Truck [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  321. .Fungusamungas [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  322. .Funky Norman
          (Dave Janke, Tom Theabo, Wilber Van den Burgt, Neil Verwey)
  323. .Furious Jones - Page - Stryker Records [Archive] [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Zachary A. Blevins, Andy Eastman, Justin Granberg, Dave Osmalov, Brian Shorey)
  324. .Fuse - Page ( Andrew DeNure) ( CD Baby [Archive]) [Active: 2005-] [Oshkosh]
          (Brian Buss, Eric Hacker, Chris Larson, George Lehl)
  325. .Futuras - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Gary Dee (Bareman), Jack Edwards (Strucel), Al James, Gary Josling, Jerry Mallon)
  326. .Fuzzdolly [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
    G - ABC... Artist Selection  
  327. .Gam [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  328. .Gangbusters Band - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1981-19??] [Fond du Lac]
          (Jeff Blackerby, Jim "Kono" Dowidat, Mario Friedel, Marc Maga, Linda Sams)
  329. .Gano, Gordon (electric guitar, acoustic guitar, fiddle, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Violent Femmes 1981-) [Milwaukee]
  330. .Garbage - Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1993-date] [Madison]
          (Eric Avery, (Dale?) Duke Erikson, Shirley Manson) Steve Marker, Matt Walker) - (former member: Butch Vig)
  331. .Gerard (genre: "New Wave") - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Chris Gerard, Greg Gerard, Mark Lamar, Keith Montross, Ricky Niez) - (former member: Eric Benet)
  332. .Gerard, Chris (vocals) - (member: Gerard) [Milwaukee]
  333. .Gerard, Greg (keyboards, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) - (member: Gerard, Boo Radley Band, Keedy, One Ton Banana) [Milwaukee / Beloit]
  334. .German Art Students, The - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Randy Ballwahn, Annelies Howell, Andy Larson, Kirk Wall)
  335. .Geschke, David (bass) - Discog ( David Geschke), Page ( David Geschke "Dave on Bass"), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Scotty Meyer Blues Band 2006-) - (former member: The Coast 1981-19??, The Felons 19??-19??, Twistin' Egyptians 19??-19??, Road Trip 1997-2005, Sonic Circus 19??-19??) - (others, no info: Jules Blattner Group 1983, The Nobodys 1995-1996, Buzz Meade 2006, The Frogs, The Jets, The Barney Fife Band, The Rockin' Bones, The Housebreakers, Groovin' High, The Dave Chapin Show, Almanac, Ripper Jack) [Oshkosh / attended UW Oshkosh 1977-1979. / South Milwaukee 1995-2001 / Waupun 2001- / Beaver Dam]
  336. .Gethsemane [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  337. .Gibson, Charlene (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Friends of Distinction 1970-1971) [Milwaukee / Los Angeles, CA]
  338. .Gingersnaps - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1958-1959] [Sheboygan]
          (members: ?)
  339. .GiViN - Page ( Metro Jam [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Brandon Pankratz, Christiaan Smith-Kotlarek)
  340. .Glass - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1970-1973] [Green Bay]
          (Dana Erlandson, Scott Gallagher, Todd Offerman, Tom Rost)
  341. .Gober, Capt. Hershel (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Monticello, AR / Milwaukee / ?, AK / ?, AR]
  342. .Golay, Matthew - "Folk"
  343. .Goldbeck, Kim [city?]  
  344. .Golde, Marc (organ, keyboards, electric guitar, electric bass, acoustic bass, acoustic guitar, drums, percussion) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Cookee, Ghost & Friends) [Appleton]
          (Engineer/Producer: Rock Garden Studio)
  345. .Golden Boscos, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Kris Hennum, Mike Kryscio, John Nelson, Kevin Ponec)
  346. .Gomers, The - Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1987-] [Madison]
          (Dave Adler, Biff Blumfumgagnge, Steve Burke, Mark Hervey, Gordon Ranney, Gregg Rullman, Andy Wallman)
  347. .Gonzalez, Lisa (guitar, vocals) - (see: Lisa G & Montage) [?, CA / Milwaukee]
  348. .Gonzalez, Rob (keyboards) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Milwaukee / Boston, MA]
  349. Good Luck Joes, The [Milwaukee 2002-]
  350. .Goodwill, Galynne (guitar, vocals) - Page ( ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) [city?]
  351. .Goran - (see: Goran Kralj)
  352. .Governor Fuzz [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  353. .Graffin, Greg (guitar, piano, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Bad Religion) [Madison / Racine / Shorewood / Los Angeles, CA 1976-]
  354. .Grahn, Debra (aka Debra G.) - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Oshkosh / grad. Oshkosh West High School 2000 / Minneapolis, MN]
  355. .Grant, James W. - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) [La Crosse]
  356. .Grant, Tom - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee / Portland, OR]
  357. .Grapes Of Wrath, The - Interview ( Mike Dugo) [Active: 1965-1968] [Madison]
          (Will Collins, Greg Loeb, Chris Michie, Joe Wilson, Tracy Wolters)
  358. .Grauer, Connie (keyboards, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Mrs. Fun, Sublime Nation) Valley of the Dolls) [Milwaukee]
  359. .Great Lakes [Active: 19??-] [Plymouth]
          (Brian Smoot, ?)
  360. .Green, Tom - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee]
  361. .Greenfield, Robert [city?]
  362. .Greywolf, Tommy (electric violin, fiddle, mandolin) - Page ( Author ?) - (member: North Country Carousers, No Strings Attached #3, Black Frog) - (former member: Soul Patrol, Us Project, Brooks and Dunn) [Milwaukee]
  363. .Grid Committee [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  364. .Grimm Band, Steve [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Steve Grimm, Tony Brice)
  365. .Grimm, Steve (guitar, percussion, vocals) - (member: Bad Boy, Pretty Grimm, The Sleighriders, The Steve Grimm Band) [Milwaukee]
  366. .Groove Hogs, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Brian Gruselle) ( St. John Artists) ( Dunn Entertainment [Archive]) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Branch]
          (Steve Cooper, Doug Danials, Brian Gruselle, Ron Hanson, Pat Kiel, John Laws, Matt Moore, Adam Plamann, John Stelzer, Tom Vanden Avond) - (former members: Chris Andersen, Pete Emerson, Tony Giovannini, Kerry Grove, Steve Johnson, Rob Maertz, Patrick Phalen)
  367. .Group, The [Active: 19??-] [Clintonville]
          (Ron Hull, ?)
  368. .Growing Nation [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  369. .Grupo Villano [Active: 19??-] [Beloit]
          (members: ?)
  370. .Gufs, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-19??] [IN / Milwaukee]
          (Morgan Dawley, Dejan Kralj, Goran Kralj, Brian Pettit, Scott Schwebel)
  371. .Gusto, The [Active: 2006-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  372. .Gwalls, The - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Ben Eisley, Mark Mentele, Travis Whitty, Stephen Zerbe)
    .Har"H">H - ABC... Artist Selection  
  373. .Haints, The - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-19??] [Madison]
          (Mary McCoy, Brady Potts, anon.)
          (This band is not The Haints from Bristol, TN)
  374. .Hale, Dura R. - Page ( RCI Music Promotion) [Milwaukee]
  375. .Hamburgers, The - Page ( Author ?), Review ( Appleton Post-Crescent 6-16-2005) [Active: early 2004-Summer 2005] [Appleton]
          (Ben Kastner, Walt Lontkowski, Mike Sirola)
  376. .Happy, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  377. .Happy Schnapps Combo, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Steve Klein) [Active: 19??-] [Manitowoc]
          (Steve Klein, Rich Krueger, Shawn Sargent, Bill Soucy, Eric Werner) - (former member: Jim "Otto" Krueger)
  378. .Happytown [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Al Hildenbrand, ?)
  379. .Hardaway, Bob - "Jazz"
  380. .Harrison, Jerry (guitar, organ, keyboards, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) - (member: Sublime Nation) - (former member: Talking Heads) [Milwaukee / grad. Harvard U. year? / Boston, MA]
  381. .Hart, Corey [city?]  
  382. .Harvey, Lis (guitar, piano, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Indiegrrl / alternate) ( CD Baby) [Boston, MA / Madison / Davis, CA]
  383. .Hat Trick - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  384. .Hatfield, Bobby (vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Righteous Brothers with Bill Medley) [Beaver Dam / Santa Ana, CA]
  385. .Hawkins, Lee - "R&B"
  386. .Haze - Page ( St. John Artists) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jim Edwards, Wade Fernandez, Darrell Hase, Dennis Hase)
  387. .Headpump - Page ( Fish Eye Records) ( Flyswatter [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Siggi Baldursson, Biff Blumfumgagnge, Josh Gillman, anon., anon.
  388. .Helena Handbasket [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  389. .Heller Mason (Todd ?) - Page ( Stephen ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Little Chute]
          (members: ?)
  390. .Hey Mercedes - Page ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Damon Keith Atkinson, Todd Lee Bell, Robert Thomas Nanna, Michael G. Shumaker)
  391. .High Flyer [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (members: ?)
  392. .Highway Tunes - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Kenosha]
          (members: ?)
  393. .Hildegarde! (vocals) - Info ( Big Bands Database), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Adell / Milwaukee / New York, NY]
  394. .Hindsight - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (Todd Hellman, Jason Jeffers, Jason Lipsky, Keith Swanson, Mike Wendland)
  395. .Hits, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Tom Mullin [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (Cookee Coquoz, Tom Mullin, Dennis Provisor) - (former member: Artie Formiller)
  396. .Home Brew - Page ( Metro Jam) [Active: 19??-] [Manitowoc]
          (Merritt Bussiere, Pete Honzik)
  397. .Honor Among Thieves - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Uvulittle Records [Archive] ( CD Baby) ( [Active: 1982-] [Madison]
          (Joey Banks, Doug DeRosa, Andy Ewen, Randy Hoecherl, Pepo Parisi) - (former members: Aaron Neumann, Pat Dieter, D. Tess, Bobby Youngs, Walt ?, Brian ?, Wallace ?)
  398. .Horn Of Plenty Staff (HOPS) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1983-19??] [Crivitz]
          (Polly Albert, Kathy Johanning, Randy Kreuziger, Mike Marks, Laurie Maye, "Kit" Waszak)
  399. .Homburg, Lauren (aka Lo Marie) (vocals) - Page ( CD Baby) [Nashville, TN / Madison]
  400. .House Blend [Active: 19??-] [Cedarburg]
          (members: ?)
  401. .Hudson and the Hoo Doo Cats [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Hudson Harkins, Rick Kessler, John Logan)
  402. .Hum Machine - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  403. .Humphrey, Phillip - no known solo recordings
  404. .Hunt, Dennis & The Relations [Oshkosh]
          (Chris Hunt, Dan Hunt, Dennis Hunt, Scott Hunt)
  405. .Hurda, Nancy "Muffy" - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  406. .Hydrata [Active: 2002-2003] [city?]
          (Edward Christensen, Zach Pecore, anon.)
  407. .Hyptonite [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
    I - ABC... Artist Selection  
  408. .IfIHadAHiFi - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Crustacean Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh / Neenah / Milwaukee]
          (Noise Lesion, Dr. Awkward, Mr. Alarm, Yale Delay)
  409. .Ill Groove Movement - Page ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Davin Hanson, Steve Kulwicki, Adam Lovinus, anon., anon.)
  410. .Impossible Washload, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Erik J. Edwards, Tom Thiel)
  411. .In A Hot Coma [aka The Haskels] - "Punk"
  412. .In Black 'n White (aka In Black-n-White, or IBNW) - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1989-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  413. .Inkwell Collective, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 2003-] [Fond du Lac]
          (members: ?)
  414. .Inner City Sasquatch - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Stephan Fay, Tommy Tousey, Pat "Speedy" Wanish)
  415. .Inner Sanctum [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  416. .Invaders, The [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  417. .Ion Drive - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Ed Crowley, Brett Stephenson, Scott Vanden Boom)
  418. .Isla Adentro [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  419. .Ivory Tower [Active: 19??-] [Waukesha]
    J - ABC... Artist Selection  
  420. .J. Harrison B. - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 198?-] [Fond du Lac]
          (Stan Johnson, ?)
          [one of the many later versions of the original 1962-1968 J. Harrison B. & The Bumbles Nebraska band]
  421. .Jack The Dog - Page ( Uvulittle Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Carrie Biola, Jeff Kowalkowski)
  422. .Jack Tripper Trio, The [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Adam Fekete, David Jerabek, Mark Powers)
  423. .Jacobstone - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  424. .Jaeger, Rick (drums) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: A.B. Skhy) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [San Diego, CA / Elkhart Lake]
  425. .James Dean Trio - Contact ( Business Card as of 6-20-2009) [Active: 2008-] [Oshkosh]
          (James Upham, Dean Reichenberger, Tony Vallera)
  426. .James, Tommy (acoustic guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (leader: Tommy James & The Shondells) [Dayton, OH / Monroe 1956?-1958 / Niles, MI 1958-]
    .Jarreau, Al - "Jazz"
  427. .Jee, Leah (electric guitar, vocals) - Page ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) [city?]
  428. .Jim Warfare [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Jeff DeGoey, Pat Hable, Steve Trier, Jeff Verner)
  429. .Jina Jurner and the Jikettes - "Soul"
  430. .JJ Hands Experience [previously known as Shalom] [Active: 4/2008-] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  431. .Joe-Jah Of The Hill People (JOJA of the Hill People) [alias of Sly Joe and the Smooth Operators]
  432. .Joe Snare (vocals) (real name unknown) - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  433. .Johnny Wad Band, The - Page ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) - (see also: Bazooka Joe) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  434. .Johns, Carl (aka Charlemagne) - (member: NoahJohn) [city?]
  435. .Jones Mission, The Dianna - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Dianna Jones, Laurie Auer, Patrick "PJ" Barth, Mike Benz, anon.)
  436. .Jorgenson, John - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Madison]
  437. .Joy And The Boy - Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 2000-] [Madison]
          (Joy Dragland, Leo Sidran)
  438. .Julian, Susan (piano, keyboards, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) - (member: The BoDeans) [Chicago, IL / Waukesha]
  439. .Just the Two of Us [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  440. .Justin Time Band [Active: 2005-] [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
          (Luke Balistrieri, Eric Huffard, Zach Jungwirth, Joel Nesbit, Nick Shea, Tyler Shea)
          Because of the profanity on it, their CD will not be listed on this site. WOCT seems to have no decency rules like other FCC regulated stations as they broadcast the song "Rez" regularly.
    K - ABC... Artist Selection  
  441. .Kammer, Dr. Chris [Madison]
  442. .Karlzen, Mary - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?), Guitar Chords/TAB ( Adam Schneider) [city?]
  443. .Keedy (the band) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Greg Gerard, Kelly Ann Keedy, Kevin Patrick)
  444. . Keedy (the musician) (Kelly Ann Keedy) - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Keedy (the band)) [Milwaukee]
  445. .Keller, Ethan (guitar) - Page ( [Archive]) [Milwaukee]
  446. .Kellogg, Lynn - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Appleton]
  447. .Kennedy, Dave #1 (alto saxophone, cello, flute, guitar, keyboards, trombone, percussion, trumpet, viola, violin) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee]
          Former owner 1956-1989: Kennedy Recording Studio
  448. .Kennedy, Dave #2 (guitar) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [La Crosse] - (member: Dave Kennedy & the Ambassadors)
  449. .Kennedy, Dave & the Ambassadors [Active: 1960-70?] [La Crosse]
          (Dave Kennedy #2, Al Banasik, George Eberdt, Tom Eisenman, Tom Neary, Jerry Oliver, Ronnie Rink, Chuck Sargeant, Tari Tovsen)
  450. .Kicks [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (Perry Halverson, ?)
  451. .Kidd Gloves - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (John Aaholm, Rick Brothers, Michael "Mig" Gianino, Brett Lobben, Ray Myers, Dennis Shepherd, Ty Westbrook)
  452. .Kids from Wisconsin - "Choirs"
  453. .Killdozer - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Crustacean Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 1983-1996] [Madison]
          (Jeff Ditzenberger, Michael Gerald, Erik Tunison, Paul Zagoras)
  454. .Kilroy - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Brandon Domer, Nate McDowell, Carroll Smith, Brandon Weisensel)
  455. .King Comets - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Steve Braun, Michael Fricke, John Steffes, Dennis Tomashek)
  456. .King Solomon - "Reggae"
  457. .King, Wayne - "Big Bands"
  458. .KingJan [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jan Gronewold, ?)
  459. .Kinney, Kevn (electric guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Drivin' n' Cryin') [Milwaukee / Atlanta 1982-]
  460. .Klipstein, Ivan (aka Ivan Okay) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( Author ?) ( Winterlander), Orders ( Radio Juno Beach) [Milwaukee / Madison]
  461. .Know Boundaries [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  462. .Knuckel Drager - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  463. .Koelbl, Kevin (vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [Oshkosh / Los Angeles, CA]
  464. .Koestner, Bruce [city?]
  465. .Kojo - "Reggae"
  466. .Kook - "Heavy Metal"
  467. .Kooyman, Barbara (aka Barbara K.) (guitar, harmonica, mandolin, violin, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( ( Lisa Richards [Archive] / Image Site Only!), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Barbara K & the Kat's Away, Pat MacDonald & the Essentials, Timbuk 3) [Wausau / Austin, TX]
  468. .Kopecky [Active: 19??-] [Racine]
          (Joe Kopecky, Paul Kopecky, William Kopecky)
  469. .Kopischke, Joel - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Wauwatosa / Waukesha (grad. Carroll College 1985.) / Milwaukee]
  470. .Kopy Kats [Active: 19??-19??] [Fond du Lac]
          (Ken Fisher, ?)
  471. .Kossoris, Jill - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) - (former member: In A Hot Coma [aka The Haskels], The Shivvers) [Milwaukee]
  472. .Kralj, Goran (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) - (former member: The Gufs) [IN / Milwaukee]
  473. .Krombach, Chelsea - Page ( Bill Sargent) [city?]
  474. .Krueger, Jim (guitar, mandolin) - Page ( Acoustic Fest), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: The Dave Mason Band, The Normal Adults, The Happy Schnapps Combo) [Manitowoc]
  475. .Krueger, Missy (percussion, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) - (member: Sonic Circus 19??-) [city? 19??-19?? / Los Angeles, CA 19??-19?? / Green Bay 19??-
  476. .Kruse, Kristi - "Pianists"
  477. .Kruth, John - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee? 19??-19?? / Waukesha? 19??-19?? / New York, NY 19??-]
  478. .Kuemmet, Marcel (guitar, piano, recorder, flute, hamonica) - Page ( Stryker Records [Archive]) - (member: Yazz, Sender) [Manitowoc 19??-19?? / Madison 19??-19?? / Green Bay 19??-19?? / Manitowoc 19??-19??]
  479. .Kung Fusion [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
    L - ABC... Artist Selection  
  480. .Ladybeard [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Adrian Schulze, ?)
  481. .LaForce Project, The - Page ( Metro Jam) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Joe LaForce, Chris Andersen, Catherine Bryntesen, Jim Denk, Mark Kimmes, Kelly Underwood)
  482. .LaForce, Joe (guitar) - (member: The LaForce Project) - (former member: Whiskey McKree Band, Savanna, The Normal Adults, The Outpatients) [Manitowoc 19??-]
  483. .Lasley Trio, Jeff - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby [Archive]) ( CD Baby) [Active: 2001-] [Meridian, MS 19??-19?? / San Francisco, CA 19??-19?? / Lena 19??-]
  484. .Leath, Justin [city?]
  485. .Lee, Jennifer (aka Dekorah) (guitar, piano, vocals) - Page ( ( Roy Pankaj [programmer from India]) [Milwaukee]
  486. .Legendary Carp - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Nick Kitzman, Karl Pfaff, Peter Reschenberg, John Sprangers)
  487. .Legends, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1959-1965?] [Milwaukee]
          (Dennis Bertrand, Billy Joe Burnette, Larry Foster, Terry Gale, Sam McCue, Rich Radaj, John Rondell, Denny Sachse, Jerry Schils, Jim Sessody)
  488. .Leigh, Patrick [city?]
  489. .Lex Rex - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  490. .Liberace (piano, vocals) - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [West Allis / Milwaukee / New York, NY 1940 / Palm Springs, CA]
  491. .LieLock [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  492. .Light Up - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  493. .Lil' Davy Max & the Heart Attacks [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dave Janke, ?)  
  494. .Lindeen, Laurie - Page ( Monolyth Records [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Zuzu's Petals) [Madison / Minneapolis, MN / Boston, MA]
  495. .Lindsey, Graham - Page ( Peter Grant) - (former member: Old Skull) [Madison]
  496. .Liquid Mama - Page ( Uvulittle Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  497. .Lisa G & Montage - Page ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted! / JavaScript Restricted!) [Milwaukee]
          (Lisa Gonzalez, ?)
  498. .Lisk, Jeff & Maddrum - Page ( Uvulittle Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  499. .Little Blue Crunchy Things - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Matt Olsen) [Active: 19??-2000 (last concert 4-15-2000)] [Milwaukee]
          (Bill Backes, Tom Blain, Ken Fitzsimmons, Noah Tabakin) - (former members: Cara Davis, Rick Eells, Bryan Elliott, Douglas Haynes, Brandon Mason, Michael Wengler)
  500. .Lokey, Les - Page ( Margo Baxter) ( Uvulittle Records) ( [city?]
  501. .long story short - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Jordan Gantz [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Matt Allen, Eric Andraska, Craig Miller, Michael Weber)
  502. .Loomis - Page ( Sun Sea Sky Productions) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Mike Chubbuck, Dave Kaczynski, Chris Rosenau, Eric Marshall)
  503. .Lopez, Deb (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) - (former member: Tomboy) [Milwaukee]
  504. .Lorenzo's Music [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  505. .Love Monkeys, The - Page ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (anon., anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  506. .Love Society - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Keith Abler, Mike Dellger, Steve Gilles, Mike Holdridge, Dave Steffen) - (former member: Duane Abler)
  507. .Lowdown [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  508. .Lynne, Jenna (keyboards, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Waukesha]
          (9/14/2009, 14 years old)
    M - ABC... Artist Selection  
  509. .Mabel - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Madison / Chicago, IL]
          (Erin Hillert, Chai Wolfman) ?)
  510. .Mac, Peter (acoustic guitar, electric guitar) - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Streetlife) - (former member: The Converters) [Milwaukee]
  511. .Mack, Angela K. - Page ( [Webmaster: P? Mack] - JavaScript Restricted!) [Grafton]
  512. .Mad Trucker Gone Mad - Page ( Crustacean Records) [Active: 1994?-2001, 2006-] [Madison]
          (Chris Langkamp, Dave Meuhlbauer, Isaac Schulze (aka Del Monte Carlo)) - (former members: Scott Beardsley, Dan Dieterich, Adrian Schulze, anon., anon.)
  513. .Madison, Lisa - Page ( Rhombus Records) [based in San Francisco, CA, from Oshkosh?]
  514. .Magician [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (Scott Grundy, Gary Moon, Kevin Otto, Randy Sphatt)
  515. .Mahp, The (aka The MAHP, The Mark Allen Harrod Project) - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Racine]
          (Scott Cannaday, Mark Harrod, Brad Hawes, Chris Jakubiak)
  516. .Main Grocery Shopper - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Josh Davis, Joel Dennis, Matthew Emmer, Dave Kemp)
  517. .Maki [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Tim Buckley, John Daniels, Bernie Doll, Alan Weatherhead)
  518. .Mangione, Mike & The Union - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 2007-] [Cedarburg / Milwaukee]
          (Mike Mangione, John Collins, Patrick Hoctor, Nez Mangione, Thomas Mangione, Kristina Priceman (Weller))
  519. .Mango Brothers, The [Active: 19??-] [Michicot]
          (members: ?)
  520. .Martinez, Asencion "Johnny" (guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index), Obit. ( Oshkosh Northwestern) - (leader: The Comancheros) [Corpus Christi, TX / Markesan]
  521. .Mary Ellis - Page - Author ? [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Mike Cline, Eric Geane, Scott Hamburg, Chip Holbrook)
  522. .Mas Optica [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  523. .Masino, John - Page (, Review ( Isthmus) - (former member: Clear Blue Betty) [Madison]
  524. .Mason St. Band - Contact ( Business Card as of 6-20-2009) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Dean Reichenberger, Tony Vallera)
  525. .Massey, Mike (piano, organ, synthesizer, strings, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) - (see also: "Pianists") [Madison]
  526. .Mather Trio, Erica - Page ( Uvulittle Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  527. .Mattice, Bob - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Redgranite] - (leader: Bob Mattice & the Phaetons)
  528. .Mattice, Bob & the Phaetons - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Redgranite]
          (Bob Mattice, Ralph Barfel, Jim Kelly, Jerry Kowall, Roger Loos, Tom Loos, Tom Reischl)
  529. .Max Gain - Page ( Kevin Wells [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Tony Bachhuber, Jeff Pieper, Kevin Wells)
  530. .Mayer, Randy (guitar, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Author ? / alternate) [Chicago, IL / Anna Maria Island, FL / Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
    Mac, MC
  531. McCue, Sam (electric guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Legends, The Midwest Blues All-Stars) - (former member: Everly Brother's band) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Milwaukee]
  532. .  McCurdy, Pat (guitar, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Mark Lippert, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: kids from Wisconsin 1971-1973, Slick, Yipes! 197-19??) [Brookfield / Madison / Milwaukee]
  533. .MacDonald, Pat (guitar, harmonica, bass, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( ulfTone Music #1 / #2 (German / English)) ( Author ?) ( Author ?) ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Pat MacDonald & the Essentials, Timbuk 3) [Green Bay / Austin, TX / Sturgeon Bay]
  534. .MacDonald, Pat & the Essentials - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  535. .  McIntyre, Ryan - Page ( CD Baby) ( - JavaScript and Flash Restricted!) - (former member: EXIT) [Waukesha]
  536. .MacMuray, Fred (SIC s.b. MacMurray) - "Jazz"
  537. .melaniejane (cello, guitar, piano, organ, piano accordion, vocals) - Page ( Melanie Jane) ( SoundClick) ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee]
  538. .Meade, Buzz (guitar, drums, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [? / Hollywood, CA / grad. UW-Stevens Point year? / Waupun] - (member: Thrill Hammer)
  539. .Mellonote Musiq - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  540. .Mendelbaum [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Chris Michie, Keith Knudsen, ?)
  541. .Mercury Rising - Page ( Metro Jam) [Active: 19??-] [Manitowoc]
          (Ethan Klassen, Nick Korte, Jason Pries)
  542. .Merrick [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          - (former member: Alex Drake)
  543. .Mersey Beat [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          - (members at various times since the 1970s: Keith Boushele, Keith Dicianni, Don Dorf, Neil Hedke, Herman Kromm, Mike Martin, Dean Reichenberger, Kai Spanbauer, Todd Thomas)
  544. .Messengers, The [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Peter Barans, Bob Cavallo, Mike Demling, John Hoier, Greg Jennings (Jeresek), Augie Jurishica, Rob Leslie, Michael Morgan, Jesse Roe, Jeff Taylor)
  545. .Michaels Project, Kerry - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Manitowoc]
          (Kerry Michaels, ?)
  546. .Michaels, Johnny "Mad Man" (or "Madman") (?, WOKY DJ) [Milwaukee]
  547. .Michaels, Kerry (guitar, vocals) (leader: Kerry Michaels Project [Manitowoc]
  548. .Michie, Chris - Page ( Author ?) - (member: The Grapes Of Wrath, Mendelbaum) [city?]
  549. .Midnight Highway [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Ken Franz, Rick Hagopian, Rick Pomeroy)
  550. .Mighty Short Bus (aka MSB) - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Nic Adamany, Frank Busch, Chris Cameron, Rob Junceau, Ben Stitgen, anon.)
  551. .Mikey P and Buddy Lee [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (anon., anon.)
  552. .MiLkBAbY - Page ( Uvulittle Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  553. .Miller, Steve (electric guitar, keyboards, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Jim Welch), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (leader: Steve Miller Blues Band (CA), Steve Miller Band) - (former member: The Marksmen (TX Rock), The Ardells, Nigh Tranes, The Goldberg-Miller Blues Band 1964-1966 (IL)) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Milwaukee / Dallas, TX 1950 / Madison / Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA / Seattle, WA]
  554. .Milwaukee Road - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? / alternate) ( [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Jim Harsh, Jack Juraska, Mark Miller)
  555. .Mission Blue [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  556. .Mitchell, Brittney [Hales Corners]
  557. .Modern Machines - Page ( Crustacean Records) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  558. .Moffitt, Julie (keyboards, guitar, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ? [Archive]) ( Burst Records) ( Sonicbids) ( [New Richmond 1985-1999 / Los Angeles, CA 1999-2004 / Milwaukee 2004-2006 / Chicago, IL 2006-]
          Not Julie Moffitt from Harrisburg, PA
  559. .Moi? [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  560. .Mojo Perry - "Blues"
  561. .Molitor [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  562. .Moloko Shivers [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Randy Kombrek, (?)
  563. .Monarch [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (Phil Klusendorf, Carlson Peters, Rick Tvedt, Roly Tvedt, Chris Underwood)
  564. .Monovox - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Cliff Hammer, Paul Heenan, Matthew Schaeffer, Anthony Shaw, Kramer ?)
  565. .Monroe, Vaughn (vocals, trumpet, bandleader 1940-1953) - Page ( Vaughn Monroe Appreciation Society) ( Big Band Library) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Akron, Oh / attended Cudahy High School years?. Jeannette, PA / Boston, MA]
  566. .Montenegro, Mia - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  567. .Moon, Jason - "Folk"
  568. .Moral Disgust - Page ( Sal Serio) [Active: 1982-1996] [city?]
          (aka Acid Reign, N.O.B., Psuethsayer)
          (Jeff DeGoey, Eric Liddell, Dave Moore, Chris Propp, Sal Serio, anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  569. .Morgan, Dennis - Page ( Internet Movie Database), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Prentice / Waukesha (grad. Carroll College 19??)]
  570. .Mosleys, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Mike Fredrickson, ?)
  571. .Mother's Room [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  572. .Mrs. Fun - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) ( ( Daemon Records) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Waukesha / Milwaukee]
          (Connie Grauer, Kim Zick)
  573. .Mt. Olive - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          - (former member: Nicky Jordan)
  574. .Mucky Pup [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  575. .Mudbone - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1971-] [Appleton]
          (Jason "Red" Brown, Jay Stulo, Greg Thiel 2004-)
  576. .Mulligans, The - Page ( Thomas Meyer) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Darren Adkins, Dave Fagan, Mike Rowland, Tom Thiel)
  577. .Mustangs, The [Active: 19??-] [Clintonville]
          (Ron Hull, ?)
  578. .Muzzy Luctin - "Heavy Metal"
  579. .My Band (Serendipity) - Page ( [Active: 19??-19??] [Oshkosh]
  580. .Myopic Son - Page ( Jimmy Potat) ( Magic Bus Music) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Kevin Kosterman, Jeff Ritter, Spencer Smith, Nik Theiss)
  581. .Mystery Girls - Page ( Left Off The Dial) ( Trick Knee Productions [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Matt Conger, Jordan Davis, Casey Grajek, Jamis Kipp, Peter Pearson)
    N - ABC... Artist Selection  
  582. .N.O.B. - (see: Moral Disgust)
  583. .Natty Nation - "Reggae"
  584. .Navis, Glen (acoustic guitar, harmonica, vocals) - Page ( Facebook) ( Glen Navis [Archive]) - (member: Rock River Band) [Waupun.]
  585. .Nelson, Loey - Page ( Ectophiles' Guide) [Milwaukee]
  586. .Neptune [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  587. .Neubert, Scott (pedal steel guitar, Dobro) - Page ( Author ? [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Sheboygan / grad. UW-Stevens Point 1978. / Austin, TX / Nashville, TN]
  588. .Neustadter, Garth - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Manitowoc]
          Garth Neustadter Trio - someone searched this site for this group. I have found no Web site for Garth and know nothing about any group he is or was in.
  589. .Neutral Zone - Page ( Tim Erikson) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Tim Brown, Cathy Erikson, Tim Erikson, Jeff McDonald, Dave Rasmussen)
  590. .New Audrey, The [Active: 19??-] [Sheboygan]
          (Alex Clark, Ben Klemme, Andrew Nesbitt, Michael Schwarten)
  591. .New Society of Anarchists - "Heavy Metal"
  592. .Nickerson, Carmen (vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [IA / Los Angeles, CA / Milwaukee]
  593. .Nightmares End [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  594. .No - "Punk"
  595. .No Left Turns - Interview ( Mike Dugo) ( Keith Buckley) [Active: 1965-1968] [Beloit]
          (Joe Accardi, Bruce Bartholomew, Carl Chekouras, Jim Forrestal, Tony Mauher, Mike Mealey)
  596. .No Strings Attached #3 - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 2003-] [Milwaukee]
          (Xeno (Randall Hogan), Tommy Greywolf, Rachel Trapp)
          [Rock, NOT Folk or Acoustic or Bluegrass: No Strings Attached #1 (VA) or No Strings Attached #2 (TX)]
          The band plays electricfied folk instruments, their own songs, and Top 40 Pop/Rock covers.
  597. .NoahJohn - Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( Loose Music [London, U.K.] [Archive]) ( Speakeasy Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Eena Ballard, Stephen Burke, Lisa MaeRae Hinzman, Carl Johns)
  598. .Noche, Mario (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Mario Noche) [Manilla, Philippines / Neenah]
  599. .Noie, Denny - Page ( Rockabilly Hall of Fame), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Appleton]
  600. .Nomads, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1965-19??] [Oshkosh]
          (Jack Litjens, Joe Litjens, Larry Wolf, Mike Yanke)
  601. .Normal Adults, The [Active: 19??-] [Manitowoc]
          (Roger Jerry, Jim Krueger, Joe LaForce, Mike Larscheid, Paul Redmann, Jon Svien)
  602. .Northern Pines [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  603. .Northern Room - Page ( purevolume) ( Author ?) [Active: 2004-] [Milwaukee]
          (Andrew Jonathan, Michael Morgan, Micah Olla, Tony Olla)
  604. .Not Without Maggie - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] ["ska/punk band from Oshkosh"]
          (Joe Abbott, Scott Coates, Mike Fucci, Adam Gruetzmacher, Chris Nevins, Tom Watkins, Zachary Jacob Zblewski)
  605. .Now, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  606. .Number One Fan - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (Jonathan Fries, Matthew Reetz, Michael Ziemann, Nicholas Ziemann)
  607. .Numbers [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jim Denk, ?)
  608. .Nyles, Ronnie - Page ( Author ?) [Oak Creek]
    O - ABC... Artist Selection  
  609. .Obsolete Machines - Discog (no known recordings), Page ( (previously called Shattercell, Atticus, [Active: 19??-19??] [Seattle, WA / Oshkosh / Seattle, WA 12/2006]
          (Adam DeHaven, Shanna Teresinski)
  610. .Obsoletes, The - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Neenah/Milwaukee]
          - (members: ?) - (former member: Tim Schweiger)
  611. .Obydine, Trina - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( IUMA [Archive]) - (member: Cookee, Ghost & Friends) [Redgranite]
  612. .Oceanvue - Page ( [Active: 2004-] [Oshkosh]
  613. .Oil Tasters - "Punk"
  614. .Okham's Razor - Page ( Roy Schroedl [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Travis Balleine, Dave Berberick, Adam Draeger, Eric Fleming, Roy Schroedl)
  615. .Old Skull - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (J.P. Toulon, Jamie Toulon, Jesse Collins-Davies, Chris Scott, Josh Scott) - (former member: Graham Lindsey)
  616. .Olson, Bob - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee]
  617. .Olvera, Ian & Sleepwalkers [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay & Oshkosh]
          (Ian Olvera, ?)
  618. .One Ton Banana - Page ( James Royce) [ WAMI Nominee/Winner] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Greg Gerard, anon., anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  619. .onebodytoomany - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Rob Anthony, anon., anon., anon.)
  620. .Orphans, The - Page ( Author ?) ( [Active: 19??-] [Hales Corners]
          (Kelly Ann Keedy, Kevin Patrick, Mykl Stanley)
  621. .Orphonic Orchestra - Page ( Author ? / alternate) ( CD Baby) ( [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  622. .Other Kids, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1985-1992] [Madison]
          (Christopher Fink, Allyn Watson, Steve Watson)
  623. .Other Side, The [Active: 19??-] [Kenosha]
          (members: ?)
  624. .Ouija Radio - Not Wis.
  625. .Our House - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Chris Krizan, Steve Kuopus, Gar Longworth, Gregg Stengel, Steve Tomasik)
  626. .Out*A*Time - Page ( Metro Jam) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  627. .Outcasts, The - Page ( Keith Buckley) [Active: 1964-1965] [Glendale]
          (Steve Brown, Tom Erbes, Tim Peckham, Dennis Schaefer, Jack Smith)
  628. .Outta Style Show Band, The [Active: 19??-19??] [Oshkosh]
          (Tony Del Ray, Tom Lorge, Lance Sterling, Danny Valdez, T.J. Willis, anon.)
          See also: The Del Ray's
  629. .Outpatients, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Joe LaForce, ?)
    P - ABC... Artist Selection  
  630. .Pacetti, Sam - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Waterbug Records [Archive]), Review ( George D. Graham) [Fort Atkinson]
  631. .Page 2 - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Greenville]
          (Brad Cebulski, Matt Peters, Derek Skel, Zack Whitford)
  632. .Palasz, Terry - Page ( Katie McKeogh) ["The Polish Diva From Milwaukee"] [Milwaukee / Seattle, WA / New York, NY]
  633. .Pam the Bear [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
  634. .Paradocs (group renamed to Paradox (#2) 19??) [Active: 19??-19??] [Oshkosh]
          (Janet Hagen, Will Hagen)
  635. .Paradox #1 - Page ( [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Gary Daelemans, David Kowalski, Gus Legrand, Steve Van Adestine, James Wehrmann)
  636. .Paradox #2 - Page ( Author ?) (group previously named Paradocs) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (John Bosk, Brian Boulter, Janet Hagen, Will Hagen, Kristin Szweda)
          (former members: name?, name?, name?)
  637. .Paris, Jon (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [Milwaukee / New York, NY]
  638. .Park, Aaron J. - Page ( CD Baby) [city?]
  639. .Pascal (Balthrop) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( Pascal Balthrop) [city?]
          (solo act, not a band)
  640. .Patchwork - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          [not Patchwork (the Wisconsin Jazz band), or Patchwork (the Wisconsin Barbershop quartet)) or Patchwork (the Washington State Folk Duo))
          (Josh Harty, Jeremiah Nelson, Chris Sasman, Josh Tyack) - (former members: Landon Arkens, Luke Bassuener, Adam Cargin, Colin Crowley, Shawn Drake, Zach Larabee, Andrew Nesbitt, Toni Rossi, Andy Schneider, Laura Schultz, Jackie Therin, Kyle Vande Slunt)
  641. .Paul, Les (electric guitar, harmonica, piano, banjo, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) ( Author ?) ( Dave Gould) ( Kris Anderson [Archive]) ( Chris Lentz) ( Les Paul's House Of Sound (museum in Milwaukee)) ( Iridium Jazz Club [Archive]) ( Wikipedia), Biography ( The Folk File), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Les Paul & Mary Ford) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Waukesha / New York, NY 1938 / Hollywood, CA 1943 / Mahwah, NJ / New York, NY]
          Memories of Aug. 7, 2006:
    Iridium Jazz Club Brochure 8/2006
    Iridium Jazz Club Neon Sign
    Les Paul
    Les Paul and His Trio (Lou Pallo rhythm guitar, ? bass, Les Paul, John Colianni piano)
    Muriel Anderson
          4-10-2015: Sorry about the very large files, replaced all .jpg files with smaller .gif files.
  642. .Paul, Les & Mary Ford - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1949-1963] [Mahwah, NJ]
          (Les Paul, Mary Ford)
  643. .Pearson, Danny [city?]
  644. .Pence, Tuck - Page ( Author ?) [Woodruff]
  645. .Pierce, Tamara (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  646. .Pipitone, Nick - Page ( Author ?) ( Burst Records) ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee]
  647. .Pipitone, Nick & The Band (aka 4 Forces of Evil) - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Nick Pipitone, Don Moore, Kevin Ponec, Nick Verban)
  648. .Pet Engine [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Steve Ziel, Clem Blanding, Al Hildenbrand, Micah Havertape) - (former member: Matt Schroeder)
  649. .Petting Zoo [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
  650. .Phat Phunktion - "R&B"
  651. .Phillips Trio, Amy - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Amy Phillips, Chris Felts, Zach Larabee) - (former member: Dave Williams)
  652. .Phillipson, Larry Lee (guitar, vocals) - Discog ( Terry E. Gordon), Page ( Rockabilly Hall of Fame), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee / Coral City / Amery]
  653. .Pilson, Jeff (bass, vocals, electric/acoustic guitars, cello, keyboards) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Dokken) [Lake Forest, IL / Whitefish Bay 1962 / Longview, WA / San Francisco, CA / Los Angeles, CA 1982]
  654. .Pipe Circus, The - "R&B"
  655. .Pipestone - Page ( Stryker Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  656. .Planet of 9 [Active: 19??-] [Stevens Point]
          (members: ?)
  657. .Plant Life - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Matt Beringer, Jay Buettner, Eric Davidson)
  658. .Plastic - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Magic Bus Music Forum) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  659. .Plasticland - "Punk"
  660. .Pluer, Robyn (accordion, organ, bass keyboards, guitar, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author) - (former member: R & B Cadets, Paul Cebar and The Milwaukeeans) [Milwaukee / Buffalo, NY 1993-1999 / New York, NY 1999-]
  661. .Point One-O [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  662. .Pontiac Blues Band - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (per their Web site, they play "rhythm & blues", "soul, jazz, funk and rock", but no mention that they ever play Blues)
  663. .Portraits, The [Active: 1959-1968] [Milwaukee]
  664. .Pound WI - Page ( Russell Hall) ( Sun Sea Sky Productions) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Russell E. Hall, Jerry W. McDougal, Jon C. Terones)
  665. .Pretty Grimm - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          ( Steve Grimm, Craig Evans, Char)
  666. .Private Property of Digil [Active: 19??-19??] [city?]
  667. .Probers, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  668. .Profit$, The [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  669. .Project 60's [Active: 1978-1986] [city?]
          (Brian Smoot, ?)
  670. .Prole - Page ( Chu Toi Studios)
          (John Driscoll, ?)
  671. .Promise Ring, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1995-2002] [Milwaukee]
          (Scott Beschta, Dan Didier, Jason Gnewikow, Scott Schoenbeck, Davey von Bohlen)
  672. .Psuethsayer - (see: Moral Disgust)
  673. .Punto de Vista [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  674. .Purifoy, Tiara [Beloit]
  675. .Pyne, Mike (Michael J.) - Page ( Author ? / alternate) - (member: Warp Drive, Benny's Basement Band) [Milwaukee]
    Q - ABC... Artist Selection  
  676. .Quaas, Brittany [Port Washington / Milwaukee]
  677. .Que Flavor [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  678. .Quickies, The - Discog (2 albums, dates & titles?) [Active: 1995?-1999] [Madison]
          (Lisa MaeRae Hinzman, ?)
    R - ABC... Artist Selection
  679. .R & B Cadets - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Paul Cebar, Jim Corrigan, Cy Costabile, Robin Pluer, John Sieger, Mike Sieger, Juli Wood)
  680. .Rabid Aardvarks, The - Page ( Susan Chrusan) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (anon., anon., anon., anon.)
  681. .Rachelle, Stevie - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Cheeseheads With Attitude, Boney Fingers) [aka "St. Evie"] [city?]
  682. .Radiolites, The [Active: 2012-] [Appleton]
          (Tony Anders, Mike Cool, Matt Gieseke, Bob Rewalt)
  683. .Random Maxx - Page ( ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee/Winner] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Bo Johnson, Matty Phillips, Mark Redlich, Jim Schweitzer)
  684. .Ransom, Rob (electric guitar, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Matt Glaeser) ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Two Rivers]
  685. .Rathmann, Charles - Page ( IUMA) [Milwaukee]
  686. .Rattbelly [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  687. .Rattle Shack - Page ( Jason Busse) ( Dunn Entertainment [Archive]) [Oshkosh]
          (Adrian Lambrecht, Doug Patko, John Wiedow)
  688. .Ready, Felix [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
  689. .Rearick, Stephanie (piano, trumpet, percussion, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Uvulittle Records, Review ( Rick's Cafe), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Your Mom SRO 1993-2001, The Coma Savants) [Akron, OH / Madison 1990-]
  690. .Reason for Leaving [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  691. .ReBeLwAlTz - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Timm Buechler, Jeff DeGoey, Dave Moore, Jeff Verner)
  692. .Rectal Drips (or Rectal Drip?) [Active: 198?-] [Madison]
          (Duke Erikson, Steve Marker, Butch Vig)
  693. .Redding, Otis - "R&B"
  694. .RedFish (aka Red Fish) - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Neenah/Fond du Lac]
          (Ken Fisher, Brian Smoot)
          (previously a Country band called, Lonesome Highway)
  695. .Reed, Gabriel (guitar. vocals) - Page ( - (member: Ellestel) [Tucaman, Argentina / Madison]
  696. .Reilly, Dan & the Barnswallows [Active: 19??-] [Edgerton]
  697. .Reiser, Russ (guitar, bass, keyboards, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Aaron Zinsmeister) - (member: The Stringbenders, Vic Ferrari) [Appleton]
  698. .Renegades, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Kim Brown, Denys Gibson, Graham Johnson, Ian Mallett)
  699. .Replica [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  700. .Rest In P**s [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Bart Benedict, ?)
  701. .Reverend Eddie Danger - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Stevens Point]
  702. .Reverser - Page ( ( CD Baby) ( ( ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Adam Berzowski, Joey Carini, John Jenson, Matt Miller, Dave Schoepke)
  703. .Rings - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Tony Gonzales, Kurt Kuzulka, Tim Maves, Steve Moser, Dale Mussell)
  704. .Ripp Winkler - Page ( CD Baby) ( ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
  705. .Ritchie, Brian (bass, electric guitar, celeste, marimba, jaw harp, slide whistle, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Violent Femmes 1981-) [Milwaukee]
  706. .Rivers, Bobby - Page ( CD Baby) [Green Bay / Kewaunee]
  707. .RJ & The Real Deal - "Blues"
  708. .Road Kings, The - Page ( [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Roy "Pork Chop" Brown, Dan Heller, Gary Walloch)
  709. .Road Trip - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Jason Busse) ( ZeBOX) ( Dunn Entertainment) ( IUMA [Archive]) ( ( [Archive]) ( SoundClick) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
          (Jason Busse, Amy Jo Doty, Dan Doty, Billy Friday, Amy Johnson, Rich Plath) - (former members: Matthew Emmer, David Geschke, Andy Hess, Riley Icenogle, Chad Klink "Pickle", Adrian Lambrecht, Irion Lambrecht, Keif Shaw)
  710. .RoadRunners, The - Pictures ( Peter Roller / alternate [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  711. .Robbs, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  712. .Robert J - (see: Robert J. Conaway)
  713. .Rock Paper Scissors - Page ( Caly Rehm) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Clay Rehm, Tom Beard, Todd Borenstein, Bryan Summ)
  714. .Rockerfellers, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  715. .Rocket Fuel is the Key [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  716. .Rogers, Ann [city?]
  717. .Rose Canyon Band - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  718. .Rosenblum, Martin Jack (aka Holy Ranger) (guitar, harmonica, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Chuck Johnson) ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee]
  719. .Rosetti & Wigley - Page ( Patrick Leigh Smolinski) [Active: 2006-] [Kaukauna]
          (Jim Rosetti, Antonio Ramon Wigley)
  720. .Rosewood - Page ( ( [Active: 3/2007-] [Oshkosh]
          (Robert Hammond, Aaron Heise, Brandon Ives, Ben Picker, Jared Picker)
  721. .Rousers, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Mark Annett, Dan "Ernie" Conner, Frank Furillo, Donald B. Irwin, Jr., Lee Laski)
  722. .Royko, Amelia - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Nate Maurer) [Madison]
  723. .RPM's - "Punk"
  724. .RSVP - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Pleasant Prairie]
          (Dave Bogart, Dan Burns, Shari Gerth, Robert Maller, Pat O'Dell, Al Range, Linda Swan, John White)
  725. .Rust Belt [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Matthew T. Olson, ?)
  726. .Rusty P's [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  727. .Rusty Pelicans [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  728. .Ryback, Brett - Page ( CD Baby [Archive]) [city?]
    S - ABC... Artist Selection  
  729. .Safranek, Brittany (aka Brittany Shane) - Page ( earBuzz) ( Author ?) ( Author ? [Archive]), Article ( Sunset Beacon [San Francisco newspaper]) [Baraboo / grad. UW-Madison year?. / San Francisco, CA]
  730. .Sage - Page ( Mike Shaw [Archive]) [Active: 2005?-] [Oshkosh]
          (Brandon Domer, Carroll Smith, Brandon Weisensel)
  731. .Salt - Page ( Six Degrees of Oshkosh Rock [Archive]) [Active: 1993-1995] [Oshkosh]
          (Ryan Anauo 1994-1995, Joel Butler 1994-1995, Terry Phelan 1993-1994, Robb Rauen 1993-1995, Eric Van Thiel 1993-1995, Jeremy Wood 1993-1995)
  732. .Samarah (Sarah Krug) (piano, vocals) ( Author ?) [Fond du Lac ?-2000 / Madison 2000-]
  733. .Sargent Bands, Bill - Page ( Bill Sargent [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          ( Past Personnel)
  734. .Saturday Morning Band - Page ( Author ?) ( [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Craig Hawkinson, Mark Holmes, Chris Okkerse, Mike Rowland, Karen Todryk, Aaron Vorass)
  735. .Savanna [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Joe LaForce, ?)
  736. .Scaggs, Boz (electric guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index), - (former member: The Marksmen (TX Rock), The Ardells, Nigh Tranes) (?, OH / Dallas, TX / attended UW-Madison years?. / San Francisco, CA)
          attended UW-Madison at the same time as Steve Miller
  737. .Scales, Harvey and the Seven Sounds (aka Twistin' Harvey) - "Soul"
  738. .Scarlet Escape, The - Page ( Sonic Bids) [Active: 2005-] [Appleton]
          (Joe Depaoli, Kevin Kosterman, Mike St. Clair, James Wilson) - (former member: Mat St. Martin)
  739. .Schaefer, Elizabeth - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Jon Hain) ( Uvulittle Records #1 / #2), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Madison]
  740. .Schenzel, Roger (aka Robin Lee) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Merrill]
  741. .Schermie, Joe (bass) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Three Dog Night 1967-1975, K.A.T.T.) [Madison / ?, AZ]
  742. .Schlosser, Art Paul - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Magic Bus Music Forum) ( CD Baby) ( Wikipedia) ( Heartwarmers), Articles ( Badger Herald [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) ["alternative-folk-rock-punk-jazz"] [Chicago,IL / Madison]
  743. .Schroeder, Eugene Charles "Gene" - "Jazz"
  744. .Schroeder, Nathan (aka The September Equation) - Page ( Nathan Schroeder) [Appleton / Berlin / Stevens Point]
  745. .Schwall, Jim (guitar, mandolin, bass, accordion, vocals) - Page ( Corky Siegel's Planet), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Siegel-Schwall Blues Band, The Roddys) [ran for Mayor of Madison in 2002]
  746. .Scott, Dorothy (keyboards, guitar, harmonica, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [New York, NY / Sturgeon Bay]
  747. .Screamer - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1985-1995] [Kenosha]
          (Paul Bigalke, Bill Carter, Kevin Litz, Michael Shantek, Ronnie Valeo)
  748. .Screamin' Cyn Cyn & The Pons - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 2003-] [St. Paul, MN / Madison]
          (Christian Burnson, Cynthia Burnson, Shayne O'Neil, Steve Shah)
  749. .Sefton - Page ( Jason McKay) ( IUMA) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh / Santa Clarita, CA]
          (George Garcia, Jason McKay, Eric Schauman, Aaron Weber) - (former members: Mark Pribbernow, Stuart Rossiter)
  750. .Segal, Rachel - Info ( Appleton Post-Crescent 11-25-2004) [Menasha / Dallas, TX]
  751. .Selfish Gene, The [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Matt Allen, Eric Andraska, Mark Heiss, Mike Weber)
  752. .Sellars, Jimi - Page (Rimbender) [city?]
  753. .September [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Mark Kimmes, ?)
  754. .September Equation, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Appleton / Berlin / Stevens Point]
          [solo act, not a band] - (see: Nathan Schroeder)
  755. .Serio, Sal (bass, guitar) - Page ( John Herdt) - (member: Moral Disgust 1983-1996) [Oshkosh]
  756. .Servos, The - Page ( Author ? [Archive], Info ( OnMilwaukee) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 5/2003-] [Milwaukee]
          (Brandon Dennison, Derek Mantz, John Mueller, Nick Perow, Chad Szopinski)
  757. .Seven One Five [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  758. .Shad-Rapp - Page ( Shad-Rapp) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  759. .Shaken Not Stirred - Page ( St. John Artists) [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (current members: ?) - (former members: Tony Abitz, Lisa B (Bauer), Jerry Gordon, Al Heidemann, Jodi Klesmith, Tracie Lenz, Jason McKay, Mark Pribbernow, Wayne Sharkey, Aaron Weber)
  760. .Shalom - Page ( [Active: 2006-2007 disbanded, reorganized as JJ Hands Experience] [Oshkosh]
          (Nate Edwards, Jeremy Hanson, Jacob Kumpfer, Adam Poepping, Micah Swanson)
  761. .Shane, Brittany - (see: Brittany Safranek)
  762. .Shattercell - Discog (no known recordings) (renamed to Atticus [Active: 19?-19??] [Seattle, WA / Oshkosh]
          (Adam DeHaven, Shanna Teresinski)
  763. .Shattered - Page ( Chris Conrad) [Rolling Stones tribute band] [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Chris Conrad, Aaron Heffernan, Johnny Majdalani, Kevin Ponec, Kurt Weber)
  764. .Shelflife - Page ( Author ?) [Active: ?-1999] [city?]
          (Chad Hora, Eric Van Thiel, Joel Koenig, Jeremy Wood)
  765. .Sheridan's Ride [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Rick Brothers, Bobby Darrin, Jr., Al Jahnke, Mike Kaiser)
  766. .Sherwood, Kerri - "Pianists"
  767. .Shivvers, The - "Punk"
  768. .Shotdown - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Don Smith [Archive]) [Active: 2001-] [Madison]
          (Bart Benedict, Alex Drake, Kyle Peterson, Matt Porwall, Adrian Schulze)
  769. .Shurilla, Mark - Page ( Dan Mullen) [Milwaukee] - (former member: The Electric Unmentionables, The Blackholes)
  770. .Shy Guys, Johnny & The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: ca. 1964-1968, Source: Gary Myers, p. 319-323] [Winona, MN / La Crosse]
          (Hal Atkinson, Danny Baker, Larry Ball (Gaulke), John Bernadot, Jan Hassman, Les King, Tari Tovsen, Rudy Von Ruden)
  771. .Shy Guys, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          [This Green Bay band has no connection to the original La Crosse band, Johnny & the Shy Guys.]
          Business Card as of 9-09-2004
          (Phil Cornelisen, Phil Gospodarek, Dick Schultz, Chuck Shiner)
  772. .Sieger, John (guitar, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Linsey Sieger [Archive]) ( CD Baby) - (member: Big Nick and the Cydecos) - (former member: R & B Cadets) [Milwaukee]
  773. .Signature - "R&B"
  774. .Silent Illusion - (see: Boom Candle)
  775. .S I L I K - Page ( Author >) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jeremiah Bowden, Kent Evans, Jeff Ritter, Joel Shanahan, Jake Swenson) - (former member: Andy Ohm)
  776. .Sims, Nicki (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  777. .Sissy [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Paul Dix, Bill Gorecki, Jon Mueller, Chris Rosenau)
  778. .Sister Moon - (see: Fire)
  779. .Sixty-Watt-Sarah - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Don Turner), Sounds ( Hotel Milwaukee) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Sarah Kozar, Mike Skeff, Don Turner, Ron Turner)
  780. .Ski, Luke - Page ( Luke Sienkowski) [city?]
  781. .Skintones, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Crustacean Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 1998-] [Madison]
          (Gavin Lefebvre, Tony Leskinen, Pete Ress, Darwin Sampson)
  782. .Skylar Grey (vocals) - Page ( Rick Tved [Archive]t) [aka Holly Hafermann] [Mazomanie / Madison / Ventura, CA]
  783. .Skyway [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Tom Wopat, ?)
  784. .Sled Dogs, The [Active: 19??-19??] [Mount Horeb]
          (Bill Laufenberg, Rick Tvedt, Matt Underwood, Regis White, Dunes)
  785. .Sleighriders, The - Page ( Author ?) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Active: 198?-] [Milwaukee]
          (Scott Finch, Steve Grimm, Xeno (Randall Hogan), John Marcelli, Sigmund Snopek, ?)
  786. .Slick [Active: 197?-197?] [Madison]
          (Mike Hoffman, Pat McCurdy, Pete Strand)
  787. .Sly Joe and the Smooth Operators (aka JOJA of the Hill People) - Page ( Sonicbids) ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Joe Stevens with Robin Cardell, Ross Catterton, Dave Jerabek, Mike Underwood)
  788. .Small, Kira (vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee / Austin, TX / Nashville, TN]
  789. .Smoketree - Page ( Frank Crispigna III) [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (members: ?)
  790. .Snopek (the band) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Sigmund Snopek III, ?)
          (Keith DeBolt, Jim Gorton, Betsy Kaske, Mike Lucas, Byron Wiemann III, anon.) all appeared on the band's 1980 release, "First Band on the Moon", but I don't know who were regular band members, and who were session players.]
  791. .Snopek III, Sigmund - Discog ( Author ?) ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( Michael Van Blarcom [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (leader: Snopek (the band)) [Waukesha / Milwaukee]
  792. .Sociables, The [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  793. .Society for Pleasant Music in the Suburbs [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Geoffrey Brady, ?)
  794. .Soft Touch, The [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (Doug Yankus, ?)
  795. .Solace - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1999-] [Menchalville]
          (John Illgen, Tyler Leahy, J.D. Preston)
  796. .Something Phonic - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Mark Martin) ( IUMA) [Active: 1998 - 11/2005] [Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
          (Mark Martin 2001, Keith Scanlan 1998, Joe Stevens 1998, Namiah Tribolini 1998, Sean D. [bass, vocals])
  797. .Something to Do - Page ( Author ?) ( [Active: 19??-] [Waukesha]
          (Mike Barse, Mike Batzler, Ken Maciejewski, Marc Kuntz, Nate Tredinnick)
  798. .Sonic Circus - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 7/27/2002-] [Appleton]
          (Dan Comperini, Missy Krueger, Scotty Meyer, Johnny Palecek, Dennis Peters, Scott Schroeder) - (former members: David Geschke, Craig Hawkinson)
  799. .Sons of John [city?]
          (members: ?)
  800. .SonX - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  801. .Soul Food - "R&B"
  802. .Soul Patrol [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Scott E. Berendt, Tommy Greywolf, ?)
  803. .Soul System - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Mark Martin) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Steve Cooper, Mark Martin, ?)
  804. .Sound Control, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Mike Hetue, Jerry Johns, John Poeschl, Mitch Pomplum, John Rogge)
  805. .Sounds Like Braille - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (David Osterling, anon., anon.)
  806. .Soundtrap - Page ( ( Author ?) [Active: 2003-] [Oshkosh]
  807. .Soup - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Active: 1968-19??] [Appleton / Milwaukee]
          (Dave Faas, Rob Griffith, Roger Jerry, Jim Peterman, Doug Yankus)
  808. .SourBelly - Page ( Rex Hopfensperger) [Active 2002-] [Madison / Appleton/Oshkosh] - WOCT "Oshkosh Artists"
          (Jason Hodkiewicz, Rex Hopfensperger, Jay Uhlenbrauck, anon.)
  809. .Spaeth, Paul F. [city?]
          (members: ?)
  810. .Spanic Boys - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Ian Spanic, Tom Spanic)
  811. .Speakeasy [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  812. .Sperry, Steve - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Fort Atkinson]
  813. .Spicy Tie Band - Page ( Dunn Entertainment) [Active: 19??-] [Plover]
          (members: ?)
  814. .Spin - Discog ( no known recordings), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1995?-] [Oshkosh]
          (Mark Ebertz, Bob Hatch, Deb Johnson, Todd Kapp, Melissa Lee, Will Ricketts) (former member: Scott Neis)
  815. .Spiral Trance [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  816. .Spirit Creek - "Gospel / Contemporary Christian"
  817. .Spooner - Page ( Bob Bartel) [Active: 1975-1993] [Madison]
          (Dave Benton, Duke Erikson, Joel Tappero, Butch Vig, Jeff Walker) - (former member: Bill Roberts)
  818. .Stage-Men - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1953-1968, Source: Gary Myers, p. 105] [Fond du Lac]
          (Eric Henry, Bob King, Ed Lenop, Wally Messner)
  819. .Stages [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  820. .Stampfel, Peter (fiddle, banjo, vocals) - Page ( The Red Hot Jazz Archive [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Holy Modal Rounders, Stampfel & Weber Peter Stampfel & the Bottle Caps) [Milwaukee / Wauwatosa / New York, NY]
  821. .Starling, Mike - Page ( IUMA) ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee]
  822. .Starr, Ruby (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Toledo, OH / Camp Lake / Milwaukee]
  823. .Statz, John - "Folk"
  824. .Steed, Nicole Marie (piano) - Page ( Author ?) [Brookfield]
  825. .Stefan, Paul (?) - Discog ( Rockin' Country Style), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (leader: Paul Stefan & The Royal Lancers, Paul Stefan & The Apollos, Paul & The Pack [aka Paul Stefen, Paul Steffen]) [Milwaukee / city?, CA 1964-1990 / Yuma, AZ 1990-]
  826. .Steffen Band, The Dave - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Sheboygan / Plymouth]
          ( Dave Steffen, Brian Augustine, Craig Neuser)
  827. .Steffen, Dave - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (leader: The Dave Steffen Band) - (member: North Country Carousers, Love Society, Sunblind Lion) [Sheboygan / Plymouth]
  828. Stetina, Troy (electric guitar, classical guitar) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, IN / Milwaukee 19??-]
  829. .Stieber, Linda (vocals) - Page ( [Milwaukee]
  830. .Stokens, The - Page ( Stryker Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  831. .Stokes Aster [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  832. .Stormbringer [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (members: ?)
  833. .Stratatones, The [Active: 2002-] [Milwaukee]
          [aka Rick & The Stratatones, Rick Holmes & The Stratatones]
          (Dave Braun, Rick Holmes, Ryan Rossebo, Nicole Sweet)
  834. .Streetlife - "Jazz"
  835. .Stringbeans, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jason Berken, Matt Keon, Bill Schulz, Mike Seppanen)
  836. .Stringbenders, The - Page ( Dave Steffen) [Active: 11/1995-] [city?]
          (Ron Kalista, Craig Neuser, Russ Reiser, Dave Steffen)
  837. .Stubblefield, Clyde (drums, vocals) - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Whad'Ya Know Trio) - (former member: James Brown Band) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Chattanooga, TN / Detroit, MI / Madison 1970]
  838. .Stuermer, Daryl (electric guitar) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) ( Lance Braun, Eric Hervey [Archive]), Page ( Lance Braun, Eric Hervey) ( CD Baby), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Genesis 1983?-1992? ... on 3 of their albums during this period, Sweetbottom 1975-1977, 2003) [recorded four albums with Jean-Luc Ponty] [Milwaukee]
  839. Stukenberg [East Troy] (members: David Stukenberg, Matt Glatzel (bass, maracas), Kyle ?, Former member: Josiah ?]
  840. .Sublime Nation - Page ( Andy Burnett's Music Database) ( IUMA [Archive] ( Kaleidospace [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Junior Brantley, Victor DeLorenzo, Connie Grauer, Jerry Harrison, T? Lavitz, Gary Tanin)
  841. .Sucher, Kevin - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Milwaukee]
          - (aka "Fire" and "Sister Moon")
  842. .Summerfield, C.J. - (member: Marques Bovre and the Evil Twins) [city?]
  843. .Sun Palace - Page ( Jeanne Potter) [Fish Creek / New York, NY]
          (Tony Geballe, Andriette Redmann, John Rokosny)
  844. .Sunblind Lion - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Plymouth]
          (Keith Abler, Duane Abler, Larry Baldock, Dick Colbath Jr., Mike Dellger, Dave Hassinger, Steve Olschesky, Dave Steffen)
  845. .Sunday Flood - Page ( Sun Sea Sky Productions) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Eric Krueger, Mike Allen, Kevin Ritzke, Joe Stevens)
  846. .Sundogs, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Madison / Fitchburg]
          (Graham Judson, Jon Martin, Brian Michalowski, Grant Petty) - (former member: Matt Ackerman)
          not to be confused with the San Francisc, CA based Sundogs and their former leader, Tom Rigney
  847. .Sunspot - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Mike Huberty, Ben Jaeger, Wendy Lynn Staats)
  848. .Supermodel [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  849. .Sweet Jelly - Page ( Author ?) [ WAMI Nominee] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Lance Dobersek, Aaron Johnson, Carol Kroll, Rob Miller, Chad Sliwinski)
  850. .Sweetbottom - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 1975-1979, 2003] [Lake Geneva / Milwaukee]
          (Martin J. (Marty) Appel, Daryl Stuermer 2003, Duane Stuermer, Mark Torroll, Warren Paul "Vito" Wiegratz)
  851. .Sweetrock - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Beaver Dam]
          (Robin Brandt, Ben Stone, Krissy K. Stone)
  852. .Swimming Pool Blue - Page ( Uvulittle Records) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jim Huwe, Steve Rosenblum, Ann Sweeney, Tom Sweeney, Joey Zarda)
  853. .Swing Crew, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Wisconsin Dells]
          (Dennis Reifsteck, Mike Fauth, various guitarists: Chris Utley, Richard Wiegel, Roy Bloomfield, Jimmy Lewis, or Scott Staten, and various percussionists: Joe Caploe, Steve Crain, or Thad Eldridge)
  854. .Swingtown - Page ( Denny Vanesky [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dirty Denny Vanesky with Russell Allen, Drew Hicks, Kenny Skitch, Jody Vanesky)
  855. .System and Station - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Crustacean Records) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Ryan FK Heise, Mike Rundle, David Wall)
    T - ABC... Artist Selection  
  856. .Tainted - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 2002-2004] [city?]
          (Clint Engstrom, Scot Hoerth, Chad Hoerth, Todd Hoerth)
  857. .Talya Ferro (vocals) - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [b. Madison / Los Angeles, CA]
          Her stage name was derived from her Mother's maiden name Taliaferro, her real real name is unknown.
  858. .Tate Rooper - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (Drew Hicks, Jason Schaefer, Brett Spindler)
  859. .Tatnall, Kirk (guitar) - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) - (member: Atomic Willis) [Milwaukee]
  860. .Taxidermists, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Craig Gagnon, Jim Pierron, Mike Pierron, Mike Rowland)
  861. .Taylor, Alaria - "Folk"
  862. .Tempters, The - "Soul"
  863. .10110 (Ten One Ten) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  864. .Terek, Andrea (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Ken Kottke) - (leader: Andrea and the Mods) [Milwaukee]
  865. .Teter Trio, Jack [Active: 1942?-1954] [Milwaukee]
          (Jack Teter, Bob Ehrhardt, Bob Prouty)
  866. .Teter, Jack and the Teter Tots [Milwaukee] [Active: 1935] renamed to the following:
  867. .Teter, Jack and the Isle of Dreams Orchestra [Active: 1935-1938] [Milwaukee]
          (Harrison Sisters (names?), other members names?)
  868. .Teter, Jack (aka Norman Raleigh) (6-string guitar, 4-string guitar, banjo, ukulele, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Info ( Alex van der Tuuk), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Granger, MO / Rush City, MN / Milwaukee 1929?-1987] - (former leader: Jack Teter and the Teter Tots, Jack Teter and the Isle of Dreams Orchestra, Jack Teter Trio) - (former member: MsGhee, Welling & Teter, Boys from Illinois - Superior, WI, Bill Carlsen and his Orchestra / Bill Carlsen's Wisconsin Roof Orchestra - Milwaukee)
  869. .Theramones, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Matt Appleby, Geoff Brady, Bob Jacobson)
  870. .Things Fall Apart - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Crustacean Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  871. .Thomas Lane [Active: 19??-19??, previously known as Shimmerdown] [Milwaukee]
          (Frank Babeck, David Burleton, Ben Estes, Mike Moss, Derek Wrobel)
  872. .Thomas, Jesse Jace - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Oshkosh / grad. UW Oshkosh 5/2003 B.M. / Oshkosh]
  873. .Thorn Crown - "Gospel / Contemporary Christian"
  874. .Three Beers 'Til Dubuque - Page ( St. John Artists) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [La Crosse]
          (Jesus Arellano, Neil Ferris, Jesse Gomez, Troy Leisemann, Jamaal Mayfield, Andrew Steeno, Colin Stiemke)
          (former members: Chris Bluske, Joe Gantzer, Bob Graham, Brendon Hogan, Kevin Klemme, Keith Larsen, Tyler McDiarmid, Jeff Nelson, Jim Piela, Zach Polanaski, Chip Schraeder, Ryan Torgerson, Alex Wilkens)
  875. .Three Way Street [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (? vocals, ? guitar, vocals, ? bass, vocals)
  876. .Three's a Crowd - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Xeno (Randall Hogan), Rachel Trapp)
  877. .Thrill Hammer - Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Wisconsin Rapids]
          (Buzz Meade, Ira DeBoer)
  878. .Thunderkloud, Billy and the Chieftones - "Native"
  879. .Tibbetts, Steve (guitar, mandolin, sitar, keyboards) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Suzi Katz) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Madison / Minneapolis, MN]
  880. .Tilt - Page ( Author ?) ( Midwest Entertainers) [Active: 19??-] [Kenosha]
          (Jason Betchel, Keith Pachmayer, Dale Shaffer)
  881. .Timbuk 3
  882. .Time Garage Gurus - Page ( MilwaukeeRocks) ( Robert Howard) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dave Harris, Dave Howard)
  883. .Time Machine [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Brian Smoot, ?)
  884. .Timmers, Bob (bass, electric guitar) - Page ( Rockabilly Hall of Fame Hall of Fame), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Appleton / Burns, TN 2000-]
  885. .Tin Sandwich [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  886. .Tipsy McStagger [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (members: ?)
  887. .Tomaro, Rob and Bridge of Souls [Active: 19??-] [Beloit]
          (members: ?)
  888. .Tomato Box - Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  889. .Tongue - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( "AM, Then FM" Blog by Jeff Ash) (originally call the Tennis Shoe Tongue Band) [Active: 1967-1976] [Menomonie]
          (Bob Collins, Mickey Larsen, Paul Rabbitt, Dick Weber)
          [For more details see: Gary Myers OTWB, p. 267-8 and MacLean & Joynson MN/WI, p. 311]
  890. .Tooley, Jeanne and Nightshade [Active: 19??-] [Menasha]
          (Jeanne Tooley, Jim Hendricks, Wylie Mueller, Rick Smith, Ken Weber)
  891. .Toothpick Elbow - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Dallas Don Burnet, Chris Miller, Jeff Porterfield, Todd Westover)
  892. .Tormentula - Page ( Uvulittle Records) ( Speakeasy Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  893. .Torpedoes, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  894. .Torquays, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1967-1969, band name changed to The Friends] [Oshkosh]
          (Jim Chase, Tom Guenther, Alan Ives, Paul Smith)
  895. .Towle, David [ex-Charm School Records recording artist] [city?]
  896. .Toxic Toyz [Active: 19??-] [Kiel]
          (members: ?)
  897. .Toys, The [Active: 1996-] [city?]
          (Gene "Gno" Covelli, ?)
  898. .Train Wreck (the band) - Page ( John Pfeiffer) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Rodney Hughes, John Pfeiffer, Tom Powell, Ron Schwartz, ?) - (former member: Brian Sparks)
  899. .Trapp, Rachel (fiddle, mandolin, viola, guitar) - Page ( [dead link, as of 1-29-2006] ) - (member: No Strings Attached #3, Three's a Crowd) [Milwaukee]
  900. .Tres Femmes - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Victoria Vox, Kellie Lin Knott [Minneapolis, MN], Stolie [Chicago, IL])  
  901. .Tribolini, Ken - Discog. ( FolkLib Index) [Kiel]
  902. .Trolley [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  903. .Trotski's Plan - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
  904. .Tschech, Mark - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Oshkosh]
  905. .Tunny, Binky and the Farmland Chokehold - Page (Site "PG" rated for adult language) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Paul Mather, Paul Terrien, ?)
  906. .Twistin' Egyptians [Oshkosh]
          ( David Geschke 1984-1990, ?)
    U - ABC... Artist Selection  
  907. .Uduudu [Active: 19??-] [Appleton]
          (Peter Buxman, Tom Ditzler, Andy Mertens, Tim O'Connell, Mark Te Tai, Charles Voltz)
  908. .Uncle Eddie - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Nate Arnold, Chad Ovshak, Darwin Sampson)
  909. .Uncle Whiskey Breath - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 2000-2008] [city? (it's a secret)] [The Wisconsin city where the band was based is a secret per a request from the Uncle Whiskey Breath band]
          (Paul Borst, Bob Johnston, Keith Kidd, Topsy Phillips) - (former members: Gene Kelly, Scott Mack, Merrick Sohm)
  910. .Uncommon Peace [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Dean Reichenberger, ?)
  911. .Unity the Band - "Reggae"
  912. .Unkle Pecos & The Country Funkins - Page ( Samcat Records [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Bryan Abernathy, Dan Creech, Greg Dalbey, Mark Lawskowsky, Jeff Sachs)
  913. .Uptown Savages, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  914. .Upside Groove Coalition - Page ( CD Baby [Archive]) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Sean Berry, Brian Bruendl, Matt Ostlund, Steve Tycz, John Vold)
  915. .Us Project, The - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 1997?-2003] [Milwaukee]
          (Scott E. Berendt, Kevin Allen, Dan Aukofer, Jamie Beckman, Tony Brice, Mike Buckley, John Calarco, Joey Carini, Craig Evans, Neil Gallagher, Tommy Greywolf, Chris Gunkel, Christopher Hanaway, Guy Hoffman, Tiffany Hood, Karl Landwehr, Paula Marie, Dave Matsen, Danny Miller, Pete Monfre, Kevin Mushel, Linda Neilson, Tim Philips, Sandy Plehn, Kevin Ponec, Bob Quitzon, Tracy Richards, Bob Schneider, Dan Schneider, Katie Schrock, Char)
  916. .U2Zoo - "Irish Fest"
    V - ABC... Artist Selection  
  917. .Vacardi 5 Group, The [Active: 19??-] [Clintonville]
          (Ron Hull, ?)
  918. .Vainglorious, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Howard Ellis, Alex Hofmann, Mary Firary, and 1 anonymous member)
  919. .Valley of the Dolls - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Connie Grauer, Janet Planet, Juli Wood, Kim Zick)
          [Connie & Kim (Mrs. Fun) with Janet and Juli, aka the "House Band" for the 2003 and 2004 WAMI Awards Show]
  920. .Van Dyke, Michael (vocals) [ WAMI Nominee 2003] [city?]
  921. .Van Dyke, Michael & The Dirt Surfers [ WAMI Nominee 2003] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Michael Van Dyke, ?)
  922. .Van Eske Band, The [Active: 19??-] [Watertown]
          (members: ?)
  923. .Velvet Snake, The [Active: 19??-] [Hudson]
          (members: ?)
  924. .Verde Luz - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
  925. .Vernons [Active: 19??-] [Neenah]
          (Sam Brawner, Kelvin Kaspar, Max Sheppard, Jeremy Remme, Brandon James)
  926. .Verona Grove - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]) ( CD Baby) [Active: 2000-] [Oshkosh / Fond du Lac / Los Angeles, CA]
          (Tony Anders, Josh Helm, Charlie Wilhelm - (former members: Max Harder) Tony Zar)
  927. .Vibe Syndicate - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Paul Baines, Mark Norman, Aaron Streicher, Todd T.C. Thomas, anon.)
  928. .Vic Ferrari - Page ( Author ?) ( St. John Artists) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Michael Bailey, Tom Bailey, Ben Gorske, Ron Kalista, Chad Muenster, Wayne Peters, Brad Rautmann, Russ Reiser) - (former member: Brian Smoot)
  929. .Victoria and the Ultra Pink Bicycle Incident - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Algoma / Green Bay / Baltimore, MD]
          (Victoria Davitt, Brad Harbidge (Harbridge?) [Oakland, CA], Lefteris Moumdjis [Nicosia, Cyprus], Jeremiah "Tuck" Stocking [Fairlee, VT])
  930. .Violent Femmes - Discog ( FolkLib Index) ( Reprise Records [Archive]), Page ( David Vartanian) ( Andy Burnett's Music Database) ( VH1) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [in WAMI Hall of Fame] [Active: 1981-] [Milwaukee]
          (Gordon Gano, Brian Ritchie, Guy Hoffman) - (former member: Victor DeLorenzo 1981-1993, 2000-?)
  931. .Voltage Unit - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Spiritone Records) [Active: 2000-] [city?]
          (Kenn Fox, Rajesh Alwa, Randy Mueller)
  932. .Vox, Victoria - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Victoria and the Ultra Pink Bicycle Incident, Tres Femmes) [Algoma / Green Bay / Baltimore, MD]
    W - ABC... Artist Selection  
  933. .Waffleberry [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  934. .Waist High Bandits [Active: 1996?-] [Green Bay / Suamico]
          (David "Fryman" Fry, Jim Graves, Curt Lefevre, Tim Sheldon)
  935. .Wake Up Andy - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Stryker Records [Archive]) ( Magic Bus Music Forum) [Active: 1993-] [Green Bay]
          (Brent Alan, Shawn Carnahan, Craig Clausen, Wade Kuchler)
  936. .Wandering Sons, The - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Author ? [Archive]) ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) (, Article ( UW Oshkosh Advance Titan [Archive]) [band name changed from Breathing Machine Summer 2004] [Active: 2004-] [Appleton]
          (Cory Chisel, Paul Mannone, Dan McMahon, Rick Setser)
  937. .Warlords - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1966-68] [Waupun.]
          (George Barrahas, Steve Beau, Kurt Kuzulka, Randy Lindert, Bill Shupe, James White, Larry Williams)
  938. .Waterdogs [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  939. .Way, Bobby and The Fabulous Wayouts - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (members: ?)
  940. .Wayne & Dean [Active: 2000-2007] [Oshkosh]
          (Wayne Neumann, Dean Reichenberger)
  941. .Weber, Barry - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  942. .Wehner, Carolyn - Page ( Author ?) [Madison / Elm Grove]
  943. .Weibley, Bryce [Neenah]
  944. .Weigel, Dan - "Pianists"
  945. .Welch, Satchel Paige - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Sydney Meyer) [Fort Atkinson]
  946. .Westfall, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jeremy Kuzniar, Matt Turner, Kris Crow, David Collins)
  947. .Wet Dog [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  948. .Wheelie King - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Per Farney, ?)
  949. .Whiskey McKree Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jim Denk, Joe LaForce, ?)
  950. .White, Chris (aka tfly) (guitar, drums, bass, vocals) - Page ( [Oshkosh]
  951. .White, Matt (guitar, piano, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Author ?) [city? 2002- / grad. UW-Madison year? / New York, NY]
  952. .Wickershams, The - Page ( Author ?) ( [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Dave Esmond, Tommy Jasmin, Tracy Koeller, Angel Martin, Johnny Miller)
  953. .Wiedlin, Jane (electric guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia) ( William K. Hokr [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: The Go-Go's, Sparks) [Oconomowoc / Los Angeles, CA]
  954. .Wigs, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1981-1982] [Juneau / Los Angeles, CA]
          (Jim Cushinery, Marty Ross, "Big Bad" Bobby Tews)
  955. .Wild Birds [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  956. .Willis, The - Page ( #1, / #2) ( Author > [Archive]) [Active: 2002-] [Oshkosh]
  957. .Winch, Sam - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) [Appleton]
  958. .Windell Greene - Page ( Shawn Bass [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  959. .Wink - Discog ( no known recordings) [Active: 1999-2002] [Milwaukee]
          (Brent Conrad, Jayme Dawicki, Jason Reinke)
  960. .Wire, Bob [city?]
  961. .Wizecracker [Active: 19??-] [Kenosha]
          (Keith Pachmayer, Dale Shaffer, ?)
  962. .Wizenhiemers, The - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]) ( Sound & Light Entertainment) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Jeff Brikowski, Rick Murphy, Sam Platner, Scott Theis)
  963. .Wooldridge Brothers - Page ( [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Kurt Bauer, Brian Wendtland, Brian Wooldridge, Scott Wooldridge)
  964. .Wopat, Tom - "Country"
    X - ABC... Artist Selection  
  965. .Xeno (Randall Hogan) (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) - (member: Cheap Trick 1973-1974, Bad Boy, The Sleighriders, No Strings Attached #3, Three's a Crowd) [Rockford, IL / Minneapolis, MN / Milwaukee]
  966. .XenoWolf - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Xeno (Randall Hogan), Tommy Greywolf)
    Y - ABC... Artist Selection  
  967. . Yarbrough, Glenn
  968. .Yazz [Active: 1980-] [Manitowoc]
          (George Kuemmet, Marcel Kuemmet, ?)
  969. .Yell Leaders, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Paul Biemann, Jennifer Bradley, Justin Currie, Bobby Tanzilo, Joe Vent)
  970. .Yipes! ["Power Pop or New Wave band"] [Active: 1977-19??] [Madison / Milwaukee 12/1978-]
          (Andy Bartel, Teddy Freese, Mike Hoffman, Pat McCurdy, Pete Strand)
  971. .You're Pretty - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ? [Archive]) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Beth Musolff, ?)
  972. .Young, Mighty Joe - "Electric Blues"
  973. .Young, Tedd (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [Neenah]
  974. .Your Mom SRO ("Standard Rock Outfit") - Discog. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Uvulittle Records #1 / old site [Archive] / #2) ( IUMA) [Active: 1993-2001, band name changed to The Coma Savants] [city?]
          band name changed from "Your Mom" to "Your Mom SRO" in 19?? [ not to be confused with the Los Angeles, CA band YOUR MOM ]
          (Jon Hain, Stephanie Rearick, Jason Socha, Joey Zarda) - (former members: Justin Berens, Yohan DeBlisster, David Fawcett, Jenny Grether, Eric Peters, Jeff Scott, Yohan York)
    Z - ABC... Artist Selection  
  975. .Zaruba, Shane & The Acoustic Revolution - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  976. .Zoot Suit Boogie [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Robert Allen, Jr., Jason Cizinsky, Rick Holmes)
  977. .100% Natural - Discog ( FolkLib Index) (A Cappella Doo-Wop) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Anthony Allen, Tony Grant, Kenneth Perry, Junior Robinson, Ed Williams)
  978. .10110 - (see: Ten One Ten)
  979. .3rd Degree [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (members: ?)
  980. .45 RPM [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  981. .5 o'Clock Charlie - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1996-] [Waupun]
          (Clark Jewell, Scott Miller, Erik Aaron Navis, Shannon O'Malley) - (former members: Carmen "X" Buffa, Mike Kinney, Chad Klink, Randy "Ran-d" Klein, Troy Loest, Troy Navis, Shane Peltier, Todd Richards, Jeff Trepanier)
          All past and former members, including when they were a member, can be found on the ( 5 o'Clock Charlie History page)
  982. .529 [Active: 19??-] [Beloit]
          (members: ?)
  983. .6L6 [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  984. .76 Juliet - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (anon., anon., anon., anon., anon., anon.)

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      | Song Books, Sheet Music and Compositions by Wisconsin Composers |
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  • Wikipedia: Randy Hogan (6 links)

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    Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
    P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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    Copyright © 2003-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.