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#F) Listing Format - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice|artist or group name birth date death date birthplace link to FolkLib Index entry d. death place Note 1: bibliography sources birth (maiden) name aka "also known as", pseudonyms this artist recorded under Note 2: (groups this artist was/is in) Note 2: see ... (artists that were in this group at one time or another) [reason for listing] {"Sing Out!" obituary article title} How to use the source references on these pages: for example, ~Adams, Bryan ,dg7,fo6,gl6 I feel it would serve no useful purpose to link all of the literally thousands of references to the book each one refers to, plus it would make it very difficult to edit these pages. Therefore, to make use of the above book references, append a "#" and each two letter code to the Bibliography page URL. For the above references, will link you to the bibliographical information about each book where the information for Bryan Adams can be found on the page listed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- S Birth Death Birthplace (see #G Name Source(s) mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy for U.S. state codes) d. Death place Note 1: ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------- SA - |top/bottom of page - All "S" artists/groups|Copyright Notice| ~Sabicas - -1912 4-14-1990 Pamplona, Spain Index d. New York, NY Agustin Castellon Campos ~Sabien, Randy 9-26-1956 Fort Bragg, NC Index|,iv113,ju402 ~Sachse, Denny 12- - city? Index ~Sadie, Stanley 10-30-1930 3-21-2005 London, U.K. Index d. Cossington, Somerset, U.K. ~Saerchinger, Cesar 10-23-1884 10-10-1971 Aix-la-Chapelle, France Index|,sy d. Washington, DC ~Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women... Index|,fq695,3t353/419 ~Sahm, Doug 11-06-1941 11-18-1999 San Antonio, TX Index|,bn644-5 d. Taos, NM Douglas Wayne Sahm ~Sainte-Marie, Buffy 2-20-1941 Piapot reserve, Saskatchewan, Canada Index ,aa330-1,ar361,as495,bg488,bk,bn645-6,bu325,cx523,fq695,ej27,gj413,8j330-1 m. ca. 1982 Jack Nitzsche ~Saint-Saens, Camille 10-09-1835 12-16-1921 Paris, France Index Charles-Camille Saint-Saens ~St. John, Darryl 5-29-1950 7-10-2015 Manistique, MI Index d. Green Bay, WI Darryl Clifford St. John ~St. Teresa of Avila 3-28-1515 10-04-1582 Gotarrendura (Avila), Old Castile, Kingdom of Spain Index d. Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, Kingdom of Spain ~Saisse, Phillippe - - city? Index|,ai72 ~Salamander Crossing .... Index|,fq697,ge389,gx193 ~Saletan, Tony & Irene .... ,aa331-2,8j331-2 ~Salieri, Antonio 8-18-1750 5-07-1825 Venice, Italy Index ~Saliers, Emily 7-22-1963 New Haven ?, CT Index ~Salm, Doug 11-06-1941 11-18-1999 San Antonio, TX Index|,gx192,ie606,sp8 ~Salmhofer, Hubert 7-24-1964 city? Index ~Sample, Joe 2-01-1939 9-12-2014 Houston, TX Index|,mx373-83 d. Houston, TX Joseph Leslie Sample ~Sampou, Les 11-04-1961 Norwalk, CT Index|,fq698 m. Eric Biondi 2000 ~Sanborn, David 7-30-1945 - - city? ,4aa ~Sand Mountain .... Index|,hx100 ~Sandberg, Carl 1-06-1878 7-22-1967 Galesberg, IL Index|,bk,aa333-4,au205,cx523,8j333-4 ~Sandell Berg, Carolina 10-03-1832 7-27-1903 Froderyd, Smaland, Sweden Index d. Stockholm, Sweden Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell ~Sanders, Pharoah 10-10-1940 Little Rock ,3i189-90 ~Sandpipers, The .... Index|,bw232 ~Sands, Tommy - - Rostrevor, County Down, Ireland Index|,cx877,fq698 ~Sangiolo, Maria 12-10-1963 Dorchester, MA Index|,fq699 ~Sanlucar, Manolo - -1943 Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain Index Manuel Munoz Alcon ~Sansone, Maggie - - Miami, FL Index|,fq700 ~Sapp, Jane - - city? Index Jane Delores Wilburn ~Sarazin, Shari 10-05-1960 Tomah, WI Index Shari Lowe ~Sarducci, Father Guido - - city? Index Don Novello ~Sassone, Marco 7-27-1942 Campi Bisenzio, near Florence, Italy Index Marco Massimo Sassone ~Satherley, Art 10-19-1889 2-10-1986 Bristol, U.K. Index|,fl344,fz405 ~Satie, Erik 5-17-1866 7-01-1925 Honfleur, France Index d. Paris, France Erik Alfred Leslie Satie ~Sauceman, Carl 3-06-1922 Green County, TN Index|,fu708 James Carl Sauceman ~Sauceman, John Paul "J.P." 3-07-1928 11- -1984 city? Index ~Sauers, Dean - - city? Index Lowell Dean Sauers ~Savard, Homer - -1961 Racine, WI Index ~Savuka .... Index|,bo209,dg139 ~Savakus, Russ 5-13-1925 6-25-1984 Reading, PA Index ~Savarino, Jim 9-28-1954 Elm Grove, WV Index ~Savoy, Ann - - city? Index ~Savoy, Marc - - city? Index|,cx403 ~Savoy, Marc & Ann .... Index|,gx194 ~Savoy-Doucet Cajun Band, The .... Index|,cx403,fq701,ge390 ~Saw Doctors .... Index|,fq701 ~Sawtelle, Charles 9-20-1946 3-20-1999 Austin, TX Index d. Duarte, CA ~Sawyer Brown .... Index|,fl344-5,fz406 SC - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Scaggs, Boz 6-08-1944 city?, OH Index|,ha74,iv117 William Royce Scaggs ~Scales, Harvey - -1941 city?, AR Index ~Scarlatti, Alessandro 5-02-1660 10-24-1725 Palermo, Sicily, Italy Index ~Scartaglen .... Index|,cx877,fq233 ~Schaefer, Dave "Shifty" 3-27-1956 10-10-1994 New Ulm, MN Index d. New Ulm, MN David H. Schaefer ~Schaefer, Elizabeth - -1974 Waukegan, IL Index ~Schatz, Mark 4-23-1955 city? Index ~Scheen, Michiel - -1963 Amsterdam, Netherlands Index ~Schenck, Joe - -1891 6-28-1930 Brooklyn, NY Index d. Detroit, MI Joseph Thuma Schenck ~Schenzel, Roger (Robin Lee) 8-03-1932 Merrill, WI Index|,ha357 ~Schermie, Joe 2-12-1946 3-25-2002 Madison, WI Index|,iv127 Joseph Edward Schermetzler ~Scheuerell, Doug 5-31-1948 Madison, WI Index|,kw198-9 ~Schickele, Peter 6-17-1935 Ames, IA Index ~Schilling, Jean & Lee .... ,aa334-5,8j334-5 ~Schils, Jerry 2-05-1942 Sheboygan, WI Index ~Schimmel, Nancy - -1935 city? Index ~Schindel, Greg 4-01-1946 Oakland, CA Index ~Schipper, John 7-13-1974 Lima, OH Index ~Schlamme, Martha 9-25-1923 10-06-1985 Vienna, Austria Index d. Jamestown, NY ,bk,au207-8,av207-8,vm207-8 Martha Haftel ~Schleman, Hilton R. - - city? Index|,ya Hilton Roy Schleman ~Schliewe, Aleda L. "Granny" 9-18-1923 12-13-2005 Columbus, WI Index d. Pardeeville, WI ~Schlosser, Art Paul 1-04-1960 Chicago, IL Index ~Schmidt, Claudia - -1950? city?, MI Index|,cx523,fh522,fm774,fp18,fq702 ~Schmidt, Danny - - Austin, TX Index ~Schmidtke, Bob - - - -19?? city? Index d. age 36 ~Schmiege, Marilyn - -1954 city? Index ~Schmit, Timothy B. 10-30-1947 Oakland, CA Index Timothy Bruce Schmit ~Schmitt Brothers, The .... Index|,ir403-5 ~Schnaufer, David - -1944 Hearne, TX Index|,cx523,fq703 ~Schneider, Jerry 7-20- city? Index ~Schneider, John 3-08-1954 Mt. Kisco, NY Index|,fl345 John Richard Schneider ~Schneider, Maria 11-27-1960 Windom, MN Index|,oe167-9 ~Schneider, Steve 8-20-1951 New York, NY Index|,fq703 ~Schneyer, Helen 1-10-1921 7-16-2005 New York, NY Index|,aa335-6,bk,fq702,8j335-6 Helen Bonchek ~Schnittke, Alfred 11-24-1934 - - city? ,4aa507-10 ~Schoebel, Elmer 9-08-1896 12-14-1970 East St. Louis, IL Index|,pn326,po440,pp649,pq447 d. St. Petersburg, FL ~Schoenberg, Arnold 9-13-1874 7-13-1951 Vienna, Austria Index ~Schoenberg, Eric - - city? Index|,bk ~Schoenberg, Loren 7-23-1958 Fair Lawn, NJ Index|,op ~Schon, Kenneth - -1909 city? Index ~Schooner Fare .... Index|,cx523,fq704 ~Schory, Dick 12-31-1931 Chicago, IL Index|,bw234 ~Schreiber, Norman - - city? Index|,ez ~Schroeder, Gene 2-05-1915 2-16-1975 Madison, WI Index Eugene Charles Schroeder ~Schubert, Franz 1-31-1797 11-19-1828 Himmelpfortgrund, Vienna, Austria Index Franz Peter Schubert ~Schuch, Steve - - city? Index|,cx524 ~Schuler, Fritz - - city? Index ~Schultz, William Dwight 11-24-1947 Baltimore, MD [Star Trek Voyager, Reginald Barclay] ~Schulz, Patrick - -1974 Elroy, WI Index ~Schumann, Clara Wieck 9-13-1819 5-20-1896 Leipzig, Germany Index|,pr91-101 d. Frankfurt, Germany Clara Josephine Wieck ~Schumann, Robert 6-08-1810 7-29-1856 Zwickau, Saxony, Germany Index ~Schutte, Dan - -1947 Neenah, WI Index Daniel L. Schutte ~Schutz, Heinrich 10-08-1585 11-06-1672 Kostritz, Germany Index ~Schwalbach, Frank 12-19-1956 city? Index ~Schwall, Jim 11-12-1942 Evanston, IL Index ~Schwandt, Wilbur Clyde 6-28-1904 7-23-1998 Manitowoc, WI Index|,pp653,pq449-50 d. Miami, FL ~Schwann, William 5-13-1913 6-07-1998 city? Index|,ij375 d. Burlington, MA ~Schwarz, Tracy 11-13-1938 New York, NY Index|,bk,fq705,fu713,gj416 Daniel Tracy Schwarz ~Schwarz & Hawker .... Index|,fq706 ~Schweiger, Kathy 8-28-1951 Chicago, IL Index ~Schweitzer, Albert 1-14-1875 9-04-1965 Kaysersberg, (Alsace-Lorraine), Germany (now Haut-Rhin, France) Index d. Lambarene, Gabon ~Sciaky, Carla - -1954 Brooklyn, NY Index|,cx524,fq706 ~Scobey, Bob 12-09-1916 - - Tucumcari, NM Index|,dh412 Robert Scobey ~Scoggins, Jerry - -1911? 12-07-2004 Mount Pleasant, TX Index [Sang vocals on "The Ballad of Jed Clampett" w/Flatt & Scruggs] ~Scott, Alan Robert 10-13-1922 - - Haddonfield, NJ Index|,pq451 ~Scott, Bobby #1 1-24-1937 11-05-1990 Bronx, NY Index|,cb257,dh412,ij375 d. New York, NY ~Scott, Bobby #2 1-29-1937 - - Mt. Pleasant, NY Index|,pp656,pq452 Robert W. Scott ~Scott, Bon 7-09-1946 2-19-1980 Kirriemuir, Scotland Index|,ij375-6 d. London, U.K. Ronald Belford ~Scott, Bud 1-11-1890 7-02-1949 New Orleans, LA Index|,dh412,pf232 d. Los Angeles, CA Arthur Budd Scott ~Scott, Buddy 1-09-1935 2- -1994 Jackson, MS Index|,hb328,ip354 d. Chicago, IL ~Scott, C. Calo 3-11-1920 Camaguey, Cuba Index|,dh412 ~Scott, Cecil Xavier 11-22-1905 1-05-1964 Springfield, OH Index|,dh412,nf570,ng707,pf232 d. New York, NY ~Scott, Charles Kennedy 11-16-1876 7-02-1965 Romsey, U.K. Index d. London, U.K. ,pq451,vi600 ~Scott, Clifford 6-21-1928 4-19-1993 San Antonio, TX Index|,cb257,ij376 ~Scott, Darrell - - London, KY Index ~Dred Scott - - city? Index|,lb504-5 real name, birthdate, birthplace - all unknown ~Scott, Edward Noble 7-04-1919 - - San Jose, CA Index|,pq451 ~Scott, Frank 9-28-1942 London, U.K. Index|,bl,8r ~Scott, Frank R. 6-21-1921 - - Fargo, ND Index|,pp655-6,pq451 ~Scott, Freddie 4-24-1933 Providence, RI Index|,nj339-40 ~Scott, George - -1953 8-05-1980 city? Index|,ij376 d. New York, NY ~Scott, George "King" - -1940 2- -1968 city? Index|,ij376-7 ~Scott, Hazel Dorothy 6-11-1920 10-02-1981 Port of Spain, Trinidad Index|,dh412,pf232,pp656,pq451 d. New York, NY ~Scott, Jack 1-28-1936 Windsor, Ontario, Canada Index|,ge392,lc988 Jack Scalfone, Jr. ~Scott, James 2-12-1885 8-30-1938 Neosho, MO Index|,be27,bk ~Scott, Jimmy 7-17-1925 Cleveland, OH Index|,hy1007-8,la422,ng707 ~Scott, Joe #2 - -1912 - -1979 city? Index|,ij377 ~Scott, John Prindle 8-16-1877 12-02-1932 Norwich, NY Index|,pn329-30,po445,pp656 d. Syracuse, NY ~Scott, Johnnie 5-11-1907 7-25-1963 Portland, OR Scott, Johnnie 5-11-1907 7-25-1963 The Dalles, OR Index|,po445,pp656,pq451-2 d. Los Angeles, CA John Newhall Scott ~Scott, Johnny 11-01-1930 Bristol, U.K. Index|,dh412-3 Patrick John O'Hara Scott ~Scott, Kenneth Irving - - - - Boston, MA Index|,pq452 ~Scott, K. Lee 4-19-1950 Langdale, AL Index Keaton Lee Scott ~Scott, Lloyd 8-22-1902 - - Springfield, OH Index|,dh413 ~Scott, Marilyn Lang - - Chicago, IL Index|,pq452 ~Scott, Mike 5-14-1962 Johnson City, TN Index ~Scott, Mike 12-14-1958 Edinburgh, Scotland Index ~Scott, Molly 1-11-1938 Wellsville, NY Index|,au208,pq452 ~Scott, Nathan George 5-11-1915 - - Salinas, CA Index|,pp656,pq452 ~Scott, Noel - - city? Index|,qh199 ~Scott, Oscar Emanuel - - city? Index|,pq452 ~Scott, Peter 2-14-1947 Walthamstow, London, U.K. Index ~Scott, Raymond 9-10-1910 2-08-1994 Brooklyn, NY Index|,dh413,jy410-2,la422-3,le267-8,nf570-1,ng708,pn330,po445-6,pp656 Harry Warnow ~Scott, Ron - -1926? 6-03-1999 city? Index|,sn16 d. Windsor, Ontatio, Canada (age 73) ~Scott, Ronnie 1-28-1927 12-23-1996 London, U.K. Index|,cb257,cc301,dh413,ij377,nf571,ng708,pf232 Ronald Schatt ~Scott, Roy #2 4-11-1926 Washington, PA Index|,fu713-4 ~Scott, Rufe - -1872 - -1963 city? Index|,qh199-200 ~Scott, Shirley 3-14-1934 3-10-2002 Philadelphia, PA Index|,cb257,cc301,dh413,hy1008-9,nf571,ng708 ~Scott, Stephen 3-13-1969 Queens, NY Index|,hy1009,ng709 ~Scott, Thomas Wright (Tom) 5-19-1948 Los Angeles, CA Index|,cc301-2,nf571,ng709 ~Scott, "Ramblin'" Tommy 6-24-1917 Stephens County, GA Index|,fu714-5 ~Scott, Tommy Lee 6-23-1917 - - Toccoa, GA Index|,pp656-7,pq452 ~Scott, Tony 6-17-1921 Morristown, NJ Index|,cb257-8,cc302,dh413,hy1009-10,nf571-2,ng709-10,pf232 Anthony Sciacca Scott ~Scott, Walter 2-07-1943 12-27-1993 city? Index|,ij377-8 Walter Notheis, Jr. ~Scott-Heron, Gil 4-01-1949 5-27-2011 Chicago, IL Index|,cc302,hy1010-11,lb505-6 d. New York, NY ,nh42-3,nj340-1,pq452 ~Scriabin, Alexander 1-06-1872 4-27-1915 Moscow, Russia Scriabin, Alexander 12-25-1871 4-14-1915 Old Style dates Index Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin ~Scriven, Joseph Medlicott 9-10-1819 8-10-1886 Banbridge, County Down, Ireland Index|,4be1700 d. Port Hope, Ontario, Canada ~Scrivenor, Gove - -1945 New Haven, CT Index ~Scruggs Review, Earl .... Index|,bk,by96 ~Scruggs, Earl 1-06-1924 3-28-2012 Flint Hill, NC Index d. Nashville, TN ,aa336-9,ah106,as504,bk,bm246,bn646-9,by251,cx495,fl345-6,gf77,fu715,gj417 ,gx196,ss90,8j336-9 Earl Eugene Scruggs ~Scruggs, Louise 2-17-1927 2-02-2006 Grant, TN Index d. Nashville, TN Ann Louise Certain (Bluegrass Unlimited, 4/2006, p. 32-7) m. Earl Scruggs, 4-18-1948, Gaffney, SC ~Scruggs, Randy - - city? Index|,gf77 ~Scruggs, Steve 2-08-1958 9-23-1992 city? Index ~Scuggs, Irene 12-07-1901 city?, MS Index|,if106-7/165,3u106-7/165 aka Chocolate Brown, Little Sister, Dixie Nolan ~Scully, Anna Lee - - Appleton, WI Index SE - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Sea Island Singers - (see: The Georgia Sea Island Singers) ~Sealey, Milt 6-02-1928 - - Montreal, Quebec, Canada Index|,dh413 ~Seals & Crofts .... Index|,bn649-51,mq2214 ~Seals, Dan 2-08-1948 McCamey, TX Index|,fl346,mq2213 ~Seals, Jim 10-17-1941 Sidney, TX Index James Seals ~Seals, Son 8-13-1942 12-20-2004 Osceola, AR Index|,mq2214,3i189-90 d. Chicago, IL Frank Seals ~Seals, Troy 11 16 1938 Big Hill, KY Index|,fl346,mq2213-4 ~Sears, Albert Omega 2-22-1910 3-23- Macomb, IL Index|199013-4,mq2215 ~Seatrain .... Index|,bn651-3 ~Sebastian, John 3-17-1944 New York, NY Index ,aa339-40,ao346,ar368,as506,bk,bn653-4,bv223,bw235,fy310,mq2216,8j339-40 John Benson Sebastian ~Sebestyen, Marta 8-19-1957 Budapest, Hungary Index ~Seckler, Curly 12-25-1919 China Grove, NC Index|,by252,fu718,ge394 John Ray Sechler ~Sedaka, Neil 3-13-1939 Brooklyn, NY Index ~Seeger, Alice Index|,da96 [see birth date at Alice Gerrard] ~Seeger, Charles 12-14-1886 2-07-1979 Mexico City, Mexico Index d. Bridgewater, CT ,vs391-2,vt462-3,wz2028,xa2028 Charles Louis Seeger, Jr. ~Seeger, Mike 8-15-1933 8-07-2009 New York, NY Index d. Lexington, VA ,aa340-2,av696,ax132,bk,bn654-5,by252,cx524,fq708,mq2219-20,so653,sp830 ,8j340-2 ~Seeger, Peggy 6-17-1935 New York, NY Index ,aa342-3,av696,ax123,bk,bn655-6,cx524,fq709,mq2220,8j342-3 Margaret Seeger ~Seeger, Pete 5-03-1919 1-27-2014 New York, NY Index d. New York, NY ,aa344-8,au210,ax114,bg494,bk,bn656-60,bu333,cx524,fq710,fy311,mq2220-1,ss90 ,wz2028-9,xa2028-9,8j344-8 m. Toshi Seeger 7-20-1943 ~Seeger, Ruth Crawford 7-03-1901 11-18-1953 East Liverpool, OH Index d. Chevy Chase, MD ,no75-6,vs93,vt113,xa488 Ruth Porter Crawford ~Seeger, Toshi 7-01-1922 7-10-2013 Munich, Germany Index d. Beacon, NY Toshi-Aline Ohta (Ota), m. Pete Seeger 7-20-1943 ~Seekers, The .... Index ,aa348-9,bn660,bw236,cx525,mq2221,8j348-9 ~Seely, Jeannie 7-06-1940 Titusville, PA Index|,bn660-1,fl346-7,mq2222 ~Seger, Bob 5-06-1945 Detroit, MI Index|,mq2222 ~Segovia, Andres 2-21-1893 6-02-1987 Linares, Spain Index|,wz2029 ~Sekakuku, Alph - - city? Index|,lo275 ~Seldom Scene .... Index|,bk,by253,cx495,fl347,fq713,fu720,ge395,gj419,gx197,hx118 ~Seltzer, Dov - -1932 city?, Romania Index Dubi Seltzer ~Semmann, Barbara M. 9-16-1939 4-21-2007 city? Index|Periodicals ~Sennett, Bryan - -1942 Cleveland, OH Index ~Serendipity Singers, The .... Index ,aa349-50,bw236,mq2226,8j349-50 ~Sessions, Ronnie 12-07-1948 Henryetta, OK Index|,bn661-2,kh151 ~Sete, Bola - -1928 2-14-1987 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Index|,ab165,ab165,af140,cx838,cb258,cc303,ch436,cp80,cr198,dn170,ju411 ~Severinsen, Doc 7-07-1927 Arlington, OR Index|,mq2227 Carl Hilding Severinsen (initially nicknamed "Little Doc" after his father, a dentist) ~Sexton, Martin - -1966 Syracuse, NY ,fq713 ~Sexton, Morgan 1-28-1911 1-30-1992 Letcher County, KY ,fq714,sb48 {Ballad Singer} SH - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Shabalala, Headman Msongelwa 10-10-1945 12-11-1991 Ladysmith, South Africa Index|,sc30 {South African Singer} ~Shadowfax .... Index|,ab165,cx563,mq2230-1 ~Shady Grove Band .... Index|,by253,cx495 ~Shafer, Sanger D. "Whitey" 10-24-1934 Whitney, TX Index|,fl347 ~Shafferman, Jean Anne - -1953 city? Index ~Shakra .... Index|,lo275 ~Shakti .... Index|,8i455 ~Shamblin, Eldon 4-24-1916 Tulsa, OK Index|,fl348 Estel Eldon Shamblin ~Shane, Bob 2-01-1934 Hilo, HI Index|,bg307 ~Shank, Scott R. 12-26-1960 city? Index ~Shankar, Ravi 4-07-1920- Varanasi, United Provinces, Indian Empire Index|,ab165,mq2235-6 ~Shannon, Sharon 6-08-1967 Ruan, County Clare, Ireland Index|,fq715-6 ~Sharp, Ted - - city? Index|,qh199 ~Sharpe, Cecil 11-22-1859 6-23-1924 Denmark Hill, London, U.K. Index d. London, U.K. ,cs1693,kv1240,mq2238-9,vg1156-7,vh1156-7,vj932 Cecil James Sharp ~Shattuck, Arthur 4-19-1881 10-16-1951 Neenah, WI Index d. New York, NY ,wx1709,wy1709,wz2045,xa2045,0006 Arthur Truman Shattuck ~Shattuck, S.F. 4-28-1878 3-04-1976 Neenah, WI Index d. Neenah, WI Sidney Frank Shattuck ~Shaver, Billy Joe 8-16-1939 Corsicana, TX Index ,bn663-4,fl348,fu721,ge396,gj420,gx198,mq2239 ~Shaw, Artie 5-23-1910 12-30-2004 New York, NY Index|,vg1157 d. Thousand Oaks, CA Arthur Jacob Arshawsky ~Shaw, Malcolm 2-17-1945 7-28-2016 Billingham, U.K. Index d. Prescott Valley, AZ ~Shaw, Martin 3-09-1875 10-24-1958 London, U.K. Index|,vg1157 d. Southwold, Sussex, U.K. Martin Edward Fallas Shaw ~Shaw, Rick 2-01-1942 West Stewartstown, NH Index ~Shaw, Robert 4-30-1916 1-25-1999 Red Bluff, CA Index|,vg1157-8 d. New Haven, CT ~Shaw, Ron 2-01-1942 West Stewartstown, NH Index ~Shea, George Beverly 2-01-1909 4-16-2013 Winchester, Ontario, Canada Index d. Montreat, NC ~Shearing, George 8-13-1919 2-14-2011 Battersea, London, U.K. Index ,oi458-9,qv597,sn93-101,mq2243-4,vg1158 George Albert Shearing ~Sheatsley, Paul B. - -19?? 1-15-1989 city? Index d. city? ~Sheer, Anita - -1935? 7-08-1996 city? Index d. Dublin, CA (age 61) ~Shefchik, Rick - -1952 Duluth, MN Index|, ~Shelby, Pat - - Hampton, IA Index ~Shelor, Sammy 10-02-1962 city? Index ~Shelton, Allen 7-02-1936 city? Index ~Shelton, Ed - - 12-31-1999 city? Index ~Shelton, James Alan 11-03-1960 city? Index ~Shelton, Louie 4-06-1941 Little rock, AR ,3i190-2 William Louis Shelton ~Shelton, Ricky Van 1-12-1952 Danville, VA Index|,fl349-50 ~Shelton, Robert 6-28-1926 12-11-1995 Chicago, IL Index d. Brighton, U.K. Robert Shapiro ~Shenandoah .... Index ,fl350-1,ft203-4,fu726-7,fz415-6,hg480-1,wc185 ~Shenandoah Cut-Ups, The .... Index|,fu727-8 ~Shepard, Clarence - -1875 4-10-1950 city? d. Sheboygan, WI Index|,0006p.239-47,ir133-141 (reprint) Clarence Edward Shepard ~Shepherd, Jean 11-21-1933 10-16-1999 Paul's Valley, OK Index ,bn664-6,fl351,fu728-9,fz416,hg481-2 [Sing Out!, Fall 2001, Vol. 45(3), P. 176] ~Shepp, Archie 5-24-1937 Fort Lauderdale, FL Index|,mx249-60 ~Sheppard, T.G. 7-20-1944 Humboldt, TN Index ,bn666-7,fl351-2,ft204-5,fu729-30,fz417,hg482 William Browder ~Sheridan, Cosy 12-11-1964 Concord, NH Index|,fq717 ~Sherman, Allan 11-30-1924 11-20-1973 Chicago, IL Index|,bw238 ~Sherrill, Billy 11-05-1936 Phil Campbell, AL Index|,bn667-9,fl352-3,fu730-1 Billy Norris Sherrill ~Sherrill, Pappy 3-23-1915 city? Index ~Shibley, "Arkie" 9-21-1914 9-09-1975 Van Buren, AR ,3i192 Jesse Lee Shibley ~Shiflett, Karl 9-16-1956 Longview, TX Index ~Shiflett, Karl and Big Country Show .... Index|,hx148,jx115 ~Shindell, Richard 8-03-1960 Lakehurst, NJ Index ,cx525,fh524-5,fm776,fq717-8,sl313-4,7i805 ~Shines, Johnny 4-25-1915 4-20-1992 Freyser, TN Index d. Tuscaloosa, AL ,bb260,bc14,se60 ~Shipley, Tom - -1941 Mineral Ridge, OH Index ~Shirley, Don 1-27-1927 Kingston, Jamaica Index|,bw238,qv600 ~Shmitt, Danny - - 5- -1990 city? Index ~Shocked, Michelle 2-24-1962 Dallas, TX Index|,fq718,fz418-9 Karen Michelle Johnston ~Sholes, Steve 2-12-1911 4-22-1968 Washington, DC Index|,fl353 d. Nashville, TN Index|,fl353 ~Shorock, Don 6-07-1944 12-02-2010 Jersey City, NJ Index d. Great Bend, KS Donald W. Shorock ~Short, J.D. Index ~Shostakovich, Dmitri 9-25-1906 8-09-1975 Saint Petersburg, Russia Index d. Moscow, Russia ,vg1159-62,wz2050-7 Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich ~Shubb, Rick 1-11-1945 city? ~Shuffler, George 4-11-1925 4-07-2014 Valdese, NC Index|,jx115 d. Valdese, NC ~Shuffler, John 1-16-1931 city? Index ~Shuping, Garland 2-22-1951 2-18-2000 city? Index d. Salisbury, NC ~Shy Guys, Johnny & The .... Index|,ha319 SI - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Sibelius, Jean 12-08-1865 9-20-1957 Hameenlinna, Finland Index|,wz2059-67 Johan Julius Christian Sibelius ~Siberry, Jane 10-12-1955 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Index|,fq720 ~Sid Vicious 5-10-1957 2-02-1979 Lewisham, London, U.K. ,ar430,ij443-5,4by437,4bz161,7c61 d. New York, NY John Simon Ritchie ~Sidemen, The .... Index|,ge399 ~Sidesaddle .... Index|,by257,cx495,gj425 ~Sidran, Ben 8-14-1943 Chicago, IL Index|,0004,ab168,iv49,ju419-20 ,qv602 Ben Hirsh Sidran (Father's last name at birth, Sidransky) ~Siebel, Paul - -1937 Buffalo, NY ,aa351,bn669-70,cx525,fq721,gj426,8j351 ~Siegel, Corky 10-24-1943 Chicago, IL Index ~Siegel, Dick - - city? Index|,cx525 ~Siegel, Harold - -1914? 9-16-2007 city? Index ~Siemsen, Craig - -1956 city? Index ~Siemsen, Terrance - - city? Index|,cx403 ~Silber, Irwin 10-17-1925 9-08-2010 New York, NY Index|,aa351-2,8j351-2 d. Oakland, CA ~Silbergleit, Paul - - Milwaukee, WI Index ~Sileas .... Index|,cx877,fq722 ~Sill, Judee 10-04-1944 Oakland, CA Index ~Silly Sisters .... Index|,cx877 ~Silly Wizard .... Index|,ax60,cx877,fq723 ~Silver Lining .... Index|,aa15,8j15 ~Silver, Chris - - city? Index|Periodicals ~Silver, Horace 9-02-1928 6-18-2014 Norwalk, CT Index d. New Rochelle, NY ,mx138-49,oi466-8,os79-88,sn120-9 Horace Ward Martin Tavares Silva ~Silverbird, J. Reuben - - - - city? Index|,lo275 Reuben Ortiz ~Silverbird, Perry - - - - city? Index|,lo275-6 ~Silverman, Jerry 3-26-1931 New York, NY ,au213 ,bk ~Silverstein, Shel 9-25-1930 5-10-1999 Chicago, IL Index d. Key West, FL ,aa352-3,ar375,as516,bk,bn670-2,by257,cx525,fq724,fu732,ge400,8j352-3 Sheldon Allan Silverstein ~Silvey, H.K. - -1934 city? Index|,qh127-9 ~Simmonds, Jeremy - -1961 city? Index|,7g,7h ~Simmons, Vickie 6-29-1954 city? Index ~Simo, J.D. - - Chicago, IL Index ~Simon, Carly 6-25-1945 New York, NY Index|,fq725 ~Simon and Garfunkel .... Index ,aa353-5,am399,ao539,ar376,az352,ba463,bu339,bv227,bw240,cx242,df325,dg637 ,fq724,fy314,sk272-5,8h449-51,8j353-5 ~Simon, George T. 5-09-1912 2-13-2001 New York, NY Index|,jy d. New York, NY George Thomas Simon ~Simon, Paul 10-13-1942 Newark, NJ Index ,bg502,bg503,bk,bn672-4,bu340,bv228,bw239,fq726,fy313 Paul Frederic Simon ~Simone, Nina 2-21-1933 4-21-2003 Tryon, NC Index d. Carry-le-Rouet, Bouches-du-Rhone, France ,la434-5,qv604 Eunice Kathleen Waymon ~Simpkins, Rickie 3-11-1955 city? Index ~Simpkins, Ronnie 12-31-1958 city? Index ~Simple Gifts .... Index|,fq728-9 ~Simpson, Martin 5-05-1953 Scunthorpe, South Humberside, U.K. Index|,as518,fq729 ~Simpson, Red 3-06-1934 1-08-2016 Higley, AZ Index|,fl353 d. Bakerfield, CA Joseph Cecil Simpson ~Sims, Benny 8-04-1924 12-23-1995 city? Index ~Sinatra, Frank 12-12-1915 5-14-1998 Hoboken, NJ Index d. Los Angeles, CA ,la435-8,qv605-6 Rough Guide to Frank Sinatra Francis Albert Sinatra ~Singh, Dev - - Sonoma, CA Index ~Sivuca 5-26-1930 12-14-2006 Index ~Sizemore, Asher 6-06-1906 - -1973 Manchester, KY Index|,fl354 ~Sizemore, Charlie 11-23-1960 city? Index|,by61,hx54 ~Sizemore, Herschel 8-06-1935 Sheffield, AL Index Herschel Lee Sizemore ~Sizemore, Little Jimmie 1-29-1928 - -1985 Paintsville, KY Index|,fl354 SK - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Skaggs, Ricky 7-18-1954 Cordell, KY Index ,bk,by258,eq176,fl354-5,fq730,ft205-8,fu735-6,fz421-2,ge401,gj426,fu786-7 ,hx124,wc186 ~Skara Brae .... Index|,cx878 ~Skel, Derek 3-08-1988 city? Index ~Skillet Lickers, The (see Gid Tanner and The Skillet Lickers) ~Skinner, J. Scott - - city? Index|,ax48,cx878 ~Skinner, Jimmy (Jimmie) 4-27-1909 10-27-1979 Blue Lick, OH Index|,fl355 ~Sky, Patrick 12-02-1940 Live Oak Gardens, GA Index ,aa356-7,as520,bi125/142,bj133/166,bn674,cx525,fq733,8j356-7 ~Skyedance .... Index|,fq734 ~Skylark .... Index|,cx878,fq734 ~Skyline .... Index|,by259,cx496,fz424,gj429 SL - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Slack, Freddie 8-07-1910 8-10-1965 La Crosse, WI Index d. Hollywood, CA ,cb263,dh422,dp286,ir361,ju426,jy483,kw18,ASCAP Frederic Charles Slack ~Slaughter, Shannon 12-13-1968 city? Index ~Slaven, Neil - - city?, U.K. Index|,aw,6q,8o ~Sleeth, Natalie 10-29-1930 3-21-1992 Evanston, IL Index d. Denver, CO Natalie Allyn Wakeley ~Slim Harpo - - city? Index James Moore ~Slonimsky, Nicolas 4-27-1894 12-25-1995 Saint Petersburg, Russia Slonimsky, Nicolas 4-15-1894 Old Style dates Index d. Los Angeles, CA Index|,pp684,pq470,xa2085,wx1737,wy1737,wz2085 Nikolai Leonidovich Slonimsky ~Sly and the Family Stone .... Index|,ff280-5 SM - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Small, Fred 11-06-1952 Plainfield, NJ Index|,fq735 ~Small, Judy - - New South Wales, Australia Index|,fq735 ~Smelser, Neal 6-15-1943 6-26-2002 city? Index ~Smetana, Bedrich 3-02-1824 5-12-1884 Litomysl, Bohemia Index|,wz2087-91 d. Prague, Bohemia ~Smiley, Red 5-17-1925 1-02-1972 Ashville, NC Index Arthur Lee Smiley ~Smiley, Red & the Bluegrass Cut-Ups .... Index|,by260 ~Smith Sisters, The .... Index|,fq736 ~Smith, Alfred Morton - -1879 - -1996 city? Index d. city? ~Smith, Fiddlin' Arthur 4-10-1898 2-28-1971 Humphrey's County, TN Index ,aa360,fl355,fu745,fz428-9,hg491-2,8j360 ~Smith, Arthur "Guitar Boogie" 4-01-1921 Clinton, SC Index ,aa358,bn674-6,fl355-6,fu739-40,fz425-6,ge403,gj429,hg789,8j358 ~Smith, Arthur Q. - - - -1963 Grissom, GA Index|,fl356 James Pritchett ~Smith, Bessie 4-15-1894 9-26-1937 Chattanooga, TN Index d. Clarksdale, MS ,fq737,if108-10/165,or33-46,3u108-10/165 ~Smith, Betty 10-15-1926 Salisbury, NC Index|,fq738 ~Smith, Cal 4-07-1932 Gans, OK Index|,bn676-8,fl356-7,fu741 Calvin Grant Shofner ~Smith, Carl 3-15-1927 Maynardsville, TN Index|,bn678-9,fl357-8,fu741-3,wc187 ~Smith, Chris #2 - - city? Index|,6q ~Smith, Clara - -1894 2-02-1935 Spartanburg, SC Index d. Detroit, MI ,if111-6/165-6,3u111-6/165-6 aka Violet Green ~Smith, Connie 8-14-1941 Elkhart, IN Index|,bn679-70,fl358,fu743-4,wc187-8 Constance June Meador ~Smith, Craig 6-06-1956 city?, CA Index|,lz613 ~Smith, Dallas - - 2-03-2002 city? Index d. Nashville, TN ~Smith, Dan - -1911 - - city? ,aa358-60,8j358-60 ~Smith, Darden 3-11-1962 Brenham, TX Index|,fq739,ge405,gj431,gx203 ~Smith, Debi 12-30-1953 Philadelphia, PA Index ~Smith, Dick 10-04-1943 city? Index ~Smith, Drew 10-25-1928 New York, NY Index ~Smith, Elizabeth - - city? Index|,if117-8/166,3u117-8/166 ~Smith, Fred #2 4-10-1948 New York, NY Index ~Smith, Gregg 8-21-1931 Chicago, IL Index ~Smith, Harry E. 5-29-1923 11-27-1991 Portland, OR Index d. New York, NY Harry Everett Smith ~Smith, Hobart 5-10-1897 Smyth County, VA Index|,aa360-1,av697,ax99,bk,8j360-1 ~Smith, Jabbo 12-24-1908 1-16-1991 Pembroke, GA Index|,ju427,hy1045,ns63-73,qv610-11,sf715 Cladys Smith ~Smith, Jerry Read - -1949 Warsaw, NY Index|,fq740 ~Smith, Joe - - 6-01-1999 TX Index|,sn16 ~Smith, John 2-17- Dewitt, IA Index|Periodicals aka johnsmith ~Smith, Julia 1-25-1905 4-18-1989 Denton, TX Index d. New York, NY ,kv1275,pn345,po467-8,pp688,pq472-3,qd689,vj953,vh1178,yk118-8,4aw34,4aw Julia Frances Smith ~Smith, Keely 3-09-1928 12-16-2017 Norfolk, VA Index d. Palm Springs, CA Dorothy Jacqueline Keely ~Smith, Kenny 9-19-1967 city? Index ~Smith, Leonard - -1911 - -2000 city? Index|,qh202 ~Smith, Lynn "Chirps" 10-11-1952 Pekin, IL Index|,fq740 Lynn William Byron Smith ~Smith, Mamie 5-26-1883 9-16-1946 Cincinnati, OH Index d. New York, NY ,if119-28/166,3u119-28/166 ~Smith, Marcus 1-16-1971 city? Index ~Smith, Megan 12-29-1958 Arlington, VA Index ~Smith, Michael (songwriter) 9-07-1941 South Orange, NJ Index|,cx525,fp19,fq741 Michael Peter Smith ~Smith, Michael (discographer) - -1922 6-18-2008 city?, U.K. Index d. city?, U.K. ~Smith, Michael W. 10-07-1957 Kenova, WV Index Michael Whitaker Smith ~Smith, O.C. 6-21-1932 11-23-2001 Mansfield, LA Index Ocie Lee Smith ~Smith, Ralph Lee - - city? Index|,ex83-4 ~Smith, Richard D. - - city? Index|,hi ~Smith, Sammi 8-05-1943 Orange, CA Index|,fl359-60 ~Smith, Snuffy 2-10-1945 2-03-2012 Fayetteville, AR Index d. King, NC Joe Stanley Smith ~Smith, Snuffy 12-28-1963 3-15-2017 Appalachia, VA Index d. Madison, WI James T. Smith ~Smith, Steven Gerard - -1957 Milwaukee, WI Index ~Smith, Tim (fiddle) 5-29-1955 Havre de Grace, MD Index ~Smith, Tim (author) - - - - Washington, DC Index|,ku ~Smith, Trixie 9-14-1895 9-21-1943 Atlanta, GA Index d. New York, NY ,if129-30/166,3u129-30/166 ~Smith, Valerie 7-25-1966 city? Index|,hx50 ~Smith, Warren 5-17-1908 8-28-1975 Middlebourne, WV Index|,uv1780 d. Santa Barbara, CA ~Smith, Willie "Big Eyes" 1-19-1936 Helena, AR Index ~Smith, Winifred 4-02-1930 Paducah, KY Index ~Smither, Chris 11-11-1945 New Orleans, LA Index|,fq741,ge406 ~Smoak, Jim 7-07-1934 - - Round O, SC Index ~Smothers Brothers, The .... Index ,aa361-2,bu347,bv233,bw245,fq743,8j361-2 ~Smothers, Abe "Little Smokey" 1-02-1938 11-20-2010 Tchula, MS Index d. Chicago, IL Albert Abraham Smothers ~Smothers, Otis "Big Smokey" 3-21-1929 7-23-1993 Lexington, MS Index d. Chicago, IL ~Smothers, Dick 11-20-1938 New York, NY Index ~Smothers, Tom 2-02-1937 New York, NY Index SN - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Snake, Stan - - city? Index|,lo276 ~Sneed, Floyd 11-22-1943 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Index ~Snider, Jill 1-11-1972 city? Index ~Snider, Mike 5-30-1955 city? Index ~Snider, Todd 10-11-1966 Portland, OR Index ~Snopek III, Sigmund 10-25-1950 Milwaukee, WI Index|vt482 ~Snow, Cecil - -1918 - -1991 Clayton, OK Index|,qh130-2 ~Snow, Hank 5-09-1914 12-20-1999 Brooklyn, Nova Scotia, Canada Index or Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Canada ,dv86,fl360-2,fu747-8,hg494-5,wc188 Clarence Eugene Snow ~Snow, John Kilby 5-28-1905 3-29-1980 Independence, Grayson County, VA Index|,aa362-3,cx525,8j362-3 d. city? ~Snow, Phoebe 7-17-1952 4-26-2011 New York, NY Index|,bw246,lb526,lc1044 d. Edison, NJ Phoebe Laub ~Snyder, John - - city? Index|,os141-51 ~Snyder, Robert L. "Doc" 6-08-1928 3-27-2008 Hastings-on-Hudson, NY Index d. Milwaukee, WI ~Snyder, Ted 8-15-1881 7-16-1965 Freeport, IL Index d. Woodland Hills, CA Theodore Frank Snyder SO - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Sobylae, Emil - - city? Index|,lo276 ~Solal, Martial - -1927 - - city?, Algeria ,iz626,mh184 ~Solberg, James - -1950 - - city? ,iz626 ~Solomon, Vernon - - 5-07-1991 TX Index|,sd37 ~Somervell, Arthur 6-05-1863 5-02-1937 Windermere, Westmorland, U.K. Index ~Son Volt .... Index|,fq806,gj434,gx205 ~Sondheim, Stephen 3-22-1930 New York, NY Index Stephen Joshua Sondheim ~Song Project, The .... ,cx526 ~Song, Jeff 12-22-1963 Little Rock, AR Index ~Sonnier, Joe-El 10-02-1946 Rayne, LA ,fl362-3,fq746,fu749,ge408,gj434,hg495-6 ~Sonny & Cher .... Index|,bw246 ~Sons of the Never Wrong .... Index|,fq747|Periodicals ~Sons of the Pioneers .... Index ,dv87,fl363,fq747-8,fu750-1,fz431-2,hg496-7,wc189 ~Sor, Jose Fernando Marcario 2- -1778? 7-10-1839 Barcelona, Spain Index d. Paris, France [Baptized 2-14-1778, birth-date unknown] Josep Ferran Sorts i Muntades ~Sorkin, Leonard - - 6-07-1985 city? Index ~Sorrels, Anita 2-06-1905 4- -1998 Cobb County, near Lost Mountain, AL Index d. Snellville, GA ~Sorrels, Rosalie 6-24-1933 Boise, ID Index ,aa363-4,ax125,bn688,bk,cx526,fq748,8j363-4 ~Sotavento .... Index|,ab173 ~Soul Rebels .... ,iz626-7 ~Soup .... Index|ha273-274 ~Sousa, John Philip 11-06-1854 3-06-1932 Washington, DC Index|,wz2123 d. Reading, PA ~South, Joe 2-28-1940 Atlanta, GA Index|,fl363 ~Southall, Brian #1 2-16-1982 Detroit, MI Index ~Southall, Brian #2 - - city? Index|,lr,ly ~Souther, Hillman, Furay Band, The .... Index|,bw241,fu752,gj439 ~Souther, J.D. 11-02-1945 9-17-2024 Detroit, MI Index d. Sandia Park, NM John David Souther ~Souther, Richard - - city? Index|,ai74 ~Southern Rail .... Index|,by266,cx496,ge410,gj439,hx134 ~Southern, Eileen 2-19-1920 10-13-2002 Minneapolis, MN Index|,dc d. Port Charlotte, FL Eileen Jackson Southern [Musicologist, Author, first tenured black female professor at Harvard University] ~Sovine, Red 7-07-1917 4-04-1980 Charleston, WV Index|,fl363-4 d. Nashville, TN Woodrow Wilson Sovine ~Sowerby, Leo 5-01-1895 7-07-1968 Grand Rapids, MI Index|,wz2124 d. Port Clinton, OH SP - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Spani, Hina 2-15-1896 7-11-1969 Puan, Buenos Aires, Argentina Index d. Buenos Aires, Argentina Higinia Tunon ~Spann, Otis - - - - city? ,iz627-8 ~Sparkman, Steve 2-04-1972 Harlan, KY Index ~Sparks, Larry 9-15-1947 Lebanon, OH Index ,by268,cx496,fq749,fu755,ge412,gj440,hx9 ~Sparks, Tim 10-31-1954 Winston-Salem, NC Index ~Spears, Billie Jo 1-14-1937 12-14-2011 Beaumont, TX Index|,fl364 d.Vidor, TX Billie Jean Spears ~Spears, Willis 9-13-1940 city? Index ~Special Consensus .... ,by270,cx496,fq749,hx65 ~Speck, Scott - - Boston, MA Index|,3v ~Specker, Dee - - Wellsville, NY Index ~Speckled Red - - Rufus Perryman ~Spence, Bill 8- -1940 Iowa City, IA ,fq750 ~Spence, Joseph 8-03-1910 3-18-1984 Nassau, Bahamas Index|,bk,fq751,iz628-9 ~Spencer, Jon - - Hanover, NH Index ~Spencer, Lena 1-04-1923 10-23-1989 Milford, MA Index|,aa364-7,8j364-7 d. Saratoga Springs, NY Pasqualina Rosa Nargi ~Spencer, Peter - - city? Index|,cx526 ~Spencer, Tim 7-07-1908 4-26-1976 Webb City, MO Index|,dv87 d. Apple Valley, CA ~Sperry, Steve 10-03-1941 Fort Atkinson, WI Index|,fs1037,ha46 ~Spicher, Buddy - - city? Index|,gj441 ~Spikes' Seven Pods of Pepper .... ,ch484,rc1152 ~Spirit of the West .... Index|,cx526,fq751 ~Spirits of Rhythm .... ,ch484,rc1152 ~Spivak, Charlie 2-17-1907 3-01-1982 Kiev, Ukraine Index d. Greenville, SC ,ch484,oh237-8,om151-2,oq426-9,pa380-3,qv619,rc1152,uv1795-6,ze380-3 ~Spivey, Victoria 10-15-1906 10-03-1976 Houston, TX Index d. New York, NY ,aa367-8,ch484,if131-8/166-7,iz629,mh184,rc1152,3u131-8/166-7,8j367-8 Victoria Regina Spivey,uv1796 ~Spoelstra, Mark 6-30-1940 Kansas City, MO Index|,aa368,ar387,as532,bk,8j368 ~Spontaneous Music Ensemble .... ,ch484-5,rc1152-3 ~Spotted Eagle, Douglas - (see: Douglas Wallentine) ~Spottswood, Richard K. 4-17-1937 city?, MD Index ~Spray, Delbert E. 9-28-1923 12-16-2001 Index d. Kahoka, MO Delbert Eugene Spray ~Spray, Erma F. 8-06-1923 4-06-2009 Williamstown, MO Index d. Kahoka, MO Erma Brookhart ~Spring, Bryan 8-24-1945 London, U.K. ,ch485,rc1153 ~Springer, Joe 5-22-1916 - - New York, NY ,ch485,rc1153 Joseph Springer ~Springfield, Dusty 4-16-1939 3-02-1999 Hampstead, London, U.K. d. Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, U.K. Index|,cx252,fh304,fm356,gl877,id810,ie646 Mary Isabel (Isobel?) Catherine Bernadette O'Brien ~Springfield, Rick 8-23-1949 Merrylands, New South Wales, Australia Index Richard Lewis Springthorpe ~Springfield, Tom 7-02-1934 Hampstead, London, U.K. Index Dion O'Brien (Dusty's older brother) ~Springfields, The .... Index|,cv306 ~Springsteen, Bruce 9-23-1949 Long Branch, NJ Index ,ff646-53,mq2351-2,3e125-7,4aa538-43 Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen ~Sproles, Victor 11-18-1927 - - Chicago, IL ,ch485,rc1153 ~Sproule, Daithi 5-23-1950 Derry, Northern Ireland Index ~Sprouse, Blaine 10-11-1956 city? Index|,by272 ~Sprung, Roger 8-29-1930 New York, NY Index ~Spyro Gyra .... ,ch485-6,iz629,rc1153-4 SQ - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Squadronaires .... ,ch486,rc1154 ~Squire, Chris 3-04-1948 6-27-2015 Kingsbury, London, U.K. Index d. Phoenix, AZ Christopher Russell Edward Squire ~Squires, Bruce W. 1-21-1910 5-08-1981 Berkeley, CA d. North Hollywood, CA ,ch486,rc1154 ~Squirrel Nut Zippers .... ,iz629-10 ST - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Stabulas, Nick 12-18-1929 2-06-1973 New York, NY d. near Great Neck, NY ,ch486,rc1154 Nicholas Stabulas ~Stackhouse, Houston 9-28-1910 9-23-1980 Wesson, MS Index|,3i193-4 ~Stadhouders, Bram - -1987 Tilburg, Netherlands Index ~Stafford, Jim 1-16-1944 Eloise, FL Index|,fu757,ge412,gj442 m. Bobbie Gentry 1978 (div.) ~Stafford, Jo 11-20-1920 7-16-2008 Coalinga, CA Index|,bw249,iz630-1 d. Century City, CA Jo Elizabeth Stafford ~Stafford, Tim 9-14-1960 city? Index ~Stahl, Jeanie - -1951 Geneva, Switzerland Index ~Stainer, Sir John 6-06-1840 3-31-1901 London, U.K. Index d. Verona, Italy ~Staines, Bill 2-06-1947 Medford, MA Index|,ax136,fp19,fq752 William R. Staines ~Stamper, Art - - 1-23-2005 Knott County, KY Index ~Stampfel & Weber .... Index|,cx526 ~Stampfel, Peter 10-29-1938 Wauwatosa, WI Index ~Stampfel, Peter & the Bottlecaps .... Index|,cx526 ~Stampley, Joe 6-06-1943 Springhill, LA Index|,fl364 ~Staneslow, Sunita 4-21-1962 Ithaca, NY Index ~Stanford, Sir CharlesVilliers 9-30-1852 3-29-1924 Dublin, Ireland Index ~Stanley Brothers, The .... Index ,aa369-70,by273,cx496,fl365,fq753,fu760,fz437--8,ge414,gj442,hg502,8j369-70 ~Stanley, Carter 8-27-1925 12-01-1966 McClure, VA Index d. Bristol, VA Carter Glen Stanley ~Stanley, James Lee 4-30-1946 Philadelphia, PA Index ~Stanley, Jeannie 4-30-1962 city? Index ~Stanley, Lee (Leotha) 7-25-1956 Milwaukee, WI Index ~Stanley, Nathan 8-16-1992 city? Index ~Stanley, Ralph 2-25-1927 6-23-2016 McCluren, VA Index d. Coeburn, VA ,by280,cx496,fq754,gj444,hg501,hx78 Ralph Edmund Stanley ~Stanley, Ralph II 8-20-1978 city? Index ~Staple Singers, The .... Index|,az543,bd145,bw249,fn214,fx300 ~Staples, Pop 12-02-1915 Winona, MS Index|,fq755 Roebuck Staples ~Stapp, Jack 12-08-1912 12-20-1908 Nashville, TN Index|,fl365-6,fu761-2,hg503 d. Nashville, TN Jack Smiley Stapp ~Star Spangled Washboard Band .... Index|,cx496 ~Star, Orrin 3-23-1955 city? Index|,by282 ~Starcher, Buddy 3-16-1906 11-02-2001 Ripley, WV Index|,fl366 d. Harrisonburg, VA Oby Edgar Starcher ~Stark, R.B. - -1882 - -1957 city? Index ~Starling, John 3-26-1940 city? Index|,by282,cx496,gj445 ~Starner, Fred 8-06-1937 10-25-2009 Toledo, OH Index d. Los Angeles, CA George Frederick Starner ~Starr, Edwin 1-21-1942 Nashville, TN ,mq2366 Charles Hatcher ~Starr, Jack - - - - city? ,mq2365-6 ~Starr, Kay 7-21-1922 11-03-2016 Dougherty, OK Index|,mq2366-7 d. Beverly Hills, CA Katherine Laverne Starks ~Starr, Kenny 9-21-1953 Topeka, KS ,mq2366 Kenneth Trebbe ~Starr, Maurice - -1954 city? ,mq2366 ~Starr, Ringo 7-07-1940 Liverpool, U.K. Index|,mq2366 Richard Starkey [his music has been recorded by folk musicians] ~Starr, Ruby 11-29-1949 1-14-1995 Toledo, OH Index|,iv43 Constance Henrietta Mierzwiak, aka Connie Little ~Starry Eyed and Laughing .... ,mq2367 ~Starski, Lovebug 7-13-1961 New York, NY ,mq2367 Keven Smith ~Starsound .... ,mq2368 ~Start . .... city? ,mq2368 ~Statetrooper .... ,mq2368 ~Statler Brothers, The .... Index ,by282,fl367-8,ft211-2,fu764-6,fz439-40,ge415,gj445,hg504-5,mq2368-9 ~Statman, Andy - - city? Index|,aq156,cx497,fq755 ~Staton, Candi - - HanceVille, AL ,mq2369 ~Staton, Dakota 6-03-1932 Pittsburgh, PA ,mq2368 ~Status Quo .... ,mq2369-70 ~Steagall, Red 12-22-1938 Gainesville, TX Index|,fl368,mq2371 Russell Stegall ~Stecher, Jody 6-01-1946 Brooklyn, NY Index|,by282,fq756 ~Steele, Carol - - city? Index|,oe143-9 ~Steeleye Span .... Index|,ar392,as539,ax37,bg526,bk,bu356,cx526,fq757,fy320 ~Steeno, Bob 8-21-1950 city? Index ~Steeno, Lisa J. 6-01-1952 city? Index ~Stefan, Paul 7-26-1941 Milwaukee, WI Index|,ha217-9 Paul Stefaniak ~Steffen, Dave 3-04-1951 Plymouth, WI Index|,ha56 ~Stegall, Keith 11-01-1955 Wichita Falls, TX Index|,fl369-70 Robert Keith Stegall ~Steig, Jeremy - -1942 - - city? ,iz631,mh184 ~Steiger, Ertz 12-13-1929 12-19-2005 Warner, WI, nr. Greenwood, WI Index Ervin John Steiger ~Steinberg, Michael 10-04-1928 7-26-2009 Breslau, Germany (then, Wroclaw, Poland now) Index|,uk d. Minneapolis, MN ~Steiner, Fred 2-24-1923 6-23-2011 New York, NY Index d. Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico ~Stelling, Geoff 6-13-1943 city? Index ~Stendalen, Ed - -1915 city? Index ~Stephenson, Larry 10-24-1956 city? Index|,hx122 ~Stephenson, Trevor - -1959 Kansas City, MO Index ~Steptoe, Jim 3-19-1951 8-30-2009 Charlottesville, VA Index James Duff Steptoe ~Stern, Arthur - -1916 3-04-1991 city? Index ~Stern, Isaac - -1920 9-22-2001 Kreminiecz, Ukraine, Russia Index ~Stern, Leni - -1952 - - Munich, Germany ,iz631-2 Magdalena Thora ~Stern, Mike - -1953 - - city? ,iz632 ~Stetina, Troy 11-16-1963 city?, IN Index ~Stevens, Cat 7-21-1947 London, U.K. Index|,bw251,fq759,fy321,gl891 Steven Demetri Georgiou ~Stevens, Denis 3-02-1922 4-01-2004 High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K. Index d. London, U.K. Denis William Stevens ~Stevens, Edward Gale 7-26-1899 4-28-1974 Chesaning, MI Index|,pq486 d. Bonita, CA ~Stevens, April 4-16-1974 city? Index ~Stevens, Beth 8-19-1968 city? Index ~Stevens, Ray 1-24-1939 Clarkdale, GA Index|,fl370 Harold Ray Ragsdale ~Stevenson, Art - -1957 city?, MA Index Arthur T. Stevenson ~Stewart, Andy 12-20-1933 10-11-1993 Glasgow, Scotland Index|,su102-3 d. Arbroath, Scotland ~Stewart, Andy M. 9-08-1952 Alyth, Perthshire, Scotland Index|,cx878,fq761,su74-5 Andrew McGregor Stewart ~Stewart, Belle 7-18-1906 9- -1997 Caputh, near Blairgowrie, Scotland Index|,su75 ~Stewart, Gary 5-28-1944 12-16-2003 Jenkins, KY Index|,fl370-1 d. Fort Pierce, FL Gary Ronnie Stewart ~Stewart, Jared 2- -1956 city? Index ~Stewart, John 9-05-1939 1-19-2008 San Diego, CA Index d. San Diego, CA ,aa370-2,ar394,as542,bg530,bn707,bv240,bw251,cx526,fq762,fu772,fy322 ,ge420,gj449,8j370-2 ~Stewart, Priscilla - - ,if139-40/167,3u139-40/167 ~Stewart, Redd 5-27-1923 8-02-2003 Ashland City, TN Index|,fl371 d. Louisville, KY Henry Ellis Stewart ~Stewart, Rod 1-10-1945 Highgate, London, U.K. Index|,ff317-27 Roderick David Stewart ~Stewart, Wendy - - Edinburgh, Scotland Index|,fq763 ~Stewart, Wynn 6-07-1934 7-17-1985 Morrisville, MO Index|,fl371-2 d. city? Winford Lindsey Stewart ~Stidham, Arbee 2-09-1917 4-26-1988 De Valls Bluff, AR Index d. Cook County, IL ~Still, William Grant 5-11-1895 12-03-1978 Woodville, MS Index|,be15,3i195-7 d. Los Angeles, CA ~Stillman, Bonnie 5-02-1952 city? Index ~Stills, Stephen 1-03-1945 Dallas, TX Index|,bk,bw252,fy323,gl895 ~Sting 10-02-1951 Wallsend, Northumberland, U.K. Index Gordon Sumner ~Stinson, G.E. 8- -1949 city? Index Greg Stinson ~Stitt, Sonny - -1924 - -1982 city? ,iz632-3,mh185 Edward Stitt ~Stivell, Alan 1- -1944 Riom, Auvergne, France Index|,cx878,fh1099,fm812,fq194,fq764 Alan Cochevelou ~Stock, Judy - -1957 Manitowoc, WI Index ~Stoddard, David 5-02-1967 city? Index ~Stone Oak .... Index|,by284 ~Stone Poneys .... Index|,gl897 ~Stone, Billy - - 4-10-1990 city? Index ~Stone, Cliffie 3-01-1917 1-16-1998 Stockton, CA Index|,fl372 d. Saugus, CA Clifford Gilpin Snyder ~Stone, Doug 6-19-1956 Marietta, GA Index|,fl372-3 Douglas Jackson Brooks ~Stoneking, Fred - -1933 Johnson County, MO Index|,fq765,qh133-41 ~Stoneking, Lee Roy - -1907 - -1989 Henry County, MO Index|,qh142-5 ~Stoneman Family, The .... Index ,by284,fl373,fq766,fu778-9,ge421,gj452,hg512,nd44 aka The Stonemans ~Stoneman, Billy 11-04-1926 4-10-1990 Galax, VA Index d. ? Joseph William Stoneman ~Stoneman, Dean 6-12-1930 2-28-1989 city? Index d. ? Dean Clark Stoneman ~Stoneman, Donna 2-07-1934 Alexandria, VA Index Donna LaVerne Stoneman ~Stoneman, Eddie 6-30-1920 9-14-2001 Carroll, VA Index d. Jonesville, VA Edward Lewis Stoneman ~Stoneman, Ernest "Pop" 5-25-1893 6-14-1968 Monorat, Carroll County, VA Index ,fq766,fu776-7,fz445-6,gj452,hg511-2,ln872-9,nd42-4,wm156-67 Ernest Van Stoneman ~Stoneman, Gene 6-12-1930 8-15-2005 city? Index d. ? Gene Austin Stoneman ~Stoneman, Grace 8-29-1921 9-04-2003 city? Index d. ? Irma Grace Stoneman ~Stoneman, Hattie Frost 9-28-1900 7-22-1976 Pipers Gap, VA Index d. Nashville, TN Harriet Frost [wife of Pop Stoneman] ~Stoneman, Jack 5-10-1929 4-14-1992 Galax, VA Index d. ? Jack Monroe Stoneman ~Stoneman, Jimmy 3-08-1937 9-22-2002 Washington, DC Index d. Smyrna, TN Oscar James Stoneman ~Stoneman, John 8-20-1923 4-19-2001 city? Index d. Jonesville, VA John Catron Stoneman ~Stoneman, Patsy 5-27-1925 7-23-2015 Galax, VA Index Pattie Inez Stoneman ~Stoneman, Roni 5-05-1937? Washington, DC Stoneman, Roni or 5-05-1938? Stoneman, Roni or 5-05-1941? Index|,fu777-8 Veronica Loretta Stoneman ~Stoneman, Scott (Scotty) 8-04-1932 3-04-1973 Galax, VA Index|,by285 Calvin Scott Stoneman ~Stoneman, Van Haden 12-31-1940 6-03-1995 city? Index d. Nashville, TN ~Stoney Lonesome Bluegrass Band .... Index|,by286,fq767,gj452 ~Stookey, Paul 12-30-1937 Baltimore, MD Index ,aa293-6,aq81,as545,bg427,bu359,8j293-6 Noel Paul Stookey ~Storey, Dwayne 8-12-1986 Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa Index ~Story, Carl 5-29-1916 3-31-1995 Lenoir, NC Index|,by286,cx497,fl373,fu779.gj453 ~Story, Liz - - city? Index|,ai77,hm179 ~Story, The .... Index|,fq767 ~Story, Tim - - city? Index|,hm179 ~Stotts, Stuart - - city? Index|Periodicals ~Stout, Gordon - -1952 city? Index ~Stover, Don 3-06-1928 11-11-1996 city?, WV Index|,by289,fq768 ~Strachwitz, Chris 7-01-1931 Gross Reichenau, Lower Silesia, Germany Index Christian Alexander Maria Strachwitz ~Stracke, Win 2-20-1908 - -1991 Lorraine, KS Index|,aa372-3,au218,sd38,8j372-3 {Bard of Chicago} ~Strait, George 5-18-1952 Poteet, TX Index ,dv163,fl374-5,ft215-8,fu780-2,fz446-7,hg513-4 ~Strange Creek Singers, The .... ,aa373,8j373 ~Strange, Billy - - city? Index|,by290 ~Stratman-Thomas, Helene 5-13-1896 1-11-1973 Dodgeville, WI Index ~Strauss, Richard 6-11-1864 9-08-1949 Munich, Germany Index ~Stravinsky, Igor 6-17-1882 4-06-1971 Oranienbaum (now Lomonosov), Russia Index Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky ~Street, Mel 10-21-1935 10-21-1978 Grundy, VA Index|,fl375-6 d. city? King Malachi Street ~Street, Mike 2-09-1960 city? Index ~Strehli, Angela 11-22-1945 Lubbock, TX Index ~Streisand, Barbra 4-24-1942 Brooklyn, NY Index ,bu360,bv242,bw253,cx326,fy324,gl903,4aa546-50 Barbara Joan Streisand ~Strength in Numbers .... Index|,by290,cx497,fq771,ge423,gj455 ~Stringbean 6-17-1915 11-10-1973 Annville, KY Index d. Nashville, TN ,fl376,fq771,fu783-4,fz447-8,ge424,gj455,hg515 David Akeman ~Strong, George Templeton 5-26-1856 6-27-1948 New York, NY Index|,gr1688 d. Geneva, Switzerland ~Strong, Martin C. 9-08-1960 Musselburgh, Scotland Index|,fw,io,sk,sl Martin Charles Strong ~Strony, Walter - -1955 Chicago, IL Index ~Stropes, John - -1947 city? Index|,bp ~Stroud, Ward - -1958 city? Index ~Strozzi, Barbara 8-06-1619 11-11-1677 Venice, Italy Index|,pr25-29 d. Padua, Italy ~Stryker, Dave - -1957 Omaha, NE ,iz634 ~Stuart, Alice 6-15-1942 Seattle, WA Index ~Stuart, Chris 6-28-1958 Jacksonville, FL Index ~Stuart, Joe 2-07-1928 9-13-1987 city? Index ~Stuart, Marty 9-30-1958 Philadelphia, MS Index ,by291,ct98,cv315,fl377,ft218,fu784-5,fz448-9,ge424,gf81,gj455,hg517 John Marty Stuart ~Stuart, Mindy - - city? Index ~Stuart, Philip - -1944 city?, U.K. Index ~Stubblefield, Clyde - -1943 Chattanooga, TN Index|,iv67 ~Stubbs, Eddie 11-25-1961 city? Index ~Stuckey, Nat 12-17-1933 8-24-1988 Cass County, TX Index|,fl377-7 d. Nashville, TN Nathan Stuckey ~Studer, Cheryl 10-24-1955 - - city? ,4aa551-5 ~Stuermer, Daryl - -1952 Milwaukee, WI Index|,iv153 ~Sturm, Fred I. 3-21-1951 8-24-2014 city?, IL ["suburb of Chicago"] Index d. De Pere, WI ~Sturtz, Howie - -1930 Loyal, WI Index ~Styne, Jule 12-31-1905 9-20-1994 London, U.K. Index SU - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~subdudes, The .... Index|,cx261,fh314,fq772 ~Sudhalter, Carol 1-05-1943 Newton, MA Index|,oe117-23 ~Sugar Blue - -1949 city? ,iz634 James Whiting ~Sullivan, Arthur 5-13-1842 11-22-1900 Lambeth, London, U.K. Index Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan ~Sullivan, Charles - -1944 - - city? ,mh185 ~Sullivan, Dave - - Hot Springs, AK Index ~Sullivan, Ira - -1931 Washington, DC ,iz634 ~Sullivan, Maxine - -1911 - -1987 city? ,iz633-5,mh185-6 ~Sumac, Yma 9-13-1922 11-01-2008 Inchocan, Peru Index|,cx327,fh1029,fm1042 d. Los Angeles, CA Zoila Augusta Iperatriz Chavarri del Castillo ~Sumlin, Hubert 11-16-1931 Greenwood, MS Index|bc180 ~Summer Wages .... Index|,by292 ~Summerfield, Maurice J. 2-04-1940 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K. Index|,1a,1b,3b ~Sun Ra 5-22-1914 5-30-1993 Birmingham, AL Index|,iz635-8,mh186,oi488-9,sn83-92 Herman Poole Blount (Herman "Sonny" Blount) ~Sundell, Steven L. - - 1946 city? Index|,iq Steven Lynn Sundell ~Sundquist, Jim 11-26-1937 Stoughton, WI Index ~Sunnyland Slim 9-05-1907 3-17-1995 Vance, MS Index|,cx387,fh455,fm554,ga242,hb348 Albert Luandrew ~Supernaw, Doug 9-26-1960 Bryan, TX Index|,fl379 Douglas Anderson Supernaw ~Sutro, Dirk - - city? Index|,6g,6h ~Sutton, Allan - -19?? city? Index SV - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Svendsen, Johan Severin 9-30-1840 6-14-1911 Christiania (now Oslo), Norway Index d. Copenhagen, Denmark ~Svanoe, Bill - - city? Index|,aa326-8,8j326-8 SW - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Swan, Billy 5-12-1942 Cape Girardeau, MO Index|,fl379 William Lance Swan ~Swann, Donald 9-30-1923 3-23-1994 Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales, U.K. d. London, U.K. Donald Ibrahím Swann ~Swarbrick, Dave 4-05-1941 6-03-2016 New Malden, Surrey, U.K. Index|,ax26-7,cx878,fh1099,fm812,fq775 ~Swartz, Harvie - -1948 city? ,mh186 ~Sweeney's Men .... Index|,cx828 ~Sweet Honey in the Rock .... Index ,aa374,bk,cx607,fh1054,fm951,fq776,8j374 ~Sweet, Matthew - -1964 Lincoln, NB Index|,cx263,fm373,gl919 ~Sweethearts of the Rodeo .... Index ,fl379-80,ft218-9,fu791,fz449-50,hg520 ~Swingen, Herb - -1926 city? Index ~Swingle Singers .... Index|,bu366,bw258,cx1104 SY - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Sydeman, William Jay 5-08-1928 New York, NY Index ~Sykes, Carolyn - - Melbourne, Australia Index ~Sykes, Ernie 11-13-1960 city? Index ~Sykes, Robert 2-25-1914 11-07-1994 city? Index ~Sykes, Roosevelt 1-31-1906 7-17-1983 Elmar, AK Index ,as555,bk,cx387,fh456,fm555,ga243,gt153-4,hb350,3i198-9 aka The Honeydripper ~Sylvia (Sylvia Kirby) 12-09-1956 Kokomo, IN Index ,fl380,ft219,fu791-2,fz450,ge427-8,gj458,nd454-5,sa756 Sylvia Jane Kirby SZ - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Szabo, Gabor - -1936 - -1982 city?, Hungary ,mh186-7 ~Szmadzinski, Jamii - -1954 city?, MI Index
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