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FolkLib Index - Artist Selection - J

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      The page contains links to information about Folk Musicians, Bluegrass Musicians, Old-Time Musicians, Acoustic Blues Musicians, Wisconsin Musicians, Harp Players (the stringed kind) and Solo Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitarists and some Musicians in other Genres. This page has links for musicians whose last name or group name begins with the letter J.

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Birth/death dates, if known, are on the Birthdays/Bibliography page. Select the Bibliog (FolkLib Index) link.

  1. J. Harrison B. & The Bumbles - Page ( Nebraska Music Hall of Fame) [Active: 1962-1968] [Fremont, NE]
          - (see related: J. Harrison B. of Fond du Lac, WI)
  2. Jabbering Trout - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  3. Jabbour, Alan (fiddle) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Hollow Rock String Band) [Durham, NC / Los Angeles, CA 1968-]
  4. Jack, Germaine (?) - (member: Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie) [city?]
  5. Jackalope [city?]
          (R. Carlos Nakai, Larry Yanez)
  6. Jackie and Roy - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Craig Hanley) ( MusicWeb Encyclopaedia of Popular Music) ( Wikipedia) ( MusicWeb) [Chicago, IL 1946-1957 / Las Vegas, NV 1957-1962 / New York, NY 1962-2002]
          (Jackie Cain, Roy Kral)
  7. JACKOPIERCE - Page ( Andy Burnett's Music Database) ( Arabella Clauson) [city?]
  8. Jackson Delta - Page ( Gene Wilburn), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
          (Alan Black, Rick Fines, Gary Peeples)
  9. Jackson, Alan - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Newnan, GA]
  10. Jackson, Aunt Molly (vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Clay County, KY / Sacramento, CA]
  11. Jackson, Carl (banjo, guitar, mandolin, Dobro, fiddle, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Jim & Jesse and The Virginia Boys 1957-1962, The Sullivan Family 1962-19??, Glen Campbell's band 12 years, dates?) [Louisville, MS]
  12. Jackson, Cliff (piano) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Not from Wisconsin] [Culpeper, VA / city?, DC / city?, NY]
  13. Jackson, Edgar (discographer) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
    Jackson, Frank - "Arkansas"
  14. Jackson, Fruteland - "Blues"
  15. Jackson, Javon (tenor saxophone) - Page ( Author ?) - (member: James Williams Jazz Quintet) [city?]
    Jackson, John - "Blues"
  16. Jackson, Juliet - (member: Pieces of 8) [St. Louis, MO]
  17. Jackson, "Python" Lee (?) [city?]
    Jackson, Mahalia - "Blues"
    Jackson, Papa Charlie - "Blues"

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  18. Jackson, Scott - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Cleburne, TX]
  19. Jackson, Harold "Shot" - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wilmington, NC]
    Jackson, Stan - "Arkansas"
    Jackson, Tommy - "BG/OT"
  20. Jackstraws, The [Active: 19??-19??] [San Diego, CA]
          (Tom Cunningham, Lou Fanucchi, Tony Irvine, Wanda Law, Gary Lehman, Loren Lee Smith, Richard Tibbitts, Chris Vitas, former member: Dan Mazer)
  21. Jacques, Wayne "Chojo" (fiddle, guitar, mandolin, vocals) - (member: The Waybacks 1999-2004) [city?, Germany / city?, TX / city?, MT / city?, CA]
  22. Jacob, Jules - (member: Le Quatuor Alouette) [city?]
  23. Jacobs, Al T. (composer, author, piano) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (joined ASCAP 1936) [San Francisco, CA]
  24. Jacobs, Donald (clarinet) - (former member: Jutta & The Hi-Dukes) [Evanston, IL]
  25. Jacobs, Kate - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Alexandria, VA]
  26. Jacquet de la Guerre, Elisabeth-Claude (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Paris, France]
  27. Jaffe, Alan (sousaphone) - (member: Dejan's Olympia Brass Band) [New Orleans, LA]
  28. Jaffee, Rami (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Wallflowers (U.S.)) [Los Angeles, CA]
  29. Jagger, Mick - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Dartford, Kent, U.K.]
  30. Jake (new group name for Millan & Kenzie) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  31. El Jaleo [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  32. Jamal, Ahmad (piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Pittsburgh, PA]
  33. Jambalaya - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  34. Jambor Orchestra, Tony [Minneapolis, MN]
  35. Jamboree & Kathy Devine - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
          (Kathy Devine, ?)
  36. James, Bob (Robert) (piano, organ synthesizer) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Marshall, MO / New York, NY]
  37. James, Colin - Biography ( Ticketmaster Canada [Archive]) [city?]
    James, Elmore - "Blues"
    James, Etta - "Blues"
  38. James, Fred (guitar) [city?]
  39. James, Gabriel [Minneapolis, MN]
  40. James, George (vocals) - (member: Mud Acres/The Woodstock Mountain Revue) [Woodstock, NY]
  41. James, Hannah (accordion, keyboards, vocals) - (member: Kerfuffle) [city?, U.K.]
  42. James, Jo (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [Los Angeles, CA / Riverside, CA]
  43. James, Keith - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  44. James, Kevin [city?]
  45. James, Les (drums, vocals) - (member: Annwn) [Berkeley, CA]
  46. James, Mike Aaron - Page ( author ?) [city?]
    James, Nehemiah "Skip" - "Blues"
  47. James, Paul (soprano saxophone, bagpipes, rauschfeife) - (member: Blowzabella) [London, U.K.]
  48. James, Pinocchio (vocals) - Page ( All Music Guide), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Macon, GA]
    James, Simon - "Guitar"
  49. James, Sonny (?) - (former member: Jim & Jesse and The Virginia Boys) [city?]
    James, Steve - "Guitar"
  50. Jameswyn, Micheal and Brigitt Graykastle - Page ( RootsWorld) [city?]
  51. Jan & Steve [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  52. Jana [Lumbee] - Page ( Native Voices) ( Author ?) [Jana's last name is unknown] [city?]
  53. Jane, Lindsay (?) [city?, Manitoba, Canada]
  54. Jane's Addiction - Page ( Wikipedia) [city?]
  55. Janis, Bob (guitar, bodhran, vocals) - (former member: Gallimaufry) [Roselle, IL / Pittsburgh, PA]
  56. Janis, Bob & Christine Gaylord [Active: 19??-19??] [city?]
  57. Jano - (see: Jano Brindisi)
  58. Janson, Lauren (snare drum, vocals) - (member: Girls from Mars) [city?, PA]
  59. Janus Trio, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  60. Jansch, Bert - "Guitar"

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  61. Jara, Victor - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  62. Jarre, Maurice (composer, conductor) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Lyon, France / Los Angeles, CA]
    Jarreau, Al - "Wis."
  63. Jarrell, Ben (fiddle, vocals) - (member: Da Costa Woltz's Southern Broadcasters) [Tommy Jarrell's father] [Surry County, NC / Mt. Airy, NC 1921-]
  64. Jarrell, Charley (fiddle) [Tommy Jarrell's uncle] [Surry County, NC]
  65. Jarrell, Tommy - "BG/OT"
  66. Jarrett, Keith (piano, soprano saxophone) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Allentown, PA]
  67. Jasicki, Gary (?) - (member: DyVersaCo Polka Variety Band) [Andover. MN]
  68. Jason & Ginger [Active: 19??-] [Bloomington, IN]
  69. Jason Threlfall - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  70. Jay, Paul - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  71. Jay, Taylor - Page ( author ?) [city?]
  72. Jayhawks, The - Page ( Lost Highway Records) [city?]
    Jayne, Mitchell - "BG/OT"
  73. Jazzabels, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
          (Cathy Carfagna, Kilissa McGoldrick)
  74. Jazz Composers Alliance Orchestra - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Allston, MA]
          (founding members (1985): Darrell Katz, Andrew Hurlbut, Duane Johnson, Ken Schaphorst)
  75. Jazz Messengers, The - Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1955-1990] [city?]
          (Art Blakey (leader), Valery Ponomarev (1977-1981), ?)  
  76. Jefferson Airplane - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Rock & Roll Hall of Fame), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1965-1974 1989; 1996] [San Francisco, CA]
          (Jorma Kaukonen, Papa John Creach, , )
  77. Jefferson Starship - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1970; 1974-1984, 1992-] [San Francisco, CA]
          (Marty Balin, Craig Chaquico, Paul Kantner, Grace Slick)
    Jefferson, Blind Lemon - "Blues"
  78. Jefferson, Charles [city?]
    Jeffries, Sam Jr. - "BG/OT"
  79. Jelly Roll Morton - (see: Morton, Jelly Roll)
  80. Jem & Ariane - (see: Jem Moore and Ariane Lydon)
  81. Jencks, Joe (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [city?, IL / Cincinnati, OH]
  82. Jenkins and Sherrill - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  83. Jenkins, Reverend Andrew (aka Blind Andy) (guitar, mandolin, banjo, harmonica, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Jenkinsburg, GA / Atlanta, GA 1910-1956]
  84. Jenkins, Billy (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Bromley, Kent, U.K.]
  85. Jenkins, Bobo - "Blues"
  86. Jenkins, Ella (ukulele, harmonica, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (joined ASCAP 1963) [St. Louis, MO]
  87. Jenkins, Frank (fiddle, banjo, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Da Costa Woltz's Southern Broadcasters) [Surry County, NC]
  88. Jenkins, Freddie "Posey" (trumpet) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New York, NY]
  89. Jenkins, Gordon (composer, conductor, arranger, author) - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Author j), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (worked with The Weavers) (joined ASCAP 1935) [Webster Groves, MO]
  90. Jenkins, Hoke (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, NC]
  91. Jenkins, Leroy (violin, viola, bandleader, composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Chicago, IL]
  92. Jenkins, Martin (fiddle, mandocello) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Conundrum) [city?]
  93. Jenkins, Oscar (banjo) [city?]
  94. Jenkins, Snuffy (banjo, guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Sons of the Mountaineers) [Harris, NC]
  95. Jenkins, Verl "The Old Sheep Herder" (?) [city?]
    Jennings, Jan - "Harp"
  96. Jennings, John - Articles ( CMA Awards Database) [city?]
  97. Jennings, Mason - Page ( Author ?) ( VH1) [Minneapolis, MN]
  98. Jennings, Tim - Page - (member: Sheefra) [city?]
  99. Jennings, Waylon - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Littlefield, TX]
  100. Jensen, Jens (?) - (member: DyVersaCo Polka Variety Band) [Andover. MN]
  101. Jensen, Mike (arranger) [Bismarck, ND]
  102. Jensen, Steve (?) - (member: Steve Jensen & Doug Petty) [city?]
  103. Jensen, Steve & Doug Petty - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
          (Steve Jensen, Doug Petty)
  104. Jepsen, Jorgen Grunnet (discographer) - Page ( Wikipedia (in German only)), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Copenhagen, Denmark]
    Jerling, Michael - "Wis."
  105. Jerome, Henry (?) [city?]
  106. Jesus Christ Superstar - A Resurrection - Page ( Daemon Records) [city?]
  107. Jet Set [later became The Byrds] [city?]
          (Jim (Roger) McGuinn, David Crosby, Gene Clark)
  108. Jewel - (see: Kilcher, Jewel)

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    Jim and Jesse (McReynolds) - "BG/OT"
  109. Jim's Big Ego [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  110. Jimenez, Jr., Santiago [city?]  
  111. Jochum, Beth & Brenda Fisher [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  112. Joel, Billy (piano, vocals) - Page ( Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 1999) [Bronx, NY / Los Angeles, CA / New York, NY]
  113. Joffen, Josh - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) - (member: Folkano) [New York, NY]
  114. Johannesson, Lars (flute) [city?]
  115. Johansen, Henrik (clarinet, record label owner) [Copenhagen, Denmark]
          Co-founder: Storyville Records, see: "The Storyville Story"
    Johansson, Lasse - "Guitar"
  116. John Henrys, The [Active: 19??-] [Ottawa, Ontario, Canada]
  117. John, Elton (piano, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Pinner, Middlesex, U.K.]
  118. John, Matthew - (see: Matthew John Dorman) [city?]
  119. Johnathon, Michael - Page ( Poetman Records) [city?]
  120. Johnnie & Jack - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
          (Johnnie Wright, Jack Anglin)
  121. Johnny Nocturne (John Firmin) (saxophone) - Page ( Author ?) [Berkeley, CA]
    Johnsmith - "Wis."
    Johnson Mountain Boys - "BG/OT"
  122. Johnson, Anne (?) [city?]
  123. Johnson, Arlen J. (guitar, pedal steel guitar, mandolin) - (member: Silver Lining) [city?]
  124. Johnson, Bashiri (percussion) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
    Johnson, Blind Willie - "Blues"
  125. Johnson, Bruce (vocals) [city?]
  126. Johnson, Clint (fiddle) [city?, MO]
  127. Johnson, Courtney - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Barren County, KY]
  128. Johnson, Crow - Page ( [city?]
  129. Johnson, David N. (composer, arranger) - Page ( The Cyber Hymnal), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [San Antonio, TX / Tempe, AZ]
  130. Johnson, Deborah Liv - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  131. Johnson, Duane - (member: Jazz Composers Alliance Orchestra) [city?]
  132. Johnson, Earl - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Dixie String Band 1925) [Gwinnet County, GA]
  133. Johnson, Earl & His Dixie Entertainers [city?]
          (Emmett Bankston, Byrd Moore)
  134. Johnson, Earl & His Clodhoppers [city?]
          (Emmett Bankston, Lee "Red" Henderson)
  135. Johnson, Ed (vocals) [city?, CA]
  136. Johnson, Edith North - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [St. Louis, MO]
  137. Johnson, Eric - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  138. Johnson, Gordon (bass) - (member: Laura Caviani Trio) [city?, MN]
  139. Johnson, Howard [city?]
  140. Johnson, Howie - (member: The Ventures) [city?]
  141. Johnson, James Weldon - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Jacksonville, FL]
  142. Johnson, Jessica (flute) - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Verederos 1994-2004) [Minneapolis, MN / Duluth, MN]
  143. Johnson, Kathy Lee [city?]
  144. Johnson, Kathy (guitsr, vocals) [Akron OH]
  145. Johnson, Kyle - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  146. Johnson, Larry - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Atlanta, GA]
  147. Johnson, Leslie - (see: Lazy Lester)
  148. Johnson, Lil - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
    Johnson, Lonnie - "Blues"
    Johnson, Luther "Guitar Junior" & the Magic Rockers - "Blues"
    Johnson, Mark - "BG/OT"
  149. Johnson, Mary - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Eden Station, MS]
  150. Johnson, Mike (Michael) - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Back Porch Majority, Chad Mitchell Trio, Denver, Boise & Johnson) [Alamosa, CO]
  151. Johnson, Nolan Vestal - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  152. Johnson, Paul S. (double bass, dobro, mandolin) - (member: Prague '24) [Minneapolis, MN]
  153. Johnson, Prudence (vocals) [city?]

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  154. Johnson, Ralph M. (arranger) [city?]
    Johnson, Richard - "Guitar"
  155. Johnson, Robert (1) - "Blues"
  156. Johnson, Bob (Robert #2) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Steeleye Span) [city?]
  157. Johnson, Shannon - (see also: Bill Bourne & Shannon Johnson) [city?]
  158. Johnson, Shaun (trumpet) - (member: New Horizons Ensemble) [Chicago, IL]
  159. Johnson, Syl (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Holly Springs, MS]
    Johnson, Tommy - "Blues"
  160. Johnson, Vera - Page ( Georgian Bay Folk Society [Archive]) [city?]
  161. Johnson, Vesta (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Linn County, MO / St. Louis, MO]
  162. Johnson-Reagon, Bernice - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Albany, GA]
  163. Johnston, Adrienne - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Johnstons) [city?]
  164. Johnston, Dean (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Lamar, Barton County, MO / Adair, OK]
  165. Johnston, Freedy [city?]
  166. Johnston, Gary (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Lamar, MO / Nevada, MO]
  167. Johnston, Luci - (member: The Johnstons) [city?]
  168. Johnston, Mary Ann (autoharp.) - Page ( Autoharp Hall of Fame 2005 Contemporary), Obit ( Arner Funeral Chapel, Chester, WV) [East Liverpool, OH / Chester, WV / Cumberland, WV]
  169. Johnston, Max - (member: Wilco) [city?]
  170. Johnston, Michael (keyboards, vocals) - (member: The Johnstons, Us And Wilbur) [city?, Ontario, Canada]
  171. Johnstons, The [city?]
          (Paul Brady, Adrienne Johnston, Luci Johnston, Michael Johnston, Mick Moloney)
  172. Jolliphe, Chris - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  173. Jonas, Billy - Page ( Loyd Artists Agency) - (former member: The Billys) [city?]
  174. Jonathan, Guy - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  175. Jonathan, Michael (banjo) [city?]
  176. Jones & Leva - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Carol Elizabeth Jones, James Leva)
  177. Jones, Adrienne - Page ( Stephen Braun) ( Ernest Ackermann) [city?]
  178. Jones, Alton (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Big Creek, MO / Cody, WY / Theodosia, MO]
  179. Jones, Ann Morgan - (member: Cusan Tan) [city?]
  180. Jones, Bessie (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Georgia Sea Island Singers) [Dawson, GA (Georgia Sea Islands) / Brunswick, GA (Georgia Sea Islands)]
  181. Jones, Billy - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  182. Jones, Bob - (member: We Five) [city?]
    Jones, Brad - "Guitar"
  183. Jones, Carol Elizabeth - (member: Jones & Leva) [city?]
  184. Jones, Chris [city?]
  185. Jones, Clark (mountain dulcimer, hammered dulcimer, fretless banjo, autoharp., ukulele, guitar) - Obit ( ( Smithsonian Folkways), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Charlotte, NC / Carrboro, NC]
  186. Jones, Curtis (piano, guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Naples, TX / Munich, Germany]
  187. Jones, David - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  188. Jones, Davy (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Monkees) [Manchester, U.K. / Stuart, FL]
  189. Jones, Diana - (see: Diana Jones)
  190. Jones, Diane - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Mt. Holly, NJ]
  191. Jones, Diane and Hubie King, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  192. Jones, Eddie "Guitar Slim" (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Greenwood, MS / New York, NY]
    Jones, Floyd - "Arkansas"
  193. Jones, George - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Saratoga, TX / Vidor, TX / Nashville, TN]
  194. Jones, Gordon (member: Silly Wizard) [city?]
  195. Jones, Grandpa - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Hee Haw Gospel Quartet) [Niagara, KY]

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  196. Jones, Helen Carter (autoharp., guitar, accordion, mandolin, vocals) - Page ( Autoharp Hall of Fame 2011 Posthumous) ( ( Wikipedia), Obit ( Find A Grave), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Maces Springs, VA / Carrboro, NC / Nashville, TN]
  197. Jones, Howard [city?]
  198. Jones, JJ (drums) - (member: Girlyman 2009-) [Atlanta, GA]
  199. Jones, Jerry Jo (?) - (member: Plum Nelly) [city?]
  200. Jones, John (melodeon, accordion, piano, vocals) - (member: The Oyster Band) [city?, U.K.]
  201. Jones, Kerry (banjo) [city?]
  202. Jones, Loyal (author) - Page ( Berea College), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Marble, NC / Brasstown, NC 1940- / Black Mountain, NC 19??-2023]
  203. Jones, Matt - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  204. Jones, Nic (guitar) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Halliard, Bandoggs) [city?]
  205. Jones, Paul Ubana [city?]
  206. Jones, Richard M. (piano, vocals) - Page ( Red Hot Jazz Archive), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New Orleans, LA 1889-1919 / Chicago 1919-1945]
  207. Jones, Rickie Lee (vocals) - Page ( Andy Burnett's Music Database), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Chicago, IL / Olympia, WA / Los Angeles, CA 1973-1982 / New York, NY 1982-1984 / Los Angeles, CA 1984-]
  208. Jones, Robert "Guitar Gabriel" (aka Nyles Jones) (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Decatur, GA / Winston-Salem, NC]
  209. Jones, Ron (flute, ewi) [city?]
          (not Milwaukee's Ron Jones)
  210. Jones, Steven (keyboard, keybass) - (member: Marlin McKay Group) [Bloomington, IN]
    Jones, Tommy - "Guitar"
  211. Jones, Travis (acoustic guitar, vocals) - (member: Houston Jones) [city?, CA]
  212. Jones, Willie III (drums) [city?]
  213. Jonsson, Pete (guitar, vocals) - (member: Live Bait) [Rockton, IL]
    Joplin, Janis - "Blues"
  214. Joplin Group, Josh - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  215. Joplin, Scott (composer, piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Bowie City, TX / New York, NY]
  216. Jordan, Cathy (bodhran, bones, guitar, bouzouki, vocals) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Dervish 1991-, The Unwanted) [Scramogue, County Roscommon, Ireland / Sligo, Ireland]
    Jordan, Charley - "Blues"
    Jordan, Lon - "Arkansas"
    Jordan, Louis - "Blues"
  217. Jordan, Lynne - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  218. Jorgenson, John - (member: Desert Rose Band) [city?]
  219. Joseph, Martyn - Page ( Pipe Records) [city?]
  220. Joseph, Tim (guitar) - (member: Peacemeal String Band) [Traverse City, MI]
  221. Josephson, Nancy (bass) - (former member: Buffalo Gals #1) [city?]
  222. Jost, Paul "Harvey Bag" (bass, guitar, ukulele, vocals) - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) - (member: The Bagboys) [Cambridge, MA]
  223. Jostyn, Mindy (guitar, violin, harmonica, accordion, piano, vocals) - Page ( Al Belote), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: The Hooters 1991-1993) [San Jose, CA / Wellesley, MA / Philadelphia, PA / San Jose, CA]
  224. Journeymen, The (of 1961) - Biography (Journeymen"> The Folk File), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (see: Scott McKenzie, John Phillips, Dick Weissman) [city?]
  225. Journeymen #2, The (current Celtic folk/rock group) - Page ( KRL Records) [city?]
  226. Joy of Cooking Band - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1967-1972] [Berkeley, CA]
          (Toni Brown, David Garthwaite, Terry Garthwaite, Fritz Kasten, Jeff Neighbor, Ron Wilson)
  227. Joynson, Vernon (author) - Interviews ( by Klemen Breznikar/2011) ( by Kevin Rathert/2014), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Oxford, U.K. / Camden Town, U.K. 1976-1979 / city?, U.K. 1979-]
    Juber, Laurence - "Guitar"
  228. Jubilant Bridge - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  229. Judd, Ashley - Page ( Brad Schmitt), Films ( IMDB, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Los Angeles, CA]
  230. Judd, Naomi - Films ( IMDB, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Ashland, KY]
  231. Judd, Scott (guitar) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Tangleweed) [Chicago, IL]
  232. Judd, Wynonna - Page ( Katie Pruett [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Ashland, KY]
  233. Judds, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  234. Jughead - Page ( Gene Wilburn) [city?]
  235. Jugglers and Thieves [Detroit, MI rock band, released one LP before disbanding]
          (Paul Corte, Colin O'Brien, Matthew Sage, ?)
  236. Julian, John D. (author) - Page ( Wikipedia) (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [St. Agnes, Cornwall, U.K. / Thirsk, Yorkshire, U.K.]
  237. Julian, Richard - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  238. Juluka - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
          (Johnny Clegg, Mike Faure, Tim Hoare, Scorpion Madondo, Ratau Mike Makhalemele, Sipho Mchunu, Glenda Millar, Zola Mtiya, Gary VanZyl)
  239. Jump in the Water [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  240. JumpBoys (Jazz Band), Claudia Schmidt and The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Traverse City, MI]
          (Jeff Beavan, Dave Ksychi, Steve Little, Claudia Schmidt, David Schock, Steve Stargardt)
  241. Junior (?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Junior Wells - "Blues"
  242. Junkunc, Laddie W. Sr. (?) - Page (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Oak Park, IL]
    Junkunc, Laddie W. Jr. - "Wis."
  243. Juravich, Tom - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  244. Just Friends [Active: 19??-] [city?, MI]
          (Lori Cleland, Rosemary Kornacki, Judi Morningstar, Cecelia Webster)
  245. Justice, Kay - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Hawker & Justice) [McDowell County, WV]
  246. Justina and Joyce - Discog (see: Ariane Lydon) [city?]
          (Justina Golden, Joyce Zymeck)
  247. Justman, Seth (keyboards) - (member: J. Geils Blues Band 1968-1985) [Boston, MA]
  248. Jutta & The Hi-Dukes - Page ( Modal Music) ( [Active: 1990-] [Evanston, IL]
          (Jutta Distler, Terran Doehrer, Zoi Doehrer) - (former members: Al Alvarez, Mike Finnerty, Andreas Georgas, Donald Jacobs, Jim Lemonides, Velizar Shumanov)

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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