www.folklib.net: Browser Independent Domain
(last updated .02-14-2017)
This Site is Best Viewed With Any Browser
This site is a very strong supporter of Cari D. Burstein's
"Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW" .
There is nothing at this Lynx-friendly site that requires a specific
browser. Granted, my favorite browser is Netscape, primarily because of
Microsoft Internet Explorer's unacceptably unreliable visited links change
colors disfunctionality. However, there is no emphasis on Netscape or any
other browser, except Lynx. Almost every page is checked regularly for
readability with Lynx. This is because any page that is Lynx-friendly is
fully readable by screen readers for the blind. See my
Image Site Only
page for more detail about Web accessibility, and
This Site's FAQ
for a partial list of browser specific features you will NOT find here.
"desktop" friendly site
This is a "desktop" friendly site. I set a "viewport" meta tag as Google
suggested, but otherwise I have not found any training facilities close to
Ripon, WI where I can go to learn how to use my text editor to convert my over
95% text site with its over 1,000 pages into one that is more "mobile"
friendly. My only mobile devices are two 7" Kindle Fires (2nd & 4th
generation). I do not own a web displaying cell phone, so I would be unable to
test anything that might look better on a 3" or 4" screen, even if I learned
how to do that. Sorry!
URL: http://folklib.net/browser_independent.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
Copyright © 2000-2017
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.