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#F) Listing Format - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice|artist or group name birth date death date birthplace link to FolkLib Index entry d. death place Note 1: bibliography sources birth (maiden) name aka "also known as", pseudonyms this artist recorded under Note 2: (groups this artist was/is in) Note 2: see ... (artists that were in this group at one time or another) [reason for listing] {"Sing Out!" obituary article title} How to use the source references on these pages: for example, ~Adams, Bryan ,dg7,fo6,gl6 I feel it would serve no useful purpose to link all of the literally thousands of references to the book each one refers to, plus it would make it very difficult to edit these pages. Therefore, to make use of the above book references, append a "#" and each two letter code to the Bibliography page URL. For the above references, will link you to the bibliographical information about each book where the information for Bryan Adams can be found on the page listed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- H Birth Death Birthplace (see #G Name Source(s) mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy for U.S. state codes) ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------- HA - |top/bottom of page|All "H" artists/groups|Copyright Notice| ~Haase, Bob 8-19-1938 7-19-2010 Janesville, WI Index ~Hackberry Ramblers, The .... Index|,cx402,fq338-9,fu355,wa89 ~Hackett, Bobby 1-31-1915 6-07-1976 Providence, RI ,oi241-242 d. Chatham, MA Robert Leo Hackett ~Hackett, Martha 2-21-1961 Boston, MA [Star Trek Voyager, Seska] ~Haden, Charlie 8-06-1937 7-11-2014 Shenandoah, IA ,oi243-244 d. Los Angeles, CA Charles Edward Haden ~Hadley, Bob - - city? Index|,bi119,bj127,as248 ~Hadley, Jerry 6-16-1952 7-18-2007 Manlius, IL Index d. Clinton Corners, NY ,km10:650,kn2:593,kp218,kq151,kr92 ~Haefliger, Ernst 7-06-1919 Davos, Switzerland Index ~Hafermann, Holly 2-23-1986 Mazomanie, WI Index ~Hagberg, Neal 6-22-1969 Omaha, NE Index ~Hagen, Daron Aric 4-11-1961 Milwaukee, WI Index|,sp358 ~Hagen, Willis W. Sr. 12-12-1917 11-06-1993 Milwaukee, WI Index d. Milwaukee, WI ~Haggard, Merle 4-06-1937 Bakersfield, CA Index|,dv137,-- ~Haggerty, Lee 2-24-1930 3-31-2000 Westport, CT Index d. Sharon, CT Lee Baker Haggerty {Co-founder w/Sandy and Caroline Paton: Folk-Legacy Records} ~Hahn, Hilary 11-27-1979 Lexington, VA Index ~Hain, Jon - - Madison, WI Index m. Stephanie Rearick, 1992 ~Haisley, Lindsay - -1941 city? Index ~Hakmoun, Hassan - -1963 Marrakech, Morocco Index ~Hale, Theron and Daughters .... ,wa89-90 ~Haley, Bill 7-06-1925 2-09-1981 Highland Park, MI Index d. Harlingen, TX ,ao234-5,ff77-9,2y276-7 William John Clifton Haley ~Haley, Ed - -1883 - -1951 Hart's Creek, Logan County, WV Index|,fq339 ~Haley, Jimmy 1-19-1955 city? Index ~Halfpap, Tom - - city? Index|,ji ~Halifax Three, The .... Index|,ao352 ~Halker, Bucky - -1954 Beaver Dam, WI Index Clark D. Halker ~Halkoski, Jerry 2-23-1939 Wausau, WI Index ~Hall & Oates .... Index ,ao235-7,mp1062-3,2y277-9,3e70-2,8i242-4 ~Hall, Carol 4-03-1936 Abilene, TX Index|,pq208 ~Hall, Church - - city? Index|,cx508 ~Hall, Daryl 10-11-1946 Pottstown, PA Index|,ff581-94 Daryl Franklin Hohl ~Hall, Jim 12-04-1930 12-10-2013 Buffalo, NY ,oi245-246 d. New York, NY James Stanley Hall ~Hall, Kristen - - city? Index|,fq339-40 ~Hall, Tom T. 5-25-1936 city? Index|,fq340 ~Hamilton, Chico 9-20-1921 11-25-2013 Los Angeles, CA ,oi247-248 d. New York, NY Foreststorn Hamilton ~Hamilton, David - - city? Index|,kq ~Hamilton, Frank 8-03-1934 New York, NY Index|,au108,bk,wa90 ~Hamilton IV, George - - city? Index|,by135 ~Hamilton, Norman - - Clinton, OK Index ~Hamlisch, Marvin 6-02-1944 New York, NY Index ~Hammerstein II, Oscar 7-12-1895 8-23-1960 New York, NY Index d. Doylestown, PA Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein [his music has been recorded by folk musicians] ~Hammill, Brian - - Benton, WI Index ~Hammond, John Henry 12-15-1910 7-10-1987 New York, NY Index|,am206,bg237,bk ~Hammond, John Paul 11-13-1943 New York, NY Index|,al34,am206,ar182,as252,av685,az163,ba215,bg237,bk,bl62,bn295 ,bu41,ej86,fo412,fq340-1,fy232,gh165 ~Hammond, Lorraine - -1944 West Cornwall, CT Index|,fq341-2 ~Hampel, Gunter 8-31-1937 Gottingen, Lower Saxony, Germany Index ~Hampton, Calvin 12-31-1938 8-05-1984 Kittanning, PA Index George Calvin Hampton ~Hampton, Keith 2-17-1957 Dania Beach, FL Index ~Hampton, Lionel "Hamp" 4-20-1908 8-31-2002 Louisville, KY Index ,oi249-251 d. New York, NY Lionel Leo Hampton ~Hampton, Slide 4-21-1932 11-18-2021 Jeannette, PA ,oi252-253 d. Orange, NJ Locksley Wellington Hampton ~Hancock, Butch 7-12-1945 Lubbock, TX Index|,cx508,fl163,fq342-3 ~Hancock, Herbie 4-12-1940 Chicago, IL Index|,cc165,mx261-274,my110-115,oi254-6,sn269-283 ,ta312-3,tb357-9,fw359-60,io335-6,oi254-256,tc419-21,td449-50,te652-5 Herbert Jeffrey Hancock ~Handcox, John 2-05-1904 9-18-1992 Brinkley, AK Index|,sg48 {Union Songwriter} ~Handel, George Frideric 2-23-1685 4-14-1759 Halle, Germany Index ~Handle, Audrey - -1930 city? Index|,qh187 ~Handley, Sam - - Memphis, TN Index ~Handy, Spook - - Montclair, NJ Index ~Handy, W.C. 11-16-1873 3-28-1958 Florence, AL Index d. New York, NY ,bl62,cy133,gh166-7,gt38,ii191-2,mp1076-7,wb71-2,1p418,1q308,1r480-1,1s451 ,6y148 William Christopher Handy ~Haney, Carlton 9-19-1928 3-16-2011 Reidsville, NC Index d. Greensboro, NC ~Hanley, James F. 2-17-1892 2-08-1942 Rensselaer, IN Index|,pn157-8,po214,pp308,pq211 d. Douglaston, NY James Frederick "Jimmy" Hanley ~Hannah, John 4-09-1920 3-21-2003 city? Index John Scotland Hannah ~Hanway, Tom 8-20-1961 city? Index ~Hansen, Michael Paul 6-06-1956 6-27-1987 Washington Island, WI Index ~Hanson, Eddy 8-01- - - New London, WI Index|ASCAP 1966,309 Ethwell Hanson ~Harbach, Barbara C. 2-14-1946 Lock Haven, PA Index|,qd311 m. 1970 Thomas F. George ~Harbison, John 12-20-1938 Orange, NJ Index|,4ab229-32 ~Harbison, Rose Mary - - city? Index Rose Mary Pederson ~Hardaway, Bob 3-01-1928 Milwaukee, WI Index Robert Benson Hardaway ~Harder, Erwin Emil - -1883 - - Beaver Dam, WI Index|,qd311 ~Hardin, Lil 2-03-1898 8-27-1971 Memphis, TN Index|,pp20,pf5,wd84 d. Chicago, IL Lillian Hardin ~Hardin, Tim 12-23-1941 12-29-1980 Eugene, OR Index ,am207,bg238,bk,bn297,cx508,fo414,fq343,fy232,wa90 ~Harding, John Wesley - -1965 Hastings, U.K. Index|,fq343-4 ~Hardy, Dave 9-11-1955 city? Index ~Hardy, Jack 11-23-1947 5-11-2011 South Bend, IN Index|,cx509,fq344-5 John Studebaker Hardy ~Hardy, Thomas 6-02-1840 1-11-1928 Stinsford, Dorset, U.K. d. Dorchester, Dorset, U.K. ~Harjo, Joy - - Tulsa, OK Index ~Harley, Bill 7-01-1954 Greenville, OH Index|,fq345/7 ~Harman, James - - - - city? ,gt197-8 ~Harmon, John C. - -1935 city? Index ~Harmonious Wail .... Index|Periodicals ~Harper, Ben 10-28-1969 Pamona, CA Index|,fq347 ~Harpo, Slim 1-11-1924 1-31-1970 Lobdell, LA Index James Moore d. Baton Rouge, LA ~Harrell, Bill 9-14-1934 city? Index|,fq660,hx130 ~Harrell, Kelly 9-13-1889 7-09-1942 Drapers Valley, VA ,wa92 Crockett Kelly Harrell ~Harrington, Dick 3-08-1942 Rapid City, SD Index ~Harrington, Dick & Victoria Young .... Index|,fq347/9 ~Harrington, Bob 1-30-1912 Marshfield, WI Index ~Harris, Emmylou 4-02-1947 Birmingham, AL Index ,bu157,bw119,by136,cv131,dv140,fl165,fo417,fq348-50,ft107,fu371,ao237-9,fy233 ,gf41,2y279-81,4ac233-7 ~Harris, Rutha 11-27-1940 Albany, GA Rutha Mae Harris ~Harris, Sheldon 8-13-1924 9-08-2005 Cuyahoga County, OH Index|,an,vr d. Brooklyn, NY ~Harris, Wynonie 8-24-1915 6-14-1969 Omaha, NE ,gt168 d. Los Angeles, CA ~Harrison, Bill - - 11-16-1997 city? Index d. Madison, AL ~Harrison, David 5-17-1944 7-22-2003 Bristol, U.K. Index|,hf d. Bristol, U.K. David William Harrison ~Harrison, George 2-25-1943 11-29-2001 Liverpool, U.K. Index d. Los Angeles, CA ,ao239-41,2y281-4 ~Harrison, John - -1966 city? Index ~Harrison, Jerry 2-21-1949 Milwaukee, WI Index},iv91 Jeremiah Griffin Harrison ~Harrison, Nigel - -1960 city? Index|,7y Nigel John Harrison ~Harshaw, Margaret 5-12-1909 Philadelphia, PA (km) Harshaw, Margaret 5-12-1912 Narbeth, PA (ko) Index ,km11:72,kn2:652,ko221,kp225,kq154 ~Hart, Beth 1-24-1972 Los Angeles, CA Index ~Hart, Joseph - -1712 5-04-1768 London, U.K. Index d. London, U.K. ~Hart, Lorenz 5-02-1895 11-22-1943 New York, NY Index Lorenz "Larry" Milton Hart ~Hart, Mickey 9-11-1943 Brooklyn, NY Index|,4ac237-41 ~Hart, Tim 1-09-1948 city? Index ~Hart, Tim & Maddy Prior .... Index|,cx873 ~Harte, Frank - - city? Index|,cx873 ~Harter, Manfred - - Freiburg, Germany Index ~Hartford, John 12-30-1937 6-04-2001 New York, NY Index d. Nashville, TN ,am210,ar118,ar187,as258,az165,ba219,bg243,bk,bn303,bu159,by137,fl166,fo420 ,fq350-1,ft109,fu374,gx104,wa92-3 John Cowan Harford ~Hartford, Marie - -1936? 12-31-2001 city? Index d. Nashville, TN ~Hartgrove, Mike 10-27-1955 city? Index ~Hartje, Lacey - -1926 Joplin, MO Index|,qh48-52 ~Hartmann, Friedhelm - -1963 Reichenbach, Lower Silesia Index ~Hartwich, Karl - -1961 Moline, IL Index ~Harvey, David 3-14-1957 city? Index ~Harvey, Jan 5-12-1966 city? Index ~Harvey, PJ 10-09-1969 Bridport, Dorset, U.K. Index Polly Jean Harvey ~Harvey, Roy 3-24-1892 7-11-1958 Monroe County, WV Index d. New Smyrna Beach, FL ~Haslag, LeRoy - -1940 Loose Creek, MO Index|,qh187 ~Hassilev, Alex 7-11-1932 Paris, France Index|,aa228 ~Hassler, Hans Leo - -1564? 6-08-1612 Nuremberg, Germany Index d. Frankfurt, Germany [Baptized 10-26-1564, birth-date unknown] ~Hassman, Jan 5-31-1943 Chicago, IL Index ~Hastreiter, Helene 11-14-1858 8-06-1922 Louisville, KY Index d. Varese, Italy ~Hatch, H. Brooks - -1942 Los Angeles, CA Index ~Hatfield, Bobby 8-10-1940 11-05-2003 Beaver Dam, WI d. Kalamazoo, MI Index|,ha68,iv95 Robert Lee Hatfield ~Haufrecht, Herbert 11-03-1909 6-23-1998 New York, NY Index d. Albany, NY ~Hauser, Marv - -1929? 11-12-2004 city? Index ~Hauge, Soren - -1964 city? Index ~Havens, Richie 1-21-1941 4-22-2013 Brooklyn, NY Index d. Jersey City, NJ ,aa169,am210,aq122,ar189,as260,az166,ba220,bk,bg244,bn305,bv113,bw121,by234, cj223,cx509,fo424,fq351-2,wa93 Richard Pierce Havens ~Hawes, Bess Lomax 1-21-1921 11-27-2009 Austin, TX Index|,bk,bn307 d. Portland, OR ~Hawes, Butch - - city? Index|,bk,bn307 Baldwin Hawes ~Hawk, Dennis - -1946 Atchison, KS Index ~Hawker, Ginny - - city?, VA Index|,fq352 ~Hawkes, Pete - -1965 city? Index ~Hawkins, Coleman 11-21-1904 5-19-1969 St. Joseph, MO ,oi257-260 d. New York, NY Coleman Randolph Hawkins ~Hawkins, Ronnie 1-10-1935 Huntsville, AR Index|,ao241-2 Ronald Hawkins ~Hawkins, Ruth - -1923 city? Index|,qh188 ~Hawkins, Ted 10-28-1936 1-01-1995 Biloxi, MS Lakeshore, MS Index|,fq352-3 d. Los Angeles, CA ~Hawley, William 4-11-1950 Bronxville, NY Index [E. Ruth Anderson, "Contemporary American Composers", 1980, p. 229] ~Haydn, Joseph 3-31-1732 5-31-1809 Rohrau, Austria Index Franz Joseph Haydn ~Hayes, Isaac 8-20-1942 Covington, TN ,ao242-4,2y284-6 ~Hayes, Mark 3-28-1953 Ladysmith, WI Index ~Hayes, Martin 7-04-1962 Maghera, County Clare, Ireland Index|,fq353-4 ~Hayes, Mike - - 2-10-2003 city? Index d. Kempsey, Australia ~Hayes, Roland 6-03-1887 - -1976 Curryville, GA Index|,au109,be15 ~Haynes, Henry D. "Homer" 7-27-1918 - -1971 Knoxville, TN Index ~Haynes, Roy 3-13-1925 - - Boston, MA ,oi Roy Owen Haynes ~Haynie, Aubrey - -1974 city? Index|,hx12 ~Hays, Dan 2-18-1959 city? Index ~Hays, Lee 3-14-1914 8-26-1981 Little Rock, AR Index|,bn310,au110,bk d. Croton-on-Hudson, NY ~Haywire Mac 10-08-1882 4-24-1957 Knoxville, TN ,wa93-4 d. San Francisco, CA Harry Kirby McClintock ~Haygood, Amelia S. 3-19-2007 7-15-1919 Santa Monica, CA Index d. Gainesville, FL Amelia Da Costa Stone ~Haza, Ofra 11-19-1959 Tel Aviv, Israel Index|,fo428 ~Hazel & Alice .... Index|,by138,fq351-2 ~Hazell, Steve 12-18-1951 Wisconsin Rapids, WI Index|Sources ~Hazeltine, David 10-27-1958 Milwaukee, WI Index HE - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Head, Michael 1-28-1900 8-24-1976 Eastbourne, U.K. Index d. Cape Town, South Africa ~Heald, Jim - - city?, NJ Index ~Heaney, Joe - -1922 5-01-1984 Carna, Ireland Index|,bk,cx873 ~Heard, Mark - -1951 8-16-1992 Macon, GA Index|,cx509 ~Hearne, Bill 2-11-1945 Dallas, TX Index|,fq355-6 ~Hearne, Bonnie 3-05-1946 Corsicana, TX Index|,fq355-6 ~Heath, Jimmy 10-25-1926 1-19-2020 Philadelphia, PA ,oi263-264 d. Loganville, GA James Edward Heath ~Hecht, Daniel - -1950 Mt. Kisco, NY Index|Articles/Reviews|Sources ~Hecksel, Bruce Stanton 5-12-1968 city? Index ~Hecksel, Julie Reitz 9-22-1977 city? Index ~Hedge, Paul F. 11-19-1929 11-20-2006 Lincoln, NE Index d. Appleton, WI ~Hedges, Chuck - - Chicago, IL Index ~Hedges, Michael 12-31-1953 12-02-1997 Enid, OK Index d. rural Mendocino County, CA Sources ,fq356-7 ~Hee Haw Gospel Quartet .... Index|,fq357 ~Hefti, Neal 10-29-1922 10-11-2008 Hastings, NE Index|,os45-51 d. Toluca Lake, CA ~Hegamin, Lucille 11-29-1894 3-01-1970 Macon, GA Index|,mp1123 d. New York, NY ~Heggeness, Fred 10-08-1943 8-09-1997 Becker County, MN Index|,gn,zx,zy d. city? Vincent Frederick Heggeness ~Heifetz, Jascha 2-02-1901 12-10-1987 Vilnius, Russian Empire (now Lithuania) 1-20-1901 Old Style dates Index|,pn165-6,,po224,pp322-3,pq221 ~Heil, Gail 8-20-1945 5-30-2013 St. Louis, MO Index d. Spring Grove, MN ~Helgen, John - - Austin, MN Index ~Helicon .... Index|,fq357-8 ~Hell, Richard 10-02-1949 Lexington, KY Index ~Heller, Richard and Michele .... Index|,ex75-80 ~Hellerman, Fred 5-13-1927 9-01-2016 New York, NY Index|,au111,pp324,pq222 d. Weston, CT ,au111-2,av111-2,pp324,pq222,vm111-2 ~Hellman, Neal 4-13-1948 New York, NY Index|,fq358-9 ~Helm, Josh 2-27-1981 city? Index ~Helm, Levon 5-26-1940 4-19-2012 Elaine, AR Index d. New York, NY Mark Lavon Helm ~Helton, George - - city? Index|,qh188-9 ~Helton, Ike - -1907 - -1983 city? Index|,qh189-90 ~Hembree, Mark - -1954 Appleton, WI Index ~Hemphill, Jessie Mae - -1934 Senatobia, MS Index ~Henderson, Fletcher "Smack" 12-18-1897 12-29-1952 Cuthbert, GA ,oi265-266 d. New York, NY James Fletcher Hamilton Henderson ~Henderson, Jeanne - - city? Index|Periodicals ~Henderson, Joe (sax) 4-24-1937 Lima, OH ,mp1130 ~Henderson, Joe (piano) 5-02-1920 5-04-1980 Glasgow, Scotland ,mp1130 d. London, U.K. ~Henderson, John C. 8-19-1945 Derby, U.K. Index|,qd325 John Christopher Henderson ~Henderson, Kevin 8-06-1947 Bristol, U.K. ,mp1130-1 ~Henderson, Mike - - city? Index|,jx55 ~Henderson, Skitch 1-27-1918 - - Halstad, MN ,mp1131 Lyle Henderson ~Henderson, Ray 12-16-1896 12-31-1970 Buffalo, NY ,mp1131 Raymond Brost ~Henderson, Rosa 11-24-1896 4-06-1968 Henderson, KY Index d. New York, NY ,if63-4,mp1131,3u63-4 Rosa Deschamps ~Henderson, Wayne - - Rugby, VA Index|,cx509,fq359-60,jw49,jx55 ~Hendricks, Allen 8-19-1946 Madison, WI ~Hendricks, Bobby 2-28-1938 Columbus, OH ,mp1131-2 ~Hendricks, John (Jon) 9-16-1921 11-22-2017 Newark, OH Index d. New York, NY ,cc174,mp1132,mx63-76,my29-34,oi267-269 John Carl Hendricks ~Hendrickson, Al 5-10-1920 Eastland, TX Index|,qk19-25,qv313 Alton Reynolds ~Hendrix Experience, The Jimi .... Index|,8h228-30 ~Hendrix, Jimi 11-27-1942 9-18-1970 Seattle, WA Index d. Notting Hill, Holland Park, London, U.K. ,ao244-9,ff254-8,gt111-3,mp1132-4,yt89-97,3e72-4,8i247-51,2y286-90 Rough Guide to Jimi Hendrix James Marshall Hendrix / Johnny Allen Hendrix ~Hendryx, Nona 8-18-1945 Trenton, NJ ,mp1134 ~Henke, James - - city? Index|,dg,wp,6k James Douglas Henke ~Henkle, Doug 9-30-1941 Boston, MA Henkle, etc. On-Line Resources Douglas Herman Henkle, m. Carol Pierson (9-03-1966 - 10-28-2002 div.) m. Mary J. Park (5-20-2012) [the not even slightly famous Webmaster of the FolkLib Index] [with one exception, thanks to Peter Berryman, and another, thanks to Jeff Potts] Others who were born or died on my birthday: Internet Movie Database ~Henkle, Herman H. 3-26-1900 10-03-1987 Colorado Springs, CO Index d. Chicago, IL ~Henley, Don 7-22-1947 Gilmer, TX Index|,mp1134 Donald Hugh Henley ~Henley, John Lee 2-13-1919 Canton, MS ,mp1134 ~Hennebach, Margo 11-25-1958 New York, NY Index|,fq360 ~Hennessy, Frank 2-02-1947 Cardiff, Wales ,mp1134 ~Hennessys .... ,mp1134 ~Henry Cow .... ,mp1135 ~Henry, Clarence "Frogman" 3-19-1937 Algiers, LA ,mp1135 ~Henry, Ernie 9-03-1926 12-29-1957 New York, NY ,mp1135 ~Henry, Murphy 5-18-1952 city? Index ~Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn 11-14-1805 5-14-1847 Hamburg, Germany Index|,pr73-82 d. Berlin, Germany ~Henske, Judy 12-20- Chippewa Falls, WI Index|,aa173,ar194,as268,cx509,fh501,fm751,hl341-6 ,mp1135 ~Hensley, Ken 8-24-1945 city? ,mp1135-6 ~Hensley, Violet 10-21-1916 Montgomery County, AR Index|,qh53-5 ~Hensley, Walter 3-18-1936 city? Index|,by139 ~Hentoff, Nat 6-10-1925 1-07-2017 Boston, MA Index|,nx282 d. New York, NY Nathan Irving Hentoff ~Heptones .... ,mp1136 ~Herald Band, The John .... Index|,fu380 ~Herald, John 9-06-1939 7-18-2005 New York, NY Index|,aq96,bk,by139 Index|,aq96,bk,by139 d. West Hurley, NY John Whittier Sirabian ~Herbert, Victor 2-01-1859 5-26-1924 Dublin, Ireland Index|,mp1136-7 Victor August Herbert ~Herd .... ,mp1137 ~Herd, Jim - -1919 - -2002 Eastview, MO Index|,qh55-9 James Burton Herd ~Herdman, Priscilla 2-11-1948 Eastchester, NY Index|,cx509,fq360-1,wa94 ~Heretic .... ,mp1137 ~Heritte-Viardot, LouisePauli 12-14-1841 1-17-1918 Paris, France Index|,pr129-131 d. Heidelberg, Germany ~Herman, Jerry 7-10-1933 New York, NY ,mp1137 ~Herman, Woody 5-16-1913 10-28-1987 Milwaukee, WI d. Los Angeles, CA Index|,ha68,hy552,ir319-35,iv61,jy245,ju212-14,oi270-272 ,mp1137-9,oi270-272,or137-49 Woodrow Charles Thomas Hermann ~Herman's Hermits .... ,ao249-50,mp1139,2y290-1 ~Herndon, Mark 5-11-1955 Springfield, MA Index ~Herndon, Jude - -1897 - -1979 city? Index|,qh190 Julian E. Herndon ~Heron .... ,mp1139 ~Heron, Mike 12-12-1942 city?, Scotland ,mp1139-40 ~Herrick, Jack - - city? Index ~Herzhaft, Gerard 11-08-1943 Meyzieu, France Index|,cy ~Herzog, Arthur, Jr. 12-13-1900 9-01-1983 New York, NY Index d. Detroit, MI ~Hescher, Johann - -1973 Hamburg, Germany Index ~Heslin, Rilla R. - - La Mesa, CA Index ~Hester, Carolyn - -1937 Waco, TX Index ,aa174-5,av686,bi122,bj130,bn313-4,cx509,fq363,mp1140-1,wa95 Carolyn June Hester ~Heyward, Nick 5-20-1961 Beckenham, Kent, U.K. Index|,mp1141 ~Heywood, Eddie 12-04-1915 1-02-1989 Atlanta, GA Index d. Miami Beach, FL ,mp1141,qv316,rc522 HI - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Hi Flyers, The .... ,wa96 ~Hiatt, John 8-20-1952 Indianapolis, IN Index ,mp1141,wa95,mp1141,2y291-2 ~Hiatt, Peter 10-19-1930 12-11-2014 New York, NY Index d. Port Townsend, WA ~Hickerson, Joe 10-20-1935 Highland Park, IL Index ,aa175-6,au112-3,av112-3,az171,bk,vm112-3,wa95-6,wa95-6 Joseph Charles Hickerson ~Hickey, Jeff - -1951 7-14-2009 city? Index Jefferson H. Hickey ~Hickman, John 10-07-1942 Columbus, OH Index ~Hickman, Sara 3-01-1963 Jacksonville, NC Index|,fq362-3 ~Hicks, Bill - - city? Index ~Hicks, Dan 12-09-1941 2-06-2016 Little Rock, AR Index d. Mill Valley, CA ,ao250,as270,bu165,fo441,fq263-4,2y293 ~Hicks, Ken - - city? Index|,fp11 ~Hicks, Ray - - 4-20-2003 city? Index ~Higginbotham, J.C. 5-11-1906 5-26-1973 Social Circle, GA ,oi273-274 d. New York, NY Jack C. Higginbotham ~Higgins, Billy 10-11-1936 5-03-2001 Los Angeles, CA ,oi275-276 d. Inglewood, CA ~High Level Ranters .... Index|,ax33-4 ~Highwaymen, The .... Index|,bu165,df241,fx391,sk126-7 ~Highwoods Stringband, The .... ,wa9,wa96-7 ~Hildebrandt, Bob 5-16-1935 11-23-2009 Oshkosh, WI Index d. Oshkosh, WI Robert Louis Hildebrandt ~Hildegarde 2-01-1906 Adell, WI Index|,ha69,ir357,iv73 Hildegarde Loretta Sell ~Hildegard of Bingen - -1098 9-17-1179 Bermersheim vor der Hohe, Germany Index|,pr11-15 d. Bingen am Rhein, Germany ~Hill Billies .... (aka Al Hopkins abnd the Hill Billies) ,wa97 ~Hill, Bertha 3-15-1905 5-07-1950 Charleston, SC Index d. New York, NY ,if65-6,3u65-6 aka "Chippie" Hill ~Hill, Billy 7-14-1899 12-24-1940 Boston, MA Index d. Boston, MA William Joseph Hill ~Hill, Noel - -1958 Caherea, Lissycasey, County Clare, Ireland Index|,fq364,nn519-21 ~Hill, Thomas A. - - city? Index|,ek ~Hill, Z.Z. (Azell) 9-30-1935 4-27-1984 Naples, TX Index|,fn95 d. Dallas, TX ~Hille, Veda 8-11-1968 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Index ~Hillman, Chris 12-04-1944 Los Angeles, CA Index|,by142,fq364-5,fu383,fy236 ~Hillmen, The .... Index|,by142,cx491 ~Hills, Anne - - Moradabad, India Index|,fq365-6 ~Hines, Earl 12-28-1903 4-23-1983 Duquesne, PA Index|,oi277-279,os37-44 d. Oakland, CA Earl Kenneth Hines ~Hines, Jerome A. 11-08-1921 2-04-2003 Hollywood, CA Index d. Manhattan, NY ,km11:539,kn2:723,ko228,kp233,kq157 Jerome Albert Link Heinz ~Hinesley, Dean 9-13-1937 Turkey Creek, AR Index ~Hingis, Martina 9-30-1980 city? Index|,-- [tennis star] ~Hinojosa, Tish 12-06-1955 San Antonio, TX Index|,ft111,fq366-8,fu385 Leticia Hinojosa ~Hinsom, Derwin - - city?, WI Index|,sm52 ~Hinton, Sam 3-31-1917 9-10-2009 Tulsa, OK Index|,au115,az173,bk,bn315 ~Hinzman, Lisa MaeRae 2-26-1963 Portage, WI Index ~Hitchcock, Robyn 3-03-1953 Paddington, London, U.K. Index|,fq368-9 ~Hitner, Mara - - city?, NY Index HO - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Hoard, Christian - - city? Index|,6m ~Hobo Jim 1-01-1952 city?, IN Index|,fq369-70 ~Hoctor, Patrick - - Cincinnati, OH Index Patrick Joseph Hoctor ~Hodges, Johnny 7-25-1907 5-11-1970 Cambridge, MA ,oi280-282 d. New York, NY John Cornelius Hodges ~Hoefer, George - -1909 11-19-1967 Laramie, WY Index d. Brielle, near Spring Lake, NJ ,dj531,rc531,xs259-60 ~Hoehn, Jim - - city? Index|Periodicals ~Hoenig, Michael - - city? Index|,ai44 ~Hoffman, Barbara - -1946 city? Index ~Hoffman, Guy 5-20-1954 Milwaukee, WI Index ~Hoffman, Miles - - city? Index|,8m,8n ~Hogan, Moses 3-13-1957 2-11-2003 New Orleans, LA Index Moses George Hogan ~Hogan, Neil - -1956 city?, CA Index ~Hoiby, Lee 2-17-1926 Madison, WI Index ~Holcomb, Robin - -1954 city?, GA Index|,fq370 ~Holcomb, Roscoe - -1911 - -1981 Daisy, KY ~Holcomb, Roscoe - -1913 (#wa) Index ,aa183,av687,az173,ba228,bk,bn316,fq370-1,wa97-8 ~Holder, Barby 5-02-1956 Winchester, VA Index|Articles/Reviews|Sources ~Holder, Mitch - - city? Index|,qk230-9 ~Holiday, Billie 4-07-1915 7-17-1959 Philadelphia, PA Index|,oi282-284,or124-36 d. New York, NY Eleanora Fagan ~Holland-Dozier-Holland .... ,ao251-3,2y293-5 ~Holland, Jerry 2-23-1955 7-16-2009 Brockton, MA Index|,fq371 ~Hollander, Wesley 10-10-1985 Zaandam, Netherlands Index ~Hollenbeck, Florence 7-13-1899 6-26-1966 city? Index d. Oshkosh, WI ~Hollies, The .... ,ao253-5,2y295-7 ~Hollow Rock String Band, The .... Index|,fq371-2 ~Holly and the Italians .... ,4by190,4bz72 see also Holly Beth Vincent ~Holly, Buddy 9-07-1936 2-03-1959 Lubbock, TX Index ,ao255-9,2y297-9,3e75-9,8h236-9,8i254-6 Charles Hardin Holley ~Holm, Richard 8-03-1912 7-20-1988 Stuttgart, Germany Index d. Munich, Germany ,km11:636,kn2:741,ko230,kp235 ~Holmes, Thom - - city? Index|,wd ~Holst, Gustav 9-21-1874 5-25-1934 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, U.K. Index Gustav Theodore Holst (born Gustavus Theodor von Holst) ~Holstein, Fred - - 1- -2004 city? Index d. Chicago, IL ~Holt, Bob 11-25-1930 3-19-2004 Ava, Douglas County, MO Index|,qh59-69 d. Ava, MO ~Holt, David 10-15-1946 Gatesville, TX Index|,cx510,fq372-3,fu390,wa98 ~Holt, Will 4-30-1929 Portland, ME Index|,au116 ~Holy Modal Rounders .... Index|,fo449,fq373,hl224,wa98 ~Holzman, Jac - -1932 New York, NY ,wa99 ~Homer & Jethro .... Index|,fl172,fq373-4,fu391 ~Homesick James - - - - city? ,gt168-9 ~Hooker, James 7-20-1948 Winnsboro, SC Index James H. Brown, Jr. ~Hooker, Earl - - - - city? ,gt113-6 ~Hooker, John Lee 8-22-1917? 6-21-2001 Clarksdale, MS Hooker, John Lee 8-17-1920? 6-21-2001 Index ,aa183,al36,am219,an238-42,ar200,as276,av687,az435,ba230,bb138,bc92,be100 ,bg258,bk,bl69,bn320,cj356,fo451,fq374-5,fy237,gt116-8,vr238-41,4aa265-9 ,6q266-76,7s174-6 ~Hooks, Steve 3-25-1946 Ottuma, IA Index Stephen George Hooks ~Hooper, Jessie Jack 11-09-1865 5-07-1935 Winneshiek County, IA Index d. Oshkosh, WI Jessie Annette Jack ~Hoosier Hot Shots, The .... Index|,fq375-6 ~Hope, Bertha 11-08-1936 Los Angeles, CA Index|,oe165-7 ~Hopkin, Mary - -1950 Pontardawe, Wales Index|,fq376 ~Hopkins, Joel "Squatty" 1-03-1904 2-15-1975 Centerville, TX Index d. Galveston, TX ,an241,vr241,7s176 ~Hopkins, John Henry 2-03-1901 2-29-1966 Centerville, TX Index d. Dallas, TX ,an242,vr242 ~Hopkins, Sam "Lightnin'" 3-15-1912 1-30-1982 Centerville, TX Index d. Houston, TX ,aa184,am219,an242-4,ar200,as277,av687,az435,ba231,bb140,be98,bk,bl92,bn322 ,fo452,fq376-7,fy238,gt119-22,vr242-4,6q276-83,7s176-7 Samuel John Hopkins ~Hopkins, Telma Louise 10-28-1948 Louisville, KY Index ~Hopson, Hal H. 6-12-1933 Mound, TX Index|,pq235,qd345 Hal Harold Hopson ~Horn, Paul 3-17-1930 6-29-2014 New York, NY Index d. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ~Horn, Shirley 5-01-1934 10-20-2005 Washington, DC Index|,oe173-7 d. Washington, DC Shirley Valerie Horn ~Horncloud, William 5-05-1907 - -1992 Medicine District, Pine Ridge, Potato Creek, SD Index d. city? ~Horne, Marilyn 1-16-1934 Bradford, PA Index ,km11:732,kn2:754,ko232,kp236,kq159,kr100 Bernice Horne ~Horner, James 8-14-1953 6-22-2015 Los Angeles, CA Index d. Los Padres National Forest, CA James Roy Horner ~Horner, Jerry - - Los Angeles, CA Index ~Horse, Harry 5-09-1960 1-10-2007 Coventry, U.K. Index d. Papil, West Burra, Shetland Islands Richard Horne ~Horseflies, The .... Index|,fq378-9 ~Horslips .... Index|,ta336-7,tb390 ~Horton, Big Walter "Shakey" 4-06-1917 12-08-1981 Horn Lake, MS Index d. Chicago, IL ,gt122-4,6q283-4,7s177-8 ~Horton, Johnny 4-03-1925 11-05-1960 Los Angeles, CA Index|,fl176,fu393 John Gale Horton ~Horton, Ray 11-05-1914 Broad Top, PA Index|,fl176 ~Horton, Vaughn 6-06-1911 2-29-1988 Broad Top, PA Index|,fu394 ~Hot Rize .... Index ,ba233,bk,by145,cx491,fq379,fu395,wa100 ~Hot Tuna .... Index|,ao259-60,fq379-81 ~Hothouse Flowers .... Index|,fq381 ~Hotmud Family, The .... Index|,by145,fu394,wa99-100 ~Hotter, Hans 1-19-1909 12-08-2003 Offenbach am Main, Germany Index ,km11:751,kn2:755,ko232,kp236,kq159,kr100 ~Hounsome, Terry - - Abingdon Berkshire, U.K. Index|,ar,as,el,8t,8u,8v ~House Band, The .... Index|,fq381-2 ~House, Son 3-21-1902 10-19-1988 Riverton, MS House, Son - -1886? 10-19-1988 Index|,aa186,aj7,az436,ba234,bb141,bg262,bk,bl76,bn324 ,fo456,fq382,gt46-9 Eddie James House ~House, Wallace - - Guernsey, Channel Islands (England) Index|,au117,bk ~Houston, Cisco 8-18-1918 4-29-1961 Wilmington, DE Index ,aa187,au118,az178,ba234,bk,bn326,cx510,fq382-3,fu395,wa100-1 Gilbert Vandine (tilde on both "n") ~Houston, David 12-09-1938 11-25-1993 Bossier City, LA or 11-30-1993 Index|,fl177,fu396 ~Houston, Whitney 8-09-1963 2-11-2012 Newark, NJ Index d. Beverly Hills, CA ,2y300-1 Whitney Elizabeth Houston ~Hovland, Egil 10-18-1924 Rade, Norway Index ~Howe, Julia Ward 5-27-1819 10-17-1910 New York, NY Index d. Portsmouth, RI ~Howell, Leonard - (see: Eaglecloud) ~Howell, Peg Leg 3-05-1888 8-11-1966 Eatonton, GA Index Joshua Howell ~Howard, Harlan 9-08-1927 3-03-2002 Detroit, MI Index|,fl177,fu398 Harlan Perry Howard, m. Jan Howard (1957-1967) ~Howard, Jan 3-13-1932 West Plains, MO Index ~Howard, Johnny - - 6-06-1997 city? Index d. Ithaca, NY ~Howard, Randy 11-11-1960 6-29-1999 Milledgeville, GA Index d. Nashville, TN ,sn17 Randy Dale Howard ~Howard, Thomas Raymond - -1963 Milwaukee, WI Index aka Ziggy Plato ~Howlin' Wolf 6-10-1910 1-10-1976 Aberdeen, MS Index d. Hines, IL ,am221,ar203,as280,bb143,bg263,bk,bl77,fo460,gt124-8,8h536-7 Chester Arthur Burnett HU - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Hubbard, Freddie 4-07-1938 12-29-2008 Indianapolis, IN ,oi285-286 d. Los Angeles, CA Frederick Dewayne Hubbard ~Hubbard, Preston 3-15-1953 Providence, RI Index ~Hubbard, Ray Wylie 11-13-1946 Soper, OK Index|,fq383 ~Hudak, Mike 10-08-1933 - - St. Clair, PA Index d. city? ~Hudson, Garth 8-02-1937 London, Ontario, Canada Index ~Huellou, Paul - - city? Index|,cx873 ~Huggans, Pauline Bowman - - 12-24-2003 city? Index ~Hugh-Jones, Elaine 6-14-1927 London, U.K. Index ~Hughes, Arlin - -1914 - -2006 city? Index|,qh191 ~Hughes, Lena 3- -1904 3-03-1998 city? Index d. Chillecothe, MD Lena Jones ~Hughey, Ron - -1914 - -1974 South Greenfield, MO Index|,qh192 ~Hugill, Stan - -1906 5-13-1992 Coastguard Cottages, Holylake, Cheshire, U.K. Index|,se58 d. Aberdovey, Wales {Shantyman, Author, Artist} ~Hui Ohana .... Index|,fq383-4 ~Humble Pie .... ,ao260-1 ~Humes, Helen 6-23-1913 9-13-1981 Louisville, KY ,oi287-288 d. Santa Monica, CA ~Humphrey, Phillip 11-26-1937 Niagara, WI Index ~Humphries, Pat - -1960 city?, OH Index ~Hunter, Alberta 4-01-1895 - -1984 Memphis, TN Index d. city? ,gt76-7,if67-74,3u67-74 aka May Alix, Josephine Beatty, Helen Roberts ~Hunter, Ivory Joe 10-10-1914 11-08-1974 Kirbyville, TX Index d. Memphis, TN ~Hunter, Long John - - - - city? ,gt224 ~Hunter, Reeva - - city? Index|,fh503 ~Hunter, Rita 8-15-1933 4-29-2001 Wallasey, Merseyside, U.K. Index d. Sydney, Australia ,km11:874,kn2:773,ko234,kp240,kq161,kr103 ~Hunter, Sonya - - city? Index ~Hurley, Michael 12-20-1941 Bucks County, PA Index|,fq384 ~Hurst, Jim 7-27-1954 city? Index ~Hurt, Mississippi John 7-03-1893 11-02-1966 Teoc, MS Index ,aa189,av688,ax108,bb145,bg266,bk,bl80,bn332,fo464,fq384,wa101 ~Huskey, Roy Jr. 12-17-1956 9-06-1997 Nashville, TN Index Roy Milton Huskey ~Husky, Ferlin 12-03-1925 3-17-2011 Cantwell, MO Index d. Westmoreland, TN Ferlin Eugene Husky ~Hustad, Donald 10-02-1918 Yellow Medicine County, MN Index Donald Paul Hustad ~Hutcherson, Bobby 1-27-1941 8-15-2016 Los Angeles, CA ,oi289-290 d. Montara, CA Robert Hutcherson ~Hutchings, Ashley "Tyger" 1-26-1945 Southgate, Middlesex, U.K. Index|,as283,bg180,fq385,wa102 ~Hutchison, Uncle Dick - -1897 - -1986 city? Index|,qh192-3 ~Hutchison, Frank 3-03-1897 11-09-1945 Logan, WV Hutchison, Frank 3-20-1891 11-09-1945 Raleigh County, WV Index|,fq386,wa103 d. Columbus, OH ~Hutto, J. B. 4-26-1926 6-12-1983 Blackville, SC Index|,bc152,bk,gt169 d. Harvey, IL Joseph Benjamin Hutto HY - |top/bottom of page|Copyright Notice| ~Hyatt, Walter 10-25-1949 5-11-1996 city? Index|,cx451,fq387 d. Florida Everglades ValuJet crash ~Hyland, Bob - - 6-26-1997 city? Index ~Hylton, Randall 1-08-1945 3-20-2001 city? Index ~Hyman, Rob 4-24-1950 Meriden, CT Index Robert Andrew Hyman ~Hynde, Chrissie 9-07-1951 - - Akron, OH ,4ab252-5 Christine Ellen Hynde
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