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FolkLib Index - Artist Selection - L

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      The page contains links to information about Folk Musicians, Bluegrass Musicians, Old-Time Musicians, Acoustic Blues Musicians, Wisconsin Musicians, Harp Players (the stringed kind) and Solo Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitarists and some Musicians in other Genres. This page has links for musicians whose last name or group name begins with the letter L.

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Birth/death dates, if known, are on the Birthdays/Bibliography page. Select the Bibliog (FolkLib Index) link.

  1. La Botinne Souriante [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  2. La Croix, Pat - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Halifax Three) [city?]
  3. La Farge, Peter (guitar, vocals) - Biography ( The Folk File), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New York, NY]
  4. La Lugh - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  5. La Salle Quartet, The John [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  6. Labbe, Lilianne (guitar, vocals) - (member: Lilianne Labbe & Don Hinkley) [city?, ME]
  7. Labbe, Lilianne & Don Hinkley - Page ( UW-Green Bay) [Active: 19??-] [city?, ME]
          (Don Hinkley, Lilianne Labbe)
  8. Labig, Jim - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  9. LaBlanc, Frank (mandolin, mandola, vocals) - (member: American Wake) [San Diego, CA]
  10. LaBour, Fred (aka Too Slim) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Riders in the Sky) [Grand Rapids, MI / Nashville, TN]
  11. Lac La Belle [Active: 19??-] [Detroit, MI]
    Lackey, Brian - "Arkansas"
  12. Lader, Deborah Maris - (member: Sons of the Never Wrong) [city?]
  13. Ladysmith Black Mambazo

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  14. LaFave, Jimmy (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wills Point, TX / Austin, TX 1986-2017]
  15. LaFernier, Richard - Orders ( Smithsonian Folkways) [city?]
  16. Lafleur, David [Vienna, VA]
  17. LaFleur, Patti (bass, banjo, vocals) - (member: The Acousticatz) [Benton, AR]
  18. Lagnille, Claudine (?) - (member: Touchstone) [city?, NC]  
  19. Lake, Tim - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New York, NY]
  20. Laketown Buskers, The - Discog ( Jane Keefer), Page ( Silver Beam Music) [Active: 19??-] [Chicago, IL]
          (Keith Baumann, Colin McCoy, Barbara Silverman, Bob Stelnicki)
          no connection to The Buskers
  21. Lakota George Estes - Page ( Ward Stroud) [city?]
    LaLanne, Jean-Felix - "Guitar"
  22. Lalley, Anne (Annie) (vocals) - Page ( Joe Ebel) [Asheville, NC]
  23. Lalonde, Larry - Pictures ( Deering Banjos) [city?]  
  24. Lamarre, Emile - (member: Le Quatuor Alouette) [city?]
  25. LaMay & Reese - Page ( Joe LaMay) [Active: 1998-] [Burnside, KY]
          (Joe LaMay, Sherri Reese)
  26. LaMay, Joe (guitar, vocals) - Discog ( Local Folkel Records) - (member: LaMay & Reese) - (former owner: Local Folkel Records) [East Rochester, NY / Burnside, KY]
  27. Lamb, Barbara (fiddle, vocals) - (member: Ranch Romance, Asleep at the Wheel) [Seattle, WA]
  28. Lamb, Joseph F. - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  29. Lamb, Linda - "Wis."
    Lambert, Dan - "Guitar"
  30. Lamble, Martin (drums) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Fairport Convention 1967-1969) [London, U.K.]
  31. Lamond, Mary Jane - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Kingston, Nova Scotia, Canada]
  32. LaMotte, David [city?]
  33. Lampell, Millard (vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Lyrics ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Almanac Singers) [Paterson, NJ / Ashburn, VA / New York, NY]
  34. Lamson, Peter (?) - (member: Peter Lamson & Jesus Portillo) [city?]
  35. Lamson, Peter & Jesus Portillo - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Peter Lamson, Jesus Portillo)
  36. Lanahan, Maery - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
    Lancaster, Buddy - "Arkansas"
  37. Landa, Tom & The Paperboys - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  38. Landes, Roger - Page ( Dan Beimborn) - (member: Scartaglen) [city?]
  39. Landreth, Dave (banjo) [city?]
  40. Landreth, Sonny - Page ( Concerted Efforts) [city?]
  41. Landrum, Hollis (banjo, mountain dulcimer, hammered dulcimer) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Vicksburg, MS]
  42. Landrum, Kinny - (member: Kips Bay Ceili Band) [Lexington, KY]
  43. Landry, Jimmy - Page ( [Archive]) [city?]
  44. Lane, Brianna (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [Minneapolis, MN]
    Lane, Jimmy D. - "Blues"
    Lane, Julia - "Harp"
  45. Lane, Shawn (mandolin, fiddle, vocals) - (member: Blue Highway) [city?]
  46. lang, k.d. - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Consort, Alberta, Canada]
  47. Lang, Jeff - Page ( Gary Minato) ( Wind River Records) [city?]
  48. Lang, Josephine (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Munich, Germany / Tubingen, Germany]
  49. Lang, Jonny (?) [city?]
  50. Lang, Penny - Page ( CPReal Agency [Archive]) ( Gene Wilburn [Archive]) [Montreal, Quebec, Canada]
    Lang, Peter - "Guitar"
  51. Langdon, George - (member: The Black Auks) [city?, Newfoundland, Canada]
  52. Lange, Daisy (fiddle, string bass, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Coon Creek Girls) [city?, OH]
  53. Lange, Don - Page ( Lange Winery), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  54. Langhorne, Bruce (guitar, violin, piano, percussion, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Discog ( Jane Keefer), Biography ( The Folk File), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Tallahassee, FL / New York, NY / Los Angeles, CA 1985- / Venice, CA]
  55. Langmar, Emery (banjo, bass) - (member: Peter Nye & the Chicago Bluegrass Band) - (former member: Half Day Bluegrass Band 200?-200?) [Chicago, IL]
  56. Lanham, Jim (?) - (member: Pure Prairie League 1971-1972) [Cincinnati, OH]
  57. Lanois, Daniel (guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Hull, Quebec, Canada]
  58. Lantz, David III (composer) - Page ( The Lorenz Corporation) [city?, PA]
  59. Lanz, David (piano) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  60. LaPrise, Larry - Obit ( CNN), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  61. Lara, Leo & Kathy - Page ( Young Audiences of Minnesota) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  62. Lara, Nil [city?]
    Larkan, Bob - "Arkansas"
  63. Larkin and Moran Brothers, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Chicago, IL]
  64. Larkin, Barbara - (former member: The Larkin Family Bluegrass Band) [city?]
  65. Larkin, Colin (guitar, vocals, author) - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Colin Larkin), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Closer Than Most 197?-19??) [Dagenham, Essex, U.K. / Suffolk, U.K.]
  66. Larkin, Don - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  67. Larkin, Lowell - (former member: The Larkin Family Bluegrass Band) [city?]
    Larkin, Patty
  68. Larkin, Sam [city?]
  69. Larkin, Shaunna - (member: The Larkins Country Duo) - (former member: The Larkin Family Bluegrass Band) [city?]
  70. Larkin, Tina - (member: The Larkins Country Duo) - (former member: The Larkin Family Bluegrass Band) [city?]
  71. Larkins, Ellis (piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Baltimore, MD]
  72. Larner, Sam - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  73. LaRoche, Nicole - (member: Brule) [city?]
  74. LaRoche, Paul - (member: Brule) [city?]
  75. La Rosa, Julius - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Brooklyn, NY / Irvington, NY 1975?-2015 / Crivitz, WI 11/2015-2016]
  76. Larrisey, Brendan (fiddle) - (member: Arcady) [Dublin, Ireland]
  77. Larsen, Grey (flute, tin whistle, concertina, harmonium, field organ, piano) - Page ( Author ?) [VA / Bloomington, IN]
  78. Larsen, Grey & Paddy League - Page ( CD Baby) [city?, VA / Bloomington, IN]
  79. Larsen, Grey & Andre Marchand - Page ( CD Baby) [Bloomington, IN]
  80. Larson, Judy [city?]
  81. Larson, Nicolette - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  82. LaRue, Custer (vocals, soprano) [city?]
  83. Laskin, Grit (guitar, vocals, luthier) - Page ( Gene Wilburn [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Toronto, Ontario, Canada]
  84. Late Bloomers - Page ( Randy Browning) [Active: 19??-] [So. Berwick, ME]
          (Randy Browning, Brett Kinney)
  85. Latham, Billy Ray - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Kentucky Colonels) [city?]
  86. Latham, Mark - (member: The Black Auks) [city?, Newfoundland, Canada]
  87. Latin Legends Band, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  88. Latona's Thirst - Page ( Chris Evans) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  89. Lau [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Kris Drever, Martin Green, Aidan O'Rourke)
  90. Lauderdale, Jim - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  91. Lauffer, Dan - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Even Dozen Jug Band) [city?]
  92. Laughery, Chris (flute) [city?]
  93. Laughlin, Tim (mandolin) - (former member: Acoustic Endeavors 1995-19??) [city?]
  94. Laurel Canyon Ramblers, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Kenny Blackwell, Bill Bryson, Herb Pederson, Billy Ray Latham, Roger Reed, Gabe Whitaker)
  95. Lauska, Franz (pianist, composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Brno, Moravia, Czech Republic / Berlin, Germany]
  96. Lavin, Christine - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine), Page ( Zoe Gillman)Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Four Bitchin' Babes) [city?]
  97. Law, Wanda - (former member: Jackstraws) [San Diego, CA]
  98. Lawless, John (banjo) - Editor ( Bluegrass Today) - (member: Acoustic Endeavors 19??-19??) [Roanoke, VA]
  99. Lawless, Ray M. (author) - Page ( "Ray M. Lawless Collection" at L.O.C.) ( Find A Grave), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wellington, KS / Chicago, IL / Kansas City, MO]
  100. Lawn Jockey - Page ( Scott Stokes) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Tom Henry, Scott Stokes)
  101. Lawrence, Al - (member: The Stationary Willberries) [city?]
  102. Lawrence, Andrew - Page ( Scott & Jay Lawrence) [city?]

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  103. Lawrence, Eddy - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine) [city?]
  104. Lawrence, Jack (guitar) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Del McCoury Band) [Charlotte, NC]
  105. Lawrence, Steve (vocals, piano, saxophone) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (member: Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme) [city?]
  106. Lawrence, Steve and Eydie Gorme (aka Steve & Eydie) - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1954-] [city?]
    Lawson, Doyle and Quicksilver - "BG/OT"
  107. Lawton, Jo Ann - (member: Sirens) [city?]
  108. Lax (Lee), Russell (drums, percussion, hammer?, vocals) - (member: The Oyster Band) [city?, U.K.]
  109. Lay, Howard (?) - (member: Sons of the Mountaineers) [city?]
  110. Lay, Lester (?) - (member: Sons of the Mountaineers) [city?]
  111. Lay, Sam (drums, vocals) - (former member: Paul Butterfield Blues Band 1963-1965) [Chicago, IL]
  112. Layton, Eddie - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New York, NY]
  113. Layton, Robert (author) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, U.K.]
  114. Lazell, Barry (author) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, U.K. / London, U.K.]
    Lazy Lester - "Blues"
  115. Le Bon Ton [means "The Good Times"] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Clyde Thompson, Kermit Venable, Bo Ledet, Mike Taylor, Matt Swiler)
  116. Le Maistre, Malcolm (bass, keyboards, vocals) - (member: The Incredible String Band 1971-1974) [city?, Scotland]
  117. Leacox, Willie (?) - (member: America) [city?, U.K.]
    Leadbelly - "Blues"
  118. Leadbetter, Phil (resonator guitar) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The New South) - (former member: Wildfire) [city?]
  119. Leadbitter, Mike (author) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Simla, India / Bexhill-on-Sea, U.K. / London, U.K.]
  120. Leadon, Bernie (guitar, banjo, Dobro, mandolin, vocals) - Discog ( Jane Keefer) ( All Music Guide), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Flying Burrito Brothers 1969-1971, Mud Acres/The Woodstock Mountain Revue, The Eagles 1971-1976) [Minneapolis, MN / Woodstock, NY / Los Angeles, CA]
  121. Leaf, Robert (composer, translator) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Lindsborg, KS / Brooklyn Park, MI]
  122. League, Paddy (guitar, bodhran) - (see: Grey Larsen & Paddy League) [Bloomington, IN]
  123. Leahy - Page ( Gene Wilburn [Archive]) ( Brenda Wilson) [Active: 19??-] [city?, Canada]
          (Agnes Leahy, Angus Leahy, Donnell Leahy, Doug Leahy, Erin Leahy, Frank Leahy, Maria Leahy, Siobheann Leahy [Children of fiddler Francis J. Leahy])
  124. Leahy Family [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  125. Leahy, Francis J. - Page ( Gene Wilburn) [city?]
  126. Leake County Revelers, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  127. Leas, Dennis - (former member: Stone Soup) [city?, IN]
  128. Leaves, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jim Pons, John Beck, Bobby Arlin, Robert Reiner)
  129. Lecuona, Ernesto (composer, piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Guanabacoa, Havana, Cuba / Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands]
  130. Led Zeppelin - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1968-1980] [London, U.K.]
  131. Lederman, Perry - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Brooklyn, NY]
  132. Ledet, Tammy (frattoir, vocals) - (member: Chris Ardoin & Double Clutchin) [Lake Charles, LA]
  133. Ledford, Lily May (banjo, fiddle, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Coon Creek Girls) [city?]
  134. Ledford, Minnie Lena (string bass, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Coon Creek Girls) [city?]
  135. Ledford, Rosie (guitar, banjo, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Coon Creek Girls) [city?]
  136. Ledford, Steve (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Ledford String Band, Carolina Ramblers Stringband) [Bakersville, NC]
  137. Ledgerwood, Lee Ann (piano) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Warren, OH]
  138. Ledgin, Stephanie P. (author) - Page ( Stephanie P. Ledgin) [Pittstown, NJ]
  139. LeDoux, Christene - Page ( Author ?) [Austin, TX]
    Lee Penn Sky - (see: Lee Penchansky)
  140. Lee, Amos - Page ( Author ?) ( Blue Note Records) [Columbia, SC / Philadlephia, PA]
  141. Lee, Arthur - (member: Love) [city?]
  142. Lee, Boyd (guitar, vocals) - (member: Boyd Lee & Joe Cruz) [Edina, MN]
  143. Lee, Boyd & Joe Cruz - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1997-] [Edina, MN]
  144. Lee, Debbie (guitar, autoharp., vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Hill City, MN]
    Lee, Frankie - "Blues"
    Lee, Lorraine - (see: Lorraine (Lee) Hammond)
  145. Lee, Katie [city?]
  146. Lee, Peggy - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  147. Lee, Rick (banjo, guitar, keyboards, mandolin, vocals) - Page ( Waterbug Records [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  148. Lee, Rick & Lorraine [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  149. Lee, Riley [city?]
  150. Lee, Walter - (played with: Balfa Brothers) [city?]
  151. Lee, Will (bass) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  152. Leech, Bryan Jeffery (composer) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (joined ASCAP 1974) [Buckhurst Hill, Essex, U.K. / Huddersfield, Yorkshire, U.K. / city, USA 1955-]
  153. Leet, Mary Jo - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  154. Left Field [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Left Hand String Band, The - "BG/OT"
    Leftover Salmon - "BG/OT"
    Leftwich and Higginbotham - "BG/OT"
    Leftwich, Brad - "BG/OT"
  155. Legends [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  156. Legere, Ray (fiddle, mandolin, guitar) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, Canada]
    Legg, Adrian - "Guitar"
    Legg, Vic - (see: Mitchell, Kevin & Ellen and Vic Legg)
  157. Lehman, Vicki (autoharp.) [city?]
  158. Lehndorff, Peter - Page ( Signature Sounds) [city?]
  159. Lehnhoff, Sheppard (viola) - (former member: Fine Arts Quartet 1940-1952) [Chicago, IL]
  160. Lehrer, Tom - Discog ( Jane Keefer) ( Dr. Demento), Page ( Tim Newsome), Orders ( Rhino Records), Other Links ( Stephen Clawson), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New York, NY]
  161. Lehto & Wright [Active: 19??-] [Minneapolis, MN]
  162. Leigh, Bonnie (mountain dulcimer, hammered dulcimer, guitar) - Page ( Author ?) [Brick, NJ]
  163. Leisz, Greg (?) [city?]
  164. Lemlich, Jeffrey M. (author) - Page (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city? / Miami, FL / Deltona, FL 2006-]
  165. Lemon Pipers - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  166. Lemonides, Jim (bouzouki) - (former member: Jutta & The Hi-Dukes) [Evanston, IL]
  167. Lems, Kristin [city?]
  168. Lenahan [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  169. Lenker, Korby (?) [Nashville, TN]
  170. Lennon Sisters, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  171. Lennon, Debby - (member: Pieces of 8) [St. Louis, MO]
  172. Lennon, John - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Beatles) [Liverpool, U.K.]
  173. Lennon, Julian (guitar, bass, piano, drums, harmonica, banjo, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Liverpool, U.K]
  174. Lennon, Mare [St. Paul, MN]
  175. Leon, Rob (bass) [city?]
  176. Leonard, Brian (percussion) [city?]
  177. Leonard, Jack (vocals) [city?]
  178. Leonard, Rebecca (?) - (member: The Mother Folkers) [Denver, CO]
  179. Leonard, Scott - (member: Rockapella) [city?, NY]
  180. Leonarda, Isabella (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Novara, Italy]  
  181. Leonardo (Biciunas) - Page ( Leonardo) ( One Man Clapping Records) [Beverly Shores, IN]
  182. Leone, Dan - (member: Ed's Redeeming Qualities) [city?]
  183. Leonino, Terry (harmonica, mandolin, fretted dulcimer, guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Magpie) [Akron, OH / Kent, OH / Washington, DC / Middleburgh, NY]
  184. Leopards On The Loose [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Cathleen Conklin, Dana Listing, Maria Maki, Patricia Pettinga)
  185. Lerner, Alan Jay (lyricist, librettist) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New York, NY]
  186. Leroux, Alain (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Ad Vielle Que Pourra) [city?, Brittany, France / city?, Quebec, Canada]
  187. Lesh, Phil - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Grateful Dead) [Berkeley, CA]
  188. Leslie, Chris (guitar, fiddle, vocals) - (member: Fairport Convention 1997-) [London, U.K.]
  189. Less Than Jake [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  190. Lesser, Jeffrey (vocals) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  191. Lester, Emory (mandolin) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Gainesville, VA / city?, Canada 1988-1993 / Gainesville, VA 1993]
  192. Lester, Harry [city?]
  193. Lester, Jenny (fiddle, guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada]
  194. LeSurf, Cathy (vocals) - (former member: The Oyster Band 1981) [city?, U.K.]
  195. Leutholff, Pim - (member: Blue Dew) [city?]
  196. Leva, James - (member: Jones & Leva) [city?]
  197. Levenger, Lowell III "Banana" (?) - (member: Youngbloods) [city?]
  198. Levenson, Dan - (member: Boiled Buzzards) [city?]
  199. Leventhal, Harold - Page ( The Woody Guthrie Foundation), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, NY]
  200. Leventhal, John (electric guitar, Dobro, Irish bouzouki) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index), Page ( CMT) [city?]
    Leville, Richard & Luc Fortin - "Guitar"
  201. Levin, Danny (fiddle) [city?]
  202. Levin, Tony (bass) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  203. Levine, Eric - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  204. Levine, Michael (author, piano) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Hollywood, CA]
  205. Levitan, Ricky (autoharp.) - Page ( LinkedIn) [Media, PA]
  206. Levoy, Deborah [city?]
  207. Levy, Adam (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Los Angeles, CA]
  208. Levy, Bertram (mandolin) - (member: Hollow Rock String Band) [Durham, NC]
  209. Levy, Howard (harmonica, piano) - Page ( Author ?) - (former member: Bela Fleck and the Flecktones 1989-1992) [Brooklyn, NY / Queens, NY / Chicago, IL]
    Lewis Family, The - "BG/OT"
  210. Lewis, Ben (piano) [city?]
  211. Lewis, Bernice (vocals) - Discog ( Local Folkel Records) [city?, NY]
  212. Lewis, Beverly Jean (vocals) [city?]
  213. Lewis, Chris (?) - (member: The All Girl Boys) [city?]
  214. Lewis, Earlene (bass, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women 1990-1991) [Fredericksburg, VA]
    Lewis, Furry - "Blues"
  215. Lewis, Huey (harmonica, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Philadelphia, PA]
          (aka Hughie Louis 1972-76, Huey Louis 1977-78)
  216. Lewis, Huey and The News - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1980-] [Marin County, CA]
  217. Lewis, Jerry Lee - Page ( Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1986), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Ferriday, LA / Memphis, TN]
  218. Lewis, John (Johnny) (banjo) - (former member: Wildfire, The Lost and Found) [city?]
  219. Lewis, John (piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [La Grange, IL / New York, NY]
    Lewis, Laurie and the Grant Street Band - "BG/OT"
    Lewis, Laurie & Kathy Kallick - "BG/OT"
    Lewis, Laurie & Tom Rozum - "BG/OT"
  220. Lewis, Little Roy - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lewis Family) [Lincolnton, GA]

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    Lewis, Meade Lux - "Blues"
  221. Lewis, Miggie - Page ( Author ?) - (member: The Lewis Family) [city?]
  222. Lewis, Mom - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lewis Family) [city?]
  223. Lewis, Noah - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Cannon's Jug Stompers) [city?]
  224. Lewis, Pint & Dale - Page ( Gene Wilburn [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?, Canada]
          (Tom Lewis, William Pint, Felicia Dale)
  225. Lewis, Ramsey (piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Chicago, IL]
  226. Lewis, Roy "Pop" - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lewis Family) [city?]
  227. Lewis, Steve (banjo) - (member: Ric-O-Chet Bluegrass Band) [city?]
  228. Lewis, Stewart [city?]
  229. Lewis, Talmadge - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  230. Lewis, Thomas A., Jr. (drums) - (member: The Wagoneers) [Austin, TX]
  231. Lewis, Tom - Page ( Charles Roth [Archive]) ( Gene Wilburn [Archive]) [city?, Canada]
  232. Lewis, Travis - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lewis Family) [city?]
  233. Lewis, Wayne (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Sandy Hook. KY]
  234. Ley Rochereau et l'Orchestre Afrisa International, Tabu [Active: 19??-] [city?]  
  235. Liam, Cathal (author) - Page ( Author ?) [Cincinnati, OH]
  236. Libana - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1979-] [Cambridge, MA]
  237. Libbea, Gene - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Nashville Bluegrass Band) [city?]
  238. Libbey, Ted (author) - Page ( NPR) ( LinkedIn), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Rockville, MD]
    Liberace - "Wis."
    Liberty - "BG/OT"
  239. Liberty Pike - Page ( Author ?) - (see also: Valerie Smith and Liberty Pike) [Active: 19??-] [Bell Buckle, TN]
    Lickety Split - "BG/OT"
  240. Liebert, Ottmar - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  241. Lien, Annbjorg (Hardanger fiddle, violin, nyckelharpa) - Page ( Author ?) [city?, Norway]
  242. Life Is Grand Band, The - Discog Coll. ( Fast Folk Magazine), Page ( Bruce Kaplan) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jill Freeman, Claudia Russell, Laura Zambo-Flores)
  243. Lifton, Sarah (author) - Page ( LinkedIn), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [San Diego, CA]
  244. Light Crust Doughboys [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Bob Wills, Herman Arnspiger, Milton Brown, Gerald "Jerry" Elliott, Art Greenhaw, Marvin "Smokey" Montgomery, Kenneth Pitts, Bill Simmons, John Walden)
  245. Lightfoot, Gordon
    Lightnin' Slim - "Blues"
  246. Lille, Michael - Page ( [Archive]) [city?]
  247. Lillie, Bea (Beatrice) (vocals, actress) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
    Lilly Brothers, The - "BG/OT"
  248. Lilly, B. (aka Bea Lilly) (Mitchell) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: The Lilly Brothers) [Duxbury, MA / Bridgewater, MA]
  249. Lilly, Everett - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: The Lilly Brothers) [Beckley, WV]
  250. Lilly, John [city?]
  251. Limber, April (fiddle) - (member: New England Tradition) [city?, NH]
  252. Limeliters, The - Discog ( Jane Keefer), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1959-] [Hollywood, CA]
          (Lou Gottlieb, Alex Hassilev, Glenn Yarbrough, Red Grammer)
  253. Lindem, Claire & Tom [Rockford, IL]
  254. Linden, Mick - (member: Skyedance) [city?]
  255. Lindenmeyer, Steve (guitar, vocals) - (member: Gallimaufry) [Roselle, IL]
  256. Lindisfarne - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1968-] [city?, U.K.]
  257. Lindley, David (acoustic guitar, violin, acoustic lap slide, bazooka, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Los Angeles, CA]
  258. Lindner, Dan "Banjo Dan" (banjo, guitar, vocals) - (member: Plum Creek Boys, Banjo Dan & the Mid-Nite Plowboys) [Oberlin, OH]
  259. Lindsay, Sue Gedutis (pennywhistle, alto saxophone, baritone saxophone, flute, vocals) - (member: Einstein's Little Homunculus) [city?]
  260. Lindsey, Richard - (member: Kips Bay Ceili Band) [?, CA]
    Linee Perroncel - (see: Perroncel, Linee)
  261. Liners, Bill (guitar) - (former member: Stoney Lonesome Bluegrass Band 1995- 19??) [Minneapolis, MN]
  262. Liners, Kathleen (bass) - (former member: Stoney Lonesome Bluegrass Band 1995- 19??) [Minneapolis, MN]
  263. Link, Jorge - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
  264. Linky, Tomae - (member: Bluegrass Hoppers) [city?]
  265. Linn, Karen (author) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  266. Lins, Ivan [city?]
  267. Linton, Jack [Petal, MS]
  268. Linville Ridge Band, The - Page ( CD Baby) [Active: 2002-, band reformed from Damascus Road] [Morganton, NC]
          (Corey Pittman, Aaron Ramsey, Mike Ramsey, Perry Woodie)
  269. Lionarons, John [city?]
    Lipscomb, Mance - "Blues"
  270. Lipsius, Fred (keyboards, alto sax) [city?]
  271. Lissenberg, Theo - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  272. Lister, Anne & Steafan Hannigan [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  273. Liston, Virginia (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  274. Listowel [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  275. Liszka, Frankie and The Brass Connection - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  276. Liszt, Franz (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Raiding, Sopron County, Hungary]
  277. Little Barnes (mandolin) [Springfield, MO]
    Little Buster - "Blues"
    Little Buster & The Soul Brothers - "Blues"
    Little Charlie & the Nightcats - "Blues"
  278. Little Feat - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1969-1979, 1987-] [Los Angeles, CA]
    Little Milton - "Blues"
  279. Little Richard - Page ( Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1986), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Macon, GA]
  280. Little River Band - Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 1975-] [Melbourne, Australia]
  281. Little Wally Polka Band [Active: 19??-] [Chicago, IL]
    Little Walter - "Blues"
  282. Little, Brent (electric guitar, autoharp,, harmonica) [city?]
  283. Little, Keith - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Kathy Kallick & The Little Big Band 1995) [San Francisco, CA]
  284. Little Leaf, Charles (aka Charles Littleleaf) (Native American courting flute, luthier) [Blackfoot] - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Warm Springs Reservation, OR]
  285. Little, Steve - (member: JumpBoys) [Chicago, IL / Charlevoix, MI]
  286. Littlefield, Ed Jr. (pedal steel guitar, guitar, bass, fiddle, Highland bagpipes, vocals) - (member: Marley's Ghost) [Santa Barbara, CA]
  287. Littlejohn, Hawk (Native American courting flute, luthier) [Cherokee] - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
    Littlejohn, John - "Blues"
  288. Littleton, Linda (violin, recorder, bowed psaltry, hammered dulcimer) - (member: Simple Gifts 1989-) [Lemont, PA]
  289. Live Bait - Page ( Gregg Nybo) ( CD Baby) [Active: 19??-] [Rockton, IL]
          (Dave Hackbarth, Pete Jonsson, Gregg Nybo)
  290. Lively, Steve (?) [city?]
    Livewire - "BG/OT"
    Livingston, Bob - (see: Jerry Jeff Walker)
    Livingstone, Dan - "Blues"
  291. Lloyd Webber, Andrew (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Kensington, London, U.K.]  
  292. Lloyd, A.L. - Discog ( Jane Keefer) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wandsworth, London, U.K.]
  293. Lloyd, Jim (banjo, guitar, bass, vocals) - (member: Mountain Fling) [Christiansburg, VA]
  294. Lloyd, Richard (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Television 1974-) [Pittsburgh, PA / New York, NY]

    top / bottom of page
  295. Locke, Kevin (Tokeya Inajin) [Hunkpapa Lakota] (courting flute) - Page ( Jim Deerhawk) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?, CA / city?, SD]
  296. Locklin, Hank (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [McLellan, FL / Brewton, AL]
    Lockwood, Robert Jr. - "Blues"
  297. Loeffelmacher, Harold (?) - (leader: Six Fat Dutchmen) [Mew Ulm, MN]
  298. Loescher, Wolf - Page ( Wolf Loescher) - (member: Free Whiski, Jiggernaut) [city?]
  299. Loesser, Frank - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  300. Loewe, Frederick (composer, piano) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Berlin, Germany / New York, NY 1924- / Palm Springs, CA]
  301. Lofgren, Nils - Page ( Concerted Efforts) [city?]
  302. Lofstrom, Doug - Discog Coll. (bass, vocals) ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) - (member: Trillium) [Chicago, IL]
  303. Lofton, Babe - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Connie and Babe and the Backwoods Boys) [city?]
  304. Logan, Benjamin F. "Tex" (fiddle) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: The Lilly Brothers) [Coahoma, TX / Morristown, NJ]
  305. Logan, Horace Lee (DJ) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Shreveport, LA]
  306. Logan, Nick (author) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  307. Logg, Billy (?) [city?]
  308. Loggins & Messina - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1971-1976] [city?]
  309. Loggins, Kenny (guitar, harmonica, keyboards, vocals, author) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Everett, WA]
  310. Lohan, Sinead - Page ( Neil Fanning) ( Nancy Lutzow) ( Jens Polster) ( Author ?), Orders ( [city?]
  311. Lomax, Alan (folklorist, author) - Discog ( Jane Keefer), Page ( Blue Flame Cafe [Archive]) ( OCLC.), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Priority Ramblers) [city?]
  312. Lomax, John Avery (folklorist, author) - Discog ( Jane Keefer), Page ( Blue Flame Cafe [Archive]) ( OCLC.), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Goodman, MS / Washington, DC]
  313. Lombardo, Guy (violin, band leader) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [London, Ontario, Canada / Houston, TX]
  314. Lombardo, John - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: 10,000 Maniacs) [city?]
  315. Lomnicky, Rebecca (fiddle, piano) - Page ( Gregg Lomnicky) [city?, OR]
  316. London, Julie (actress, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  317. Lonesome Pine Fiddlers - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Charlie Cline, Curly Ray Cline, Ezra Cline)
    Lonesome River Band, The - "BG/OT"
    Lonesome Standard Time - "BG/OT"
  318. Long, Charlie - (member: Chased the Wind) [city?]
  319. Long, Donna - (member: Cherish the Ladies) [city?]
  320. Long, Joe (bass guitar) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Four Seasons 1959-) [Newark, NJ]
    Long, Larry - "Wis."
  321. Long, Lizzy (fiddle, guitar, autoharp., bass, banjo and mandolin) [Lincolnton, GA]
  322. Long, Maud - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  323. Long, Sam (fiddle) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Scranton, KS / Burns, KS / city?, CA / Jasper County, MO / Webb City, MO / Commerce, OK ?-1927 / Burns, KS]
  324. Long, Tom (guitar, mandolin, dombek) - Page ( Daniel Weaver [Archive]), Review ( FAME) [Orange County, CA]
  325. Long, Tommy (guitar, vocals) - (member: Long & Pardue Band) [city?, NC]
  326. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (poet, translator) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Portland, ME / Cambridge, MA]
  327. Longmire, Bob - Page ( Bob Longmire) - (member: Tastes Like Chicken) [Elk Grove Village, IL]
  328. Lonsdale, Allison (guitar, bodhràn, vocals) - (former member: The Wild Oats 1991-1997) [San Diego, CA]
  329. Loonan Brothers, The - Page ( Wendy Vickers) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Patrick Loonan, Michael Loonan)
  330. Loonan, Michael - Page ( Wendy Vickers) [city?]
  331. Loose Acoustic Trio, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Sacramento, CA]
          (Ken Cooper, Richie Lawrence, Steve O'Neill)
    Loose Ties - "BG/OT"
  332. Lopez, Oscar - Page ( Gene Wilburn [Archive]) - (member: The Compadres) [city?, Canada]
  333. Lord, Mary Lou (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  334. Lord, Tom (discographer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada]
  335. Lornell, Kip (author, folkloris, ethnomusicologist) - Page ( George Washington University), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Silver Spring, MD / Ferrum, VA 1989 / Washington, DC]
  336. Lorton, Bill (banjo, fiddle, mandolin, guitar) - (member: The Fret Set) [Greencastle, IN]
    Los Indios Tabajaras - (see: Indios Tabajaras, Los)
  337. Los Lobos - Page ( Metropolitan Entertainment) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Lost and Found - "BG/OT"
  338. Lost World String Band - Wis. Festivals ( OTMCF), [Active: 19??-] [Lansing, MI]
          (Dave Ross, Jim Sigler, Stan Werbin, Paul Winder, Frank Youngman) - (former member: Mary Siders)
  339. Loudermilk, John D. (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Durham, NC]
    Louis, Joe Hill - "Blues"
  340. Louise, Marianne - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  341. Louvin Brothers, The - Page ( Wikipedia) [Active: 7-04-1940 - 8-18-1963] [city?]
  342. Louvin, Charlie (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Henagar, AL / Manchester, TN / Wartrace, TN]
  343. Louvin, Ira (mandolin, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Section, AL / Williamsburg, MO]
  344. Love, Barbara Jean (vocals) - (member: The Friends of Distinction) [Los Angeles, CA]
  345. Love, John "Daddy" (guitar, vocals) - (member: Sons of the Mountaineers 1923-) [city?]
  346. Love, Laura [city?]
  347. Love, Sally (guitar, vocals) [city?]
  348. Lovelace, Austin C. (composer) - Page ( Selah Publishing Co.), Obit. ( Association of Lutheran Church Musicians), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Rutherford County, NC]
  349. Loveless, Patty - Page ( Katie Pruett [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Dallas, GA]
  350. Lovett, Lyle - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  351. Lovin' Spoonful - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Steve Boone, Joe Butler, John Sebastian, Zal Yanovsky, Jerry Yester)
  352. Low & Sweet Orchestra, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  353. Lowe, Jez & the Bad Pennies [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  354. Lowe, Mundell (jazz guitar) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Laurel, MS / New Orleans, LA]
  355. Lowe, Nick [city?]
  356. Lowen and Navarro - Page ( Wikipedia) (last live performance: 6-06-2009) [Active: 1988-2009] [Los Angeles, CA]
          (Eric Lowen, Dan Navarro)
  357. Lowen, Eric (guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Lowen and Navarro 1988-2009) [Utica, NY / Ridgewood, NJ / Greece, NY / Los Angeles, CA]
  358. Lowry, Robert (composer, hymn writer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Philadelphia, PA / Plainfield, NJ]
  359. Lowthian, Ian - (see: MacDonald, Catriona & Ian Lowthian)
  360. Luberecki, Ned (banjo) [city?]
  361. Luboff Choir, Norman - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  362. Luboff, Norman (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Chicago, IL]
  363. Lucas, Luke [city?]
  364. Lucas, Trevor (guitar, vocals) - (former member: Fairport Convention 1972-1975) [London, U.K.]
    Lucas, Wendy Kerner - "Harp"
  365. Luce - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  366. Luck, Greg (fiddle, vocals) - (former member: Wildfire, The Lost and Found) [city?]
  367. Luff, Ian (guitars, cittern) - (member: Blowzabella) [London, U.K.]
  368. Lugosch, Eric - Page ( Whitehouse Records) [city?]
    Luiz, Nonato - "Guitar"
  369. Lukitsch Band, The Karl - Page ( Author ?) [Pittsburgh, PA]
  370. Lulu Belle and Scotty - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Lulu Belle, Scotty Wiseman)
  371. Lumley, Alison (?) [Austin, TX]
  372. Lumpkin, Ben Gray (author) - Page ( University of Colorado Boulder), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Boulder, CO]
  373. Luna, Mark - Page ( [Webmaster: ?] - Flash Restricted!) [Nashville, TN]
  374. Lunasa [Irish Fest: 2000] [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  375. Lundy Family, The [city?]
          (Bobby Lundy, Jerry Lundy, Katy Lundy, Kelly Lundy, T.J. Lundy)
  376. Lundy, Bobby (?) - (member: The Lundy Family) [city?]
  377. Lundy, Charles Edgar (banjo) [city?]
  378. Lundy, Emmett W. (fiddle) - Family Tree (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Delhart, VA]
  379. Lundy, Geedy (banjo) - Family Tree (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Grayson County, VA]
  380. Lundy, Jerry (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lundy Family) [city?]
  381. Lundy Golding, Katy (?) - (member: The Lundy Family) [city?]
  382. Lundy, Kelly (guitar) - Family Tree (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lundy Family) [city?]
  383. Lundy, Rena Edwards (guitar) [city?]
  384. Lundy, Stuart (fiddle) - Family Tree (, Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  385. Lundy, Ted "Teddy" (banjo, guitar, mandolin) - Page ( FolkLib Index) [Galax, VA / Bluefield, WV / Bristol, TN / Wilmington, DE 1956-1980]
  386. Lundy, T.J. (fiddle, vocals) - (member: The Lundy Family) [city?]
  387. Lunny, Donal - Page ( Ceolas) ( Han Speek) - (former member: Emmet Folk Group) Rakes of Kildare, Planxty, The Bothy Band, Moving Hearts) [city?]
  388. Lunny, Manus - (member: Capercaillie) [city?]
  389. Lunsford, Bascom Lamar (fiddle, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Mars Hill, NC]
  390. Lunsford, Lynwood (banjo) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Lost and Found 199?-) [Ferrum, VA]
  391. Luoma, Lilla - Page ( Lilla Luoma) [city?]
  392. Lupari, Gino - (member: 4 Men and a Dog) [city?]
  393. Lupton, Allison (flute, whistle, vocals) - (member: Killiecrankie) [city?, Ontario, Canada]
  394. Lurie, John & the Lounge Lizards [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  395. Lusk, Professor Eddie - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
          (Professor's Blues Revue)
  396. Lutge, Giued (washboard, washtub bass, drums) - (member: How Long Jug Band) [Portland, OR]
  397. Luther, Martin (composer, Monk, Priest, Theologian) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire]
  398. Luttrell, David - (former member: Tennessee Gentlemen) [Memphis, TN]
    Lydon, Ariane
  399. Lyle, Jay (guitar) [Springfield, MO]
  400. Lyle, Lainie (mandolin) - (former member: Buffalo Gals #1) [city?]
  401. Lyle, Rudy (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  402. Lyle, Rusty (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  403. Lyman, Mel - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Jim Kweskin Jug Band) [city?]
    Lynch, Claire, and The Front Porch String Band - "BG/OT"
  404. Lynch, Kirk - (member: Scartaglen)
  405. Lynch, Larry (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  406. Lynch, Louis (harp, piano) [city?]
  407. Lynch, Megan B. (fiddle) - (member: 3 Fox Drive) [Redding, CA]
  408. Lynch, Stan (drums, guitar, piano, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: 1976-1994) [Cincinnati, OH / Gainesville, FL 196?-]
  409. Lynn, Loretta (vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Butchers Hollow, KY]
    Lynn Morris Band, The - (see: Morris Band, The Lynn)
  410. Lynne, Jeff - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Traveling Wilburys) [Birmingham, U.K.]
  411. Lyon, Clara (violin) - (member: The Spektral Quartet 2014-) [Chicago, IL]
  412. Lyons, Howard [city?]
  413. Lyons, T.J. (bass) - (former member: Crystal River Bluegrass Band) [city?, CA]
  414. Lyttelton, Humphrey (trumpet, clarinet, tenor horn, vocals, author) - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Jazz Journalists Assoc.: The Last Post), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Eton, Berkshire, U.K. / London, U.K.]
          Humphrey Lyttleton Band Biographies
    Lyrebird Duo, The - "Harp"

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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