FolkLib Index - Search this site

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How to Search this site using "Goggle Custom Search": - added 2-10-2017

  1. Enter your search word or words in the box below:
    Hint 1: Due to the design of this site, where most individuals are listed as "lastname, firstname", to find all possible occurrences of a musician's name, you will need to enter the name as follows, including the quotation marks:
          "joan baez" "baez joan"
    Hint 2: You don't need to do this for a group. Just enter:
          "harmonious wail"
    Hint 3: Use quotation marks when you are looking for a musician's name or words that must appear together, otherwise you will get scores or hundreds of occurrences of each individual word.
          "folk alliance"
    Hint 4: Use all lower case letters. Using capital (upper case) letters will restrict results to exact case matches only.
    Hint 5: Excluded words: in order to make the search index smaller and faster, the following words are NOT indexed: "a", "an", and "the". Do not include them in your search string.
    Hint 6: Misspelled words: I have gathered a list of misspelled names and words and put them on a separate page with the correct spelling - Misspelled words searched for. Also - lyrics searched for in vain.
    Hint 7: Diacritical marks: Remove all accent marks, umlauts, tildes, smart quotes, etc. from your search term. If a character and the letter it modifies does not appear on a specific key on a standard American English PC keyboard, it does not exist anywhere on this Web site. All such marks in names and places are removed before they are installed here. For example, searching for a musician named "linée" will ALWAYS fail, unless you change it to "linee".
  2. Click the Search Button below:   Search Button graphic

    Click to Search for Philatelic information"

    Search for Musical information with "Goggle Custom Search":

Search the Entire Web with Google (Safe Search):

      Note: this searches possibly previous versions of FolkLib pages that have been indexed by Google and does not search this domain directly. Newly installed pages or recently updated information will not be searchable for a month or more until Google re-indexes this domain.
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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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