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FolkLib Index - Wisconsin Session Players (anonymous)

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      All the musical performers listed on this page were either born, live, or have lived in Wisconsin. These are all musicians with no known last name.

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Anonymous Recording Artists (unknown birth names) - top / bottom of page | ABC... Artist Selection |

      These are recording artists who, according to the liner notes for the albums on which they perform, either wish to remain anonymous, or they do not want their birth names publicized. This Web site lists individual musicians alphabetically by their known birth last name. If a musician has a known birth last name and a nickname or stage name they usually go by, both names will be listed alphabetically. However, if I cannot find out what their birth last name is, I will not list on this Web site any recordings they have appeared on.
      In a few cases, musicians have specifically told me not to document where in Wisconsin they live or have lived. As I cannot publicly document on my Web site that they ever lived in a specific Wisconsin city, their previous Wisconsin entry has been moved to one of my non-Wisconsin musician pages. If they play in a band which has other current or former Wisconsin residents, and I cannot document that even one of them has ever lived here, their band will be listed on a non-Wisconsin musician page.
      Please write if you can identify the real birth name of anyone listed below. As real birth names are discovered, links will be added to their main entry

  1. . Aaron - (member: The Blue Ribbon Trio) [city?] - anonymous
    . Alberticus - Michael Brenneis
    . Annie B. - Annette Marie Bzdawka
  2. . Baby Drew [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  3. . Banjer - (member: The Schwillbillies) [city?] - anonymous
  4. . Banjovi (banjo, fiddle) - (member: The .357 String Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  5. . Barry - (member: onebodytoomany) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  6. . BassPlayer (bass) - (member: SourBelly) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  7. . Beaver (?) - (member: Aunt Beaph) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  8. . Beaver #2 (aka Beaver Del Ray) (guitar, vocals) - (member: The Del Ray's) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  9. . 'Becca Moonshine (fiddle) - (member: The .357 String Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  10. . Becky - (member: One Ton Banana) [city?] - anonymous
    . Biff Uranus Blumfumgagnge (aka Bill Uranus) - Dave Morlock
  11. . Blunt Rapture - (member: Headpump) [city?] - anonymous
    . bp - Brady Potts
  12. . Brian - (member: onebodytoomany) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  13. . Buddy Lee (electric guitar, vocals) - (member: Mikey P and Buddy Lee) [city?] - anonymous
  14. . Calypso Phil - anonymous
  15. . Carl - (member: James Elbert Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  16. . Carrie (vocals, percussion) - (member: One Ton Banana) [city?] - anonymous
  17. . Catalyst (vocals, rhymes) - (member: Ill Groove Movement) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  18. . Catya (electric guitar, bass, vocals) - Page (Author ?) [Chippewa Falls] - anonymous
          "Catya...before moving to Wisconsin, worked in clubs all over New England, the Southwest, and Northern California." i.e. the exact cities where she has lived are unknown
  19. . Chad - (member: Aphotic) [Green Bay] - anonymous
  20. . Chocolate Boy Wonder (keyboards) - (member: Fat Sandwich) [Waukesha / Racine] - anonymous
  21. . Chongo (?) - (member: Drunk Drivers) [Eau Claire] - anonymous
  22. . Chris #1 - (member: Boo Radley Band) [city?] - anonymous
  23. . Chris #2 - (former member: Unity the Band) [Appleton] - anonymous
  24. . Chris #3 - (member: One Ton Banana) [city?] - anonymous
  25. . Chris P. Creme - (member: The Rabid Aardvarks) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  26. . Christine - (former member: Unity the Band) [Appleton] - anonymous
    . Chunk - Jeremy "Chunk" Schroetter
  27. . Cincere - Page ( - Flash Restricted!) [ WAMI Winner] [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  28. . Craig (keyboards) - (member: 76 Juliet) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  29. . d-Bass (bass, guitar) - (member: Fat Sandwich) [Waukesha / Milwaukee] - anonymous
  30. . Danny (accordion) - (leader: Danny and The Ravens) [West Allis] - anonymous
  31. . Dave #1 (guitar) - (member: 76 Juliet) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  32. . Dave #2 (?) - (member: James Elbert Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  33. . David (?) - (member: James Elbert Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  34. . Dick (drums) - (member: Citations) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  35. . DJ Diesel [ WAMI Nominee] [city?] - anonymous
  36. . Double D (guitar) - (member: The .357 String Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  37. . Ed (drums) - (member: 76 Juliet) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  38. . Eric (drums) - (member: The Atomic Buds) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  39. . Eric G. - (member: Saved By Grace) [Burlington] - anonymous
  40. . Eroc (guitar) - (member: Black Frog) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  41. . Fabulous Feno, The (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
    . Fire - Kevin Sucher
  42. . Fish (guitar) - (member: Fat Sandwich) [Waukesha / Milwaukee] - anonymous
  43. . The Flying P Brothers - (member: Moral Disgust) [city?] - anonymous
  44. . Foolio - (member: Cheeseheads With Attitude) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  45. . Fu - (member: The Love Monkeys) [city?] - anonymous
  46. . Gary - (member: The Cherokee Rose Band) [Madison] - anonymous
  47. . Geneva Red (harmonica) - Page ( Hohner) ( Author ?) - (member: The Original Delta Fireballs, Geneva Red and The Roadsters) [She has lived somewhere in Wisconsin since 1985, but where is a secret.] - anonymous
    . Ghost - Gary Koepke
  48. . Gyro / Jyro / Ace Gyro (drums, percussion) - (member: Airkraft) [Eau Claire]
  49. . Happy Sax, The [city?] - anonymous
  50. . Happy Trumpet, The [city?] - anonymous
  51. . Harmonica Joe - anonymous
  52. . Henry - (member: The Blue Ribbon Trio) [city?]
  53. . Hooper (bass) - (former member: Decembers January) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  54. . Howard (Howie) (fiddle) - (former member: Lonesome Highway) [Fond du Lac] - anonymous
  55. . Huey - (member: The Love Monkeys) [city?] - anonymous
  56. . Hutch (drums) - (member: The Pipe Circus) [Whitewater] - anonymous
  57. . J. Buttface - (member: Aunt Beaph) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  58. . J? Smith - (member: Mighty Short Bus) [Madison] - anonymous
  59. . Jack the Basturd - (member: Aunt Beaph) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  60. . Jason - (member: The Love Monkeys) [city?] - anonymous
  61. . Jayke (guitar) - (member: The .357 String Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  62. . Jaymz - (member: Sounds Like Braille) [city?] - anonymous
  63. . Jeff #1 - (member: Wild Heart) - anonymous
  64. . Jeff #2 - (former member: Country Storm) - anonymous
  65. . Jeremy - (member: One Ton Banana) [city?] - anonymous
  66. . Jimmy #1 - (member: Citizen P) [city?] - anonymous
  67. . Jimmy #2 (?) - (member: James Elbert Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  68. . Jimmy B. - (member: Saved By Grace) [Burlington] - anonymous
  69. . Joe (?) - (former member: Lucy Creek) [Eau Claire / Nashville, TN 2005] - anonymous
  70. . Joey H. - (member: Saved By Grace) [Burlington] - anonymous
  71. . J.J. - (member: Moral Disgust) [city?] - anonymous
  72. . jl - (member: The Haints) [Madison] - anonymous
  73. . J.P. - (member: Citizen P) [city?] - anonymous
  74. . Joel - (former member: The II Edition) - anonymous
  75. . Joey B. (guitar) - (member: The Katz Sass Blues Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  76. . John #1 - (member: Gentleman Jim Polka Band) [Oak Creek] - anonymous
  77. . John #2 - (member: The Blue Ribbon Trio) [city?] - anonymous
  78. . John #3 - (member: The Love Monkeys) [city?] - anonymous
  79. . John #4 (fiddle, bones, vocals) - (member: Flip of the Coin) [Pine River]
  80. . John John - (member: The Rabid Aardvarks) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  81. . Justin ?Tyme (drums) - (member: Alchemy) [Fond du Lac] - anonymous
    . Katie - Katie Adams
  82. . KatieBeth (vocals) - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) [Merton] - anonymous
    . Keedy (the musician) - Kelly Ann Keedy
  83. . Ken - (member: The Fun Time Band) [Green Bay] - anonymous
    . Kevin - Kevin Slottke
  84. . KK (bass) - (member: Black Frog) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
    . Kostia - Konstantin Efimov
  85. . Kris - (member: The Cherokee Rose Band) [Madison] - anonymous
  86. . Kurt B. - (member: Saved By Grace) [Burlington] - anonymous
  87. . ? Labotzke - (member: Snopek (the band)) [city?] - anonymous
  88. . Lavega - (member: Billy Shears) [Fond du Lac] - anonymous
  89. . Lee - (member: onebodytoomany) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  90. . Legendary Billy Gass, The (bass guitar, vocals) - (former member: Mad Trucker Gone Mad) [Madison] - anonymous
  91. . Lisa (vocals) - (member: 76 Juliet) [Milwaukee] - anonymous  
    . Lisa G & Montage - Lisa Gonzalez & Montage
    . Madison Slim - Mark Koenig
    . Mark - Mark Makowski
  92. . Markopolis - (member: Headpump) [city?] - anonymous
  93. . Matt ? (drums) [Appleton] - anonymous
    . Aaron McNally - Aaron Baer
    . Bobby McNally - Bobby Youngs
    . Brad McNally - Brad Knapp
    . Dale McNally - Dale Devries
    . Emma McNally - Emma Young
    . Jeremy McNally - Jeremy Wood
    . Mike - Mike Vandeville
  94. . Mike Cool (bass) - (member: The Cool Waters Band, The Radiolites) [Appleton] - anonymous
  95. . Mike P. - (member: Saved By Grace) [Burlington] - anonymous
  96. . Mike "Tully" - (member: Wild Heart) - anonymous
  97. . Mikey P (acoustic guitar, vocals) - (member: Mikey P and Buddy Lee) [city?] - anonymous
    . mm - Mary McCoy
  98. . Mr. Kev Kev - (member: The Rabid Aardvarks) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  99. . Mr. P - (member: Moral Disgust) [city?] - anonymous
    . Mud River Lee - Lee Modder
  100. . Napos - (member: Flying Feather Band) [Oneida] - anonymous
  101. . Nick #1 - (member: The Love Monkeys) [city?] - anonymous
    . Nick #2 - Nick Hager
  102. Olivia (tambourine, vocals) - (member: Night Divine) [Wales] - anonymous
  103. . Paul (bass) - (member: 76 Juliet) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  104. . Paul G - (member: Moral Disgust) [city?] - anonymous
    . Peaches & Herb Albert - Dan Kennedy
  105. . Pete - (member: Gentleman Jim Polka Band) [Oak Creek] - anonymous
  106. . Phil Tanks (?) - (member: Drunk Drivers) [Eau Claire] - anonymous
  107. . Pistol Pete (guitar) - (member: Worship That Rocks) [Beloit] - anonymous
    . Pita - "Kai" Pita Katobalavu
  108. . P-Nut - (member: Citizen P) [city?] - anonymous
  109. . Postage - (member: DB Pederson) [Cottage Grove] - anonymous
    . Prince Marv Albert - Sean Michael Dargan
  110. . Professor (vocals, rhymes) - (member: Ill Groove Movement) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  111. . Ragani (vocals, harmonium, tanpura, hand percussion) - Page ( CD Baby) ( Author ?) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  112. . Ralph (aka Ralph Del Ray) (drums, percussion, vocals) - (member: The Del Ray's) - (former member: Outta Style) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  113. . Randy D. - (member: Big Band Reunion) - anonymous
  114. . Raven - (member: The Sandcarvers) - anonymous
  115. . Ricci - (member: Greg Koch and the Tone Controls) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
    . Rick - Rick Hagerty
  116. . Doctor Riffs (guitar) - (former member: The Blackholes) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  117. . Rikki Sixx (bass) - (member: The .357 String Band) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  118. . Rosa - (member: Hydrata) [city?] - anonymous
  119. . Ruhfus - (member: Citizen P) [city?] - anonymous
  120. . Sammy (guitar) [city? / Manitowoc 1977-] - anonymous
  121. . Sandman - (member: The Dianna Jones Mission) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  122. . Sandy Trapps (?) - (member: Drunk Drivers) [Eau Claire] - anonymous
  123. . Sara Mae (vocals) - (member: North Country Carousers) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  124. . Scotty Towelette - (member: The Rabid Aardvarks) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  125. . Shawn - (member: Sounds Like Braille) [city?] - anonymous
  126. . Santiago "Shine" (guitar, mandolin, autoharp) [Milwaukee]
  127. . Siggy - (member: Wild Heart) - anonymous
    . Sister Moon - Kevin Sucher
  128. . Smiley - (member: bLANkoUt) [city?] - anonymous
  129. . Smokin' Joe Loincloth - (member: Aunt Beaph) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  130. . Squeezer - (member: The Schwillbillies) [city?] - anonymous
  131. . Steve #1 - (member: Aphotic) [Green Bay] - anonymous
  132. . Steve #2 - (member: Wild Heart) - anonymous
  133. . Steve #3 - (member: Gentleman Jim Polka Band) [Oak Creek] - anonymous
  134. . Steve #4 - (former member: Unity the Band) [Appleton] - anonymous
  135. . Stretch Hudson (?) - (member: Drunk Drivers) [Eau Claire] - anonymous
  136. . Super J - (member: Cheeseheads With Attitude) [Oshkosh] - anonymous
  137. . Swan Cat - (member: - (former member: The Natives) - anonymous
  138. . Sweet Johnny Tubesteak - (member: Aunt Beaph) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  139. . Tim (drums) - (member: One Ton Banana) [city?] - anonymous
  140. . Todd #1 - (former member: Unity the Band) [Appleton] - anonymous
  141. . Todd #2 - (member: Buggy Whip Blues Band) - anonymous
  142. . Tom "Preacher Man" - (member: Wild Heart) - anonymous
  143. . Tommy #3 (guitar) - (member: 76 Juliet) [Milwaukee] - anonymous
  144. . Tommy #4 (bass) - (member: The Katz Sass Blues Band) [Jersey City, NJ / Milwaukee] - anonymous
  145. . Tommy Two Lips - anonymous
  146. . Travis - (former member: Unity the Band) [Appleton] - anonymous
  147. . Tyler - (former member: Unity the Band) [Appleton] - anonymous
  148. . Unique - (member: Vibe Syndicate) [Madison] - anonymous
  149. . Wayne (keyboards) - (former member: Lonesome Highway) [Fond du Lac] - anonymous
  150. . Wilber - (member: Clambake) [city?] - anonymous
    . Xeno - Randall Hogan
    . Yata - Yata Peinovich
  151. . 5-Card Jack (drums, vocals) - (former member: Mad Trucker Gone Mad) [Madison] - anonymous
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All Session Players / Group Members:
| A - B - C | D - E - F | G - H - I | J - K - L | M - N - O |
| P - Q - R | S - T - U | V - W - X - Y - Z - anonymous |
| ABC... Wisconsin artist selection | Wisconsin Music Site Map | other FolkLib Index Artists |

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2002-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.