\ FolkLib Index - Artist Selection - N
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FolkLib Index - Artist Selection - N

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      The page contains links to information about Folk Musicians, Bluegrass Musicians, Old-Time Musicians, Acoustic Blues Musicians, Wisconsin Musicians, Harp Players (the stringed kind) and Solo Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitarists and some Musicians in other Genres. This page has links for musicians whose last name or group name begins with the letter N.

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| NE - NG - NI - NO - NU - NY |
Birth/death dates, if known, are on the Birthdays/Bibliography page. Select the Bibliog (FolkLib Index) link.

  1. N'Dour, Youssou - Page ( African Music Encyclopedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  2. Na Fili - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?, County Cork, Ireland]
          ( Tom Barry, Matt Cranitch, Tomas O Canainn)
  3. Nachmanoff, Dave - Page ( Charlie Hulme) ( Author ?) [city?]
  4. Nadolson, Mike (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Tricopolis Records), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Circuits Riders, Shadow Mountain) [Newark, OH / city?, CA 1974-]
  5. Naessens, Bob - (member: Change of Pace) [Rossford, OH]
  6. Nagey, Ro (existential zentronic synthesizer) [city?]
  7. Nain, Nancy (vocals) - (former member: Chrysalis) [Ithaca, NY]
  8. Nakai, R. Carlos
  9. Nakamura, Jin [city?]
  10. Naked to the World - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (David James, Kevin Fisher)
  11. Nakimoto, Derek (strings) [city?]
  12. Namaste [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  13. Napier, Scott (mandolin) - (member: The Lost and Found 2007-) [city?, KY]
  14. Nash Ramblers [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  15. Nash, Graham - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Crosby and Nash, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) [city?]
  16. Nash, Steven (?) - (member: Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie) [city?]
    Nashville Bluegrass Band, The - "BG/OT"
  17. Nashville Jug Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  18. Nason, Jim (mop bucket bass, guitar) - (member: Emerald City Jug Band, Teeth, Hair & Eyeballs) [San Diego, CA / Seattle, WA]
    Nassau, Eric - "Wis."
  19. Natay, Ed Lee - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  20. Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas - Page ( Concerted Efforts) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Nathan Williams, ?)
  21. Nathan, Zave (guitar, vocals) - Page ( LinkedIn.com) [city?, France / Los Angeles, CA]

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  22. Nathanson, Lou - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  23. Nauck, Kurt R. III (author) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Spring, TX]
  24. Native Flute Ensemble [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  25. Navarro, Dan (guitar, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia) - (former member: Lowen and Navarro 1988-2009) [Los Angeles, CA]
  26. Nayak, Anand (guitar) - (member: Rani Arbo and daisy mayhem) [Boston, MA]  
  27. Ne'eman, Amitai (?) - (member: Oranim-Zabar Troupe) [city?, Israel]
  28. Neal & Leandra - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Neal Hagberg, Leandra Peak)
  29. Neal, Janette - Page - (member: Highland Ladies) [city?]
  30. Neal, Kenny - Page ( Concerted Efforts) [city?]
  31. Neal, Tommy (bass) - (member: The Del McCoury Band) [city?]
  32. Near, Gerald R.A. (composer) - Page ( Paraclete Press) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [St. Paul, MN]
  33. Near, Holly - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Pat Hunt) [city?]
  34. Neate, Andi (?) - (former member: Salsa Celtica) [Edinburgh, Scotland]
  35. Nebel, Steve & Kristi [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  36. Neely, Tim (discographer) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  37. Neff, Ed (mandolin, fiddle, vocals) - (member: True Blue, Vern Williams Band) [Berkeley, CA]
  38. Negron, Chuck - (member: Three Dog Night) [city?]
  39. Neidig, Kevin (?) [Etters, PA]
  40. Neil, Fred - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (see also: Vince Martin and Fred Neil) [city?]
  41. Neill, Casey - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  42. Nekrasov, Nikolay Alekseyevich (poet) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Nemyriv, Ukraine]
  43. Nell, Kevin (Dobro) - (member: Ramblin' Heart 2004-2005) [Spring Grove, PA]
  44. Nello, Danny (tenor saxophone) [city?]
  45. Nelson, Bradley (composer) - Page ( Author ?) [San Diego, CA]
  46. Nelson, Carl - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Colmar Manor, MD]
  47. Nelson, George - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  48. Nelson, Jimmy "T-99" (?) [city?]
  49. Nelson, Luke [city?]
    Nelson, Margaret - "Wis."
    Nelson, Moira - "Harp"
  50. Nelson, Pete #1 (guitar, piano, vocals) - Page ( Pete Nelson [Archive]) ( Signature Sounds) [city?, IA / city?, RI 1982-1986 / Northampton, MA 1986-]
  51. Nelson, Pete #2 (trumpet) [city?]
  52. Nelson, Rachel (acoustic guitar, banjo, fiddle, hand drums, washtub bass, vocals) - Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) ( MN Folk Artists Directory) [Two Harbors, MN]
  53. Nelson, Rick - Page ( Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1987), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  54. Nelson, Sandy - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  55. Nelson, Suzy (Suzanne) (?) - (member: The Mother Folkers) [Denver, CO]
  56. Nelson, Walter "Papoose" - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  57. Nelson, Willie - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  58. Nemzo, Lisa [city?]
    Neri, Peter - "Guitar"
  59. Nervous Norvus - Page ( American Song-Poem Music Archives [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  60. Nesbitt, Mairead (fiddle) - (former member: Afro Celts) [city?]
  61. Nesmith, Michael - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Monkees) [city?]
  62. Neto, Jose - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  63. Nettl, Bruno (author, ethnomusicologist, musicologist, violin, piano, Iranian setar) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Prague, Czechoslovakia / Princeton, NJ, 1939-1946 / Bloomington, IN 1946-1951 / Detroit, MI / Ann Arbor, MI / Kiel, Germany / Detroit, MI / Champaign-Urbana, IL 1964-]
  64. Neuls-Bates, Carol (author) - Page ( prabook) [Brooklyn, NY]
  65. Neustadt, Lisa [city?]
  66. Nevaquaya, Doc "Tate" (Native American courting flute, visual artist) [Comanche] - Page ( Oklahoma Historical Society), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  67. Nevaquaya, Ed Tate (Native American courting flute) [Comanche] - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  68. Nevaquaya, Lean "Sonny" (Native American courting flute) [Comanche] - Page ( Nick Koumoutseas), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
    Neverisky, Mike - "Guitar"
  69. Neville Brothers, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  70. New Black Eagle Jazz Band, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  71. New Christy Minstrels, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Kim Carnes 1967, Gene Clark, Dave Ellingson 1967, Barry McGuire, Terry Anne Meeuwsen, Art Podell, Paul Potash, Kenny Rogers, Randy Sparks, Mike Settle, Jackie Miller, Nick Woods, John Forsha, Karol Dugan, Jerry Yester, Billy Cudmore, Terry Cudmore, Dolan Ellis, Barry Kane, Peggy Connelly, Gayle Caldwell, Larry Ramos, Clarence Treat, Karen Gunderson, Ann White, Bill Teague, Skiles & Henderson, Rusty Evans, Karen Black, Terry Williams, Thelma Lou Comacho)
    New Coon Creek Girls, The - "BG/OT"
  72. New Dylans [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    New Early Sunrise Band - "BG/OT"
  73. New England Tradition - Page ( CD Baby) [city?, NH]
          (Peter Colby, April Limber, Bob McQuillen)
    New Grass Revival - "BG/OT"
  74. New Harmony Sisterhood Band [Active: 1973-1980] [Boston, MA]
          (Marcia Deihl, Kendall Hale, Pat Oullette, Deborah Silverstein, Katie Tolles)
  75. New Horizons Ensemble [Active: 19??-] [Chicago, IL]
          (Ernest Dawkins, Steve Berry, Marquis Hill, Shaun Johnson, Jeff Parker, Junius Paul, Isaiah Spencer)
  76. New Journeymen, The [Active: 196?-19??] [city?]
          (Marshall Brickman, John Phillips, Michelle Phillips)
  77. New Klezmer Trio [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    New Lost City Ramblers - "BG/OT"
  78. New Middle Class [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  79. New Nile Orchestra [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  80. New Orleans Jazz Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  81. New Seekers, The - (see also: The Seekers) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Peter Doyle, Lyn Paul, Martin Kristian, Eve Graham, Paul Layton, [formed by Keith Potger])
    New South, The - "BG/OT"
  82. New Southern Ramblers (aka Ralph Blizzard and the New Southern Ramblers) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Ralph Blizard, Phil Jamison, John Herrmann, Gordy Hinners, John Lilly)

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  83. New St. George, The - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Jennifer Cutting, Juan Dudley, Bob Hitchcock, Lisa Moscatiello, Rico Petruccelli, Al Petteway, Eric Rose)
    New Vintage - "BG/OT"
  84. New Wine Singers, The - Discog ( Jane Keefer) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Elaine McFarland, ?)
  85. New World Singers, The - Page ( Bob Cohen), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1962-] [New York, NY]
          (Bob Cohen, Delores Dixon, Happy Traum, Gil Turner)
  86. New York Loose, The [city?]
  87. New York Ramblers [Active: 1967-] [city?, NJ]
          (Winnie Winston, ?)
  88. Newberry, Harley (guitar, vocals) [Buffalo, IA]
  89. Newbury, Mickey - Page ( Author ?), Articles ( The Muse's Muse) ( FAME) ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  90. Newcomb, Gary (pedal steel guitar) - (member: The Stone River Boys) [Austin, TX]
  91. Newcomb, Tim (banjo) - (member: Michelle Nixon & Drive) [Richmond, VA]
  92. Newcomer Band, The Carrie [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Carrie Newcomer, ?)
  93. Newcomer, Carrie (guitar, flute) - Page ( Carrie Newcomer), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Carrie Newcomer Band) - (former member: Stone Soup 1982-1988, Aluminum Singers) [Dowagiac, MI / Elkhart, IN / Costa Rica (1979) / Layfayette, IN / Bloomington, IN]
          [apologies for my mistake, I didn't know there were two bands with the same name, she never lived in Wisconsin, and she never was a member of the Madison bluegrass band Stone Soup]
  94. Newhart, Bob - Page ( Ron Daniel, Donna Calhoun), Films ( Cardiff UK / US mirror), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  95. Newlin, Nick (piano) [city?]
  96. Newman, Chris - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (member: Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman, Old Bridge Music) [city?]
  97. Newman, Nevada (?) - (member: Asylum Street Spankers) [Austin, TX]
  98. Newman, Randy (piano, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Los Angeles, CA]
  99. Newman, Ron (piano) [city?, IL]
  100. Newman, Thomas (?) [city?]
  101. Newsome, Kent - Page ( Kent Newsome) [city?]
  102. Newton, Abby (cello) - Page ( Author ?) [Shokan, NY]
  103. Newton, John (composer) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wapping, London, U.K.]
  104. Newton, Mark - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  105. Newton-Davis, Billy - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Nylons 1992-94) [city?]
  106. Newton-John, Olivia - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Films ( Cardiff UK / US mirror), Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Cambridge, U.K.]
  107. Ngoma - Page ( Jeffrey Dean) [Active: 19??-] [city?]  
    " Ni " translates to "of the family of"
  108. Ni Chathasaigh, Maire and Chris Newman - short biog. ( Ceolas Quick Takes) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Ni Chathasaigh, Maire - "Harp"
          [Note: the Irish surname Ni Dhomhnaill has also been seen spelled O'Dhomhnaill and O Dhomhnaill]
    Ni Dhomhnaill (also spelled as O'Domhnaill, or O Domhnaill)
  109. Ni Dhomhnaill, Mairead - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Skara Brae) [city?]
  110. Ni Dhomhnaill, Michael - (see: Micheal O Domnhaill)
  111. Ni Dhomhnaill, Triona - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Skara Brae, The Bothy Band, Nightnoise, Touchstone) [city?]
  112. Ni Mhaonaigh, Anna (?) - (member: Altan) [city?]
  113. Ni Mhaonaigh, Mairead (?) - (member: Altan) [city?]
  114. Nice, Pete [city?]
    Nichelson, Ted - "Harp"
  115. Nichols, Jeb Loy (guitar, vocals) - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  116. Nichols, Mike (WFMT DJ, comedian, stage/film director) - Films ( IMDB ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Mike Nichols and Elaine May, co-founder of WFMT radio in Chicago, IL) [Chicago, IL / New York, NY]
  117. Nichols, Mike and Elaine May - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Chicago, IL / New York, NY]
          (Mike Nichols, Elaine May) [great comedy duo, 195?-1961, known as "the world's fastest humans"]
  118. Nicholson, Duncan J (Highland bagpipes) [city?, Scotland]
  119. Nicholson, Gimmer [city?]
  120. Nickelson, Gabe (guitar, vocals) - (member: Mudd Creek #1) [city?]
  121. Nicks, Stevie - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Changing Times, Fritz, Fleetwood Mac) [city?]
  122. Nickson, Chris (author) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Leeds, West Yorkshire, U.K.]
  123. Nicol, Ed - (member: Celtic Offspring) [city?]
  124. Nicol, Scott (guitar, vocals) [city?, Scotland]
  125. Nicol, Simon (guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Fairport Convention, Albion Dance Band) [Muswell Hill, London, U.K.]
  126. Niehouse, Eileen (?) - (member: The Mother Folkers) [Denver, CO]
  127. Nields, The - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1987,1991-] [McLean, VA 1987-19?? / Williamstown, MA 19??-19?? / Windsor, CT 1992-]
          (Katryna Nields, Nerissa Nields) - (former members: David Nields (aka David Jones), Dave Chalfant, Lorne Entress, Dave Hower, Paul Kochanski)
  128. Nieman, Ron (hammered dulcimer) [city?]
  129. Niemann, John (fiddle, mandolin, vocals) - (member: Becky Schlegel & True Blue) - (former member: Stoney Lonesome Bluegrass Band 1980-1987,1993-19??) [Minneapolis, MN]
  130. Night of Dead Reckoning, A [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Nighthawk, Robert - "Blues"
  131. Nightingale - Page ( Bill Tomczak) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Becky Tracy, Keith Murphy, Jeremiah McLane)
  132. Nightnoise - Page ( Ceolas) ( John J. Rynne), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index), Bookings [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Johnny Cunningham, Brian Dunning, John Fitzpatrick, Micheal Ni Dhomhnaill, Triona Ni Dhomhnaill, Billy Oskay)
  133. Nigrini, Ron - Discog Coll. ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  134. Nijland, Linde (acoustic guitar, vocals) - (member: Ygdrassil) [city? Netherlands]
  135. Nile, Willie - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  136. Niles, John Jacob - Page ( Author ?) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Louisville, KY / Lexington, KY]
  137. Nilsson, Genie - Page ( Troy Nilsson) [city?]
  138. Nilsson, Harry - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  139. Nimoy, Leonard (aka Spock - TOS) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Boston, MA / Bel Air, Los Angeles, CA]
  140. Nitchie, Hub - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  141. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  142. Nitzsche, Jack - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  143. Nivert, Taffy (Mary Catherine Danoff) (songwriter, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) (joined ASCAP 1970) (former member: Fat City 1968-1973, Bill & Taffy 1973-1976, Starland Vocal Band 1976-1981) [Washington, DC]

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  144. Nix, Verolga (composer) - Page ( GIA Publications), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Philadelphia, PA]
  145. Nixon, Charlie - (member: McCormick Brothers) [city?]
  146. Nixon, Hammie - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  147. Nixon, Michelle (guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Michelle Nixon & Drive) [city?]
  148. Nixon, Nick (guitar, vocals) - (member: Michelle Nixon & Drive) [city?]  
  149. No Spring Chickens - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Peggy Seeger, Irene Scott)
    No Strings Attached - "BG/OT"
  150. Noakes, Rab (guitar, keyboards, vocals) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [St Andrews, Fife, Scotland]
  151. Noble, Aubry - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  152. Noble, Shea - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  153. Noble, Trevor - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  154. Noche Flamenca [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Nocturne, Johnny - (see: Johnny Nocturne)
  155. Noel, Steve - (member: ThisBigStringBand) [Chicago, IL]
  156. Nolan, Bob (string bass, guitar, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Sons of the Pioneers 1934-1949) [New Brunswick, Canada]
  157. Nolan, Brendan [Dublin, Ireland / St. Pete Beach, FL]
  158. Nomos [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  159. Noonan, Carol [city?]
  160. Nordine, Ken - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  161. Nordstrand, Ray (WFMT DJ) - Obit ( WFMT, 98.7 FM), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Evanston, IL / Chicago, IL]
  162. Norman, Bob (Robert Stephen) - Discog ( Fast Folk Magazine), Obit ( Sing Out!), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Sing Out! Editor 1970-1977] [New London, CT / Lawrenceville, ? (IL/GA/KS?)]
          (not the Bob Norman of Wisconsin)
  163. Norman, Chris (wooden flute) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Baltimore Consort, Helicon, Skyedance) [city?]
  164. Norman, Pete - Page ( Author ?) [city?]
  165. Norman, Phil - Page ( Phil Norman) [city?]
  166. Norquay, Doug - Page ( CPReal Agency [Archive]) [city?]
  167. Norris, John (guitar, drums) [city?]
    Norris, Leslie Stratton - "Harp"
  168. North Country Preservation Jazz Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  169. North Cregg - Page ( Author ?) [County Cork, Ireland]
          (Liam Flanagan 2004-, Ciaran Coughlan 1996-, Fiona Kelleher 2002-, Christy Leahy 1996-, Martin Leahy 1998-) - (former members: Paul Meehan 1999-2004, John Neville 1996-2001, Jason O'Driscoll 2002-?, Caoimhin Vallely 1996-2004)
  170. Northampton Harmony - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  171. Northeast Winds [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  172. Northern Cree Singers [Active: 19??-] [city?]
    Northern Light - "Wis."
    Northern Lights (Bluegrass) - "BG/OT"
    Northern Lights (Steve Coulter & Harris Moore) - "Harp"
    Northern Sons - "BG/OT"
  173. Northrup, Ernie (Native American courting flute) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  174. Norton Buffalo (Phillip Jackson) (harmonica, bass harmonica, vocals) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) - (member: Steve Miller Band 1976-2009) [Oakland, CA / Richmond, CA / Glen Ellen, CA / Paradise, CA]
          [I have been told that "Buffalo" is his actual birth last name.] 7-09-2006, however, that is not true. (from someone who attended the same school: "He graduated from John F. Kennedy High School in Richmond, CA in the time period 1969-1971, he played in the Jazz Band there, and his real name is Phil something", but it is NOT Buffalo.)
  175. Norton, Cathi (vocals) - Page ( Bob Unger [Archive]) [Bloomington, IN]
  176. Norwood, Frank - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  177. Notarthomas, Jamie - Page ( Author ?) ( Homegrown Music Network) [city?]
    Nothnagle, Tom - "Guitar"
  178. Nova, Heather - Page ( Author ?) ( Author ?) [city?]
  179. Noveck, Danny (tenor banjo, fiddle, percussion) - (member: American Cafe Orchestra) [Copenhagen, Denmark]
  180. Novick, Billy (see also: Van Duser, Guy) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  181. Novotneho, Petra - (member: Bluegrass Hoppers) [city?]
  182. Nowlan, Dan - (member: Blackstone Valley Bluegrass Band) [city?]
  183. Noyes, Alfred (English poet, short-story writer, playwright) - Page ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Wolverhampton, U.K. / Isle of Wight, U.K.]
  184. Nudes, The - Page ( Author ?), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  185. Nuese, John (?) - (member: The International Submarine Band) [city?]
  186. Null, Cecil (autoharp., guitar, luthier) - Page ( Autoharp Hall of Fame 2004 Posthumous) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [War, WV / Grundy, VA / Bristol, VA]
    Nunally, Jim - "BG/OT"
    Nunally, Jim and Dix Bruce - "BG/OT"
  187. Nunes, Luis (rajao, braguesa, viola de arame) - (former member: Algozes, XarabandaTB) [Madeira Island (Portugal)]
  188. Nunley, Bill (vocals) - (member: The Chestnut Grove Quartet) [Moccasin Gap, VA]
  189. Nunley, Jim (vocals) - (member: The Chestnut Grove Quartet) [Moccasin Gap, VA]
  190. Nunneley, Dick "Habib" [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  191. Nurullah, Shanta (storyteller) - Page ( Joann Murdock) [Chicago, IL]
  192. Nuse, Deborah - (member: Ensemble Galilei 1997-) [city?]  
  193. Nybo, Gregg (guitar, vocals) - (member: Live Bait) [Rockton, IL]
  194. Nye, Hermes - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  195. Nye, Peter (guitar, vocals) - (leader: Peter Nye & the Chicago Bluegrass Band) [Chicago, IL]
    Nygaard, Scott - "BG/OT"
  196. Nylons, The - Page ( United Singers International) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1978-] [Toronto, Ontario, Canada]
          (Mark Cassius, Claude Morrison, Garth Mosbaugh, Arnold Robinson,) - (former members: Micah Barnes, Ralph Cole, Mark Connors, Paul Cooper, Claude Desjardins, Gavin Hope, Billy Newton-Davis, Denis Simpson)
  197. Nyro, Laura - Page ( Glen Stegner), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  198. Nystrup, Stephen (?) [city?]

URL: http://folklib.net/index/indexn.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle: henkle@pobox.com
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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