FolkLib Index
- Wisconsin Acoustic Music
(last updated .05-15-2017)
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| Wisconsin Music Site Map
Wisconsin acoustic music related sites.
| Concert and Venue Sites
| Festivals
| Labels
| Broadcast Media
/ TV
/ Film)
| Periodicals
| Management / Booking
| Music Resources
| Education
| Camps
| Recording Studios
| Societies
| Organizations
| Stores
/ Luthiers
| Conferences
| Wisconsin Folk Musicians
| Bluegrass Bands
| Non-Folk Musicians
Wisconsin Broadcast Media (Radio)
- top / bottom of page |
Wisconsin Broadcast Media (TV)
- top / bottom of page |
Wisconsin Broadcast Media (Film)
- top / bottom of page |
Wisconsin Music Periodicals / Newsletters
- top / bottom of page |
- Celtic Madison
-- Celtic Music Association of Madison
- [Seasonal]
- Goldmine
-- national music magazine published in Iola
- [bi-weekly]
- Green Apple Newsletter
-- Green Apple Folk Music Society
- [bi-monthly]
- Fireball Mail
-- Southern Wisconsin Bluegrass Music Association, Inc.
- [bi-monthly]
- The Jazz Review
-- national music magazine published in Milwaukee
- [E-Zine]
- The Jongleur
-- UW-Madison, Mills Music Library
- [semi-annual (Feb/Sep)]
- Mad Folk News
-- Madison Folk Music Society
- [monthly]
- Maximum Ink music magazine
-- Madison
- [monthly]
Midwest Folk
(Terry Corr)
-- P.O. Box 255, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0255
- [quarterly]
Full length interviews:
Issue 1, Summer 2003 (16 p.):
Bill Camplin WI,
Joel Mabus MI,
Dan Zahn IL
Issue 2, Fall 2003 (20 p.):
Lou and Peter Berryman WI,
Lis Harvey WI,
Mike and Amy Finders IL/IA,
Al and Andi Tauber IL
Issue 3, Winter 2003 (24 p.):
Lil' Rev WI,
Patricia Pettinga MI,
Greg Brown IA,
Mid-Winter Singing Festival
East Lansing, MI
Issue 4, Spring 2004 (24 p.):
Celia (Farran) WI,
Chris Plata WI,
Mustard's Retreat MI,
Fred Holstein Benefit IL
Issue 5, Summer 2004 (24 p.):
Larry Penn WI,
Tracy Beck WI,
Judy Rose
("Simply Folk" WPR, Sun. 5-8pm) WI,
Sons of the Never Wrong IL
Issue 6, Fall 2004 (24 p.):
Roxanne Neat WI,
Tim Grimm IN,
Two Way Street (venue, Downers Grove, IL),
Al Kniola, host "The Back Porch" (Sun. 7-11pm),
WVPE, 88.1, South Bend, IN
Issue 7, Winter 2004 (24 p.):
Tracy Jane Comer WI,
Scott Alarik MN/MA,
Joe Jencks IL,
Paint Creek Folklore Society (Rochester Hills, MI)
ceased publication after only seven issues
- Rick's Cafe
(Rick Tvedt)
-- Mount Horeb
- [monthly]
- Tell it Like it is
-- Wisconsin Blues Society
(Tom Radai)
-- Madison
- Bibliography
- [annually]
- The Valley Scene / The Scene
-- Fox River Valley (Appleton/Oshkosh)
- [monthly]
- no title
-- Black Hawk Folk Society
- [quarterly]
- no title
-- Fondy Acoustic Music Alliance
- [bi-monthly, ceased publication 2009]
- no title
-- Milwaukee Area Bluegrass Music Association
- [monthly]
Wisconsin Music Resources
- top / bottom of page |
The Library of Congress
Madison Media Institute
Marquette University
Jean Cuje Milwaukee Music Collection
Bruce Cole, Librarian)
Located in the
of the
Raynor Memorial Library
Dissertations and Theses: Full Text (database)
Campus Map (in PDF format)
(requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
Visitor Parking map deleted (nearest the Memorial Library) [Archive]
Visitor Parking)
Music Library Association
Mailing List Archives (since April 1990)
(national association based in Middleton, WI)
Music Library Association Midwest Chapter
Music Libraries in the Midwest
"Polka: Wisconsin's State Dance", an article by
Richard March
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Folklore Program #1
(James P. Leary)
Music & Sound Recording Collection
Golda Meir Library
PantherCat (online catalog)
John J. Ward Jr. Irish Music Archives
Wisconsin Alliance for Composers
(David Drexler)
- Wisconsin Folk Museum (Mount Horeb)
Their home page was only deleted within the last few weeks,
however, I was just informed that the museum closed about two years
ago. The Wisconsin Music Archives (see below)
has most of their music materials.
Wisconsin Historical Society
[previously known as: State Historical Society of Wisconsin (SHSW)]
Wisconsin Music Archives
(at the
Charles H. Mills Music Library, UW-Madison)
728 State St., Madison, WI 53706-1494
Semi-annual newsletter:
"The Jongleur"
Wisconsin Performing Artists Hall of Fame, The [Archive]
Available Accompanists
Find accompanists, pianists, organists, and keyboardists in the U.S.
Available accompanists by region, and a form to submit your own info. As
of 01-30-2003, there were no registered accompanists from Wisconsin.
Copyright information at Wisconsin Web sites
- Print Resources:
Wisconsin Music Education
- top / bottom of page |
Wisconsin Music Camps
- top / bottom of page |
Wisconsin Folk Music Societies
- top / bottom of page |
- Appleton/Green Bay/Oshkosh
- Concerts and Venues -
/ Green Bay
/ Oshkosh
- Fond du Lac
- Concerts and Venues
- Green Bay
- Concerts and Venues
- NorthEast Wisconsin Bluegrass and Acoustic Music Association
Such a group was talked about in the late 1990's, but it never
actually organized, and there are no current plans of its ever doing so.
- Janesville - Concerts and Venues
- Madison - Concerts and Venues
Balalaika and Domra Association of America [Archive]
2801 Warner St., Madison, WI 53713-2160
Celtic Music Association of Madison
Seasonal Newsletter:
"Celtic Madison"
433 Berwyn Drive, Madison, WI 53711-1203
Madison Folk Music Society
Monthly Newsletter: "Mad Folk News"
P.O. Box 665, Madison, WI 53701-0665
-- (608) 255-2833
Peter Berryman's "Whither Zither"
(monthly column since Oct. 1997)
Madison Blues Society
Madison Folk Harp Society
Harpers & Teachers
- Midwest Harmonica Society (MHS), P.O Box 4351,
Madison, WI 53711
-- James A. Speelman, Member, (608) 271-6893
- Parthenogenesis Co-op, Madison, WI
Participated in the Musicians Co-op Convention in July 1973,
per Sing Out!,
v.22#2, p. 37
- Wisconsin Folk Arts Association
Wisconsin Arts Board [Archive]
Michael Kuharski,
40 Fuller Ct., Madison, WI 53704-5923, (608) 241-3655
Wisconsin Public Radio [Archive] - WERN, 88.7
821 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706-1497
WORT, 89.9
- Manawa
- Central Wisconsin Bluegrass Society (CWBS)
[05-30-1998: I found a link to their Web page,,
but it had already been deleted before I first saw it.
Please write
if you know how to contact them, or anything at all about them.]
- Milwaukee - Concerts and Venues
- Mount Morris/Wautoma
- Concerts and Venues -
Mount Morris
/ Wautoma
Great Northern Blues Society
Southern Wisconsin Bluegrass Music Association, Inc.
WAMI Nominee]
"Bluegrass Scoop Hot-Line" - (608) 233-4522
Bi-monthly newsletter:
"Fireball Mail"
- Bibliography
Newsletter Editor:
Carolyn Hegeler)
- 5017 Regent St., Madison, WI 53705-4745
Southern Wisconsin Old Time Fiddlers' Association
- c/o Al Hund, 5619 Alben Ave., McFarland, WI 53558-9613
Wisconsin Blues Society
- Lists of Wisconsin Historical Societies
Wisconsin Local Historical Society
Kent A. Peterson [Archive]
(may have information about their local area musicians)
Wisconsin Dance Organizations
- See the
Wisconsin Dance Groups page.
Other Wisconsin Music Organizations
- top / bottom of page |
American Choral Directors Association
North Central Division
Wisconsin Choral Directors Association
American Guild of Organists (AGO)
/ NE Wisconsin
Association of Church Musicians
Association of Wisconsin Area Kodaly Educators [Archive]
- Central Wisconsin Music Hall of Fame
2004 Inductees:
Sid Kyler,
Ray "Bud" Rozelle,
John McCutcheon,
The Jackson Family,
Otis McLennon,
Mickey Larson,
Sterling and Loretta Anderson,
Robin Lee Schenzel,
Duke Wright,
Jerry Goetsch
To be eligible, a musician must have made a significant and lasting
contribution to the central Wisconsin musical culture. The central
Wisconsin area is defined as 75 miles from downtown Wausau.
- Central Wisconsin Ragtime and Early Jazz Society
Portal Wisconsin
(Steve Standiford)
Choristers Guild
Fond du Lac Concert Association
- Fox Valley Keyboard Teachers Association - Page
Jam 4 S.A.M.
(Serving Ailing Musicians)
- Lake Superior Ragtime Society
Madison Area Music Awards (The MAMA's)
Madison Songwriters Group
"Songwriters in the Round"
Maestro Productions, Inc.
Mark E. Bloedow)
- (MENC)
Mid-America Arts Alliance
Milwaukee Musicians Association
(George Sartick)
Northeastern Wisconsin Arts Council
- Oshkosh Area Keyboard Teachers Association - Page
Really Good Music
- 121 E. Polk Ave., Eau Claire, WI 54701
Racine Musicians Association
Land O' Lakes District
alternate #1
(based in Kenosha)
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet
Singing in America, Inc.
(aka Barbershop Harmony Society)
Sweet Adelines International Singers
- Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI)
Wisconsin Arts Board
Arts Service Organizations [Archive]
- Artists
Wisconsin Cello Society
- Wisconsin Jazz Organizations
Wisconsin Music Educators Association
- 4797 Hayes Rd., Madison, WI 53704-7382
-- (608) 249-4566, Fax: (608) 249-5532
Wisconsin School Music Association
- 4797 Hayes Rd., Madison, WI 53704-7382
-- (608) 249-4566, Fax: (608) 249-5532
Wisconsin String Teachers Association [Archive]
aka - Wisconsin / American String Teachers Association
with the National School Orchestra Association,
"Wi/ASTA with NSOA"
- Other Lists of Wisconsin Music Organizations
Music Education Online
Organization/Coalition Links Page
Wisconsin Music Teachers Association (WMTA)
WMTA Districts and Local Associations
Bay Lake Independent Music Teachers Association (Shawano),
Capital Area Music Teachers (Madison),
Chippewa Valley Music Teachers Association (Eau Claire),
Fox Valley Keyboard Teachers Association (Appleton),
Greater Milwaukee Chapter (Milwaukee),
Kenosha Music Teachers Association (Kenosha),
La Crosse Area Music Teachers Association (La Crosse),
Lake Wisconsin Music Teachers Association (Madison),
Marshfield Area Music Teachers Association (Stevens Point),
Michibago Music Teachers Association (Sheboygan),
Oshkosh Area Keyboard Teachers Association (Oshkosh),
Rock River Music Teachers Association (Whitewater),
St. Croix Valley Music Teachers Association (River Falls),
South Central Music Teachers Association ( Madison),
Stevens Point Area Music Teachers Association (Stevens Point),
Superior Area Music Teachers Association (Superior),
Wausau Area Music Teachers Association (Wausau)
- top / bottom of page |
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)
International Annual Conferences held in Wisconsin
I joined in 1999 and have attended every Wisconsin Conference (2)
since then.
May 19-22, 1999 - Madison [Archive]
May 2-5, 2007 - Milwaukee
- ARSC has over one thousand members from twenty-three countries:
collectors, dealers, appraisers, archivists, librarians, historians,
musicians, students,
reviewers, media producers and recording engineers.
- Midwest Regional
Folk Alliance
Conferences held in Wisconsin
I joined FA in 1996 and have attended every
Wisconsin Conference (6) since then.
- 2000 -
Art Thieme - city?, IL
- 2001 -
Larry Bruner - city?
- 2002 -
Rich Warren - Chicago, IL
- 2003 -
Stan Werbin - owner of Elderly Instruments - Lansing, MI
- 2004 -
Glen Morningstar and
Judi Morningstar - city?
- 2005 -
Dave Humphreys - city?
- 2006 -
Margaret Nelson - Racine, WI / St. Charles, IL
- 2007 -
Juel Ulven - city?
- 2008 -
David Tamulevich - Ann Arbor, MI
- 2009 -
Maggie Ferguson - city?
- 2010 - ?
Wisconsin Music Unions
- top / bottom of page |
Wisconsin Booking Agents / Management Firms
- See
Wisconsin Booking Agents / Management Firms
Wisconsin Concert and Venue Sites
- See
Wisconsin Concerts and Venues by City
City Cross Reference
Wisconsin Dance Organizations
- See the
Wisconsin Dance Groups page.
Wisconsin Record Labels
- See
Wisconsin Record Labels by City
City Cross Reference
Wisconsin Recording Studios
- See
Wisconsin Recording Studios by City
City Cross Reference
Wisconsin Music Stores
- See
Wisconsin Music Stores by City
City Cross Reference
Known links to this page:
(Home Page - Link Page). Thank You.
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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Copyright © 1997-2017
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.