FolkLib Index
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Do not copy ANY recording without the express written
permision of the recording musicians!
Do not copy ANY recording without the express written
permision of the recording musicians!
DO NOT COPY! statements I have seen on various recordings:
- Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
(standard DO NOT COPY THIS RECORDING! statement)
- Support the Arts - Please don't make copies for your friends!
(Harvey Reid)
- No unauthorized duplication without consent.
Don't copy it man's just not cool.
(O Nine Hundred)
- Unauthorized duplication will result in everything you touch
turning to hair.
(Lou and Peter Berryman)
and one from a book:
"The Almost Complete 78 RPM Record Guide",
by Steven C. Barr
Copyright 1979, 1980, 1992 by Steven C. Barr. All rights
reserved. No portion of the book may be copied...
N.B. Any violation of the above shall result in every recording in
the posession of the offender being immediately transmogrified into
F(plus sign) copies of Patti Page's "Tennessee Waltz" or Homer Rodeheaver
Victors with 3" wide cracks! So there! And you have to take all my extra
kittens, too. Especially the one that can't figure out what the litter
box is for. And your children will form a Led Zeppelin tributre band and
rehearse in your basement. THINK AGAIN!
scan of Steven C. Barr's Copyright Warning
Known links to this page:
(Home Page - Link Page). Thank You.
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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Copyright © 1997-2017
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.