FolkLib Index - Wisconsin Festival History:
          Fox Jazz Fest: Past Performers Index

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          This page is an alphabetical list of every artist who has performed at Neenah Jazz Fest 1995-2003 and Fox Jazz Fest 2004-date. Performers for the first six years of Neenah Jazz Fest are unknown, but everyone else 2001-date is listed on the Neenah/Fox Jazz Fest Performers pages.

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      Neenah Jazz Fest
| 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 |
      Fox Jazz Fest
| 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014
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| Wisconsin Festival Past Performers Indexes |

  1. Adams, Joel [?] (2002)
  2. Africa West (2001, 2003, 2006) - "Wis."
  3. Arrangement, The (2001) - "Wis."
  4. Bergonzi Quartet, Jerry [?] (2008)
  5. Bertoncini, Gene [NY] (2002)
  6. Big Band Reunion, The (2005, 2008) - "Wis."
  7. Birth of the Cools [?] (2003)
  8. Bishop, Emilie Rose (2003) - "Wis."
  9. Bixler Quartet, Dave (2002) - "Wis."
  10. Brown, Red [?] (2005)
  11. Buchman, Mathew (2002) - "Wis."
  12. Buffa, Todd [?] (2003)
  13. Caviani Trio, Laura [MN] (2007)
  14. Chadbourne, Dr. Eugene [?] (2005)
  15. Cohan, Ryan [?] (2003)
  16. Common Time (2008) - "Wis."
  17. Cooper, Joe [MI] (2006)
  18. Curran, Brad (2002) - "Wis."
  19. Cyr, Leala and The Brazilian Elektric Band (2009) - "Wis."
  20. Davis, Mark (2006) - "Wis."
  21. DeLorenzo, Victor (2005) - "Wis."
  22. LaDuca World Jazz Band, The Andy [?] (2005)
  23. Ditzler, T. [?] (2005)
  24. Ellis, Manty (2007) - "Wis."
  25. Exner, Helen (2005) - "Wis."
  26. Fat Kid Wednesdays [MN] (2005)
  27. Fuller Quartet,Curtis [?] (2007)
  28. Gatien, Greg [Canada] (2010)
  29. Green Bay Packer Tailgaters (2007) - "Wis."
  30. Griffith, Miles [?] (2002)
  31. Habanero Jazz Band (2001) - "Wis."
  32. Hamasyan Trio, Tigran (Armenia) (2008)
  33. Harmon, John (2007, 2010) - "Wis."
  34. Harmon, Nash (Noah?) [?] (2003)
  35. Harmon, Noah and friends (2005) - "Wis."
  36. Harmon Trio, Noah (2008) - "Wis."
  37. Harrison Trio, Randal (2005, 2007) - "Wis."
  38. Hayes, Louis and the Cannonball Adderley Legacy Band [?] (2005)
  39. Hoecherl, Randy (2001, 2003) - "Wis."
  40. Holland, Brian [?] (2002)
  41. Hunter Trio, The Charlie [?] (2005)
  42. Jackson, Brian [?] (2005)
  43. Jazz Orgy (2005) - "Wis."
  44. Keezer, Geoff (2010) - "Wis."
  45. Kelly, Patrick (2010) - "Wis."
  46. Knutson Trio, Mary L. (2005) - "Wis."
  47. Korb, Kristen [?] (2002)
  48. Kosins, Kathy [Highland Park, MI] (2005)
  49. Kubicki Trio, Mike (2006, 2007) - "Wis."
  50. LaVarda, M. [?] (2005)
  51. Levy, Bob & his Little Big Band (2006) - "Wis."
  52. Levy Trio, Howard [IL] (2010)
  53. Lydeen, B. [?] (2005)
  54. Macklin, Janet (2002, 2003) - "Wis."
  55. MadiSalsa (2001, 2005) - "Wis."
  56. Mankowski, Woody (2003, 2005, 2008) - "Wis."
  57. March-Torme, Steve (2008)
  58. Margolis, Kitty [?] (2001)
  59. Matrix (2009) - "Wis."
  60. McKay Quintet, Marlin (2009) - "Wis."
  61. Mertens, Andy (2008) - "Wis."
  62. Metheny Tribute Band, Pat (2009) - See: Pat Metheny
  63. Mrs. Fun (2001, 2005) - "Wis."
  64. Mulligan Mosaics 13 piece Big Band, The [IL] (2008)
  65. Munson, D. [?] (2005)
  66. Neenah High School Jazz Ensemble (2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) - "Wis."
  67. Paolo Trio, Jim (2006) - "Wis."
  68. Planet, Janet (2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010) - "Wis."
  69. Playtime (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006) - "Wis."
  70. Reynolds Quartet, Tom [?] (2002)
  71. RH Factor [?] (2001)
  72. Richeson, Dane (2010) - "Wis."
  73. Ritchie, Brian (2005) - "Wis."
  74. Robinson, Marty (2005) - "Wis."
  75. Sabien, Randy (2005) - "Wis."
  76. St. Mary Central High School Jazz Band (2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) - "Wis."
  77. Salerno, Chris (2003) - "Wis."
  78. Salerno, Chris & ZIJI (2001, 2003, 2006, 2008) - "Wis."
  79. Sanchez Quartet, David [NY] (2006)
  80. Schwerbel, John (2010) - "Wis."
  81. Seton Catholic Middle School Jazz Band (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) - "Wis."
  82. Silbergleit, Paul (2005, 2009) - "Wis."
  83. Siora [?] (2005)
  84. Skelton Group, Rand (2002) - "Wis."
  85. Stamm Quartet, Marvin [?] (2005)
  86. Sulco (2006, 2007) - "Wis."
  87. Sullivan, David & Friends [?] (2001)
  88. Theabo, Tom (2001, 2002, 2003) - "Wis."
  89. Thomas, Reggie and Mardra [MO] (2010)
  90. Thunder from Down Under [?] (2001)
  91. Tomboulian Sextet, Lee (2008) - "Wis."
  92. Tomboulian, Lee and Return to Whenever (2006) - "Wis."
  93. Tribute to Art Blakey, A (2007) - "Wis."
  94. Trudell Organ Trio, Dan (2006, 2007, 2010) - "Wis."
  95. Turner, Matt (2001, 2003, 2005) - "Wis."
  96. Twins [?] (2005)
  97. Underwood, Mike (2008) - "Wis."
  98. Urness, Mark (2010) - "Wis."
  99. Vig, The [?] (2005)
  100. Violent Femmes (2005) - "Wis."
  101. Walton Trio, Cedar [?] (2007)
  102. Washatka, Tom Quartet (TWQ) (2001, 2005, 2006, 2008) - "Wis."
  103. Washatka Quorum, The Tom (2007) - "Wis."
  104. Watts, Ernie [?] (2001)
  105. Woodall, Jeanne (2007) - "Wis."
  106. Yarian, Adam [?] (2006)
  107. ZIJI - (see: Chris Salerno & ZIJI)

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P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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