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FolkLib Index Hosting Service

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      The free temporary hosting of Web pages on behalf of Wisconsin Folk Music related non-profit organizations is available at the discretion of the Webmaster.

      This is a service only for those organizations which are currently actively planning on creating their own Web site in the foreseeable future, but would like an initial on-line Web presence installed in a minimal amount of time.

      A home page, which should include a description of the organization and must include their E-Mail address, and a membership application page will be created. Folk music related links selected by the organization can either be included on the home page or on an optional third links page.

      Due to storage space considerations, only one graphic provided by the organization will be stored at this site for display on one or more of their pages. Preferably, but not necessarily, this will be the organization's official logo.

      All hosted pages, as do the rest of the pages at this domain, will follow the current Web Accessiblity guidelines like the Priority 1 Standards listed for the University of Wisconsin System. Other information and links on this topic can be found on this site's Web Accessiblity page.

      As this is a new service, and I have never done anything like this before, the above description of the service is subject to revision based on talks with prospective applicants for the service. I do need to say that I do not have the time available for submitting concert schedules for anyone. Each organization needs to find someone with Web and E-Mail access and the time to regularly perform this very important publicity function.

      At this time, temporary pages are being hosted for the following organizations:

      Previous temporary pages hosted here:

      The following hosting information will be included at the bottom of every page. Except as noted above, all other page content will be provided by the organization, keeping in mind that every page at this domain must be acceptable for viewing by everyone, including children.

[organization's name] pages are hosted by the
FolkLib Index - Doug Henkle, Webmaster
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331