FolkLib Index - William Ellwood Discography

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FolkLib Index for William Ellwood

Installed 03-04-2001, this old (12-26-94) text file will be converted to HTML and updated when I have time.

William Ellwood
b.  Canada

Summary Discography:

    t = Complete list of track titles appears in the Full Discography
    p = Partial list appears, William Ellwood tracks only
           * = listed in the Winter 1994/95, Schwann "Spectrum", p. 418
         p.# = Schwann listing page number

   Solo Albums

#01)t 1986 * Openings                                   Narada Lotus  61010
#02)t 1987 * Renaissance                                Narada Lotus  61015
#03)t 1989 * Vista                                      Narada Lotus  61024
#04)  1993 * Touchstone                                 Narada Lotus  61038
#xx)  1995   Natural Selections                         Narada ?          ?

   Various Artists Collections

#05)p 1986 * Narada Sampler #2                          Narada Lotus  61013
#06)  1988 * Narada Sampler #3                          Narada Lotus  61018
#07)  ?    * Narada Sampler #4                          Narada Lotus  61025
#08)p 1992 * Guitar Works                               Narada Lotus  61032

#09)p 1988 * Narada Christmas Collection                Narada Three  63902
#10)p 1990 * Narada Wilderness Collection               Narada Three  63905
#11)p 1991 * Narada Collection Three                    Narada Three  63906

   Non-album sections

#A)  Sources


Full Discography:                                                    Owners
[number] = Actual albums I have seen
"Owners" = Who owns the album I saw
              (see the complete code list in library)
         I = solo fingerstyle guitar instrumental

----------Narada Lotus

#01)  1986   Openings (CS: NC-61010) * 10-86
#01                   [CD: ND-61010] *                               {A}{W}
#01.   1 I 4:48  Eternal Holly
#01.   2 I 4:56  Spirit Jazz
#01.   3 I 3:42  Winter Waltz
#01.   4 I 3:45  Sea Shanty
#01.   5 I 4:43  Lunar Return
#01.   6 I 4:52  Tomorrow's Fire
#01.   7 I 3:50  Brittany
#01.   8 I 6:47  Mindvision
#01.   9 I 4:13  High Park
#01.  10 I 4:05  Saluki

#02)  1987   Renaissance [LP: N-61015]                                  {A}
#02                      (CS: NC-61015) * 12-87
#02                      (CD: ND-61015) *
#02.  A1   5:04  Renaissance
#02.  A2   5:00  Feminine Patterns
#02.  A3   3:19  Magic Road
#02.  A4   4:28  Indications of Light
#02.  B1   3:42  Signals
#02.  B2   4:31  La Trouvere
#02.  B3   4:20  Frost and Fire
#02.  B4 I 4:17  Gabriella
     William Ellwood: steel string guitar
                      6 and 7 string classical guitars
     Claude Desjardin: percussion
     John Seydewitz: percussion
     Warren Wiegratz: flute
     Bill Douglas: bassoon

#03)  1989   Vista [CS: NC-61024] *                                     {P}
#03                (CD: ND-61024) *
---          (no solos)
#03.  A1   3:37  Logic of Love, The
#03.  A2   3:45  Scarborough Fair/Canticle
#03.  A3   4:27  In the Middle Distance
#03.  A4   3:42  Path with Heart, A
#03.  A5   3:38  Lonestar
#03.  B1   3:54  Beside the Night
#03.  B2   3:30  Riding the Moon
#03.  B3   3:44  Ivory Wind
#03.  B4   3:44  Holly's Song
#03.  B5   4:03  Sky Games
     William Ellwood: steel string, nylon string and MIDI
                      guitars, keyboards
     Billy Oskay: violin, keyboards
     Robert O'Hearn: keyboards
     Caton Lyles: hand percussion - bagaraboo, sabero,
                     kutrindingo, kutriba, bongos
     Gregg Williams: MIDI percussion
     Randy Tico: fretless bass
     Tim Gilson: acoustic bass
     Dan Pettis: piano (B5)
     George Mitchell: harpsichord (A2)

#04)  1993   Touchstone [CS: NC-61038] * 8-93
#04                     (CD: ND-61038) *
             (with ensemble)

#xx)  1995   Touchstone (CS: ?) 6-20-1995
#xx                     (CD: ?)

----------Narada Lotus - collections

#05)  1986   Narada Sampler #2 (LP: N-61013) * 4-87
#05             p.425,503      (CS: NC-61013) *
#05                            [CD: ND-61013] *                         {C}
---          (all 9 tracks are listed in "collections.new_age")
---                                                                    From
#05.   1 I 4:48  Eternal Holly                                          #01

#06)  1988   Narada Sampler #3 (LP: N-61018) * 7-88
#06             p.425,503      (CS: NC-61018) *
#06                            (CD: ND-61018) *
             (Eric Tingstad & Nancy Rumbel, Spencer Brewer, David
              Darling, John Doan, William Ellwood, Michael Jones,
              David Lanz, Doug Harman)

#07)  ?      Narada Sampler #4 (LP: N-61025) *
#07             p.425,503      (CS: NC-61025) *
#07                            (CD: ND-61025) *
             (Eric Tingstad & Nancy Runbel, William Ellwood, Wayne
              Gratz, David Lanz, Michael Jones)

#08)  1992   Guitar Works [CS: NC-61032] *                              {A}
#08             p.425     [CD: ND-61032] *                             {.A}
---          (all 13 tracks are listed in "collections.guitar")
#08.  A4   5:00  Light a Candle

----------Narada Three - collections

#09)  1988   Narada Christmas Collection (LP: N-63902) *
#09             p.510                    (CS: NC-63902) *
#09                                      [CD: ND-63902] *               {C}
---          (all 11 tracks are listed in "collections.new_age")
#09.   8   3:08  Return of the Magi

#10)  1990   Narada Wilderness Collection (CS: NC-63905) * 8-90
#10             p.425                     [CD: ND-63905] *              {D}
---          (all 16 tracks are listed in "collections.new_age")
#10.  10   3:35  Woodland Mission

#11)  1991   Narada Collection Three (CS: NC-63906) * 4-91
#11             p.425,503            [CD: ND-63906] *                   {E}
---          (all 16 tracks are listed in "collections.new_age")
---                                                                    From
#11.   8   3:37  Logic of Love, The                                     #03

#A)  Sources (for more information)  (top/bottom of page)

     See my Bibliography for complete bibliographical information.

#ab  1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide", p. 52
#cx  1992, Erlewine, "All Music Guide", p. 545
#fh  1994, Erlewine, "All Music Guide", p. 1218

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

| FolkLib Index for William Ellwood |

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