FolkLib Index - Guitar Player Magazine Discography

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Guitar Player / Keyboard / Bass Player (record label/magazines)

#A)  Summary Discography
#B)  Full Discography
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#A)  Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)

    t = Complete list of track titles appears in the Full Discography

#01)t 1993   Now Hear This                          GPI Publications      -
#02)t 1994   Now Hear This, Volume 2                GPI Publications      -

#B)  Full Discography  (top/bottom of page)

[number] = Actual albums I have seen
"Owners" = Who owns the album I saw
              (see the complete code list in library)
         i = instrumental

Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)                            Owners
----------GPI Publications                                           ------
             "A New Music Sampler Presented by Guitar Player,
              Keyboard and Bass Player Magazines"

#01)  1993   Now Hear This [CD: no catalog #]                           {A}
#01.   1   4:58  Say Anything                    Aimee Mann
#01.   2   3:54  Mockingbird                     Taj Mahal
#01.   3   3:04  Who Holds Your Hand             Patty Larkin
#01.   4   4:40  Life's a Beat                   Plan B
#01.   5 i 6:20  Canine                          Tribal Tech with
---                                                Scott Henderson, Gary Willis
#01.   6   4:02  Something You Got               B.B. King, Koko Taylor
#01.   7 i 2:39  Highlander Boogie               Hellecasters
#01.   8   4:11  Don't Tell Me What to Do        Baby Animals
#01.   9   5:28  Open Skies                      Open Skyz
#01.  10 i 3:31  Big Fungus                      Michael Manring
#01.  11   3:55  Fall, The                       Blackfish
   (Now Hear This, 411 Borel Ave., Suite 100, San Mateo, CA 94402)
      From the following albums:
   Aimee Mann, "Whatever", Imago 72787-21017-2
   Taj Mahal, "Dancing the Blues", Private Music 01005-82112-2
   Patty Larkin, "Angels Running", High Street 72902-10318-2
   Plan B, "Cyber Chords and Sushi Stories", Imago 72787-21031-2
   Tribal Tech with Scott Henderson and Gary Willis, "Face First",
                                                     Blue Moon R2-79190
   B.B. King and Koko Taylor, "Blues Summit", MCA MCAD-10710
   Hellecasters, "The Return of the Hellecasters", Pacific Arts PAAD-5055
   Baby Animals, "Shaved and Dangerous", Imago 72787-21019-2
   Open Skyz, "Open Skyz", RCA #?
   Michael Manring, "Bonk Due" (to be released 1/94), Windham Hill #?
   Blackfish, "Blackfish", Epic EK-53233

Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)                            Owners
#02)  1994   Now Hear This, Volume 2 [CD: no catalog #n]                {A}
#02.   1   4:19  Futurevision                    Adrian Belew
#02.   2 i 2:24  Porky and Pale                  Leo Kottke
#02.   3   3:54  Julia                           Chris Rea
#02.   4 i 4:16  Red and Lee                     Crescent City Gold
#02.   5 i 4:41  Sacred Addiction                Fareed Haque
#02.   6   4:56  What I Like (Women)             C.C. Adcock
#02.   7   6:10  Ha Ha Hotel                     Mike Stern
#02.   8 i 2:47  Tarantula                       Peppino D'Agostino
#02.   9   4:24  God's Home Movie                Horse
#02.  10 i 4:19  Hole Diggin'                    Scott Henderson
#02.  11 i 4:10  River of Stone                  Val Gardena
#02.  12 i 7:43  I Can See Your House from Here  John Scofield and 
---                                                 Pat Methany
      From the following albums:                 
   Adrian Belew, "Here", Caroline/Carol 1748-2
   Leo Kottke, "Peculiaroso", Private Music 01005-82111-2/4
   Chris Rea, "Expresso Logic", EastWest/The Atlantic Group 92316-2
   Crescent City Gold, "The Ultimate Session", High Street 72902-10324-2
   Fareed Haque, "Sacred Addiction", CDP 0777-7-89662-27
   C.C. Adcock, "C.C. Adcock", Island 314-518840-2
   Mike Stern, "Is What it Is", Atlantic Jazz 82571-2
   Peppino D'Agostino, "Close to The Heart", Mesa R2-79070
   Horse, "God's Home Movie", MCA/Oxygen MCD-10935
   Scott Henderson, "Dog Party", Mesa R2-79073
   Val Gardena, "River of Stone", Mercury 314-518-850-2
   John Scofield and Pat Methany, "I Can See Your House from Here",
                                  Blue Note 7243-8-2776529

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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