APPENDIX B, Complete Index
(last updated .08-09-2017)
This page, generated by the Webmaster, contains a
complete index of every entry created by
Bill Markwick
for his "The Folk File: A Folkie's Dictionary"
( ) .
Menu for the alphabetical entry titles on this page:
A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
- A&R
- Abbott, O.J.
- aboon
- a cappella
- accelerando
- accent
- accidental
- accordion
- accumulative songs
- Acknowledgements
- acoustic
- action
- Acuff, Roy
- Adams, Derroll
- ae
- aerophone
- afore
- A440
- ahint
- air
- alane
- Albion Band
- album
- Ale
- aliquot
- aliquot strings
- All Hallows Eve
- All Saints' Day
- All Souls' Day
- Almanac Singers
- alto
- Amazing Grace
- ambitus
- American Folklife Center
- amp
- amplifier
- anacrusis
- anapestic
- Andersen, Eric
- Anderson, Alistair
- Anderson, Pink
- anent
- anhemitonic
- Animals
- anon
- anticipation
- antiphon
- antiphonal
- anti-recruiting songs
- Appalachia
- Appalachian bow
- archlute
- archtop
- Arhoolie
- Arkin, Alan
- armband
- armonica
- Armstrong, Frankie
- Armstrong, Tommy
- arpeggio
- art music
- Asch, Moses
- Ashley, Clarence
- ask
- assonantal rhyme
- a' the go
- athwart
- Atkins, Chet
- atonal
- attack
- augmented
- augmented chord
- authentic
- autoharp
- Autry, Gene
- ava
- awl
- Axton, Hoyt
- bacca pipes
- back
- backbeat
- backup
- Bacon, Lionel
- badman ballads
- Baez, Joan
- bag
- bagpipes
- bairn
- Baker, Etta
- balalaika
- baldrick
- Baldry, Long John
- ballad
- ballade
- balladmonger
- ballet
- ballett
- bandoneon
- bandster
- Band, The
- bandura
- bane
- banjo
- banjo-guitar
- banjolin
- bar
- bar band
- Barbeau, Marius
- Barbecue Bob
- bar chord
- bard
- Baring-Gould, Sabine
- baritone
- barker
- bar line
- baroque
- baroque pitch
- Barrand, Tony
- barre chord
- barrelhouse
- barrel organ
- bass
- basscan
- bass guitar
- bass run
- Battlefield Band
- bawbee
- bawdy
- beam
- beat
- beatnik
- Bedlam
- Beers Family
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- Belafonte, Harry
- belive
- Bellamy, Peter
- bellman
- ben
- bend
- Benoit, Emile
- bent
- berk
- besom
- Bibb, Leon
- Bikel, Theodore
- Billings, William
- birk
- birkie
- bis
- bitonal
- blackleg
- blacklist
- Blackwell, Scrapper
- Blake, Norman
- Bland, James
- bleed
- Blind Blake
- Blind Blake Higgs
- Blind Boy Fuller
- Blind Boy Grunt
- Blind Lemon Jefferson
- Blind Sammie
- Blind Willie Johnson
- Blind Willie McTell
- blint
- Bloomfield, Mike
- blow
- Blowin' in the Wind
- bluegrass
- blue note
- blues
- Blue Sky Boys
- Bluetail Fly
- board-end
- bob
- bobbit
- bodhran
- Bogtrotters
- boogie
- Bogle, Eric
- Boggs, Doc
- Bojangles
- Bok, Gordon
- Bolden, Buddy
- bones
- bongos
- Bonny Prince Charlie
- Bookbinder, Roy
- books
- Bookbinder, Roy
- borrowing
- bothy
- bothy band
- bottleneck style
- bottom strings
- bourree
- bouzouki
- bow
- bowdlerize
- bower
- bowl mandolin
- box
- Boys of the Lough
- bracken
- brae
- Bragg, Billy
- Brand, Oscar
- branle
- brass
- braw
- braxie
- break
- breakdown
- bree
- breeks
- breve
- Brickman, Marshall
- bridge
- bridge pin
- brig
- bright
- bring it home
- broadside
- Broadside magazine
- broken chord
- broken token
- Bromberg, David
- Bronson, Bertrand
- broom
- Broonzy, Bill
- Brothers Four
- Brown, Willie
- bubblegum
- bucht
- buckdancing
- buckwheat
- Bull, Sandy
- bully
- burden
- burn
- Burns, Jethro
- Burns, Robert
- busk
- busking
- but
- but and ben
- Butterfield, Paul
- button accordion
- buzzwords
- Byrds
- byre
- ca
- cadence
- cadenza
- cadger
- cadgily
- cafeteria effect
- Cajun
- cakes
- call and response
- callant
- calling-on song
- calliope
- calypso
- cambric
- Cameron, John Allan
- Camp, Hamilton
- Campbell, Alex
- Campbell, Paul
- Candlemas
- candyman
- canned
- Cannon, Gus
- canny
- canon
- canticle
- cantillate
- cantino
- cantometrics
- cantus firmus
- capo
- capstan shanty
- Carawan, Guy
- Carignan, Jean
- carl
- carlin
- carol
- Carolan, Turlough
- Carr, Leroy
- Carson, Fiddling John
- Carter Family
- Carter, Maybelle
- Carter, Sydney
- Carter, Wilf
- Carthy, Martin
- Casey Jones
- Cash, Johnny
- castrato
- catch
- catgut
- ceilidh
- celesta
- cello
- Celtic
- cembalo
- cent
- Chad Mitchell Trio
- chain
- Chandler, Dillard
- Chandler, Len
- change ringing
- channerin
- chant
- chanter
- chanterelle
- chantey
- chapbook
- Chapin, Harry
- chart
- Charters, Sam
- cheater
- cheat sheet
- cheironomy
- chemical toilets
- Chenier, Clifton
- Chieftains
- chiels
- Child
- Child ballad
- Child, F.J.
- children's folk
- chironomy
- chitarrone
- chops
- chord
- chordal style
- chord inversion
- chord numbering
- chordophone
- chord progression
- chord shape
- chorus
- Christmastide
- Christofori, Bartolomeo
- Christy's Minstrels
- chromatic
- chromatic scale
- church music
- chuffed
- cimbalom
- circle of fifths
- circulating temperament
- cittern
- claes
- clam
- Clancy Brothers
- Clark, Guy
- clashpans
- classical
- classical guitar
- clavichord
- clavier
- clawhammer
- Clayton, Paul
- Clearwater Project
- clef
- clem
- Clements, Vassar
- Click Song
- Clifton, Bill
- clinker
- clogging
- clogs
- Clootie
- close harmony
- Cockburn, Bruce
- cockie
- cockup
- coda
- coeval
- coffeehouse
- Cohen, Leonard
- collating
- collectors
- collier
- colliery
- Collins, Judy
- colophon
- colophony
- combination tone
- come-all-ye
- Come For To Sing
- Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eirann
- comma
- comma of Pythagoras
- commercialized
- common chord
- common time
- compass
- communal origin
- compere
- compound interval
- compound meter
- compound time
- concertina
- concerto
- concert pitch
- concordance
- concordant
- conga
- conjunct
- conjunctive
- Connors, Tom
- Conolly, John
- consonant
- contemporary folk
- conteur
- continuo
- contra dancing
- contralto
- contrapuntal
- Cooder, Ry
- cook
- coof
- Cooney, Michael
- cooper
- coorie
- Copper Family
- copyright
- corbie
- cornet
- coster
- Cotten, Elizabeth
- Cotswold
- countermelody
- counterpoint
- countertenor
- counting in
- country
- C&W
- country blues
- country dancing
- Country Gardens
- Country Gentlemen
- courante
- course
- courting dulcimer
- cover
- cowbell
- cowboy songs
- craw
- credenza
- Creighton, Helen
- crescendo
- Cristofori, Bartolomeo
- cross-fingering
- cross flute
- cross-harp
- crossover
- cross picking
- cross rhythm
- crossroads
- crotchet
- croton
- crown
- Crudup, Big Boy
- crwth
- cue
- cuif
- cumulative songs
- curtal
- cutaway
- cut time
- cutty
- cutty stool
- cycle
- cycle of fifths
- cymbal
- dactylic
- Dalhart, Vernon
- damper
- damping
- dance
- danceout
- Dane, Barbara
- danting
- Darby and Tarleton
- Darling, Erik
- daunton
- Davenport, Bob
- Davis, Rev. Gary
- D.C.
- dead
- dead thumb
- decay time
- decelerando
- decoration
- definition, folksong
- degree
- deil
- delay line
- Deliverance
- dell
- Deller, Alfred
- Delmore Brothers
- delta blues
- Denny, Sandy
- Denver, John
- descant
- de Worde, Wynkyn
- DI
- diad
- dialogue
- diapason
- diapente
- diastematic
- diatessaron
- diatonic
- diatonic interval
- diddley bow
- diddling
- didjeridu
- diesis
- difference tone
- Digital Tradition
- Dillards
- dim
- diminished
- diminished chord
- diminuendo
- dirge
- Dirty Linen
- disasters
- discant
- discordant
- disjunct
- disjunctive
- dissonant
- dithyramb
- ditone
- Dixon, Willie
- do
- Dobro
- doct
- dochter
- doffer
- doffin' mistress
- dominant
- Donegan, Lonnie
- Donovan
- Dont Look Back
- dool
- do-re-mi
- dotted notes
- double
- double bass
- double dominant
- double dotted
- double flat
- double sharp
- double stop
- double-thumbing
- downbeat
- dram
- dreadnought
- Driftwood, Jimmy
- drone
- drone strings
- drum kit
- drummer
- drums
- dry
- D.S.
- dubbing
- dulcimer
- dulcimer, courting
- dule
- duple
- D'Urfey, Thomas
- dyad
- Dyer-Bennett, Richard
- Dylan, Bob
- dynamics
- Easy Rider
- ecclesiastical modes
- echo
- ee
- een
- eenst
- effects box
- Eisteddfod
- electric folk
- Electric Muse
- elegy
- eleventh
- elf
- Elizabethan
- Elliott, Jack
- embouchure
- Emmett, Dan
- end-blown
- English, Logan
- enharmonic
- envoi
- epic
- EQ
- equalizer
- equal-tempered scale
- Estes, Sleepy John
- ethnic
- etiquette, folk
- euphony
- Even Dozen Jug Band
- Eve of All Hallows
- Everly Brothers
- ey
- faa
- Fahey, John
- Faier, Billy
- fain
- fainting
- Fairport
- Fairport Convention
- fake
- fake book
- faker
- false fifth
- falsetto
- fancy
- Farina, Richard
- fasola
- fause
- feast
- fecht
- fee
- feedback
- feere
- fell
- female sailor
- female triumphs
- fen
- fermata
- fey
- f-hole
- fiddle
- fiddle pun
- fiddle tunes
- fiere
- fife
- fifth
- Figgy Duff
- figured bass
- filk
- fill
- filler
- final
- fingerboard
- fingerpicking
- fingerpick
- finger-style
- fifth
- fipple
- Fitzgerald, Winston
- Five Hand Reel
- flag
- flageolet
- flailing
- flamenco
- flamenco guitar
- Flanders and Swann
- flat
- flat chord
- flatpick
- flatpicking
- Flatt and Scruggs
- Flatt, Lester
- flatted
- fleaching
- fluff
- flute
- Foggy Foggy Dew
- foldback
- Folkbook
- folk boom
- folk dance
- Folkie Profile
- folk Nazi
- folk process
- Folk Review
- folk revival
- folk-rock
- folk scare
- folksong, definition
- folksongs, military
- folksong, types
- Folkways
- Fool
- Fool's Jig
- foot
- Ford, Tennessee Ernie
- foreman
- forebitter
- fork fingering
- formant
- fornent
- forte
- Foster, Stephen
- fourth
- fourth chord
- Fowke, Edith
- foxhunting songs
- frailing
- fratching
- Freedom Singers
- freedom songs
- free reed
- French harp
- frequency
- frequencies, equal-tempered
- frequencies, just
- frequencies, meantone
- frequencies, Pythagorean
- fret
- fretboard
- Friedman, Albert
- frog
- frontman
- Fruit Jar Drinkers
- Fugs
- fugue
- fuguing
- Fuller, Blind Boy
- Fuller, Jesse
- fundamental
- fundamental bass
- funky
- furlong
- gaberlunzie
- Gaelic
- gaed
- gaffer
- Gahr, David
- galliard
- gambolier
- gamut
- gandy dancer
- gang
- gar
- garland dance
- Gateway Singers
- gauge
- Gaughan, Dick
- gavotte
- Georgia Bill
- genteel
- Georgia Sea Island Singers
- Geremia, Paul
- Gerlach, Fred
- Gibson
- Gibson, Bob
- gie
- gig
- Gilbert, Ronnie
- gill
- gin
- glass harmonica
- Glazer, Tom
- glee
- Glesca
- glissando
- Glover, Tony
- go down
- Goldstein, Kenneth
- goliard
- goober peas
- good-
- Goodman, Steve
- goodnight ballad
- gospel
- Gossett Jr, Lou
- go the distance
- gowd
- Gow, Niel
- grace notes
- Graham, Davey
- Grainger, Percy
- grammarie
- grand clef
- Grandpa Jones
- Grand Ole Opry
- grat
- great clef
- Great Folk Scare
- gree
- Greek modes
- Greenbriar Boys
- Green Grow the Rashes-O
- Green Grow the Rushes-O
- Greensleeves
- greet
- Gregorian chant
- grog
- Grossman, Albert
- Grossman, Stefan
- gruel
- gruppetto
- Guabi, Guabi
- guest set
- guid
- Guido d'Arezzo
- Guild
- Guinchard, Rufus
- guitar
- guitarron
- Gullah
- Gunning, Sarah
- gut
- gutbucket
- Guthrie, Arlo
- Guthrie, Woody
- guttle
- Guy, Buddy
- Gypsies
- Gypsy scale
- ha
- Hal-an-Tow
- hallan
- Hall, Than
- halt
- halyard song
- Hamilton, Frank
- hammer
- hammered dulcimer
- Hammond Jr, John
- Hammond, John
- handkerchief dance
- Handy, W.C.
- Hannah
- Harburg, Yip
- Hardanger fiddle
- Hardin, Tim
- harmonic
- harmonica
- Harmonica Frank
- harmonic minor
- harmonic series
- harmonium
- harmony
- harmony singing
- harp
- harpeggio
- harpsichord
- Hart, Tim
- Hartford, John
- haugh
- Havens, Richie
- Hawaiian guitar
- Hawes, Bess Lomax
- hawker
- Hawks
- Hays, Lee
- head
- head arrangement
- Headline Singers
- headstock
- Heaney, Joe
- Hellerman, Fred
- Helmholtz notation
- Helms, Bobby
- hemiola
- hemiope
- hemitonic
- Hemsworth, Wade
- Henderson, Hamish
- Henske, Judy
- heptatonic scale
- Hester, Carolyn
- Herald, John
- herbs
- hertz
- hexachord
- hexatonic scale
- hey
- Hibbs, Harry
- Hickerson, Joe
- high C
- high hat
- High Level Ranters
- high lonesome
- high string guitar
- high strung
- Highwaymen
- hillbilly
- Hill, Joe
- hind
- hinny
- Hinton, Sam
- historical accuracy
- hobo songs
- hocket
- hoddin
- hoedown
- Hogmanay
- hog-rubber
- hokum
- hokum blues
- Holcomb, Roscoe
- Hole in the Wall
- Holiday, Billie
- hollers
- Holy Ground
- Holy Modal Rounders
- Homer and Jethro
- homophonic
- homorhythmic
- honkytonk
- hook
- Hooker, John Lee
- hoot
- hootenanny
- hoot night
- Hopkins, Lightnin'
- hornpipe
- horse
- hot licks
- hotlist
- house concert
- House, Son
- Houston, Cisco
- Howlin' Wolf
- How to Play the 5-string Banjo
- Hudson Dusters
- Hugill, Stan
- humour
- hurdie
- hurdy gurdy
- Hurt, John
- Hutchings, Ashley
- hyper
- iambic
- Ian & Sylvia
- Ian, Janis
- I Come for to Sing
- idiophone
- idiot list
- ilka
- incest songs
- incremental songs
- Internet folk
- intonation
- intro
- inversion
- interval
- Irish pipes
- Irish music
- Irish Rovers
- isometric
- Ives, Burl
- Ives, Charles
- Jack-in-the-Green
- Jackson, Aunt Molly
- Jackson, Mahalia
- Jacobite songs
- jam
- James, Skip
- Jansch, Bert
- Jefferson, Blind Lemon
- Jeremiad
- Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
- jew's harp
- jig
- Jim Kweskin Jug Band
- Jimmy
- John Barleycorn
- John Henry
- John Roberts & Tony Barrand
- Johnson, Blind Willie
- Johnson, James
- Johnson, Lonnie
- Johnson, Robert
- Jones, Grandpa
- jongleur
- Joplin, Scott
- Journeymen
- juba
- jug band
- juke
- Juno
- just intonation
- Kalb, Danny
- kalimba
- Karpeles, Maud
- Kashtin
- Kazee, Buell
- kazoo
- keekit
- kemp
- Kemp, William
- Kennedy, Peter
- Kennedy, Norman
- Kent, Enoch
- Kershaw, Doug
- key
- keynote
- key signature
- kick drum
- Kidson, Frank
- Killen, Louis
- Kimber, William
- Kincaid, Bradley
- King, Albert
- King Arthur
- King, B.B.
- kist
- kitchen music
- klezmer
- Kingston Trio
- Kipling, Rudyard
- Kipper Family
- kipple
- kirtle
- kit
- kittle
- kittle hoosie
- knife guitar
- knowe
- Koerner, John
- Koerner, Ray & Glover
- Kokomo Arnold
- Kooper, Al
- Kornfeld, Barry
- Kottke, Leo
- Kristofferson, Kris
- krumhorn
- Kweskin, Jim
- kye
- LaFarge, Peter
- laird
- lake wake
- lament
- Lammas
- landsman
- Landy, Bob
- lane
- lang
- Langhorne, Bruce
- Lass of Roch Royal
- lave
- lawin
- lay
- lea
- lead
- Leadbelly
- leading
- lead note
- lead sheet
- league
- Ledbetter, Huddie
- ledger line
- leeze me
- legato
- leger line
- Lehrer, Tom
- leman
- Lent
- lesser fifth
- Lewis, Furry
- ley
- Library of Congress
- lich
- lich wake
- licks
- ligature
- Lightfoot, Gordon
- lillie
- limberjack doll
- Limeliters
- limies
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- lining out
- lining track
- linkin
- linn
- lip
- Lipscomb, Mance
- live
- Living Tradition, The
- Lloyd, A.L.
- lock
- Lomax, Alan
- Lomax, John
- longsword
- loun
- loup
- love songs
- Lovin' Spoonful
- lozen
- LP
- lullaby
- lumber
- Lunnan
- Lunsford, Bascom Lamar
- lute
- luthier
- lyart
- lyke wake
- lyre
- lyrics, online
- MacArthur, Margaret
- Macon, Uncle Dave
- MacColl, Ewan
- machine head
- MacNeil, Rita
- madrigal
- magazines
- maggot
- mailing list, folk
- maillins
- main
- Mainer's Mountaineers
- main stage
- major chord
- major key
- major scale
- major seventh
- Makem, Tommy
- Mallett, David
- mando-banjo
- mando-cello
- mandola
- mandolin
- Maphis, Joe
- maracas
- marimba
- mark
- marker
- Markwick, Bill
- Martin
- Martin, Bogan, & Armstrong
- Martinmas
- matlow
- maun
- mazurka
- McBride, Owen
- McCoy, Charlie
- McCurdy, Ed
- McDowell, Fred
- McGarrigle, Kate & Anna
- McGee Brothers
- McGhee, Brownie
- McGuinn, Roger
- McLaughlan, Murray
- McLean, Don
- McTell, Ralph
- McTell, Blind Willie
- meal-n'-ale
- meantone scale
- measure
- media
- mediant
- medicine shows
- medieval
- medley
- Mel Bay
- melisma
- melodeon
- melodic minor
- melody
- membranophone
- Memphis Minnie
- Memphis Slim
- merk
- me-sen
- mesotonic scale
- Messer, Don
- meter
- metronome
- microtone
- middle C
- Michaelmas
- mickle
- military folksongs
- Mills, Alan
- Mimi & Richard Farina
- minim
- minor
- minor chord
- minor key
- minor scale
- minstrel
- minuet
- minus sign
- mirliton
- missing fundamental
- Mitchell, Adam
- Mitchell, Joni
- mixdown
- modal
- modal tuning
- mode
- modulation
- moldy figs
- money
- monitor
- monochord
- monody
- monophonic
- Monroe, Bill
- Monroe, Charlie
- Montana Slim
- Moore, Thomas
- mordent
- morisco
- morris
- morris call
- morris off
- morris on
- morris Ring
- mountain dulcimer
- mouth bow
- mouth music
- mouth organ
- movable do
- movies
- mud
- multi-tracking
- mummers
- mummers plays
- mumming
- Music Access
- music hall
- musicianer
- mute
- My Dog Has Fleas
- My Grandfather's Clock
- Nancy
- National
- natural
- natural minor
- natural scale
- navelgazers
- navvy
- Navy six
- Neale, John
- needle gun
- Neil, Fred
- net, the
- neuk
- neumatic
- neume
- Never-Never Land
- New Christy Minstrels
- newgrass
- New Lost City Ramblers
- Newman, Joel
- New Vaudeville Band
- New York Gals
- Nick
- niffer
- night visiting song
- Niles, John Jacob
- ninth
- ninth chord
- Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
- node
- nonsense songs
- nonsense syllables
- Northumbrian pipes
- Northwest
- notation
- notation, British
- notation, guitar
- note
- note frequencies
- note names
- noter
- note sequence
- noughtless
- nourice
- nouris
- numbers in tradition
- nut
- Nye, Hermes
- nylon strings
- Oak Publications
- ocarina
- O'Carolan, Turlough
- Ochs, Phil
- octave
- octave equivalence
- octave notation
- octave stretching
- ode
- Odetta
- offbeat
- Okun, Milt
- O Lochlainn, Colm
- old-timey
- Old Town School of Folk Music
- O'Neill, Francis
- online folk
- open
- open mike
- open stage
- open sing
- open tuning
- opposite chord
- oral tradition
- oral transmission
- organ
- organgrinder
- organum
- ornament
- ostinato
- oud
- outlandish
- outro
- outtake
- overblowing
- overdubbing
- overtone
- PA
- palmer
- Palmer, Roy
- panegyric
- panpipes
- paper-trained
- parallel
- Parchman Farm
- parlor ballads
- partial
- parts of music
- passing note
- patent
- pattern picking
- Patton, Charlie
- Paul, Les
- Paupers, The
- pavane
- Paxton, Tom
- paying your dues
- Peacock, Kenneth
- pedal
- pedal steel
- peeler
- peerie
- peg
- pelf
- pentachord
- Pentangle
- pentatonic scale
- People's Songs
- pennywhistle
- perch
- percussion
- perfect interval
- perfect pitch
- period
- Peter, Paul & Mary
- Petric, Faith
- phaser
- Philharmonic pitch
- philibeg
- Phillips, Bruce
- physical scale
- piano
- pianola
- piano rolls
- pibroch
- Picardy third
- pick
- pick o'er
- pickup
- pickup band
- piller
- pin
- pipe
- pipe-and-tabor
- pipes
- pipe tune
- pit
- pitch
- pitch class
- pitch discrimination
- pitch drift
- pitch pipe
- pizzicato
- plagal
- plainchant
- plainsong
- planxty
- player piano
- Playford
- playing by ear
- plectrum
- plectrum banjo
- ploo
- poaching songs
- pock
- pole
- polka
- Polly
- polymeter
- polyphonic
- polyphony
- polyrhythm
- Poole, Charlie
- Poor Old Horse
- popping p's
- portamento
- Porterhouse, Tedham
- potluck
- pound
- pow
- PP&M
- presenting
- press gang
- principal chords
- Prine, John
- Prior, Maddy
- prison songs
- processional
- producer
- Proffitt, Frank
- progression
- projection
- prosody
- protest
- psaltery
- pub
- Puckett, Riley
- pull
- pulling shanty
- pulse
- Purcell, Henry
- pure
- purfling
- Pythagorean scale
- quadruplet
- quartal
- quaver
- quid
- quire
- quodlibet
- R&B
- race records
- rag
- ragtime
- Ragtime Jug Stompers
- Rainbow Quest
- Rainey, Ma
- rainstick
- Raitt, Bonnie
- Raney, Wayne
- range
- rant
- ranting
- rapper
- rasgueado
- Ready when you are, C.B.
- Reagon, Bernice
- real ale
- rebec
- recessional
- recorder
- recordings
- Redpath, Jean
- reed
- reed organ
- reed pipe
- reekit
- reel
- Reece, Florence
- refrain
- register
- relative minor
- Renaissance
- Renbourn, John
- reprise
- residents
- resin
- resolve
- resolution
- resonator
- resultant tone
- Respighi, Ottorino
- rest
- reverb
- reverb time
- revival singers
- rewrites
- Reynard
- Reynolds, Malvina
- rhapsody
- rhythm
- rhythm and blues
- riddle songs
- riding the rods
- riever
- riff
- rill
- rimshot
- Ring
- Ring book
- ringing
- ringing the changes
- Rinzler, Ralph
- Rise Up Singing
- ritard
- Ritchie, Jean
- ritual
- Roberts, John
- Robertson, Jeannie
- Robertson, Robbie
- Robeson, Paul
- Robin Hood
- rock mixers
- rococo
- rod
- Rodgers, Jimmie
- Rodgers, Jimmie 2
- Rogers, Stan
- rondeau
- rondo
- Rooftop Singers
- root
- roots music
- rosette
- rosin
- Rosmini, Dick
- Rosselson, Leon
- round
- roundelay
- round robin
- rubato
- rubbish
- run
- Rush, Tom
- sackbut
- sacred harp
- saddle
- Sainte-Marie, Buffy
- sair
- Salvation Army pitch
- Sandburg, Carl
- sarabande
- sark
- Satie, Erik
- saut
- Savakus, Russ
- scale
- scale length
- scan
- scansion
- scat singing
- schottische
- scop
- Scotch snap
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Scots snap
- scraper
- scratch band
- scratch team
- Scruggs, Earl
- Scruggs style
- Scruggs, Randy
- Scruggs tuner
- seanachie
- Sebastian, John
- second
- second guitar
- Seeger, Charles
- Seeger, Mike
- Seeger, Peggy
- Seeger, Pete
- Segovia, Andres
- segue
- Seldom Scene
- semi-acoustic
- semibreve
- semiquaver
- semitone
- session man
- set
- seventh
- shades
- shake
- Shakers
- shanties
- shape
- shape note
- sharp
- Sharp, Cecil
- sharped
- shawm
- Shea, Red
- sheene
- shielen
- shilling
- Shines, Johnny
- ship of the line
- shithot
- shoon
- shore
- short-drag
- short octave
- shuffle
- shuttle
- sibilance
- siccan
- side
- side drum
- sideman
- sight reading
- Silber, Irwin
- silkie
- siller
- silver-headed pin
- Silverstein, Shel
- Simon & Garfunkel
- simple meter
- simple rhythm
- singaround
- single string
- Sing Out!
- sirrah
- sit in
- sixth
- skerry
- skiffle
- Skillet Lickers
- skilly
- skin
- Skinner, J. Scott
- skins
- skipping songs
- Sky, Patrick
- slack tuning
- slate
- slide
- slide guitar
- slide whistle
- slip jig
- slur
- smear
- Smith, Bessie
- Smith, Michael
- Smothers Brothers
- snake
- snare
- Snow, Hank
- Society for Creative Anachronism
- sodger
- sol-fa
- solmization
- solo
- song circle
- song cycle
- song family
- song finding
- song structure
- sonsie
- Sons of the Pioneers
- sookie
- soprano
- Sorrels, Rosalie
- soul-cake
- sound board
- sound check
- sound hole
- sound post
- sound sheet
- sovereign
- Spaeth, Sigmund
- spait
- Spanish guitar
- Spanish tuning
- spasm band
- spate
- speer
- spinet
- spiritual
- Spivey, Victoria
- Spoelstra, Mark
- spondee
- spoons
- squaredance
- squeezebox
- squire
- staccato
- staff
- stall ballad
- Stampfel, Peter
- stane
- Stanley Brothers
- stanza
- star
- Steeleye Span
- steel guitar
- step
- stereo from the floor
- stick dance
- stock
- stone
- stool of repentance
- stop
- storytelling
- stour
- Stracke, Win
- strand
- strathspey
- streen
- street cries
- string band
- stringwinder
- strophic
- strum
- subdominant
- submediant
- sukey
- Sunnyland Slim
- supernatural
- supertonic
- suite
- suits
- sus
- suspended chord
- suspension
- sustain
- Swarbrick, Dave
- sweep
- sweeten
- swing
- sword dances
- Sykes, Roosevelt
- syllabic
- sympathetic resonance
- sympathetic strings
- syncopation
- synesthesia
- synthesizer
- syntonic
- syntonic comma
- syrinx
- tablature
- tabor
- tacet
- tack piano
- tag
- tailpiece
- Taj Mahal
- talkin' blues
- talking blues
- tall tales
- tambour
- tambourin
- tambourine
- Tampa Red
- Tanner, Gid
- tarantella
- taropatch
- Tarriers
- tatie
- tatters
- Tawney, Cyril
- Taylor, James
- technician
- temper
- temperament
- temperance songs
- tempo
- tenor
- tenor banjo
- tenor guitar
- tension rod
- tent
- tenth
- Terkel, Studs
- Terry, Sonny
- tessitura
- tetrachord
- Texas Slim
- thairbut, thairben
- The Band
- thee
- theek
- theorbo
- Theremin
- third
- thirteenth
- this time
- Thompson, Richard
- Thornton, Big Mama
- Thorp, N. Howard
- three finger picking
- threnody
- thumb piano
- thumbpick
- thumbring
- thumb string
- tiddler
- tie
- tierce de Picardie
- tight
- timber stairs
- timbre
- timbrel
- time signature
- time value
- tiple
- tinker
- tint
- tine
- tirl
- tocher
- token songs
- tonality
- tone
- tonic
- tonic minor
- tonic sol-fa
- topical songs
- top strings
- tough
- toun
- Townsend, Graham
- tr
- track
- traddie
- traddies
- train songs
- transcriptions
- transports
- transpose
- transposing instrument
- transpose on-the-fly
- transverse
- Traum, Happy
- Travellers
- travelling people
- Travis, Merle
- Travis picking
- treble
- tree
- tremolo
- triad
- trill
- triple
- triplet
- tritone
- trochaic
- troubadour
- trouvere
- truss rod
- Tubb, Ernest
- tune
- tuner
- tuning fork
- tuning jokes
- tuning systems
- turn
- turnaround
- Turner, Gil
- Turner, Joe
- twa
- twelfth
- twelfth night
- twelfth root of two
- twelve-string guitar
- twin
- twirl
- Tyburn Hill
- Tyson, Ian
- Tyson, Sylvia
- Uillean pipes
- ukelele
- unco
- union songs
- unison
- unplugged
- upbeat
- up-tempo
- Usenet folk
- ut
- vamp
- Van Diemen's Land
- Van Ronk, Dave
- van Zandt, Townes
- variant
- vaudeville
- vibraphone
- vibrato
- vibrato arm
- vihuela
- viol
- viola
- viola da gamba
- violin
- violin family
- virelais
- virginal
- vocables
- vocal styles
- vocal ranges
- voice
- volunteers
- von Schmidt, Eric
- wab
- wad
- wake
- wain
- waits
- Walker, Jerry Jeff
- Walker, T-Bone
- walking bass
- waltz
- Waltzing Matilda
- waly
- wankers
- wantonly
- Ward, Wade
- Warner, Frank
- Warner, Jeff
- washboard
- washboard band
- Washington, Jackie
- Washington, Jackie 2
- washtub bass
- wassail
- watermelon back
- Waters, Muddy
- Watersons
- Watson, Doc
- Watson, Merle
- waught
- wauk, wauken
- waulking songs
- wean
- Weavers
- web
- Web, World-Wide
- weel-fared
- Weissberg, Eric
- Weissman, Dick
- Wells, Junior
- well-tempered scale
- We Shall Overcome
- West, Hedy
- Western Swing
- wet
- whaling songs
- whas
- Wheatstone, Sir Charles
- Whiskeyhill Singers
- whistle
- whitebread
- White, Bukka
- White, Josh
- whites
- white voice
- Whitsun
- Whitsuntide
- whole-tone scale
- Why are we waiting
- Why was he born so
- Wildwood Flower
- Williams, Big Joe
- Williams, Hank
- Williams, Ralph Vaughan
- Williamson I, Sonny Boy
- Williamson II, Sonny Boy
- Wills, Bob
- Willy
- Wimoweh
- Winchester, Jesse
- winding sheet
- windjammer
- windsock
- Wobblies
- wolf tone
- woodwind
- Work, Henry Clay
- Work, John
- workshops
- worksongs
- worker songs
- world music
- wow
- wrest
- wrest pin
- Wyatt, Lorre
- xylophone
- yan, tan, tethera
- Yankee Doodle
- yin
- Young, Izzie
- Young, Neil
- Young Tradition
- yowes
- zither
- zorico
- zydeco
- Zimmerman, Bob
- Zimmermann, Charles
Introduction -
A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -
Appendix -
[Appendix B] -
Created by
Bill Markwick
The Folk File: A Folkie's Dictionary
Copyright © 1993-2009
Bill Markwick, All Rights Reserved.