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      I am or have been affiliated in one way or another with all the companies with links on this page.

      If you wish to assist the FolkLib Index financially, please click on the Amazon graphical link below. Purchases resulting from clicking on this graphical link or on other Amazon text link on this Web site will result in an "Affiliate" referral commission which will be used for the maintenance costs of my domain, web hosting, and Internet connection, and assist in acquiring Wisconsin resident's recording for documenting on this site, "FolkLib Index - Wisconsin Discographies. Thank you.

[Amazon Company Logo]
To get to, just click on an "" or "ISBN" (e.g. ISBN-10: 0-8230-7718-7) text link on one of my other pages, like the Folk Music Bibliography page.

Statement required by the "Associates Program Operating Agreement" I agreed to on 7-15-2015:
      Douglas H. Henkle is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to . (company no longer exists, bought out by
    - hosted my Web site before I got my own domain (11/25/1995 - 12/17/2000) [Archive]

    - hosted my Domain (4/14/2000 - 5/12/2004).

    - hosts my Domain (5/12/2004 - date). [Archive] (Road Runner)   from (Time Warner Cable)
    - provided my Oshkosh Internet connection (7-12-2007 - 5-29-2012).

CenturyLink   (formerly know as CenturyTel)
    - provides my Ripon Internet connection (6-01-2012 - date).

DLS Internet Services - (10-16-2004 - 12-15-2005) provided a DEC/VMS operating system where the EVE/TPU text editor was used to maintain all the HTML code on my entire Web site. I have been maintaining Web pages this same way since 1994.
      12-15-2005: With only two weeks notice, they screwed me by deciding to go out of the VMS support business. They deleted my account and permanently powered off their only VMS Server today. This effectively removed my ability to update this Web site normally. Although I paid for two years service, they shut down the service after just 14 months and never refunded anything for the 10 months service not provided. I tried to purchase a new HP Alpha WorkStation running the OpenVMS Operating System, but HP has stopped selling them. It took me over seven months to find a new VMS provider. ... In all fairness to DLS, they did offer to power back up their VMS Server and just charge me a small "Co-location" fee to use it. Compared to my previous account which cost $120.00/year, this new service would only cost me $300/month! (DECUServe On-Line Conferencing) - provides a DEC/VMS operating system where their EVE/TPU text editor allowed the resumption of full editing of this site's pages. Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) invented VMS in the early 1980's. As this is the present day version of the original DECUS (DEC Users Society), and VMS users are the only users with accounts of any kind, it is unlikely I will ever lose my VMS login account again.

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      (since 8-10-2005) E-Mails me if my entire domain goes off-line

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2005-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.